Quotes From Books Quotes

Quotes tagged as "quotes-from-books" Showing 1-30 of 54
Roman Payne
“A person does not grow from the ground like a vine or a tree, one is not part of a plot of land. Mankind has legs so it can wander.”
Roman Payne, The Wanderess

Roman Payne
“In my errant life I roamed
To learn the secrets of women and men,
Of gods and dreams.
I've known all the countries of our world,
I've lived a thousand lives:
Many lives I lived in love,
Other lives I squandered.
For in my life I never traveled,
All I did was wander.”
Roman Payne, The Wanderess

Roman Payne
“When I was younger, I would cling to life because life was at the top of the turning wheel. But like the song of my gypsy-girl, the great wheel turns over and lands on a minor key. It is then that you come of age and life means nothing to you. To live, to die, to overdose, to fall in a coma in the street... it is all the same. It is only in the peach innocence of youth that life is at its crest on top of the wheel. And there being only life, the young cling to it, they fear death... And they should! ...For they are in life.”
Roman Payne, The Wanderess

Hiro Arikawa
“Human beings are basically huge monkeys that walked upright, but they can be pretty full of themselves.”
Hiro Arikawa, The Travelling Cat Chronicles

Zubair Ahsan
“I know surely you’re thinking of me, for
I am strange, and you’re kind to the stranger”
Zubair Ahsan, Of Endeavours Blue

Zubair Ahsan
“The more I loved you the more I found me”
Zubair Ahsan, Of Endeavours Blue

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“When someone can get away with doing evil things, it's scary. When they can get away with doing evil and convince you they aren't in the same breath? That's terrifying.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

Zubair Ahsan
“Listen well, as I speak of my upsurge;
For I’m a lover, without a lover

I am a flame, without a combustion
I am a novice, without a mentor

I am a healer, without a wounded
I am a winner, without a trophy

I’m a captain, without a devotee
And above all, I’m alone – not lonely”
Zubair Ahsan, Of Endeavours Blue

Zubair Ahsan
“What agenda does this universe have?
What game is it I am oblivious to?”
Zubair Ahsan, Of Endeavours Blue

Kiersten Fay
“She relaxed a bit—well, as much as one could relax while being half-naked and bleeding in front of a vampire. She was the picture of a tasty meal to one such as he.”
Kiersten Fay, A Wicked Hunger

Zubair Ahsan
“Find me, as time is a luxury
For I wait, under this naïve moon”
Zubair Ahsan, Of Endeavours Blue

Zubair Ahsan
“Often it’s hard to differ pain and joy,
Some give up on differentiating”
Zubair Ahsan, Of Endeavours Blue

Shan R.K
“He was a made man, and I was just a pawn in his game.”
Shan R.K, Kylie Bray

Shan R.K
“He is the wrong guy, I know that, but even knowing, my heart isn't accepting”
Shan R.K, Kylie Bray

Shan R.K
“Loving someone is understanding them, knowing that like a rose grows in different shades, a human is made up of different pieces.”
Shan R.K, Kylie Bray

Shan R.K
“In order to understand love, you would have to understand hatred first, and the only way to learn that is to experience fear”
Shan R.K, Kylie Bray

Sean Coons
“Body is the first novel to explore the journey to healthy body image and intuitive eating in a story readers can model.”
Sean Coons, Body: or, How Hope Confronts Her Shadow and Calls the Flutter Girl to Flight

Nikita Tak
“Fall in love with the one, who, always do something to see smile on your lips!
And not with the one, who, always do something to see tears in your eyes.”
Nikita Tak, The First Sip of My Red Wine

Saroj Aryal
“अति आत्माबान र अति आत्माबिहिनको बिच्चमा च्यापिँयर यो देश अनन्त कुहिन थाल्यो ।”
Saroj Aryal

Lottie Firth
“How could i know that evil was lurking in the shadows? I was so consumed with him that i didn't see. i didn't see that i was about to fall.”
Lottie Firth, Sweet Temptation

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“There was a hole in his chest where his mood should have been, and the darkness was slowly settling in on his brain, or-.. maybe that was dehydration. It was always hard to tell that apart from depression.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“You want to know what happened to Josh?” he hissed, taking a step forward, and Lydia’s skin prickled with chills – despite being shorter than her his gaze and his presence somehow managed to pierce directly into her, demanding attention; demanding respect. “They cut him open. Turned him into the kind of monster you wouldn’t recognise even if you’d known him. Then, when Tori and I escaped from that place, they sent our own squad – our family – to get us back. Josh was caught in the crossfire. I buried him. He's dead. Your life revolved around him? There, then. Job done. Purpose fulfilled.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“Forty, thirty-nine, thirty-eight… The counting was soothing. It gave her mind something to focus on that wasn’t the current situation and right now she needed that. She needed to hold it together.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“Elyan couldn’t tear his eyes away from the screen. That was the man from his nightmares; the man who had once haunted his every waking moment. And it was all real. He was real. That should have been a triumph. It should have been the final proof he had always been right about this; that it was never a delusion, that his father was wrong. But it just left his throat dry and his heart pounding, staring at the image like he was sure it should change – that he wasn’t actually looking at who he thought he was.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“Once he’d started speaking it was like the words had been waiting all these years to find someone who would listen and believe them, spilling from his mouth before he could want to stop them.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“I am nobody. I have no family, I have no age. I
live only to serve the Purpose.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“I might be an arse but nobody deserves to be drinking double vodka on their own in the middle of the day,” he chuckled, but there was a serious concern there that even Lydia could pick up on. Well that was a damn sight different to the stiff-lipped prick he’d been last time they spoke. Eyeing him for a moment longer, she offered up a smirk of her own.

“Tori kick your arse hard enough to knock that stick out of it, then?”

“Ah, I’m not sure,” Erik clicked his tongue, tilting his head in mock-thoughtfulness, "Think I’ve still got splinters.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“There’s a look people get the first time. Like they’re never gonna sleep again. Even before you told me I knew your brother had seen shit. For a second he looked like someone had handed him a guide book to his own life.”

“Why is this important?”

“You can always stop.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

Raven Elliot O'Connor
“Waking up: her first mistake of the day.”
Raven Elliot O'Connor, Reckless Truth

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