Quotes On Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "quotes-on-love" Showing 1-30 of 61
Jocelyn Soriano
“In my heart is a space
that is so sacred
and none can enter in
but you.

And I shall wait for you
though it takes forever,
though my heart bleeds
and my all consumed.

I wait because I love you
And love waits
for the only one
that it loves.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Poems of Love and Letting Go

Tatjana   Ostojic
“We always say we choose our partners following our free will, when in fact, it is our cultures, traditions and religions that instilled different set of values ( and desirable virtues ) and as such directly affected what we consider acceptable in our relationships.”
Tatjana Ostojic

Tatjana   Ostojic
“The greatest power of love is in its capability to revive, regenerate and expand after we have experienced and overcome difficulties in our relationships.”
Tatjana Ostojic

Tatjana   Ostojic
“I didn’t know love could disperse
without making a single seed grow,
that longing after you in solitude
would become dearer to me
than being in your arms.”
Tatjana Ostojic, Cacophony of My Soul: When Love Becomes Poetry

Christina Strigas
“Eye contact beats any conversation.”
Christina Strigas

Tatjana   Ostojic
“The evaporated dream
that I would be adored
became my identity as the thorn is to rose.”
Tatjana Ostojic, Cacophony of My Soul: When Love Becomes Poetry

Tatjana   Ostojic
“If only you were the one I loved first,
maybe I’d only suffer from not being able
to love you more.”
Tatjana Ostojic, Cacophony of My Soul: When Love Becomes Poetry

Tatjana   Ostojic
“Loving someone deeply makes us blind to the signs of emotional neglect.”
Tatjana Ostojic

Tatjana   Ostojic
“The day you reached your pockets,
giving me broken shells that I cherished
as the most precious jewels,
I hoped that you, perhaps,
will find missing pieces of your broken heart in me.
I was wrong because you are still looking for them in someone else.”
Tatjana Ostojic, Cacophony of My Soul: When Love Becomes Poetry

Alexander Bentley
“She called me Night,
because I loved the darkness

And I nicknamed her Luna,
because she reflected the sun”
Alexander Bentley

Nick Oliveri
“And, if you want it, it's all yours.”
Nick Oliveri

“Love’s space

In the distance, not too far but far enough,
I had once seen her walking with someone,
And that single, casual visual encounter was enough,
To think of her always and that mysterious someone,

They walked for a while and then sat under a tree,
There they spoke of past while they were still discovering the present,
And I wondered of my own future under the tree,
Long after they had left, when I was dealing with my own present,

I had somehow anchored my likings on her,
My thoughts always felt her presence,
She was there under the tree and I was with her,
Although in reality she was exploring her own present in that someone’s presence,

Yet I loved to return to the tree and be there for hours,
Thinking of her and the future that could be,
Her and mine, just ours, and then it would create for us unending hours,
I so deeply wished if it could be, only if it could be,

The tree is there, the stream too,
I am always there between the stream and the tree,
They both know it too,
But what I wish for the girl and myself, the stream wishes for the tree,

So whenever I am under the tree thinking of her,
The stream flows by looking at the motionless and stationary tree,
And then both remind me of her,
Both the stream and the tree,

Now it is winter and the stream has frozen,
Just like the tree, motionless and anchored in eternity of nowhere,
And in me, just like the stream, her thoughts and feelings are frozen,
Because she now is the everywhere and everything in my emotional state called nowhere,

Like the stream that to express her feelings of love towards the never moving tree,
Froze itself completely and turned still,
To feel the feelings of her darling and ever still tree,
That even in her frozen state she loves still, in ways silent and still,

So I share the stream’s irony or maybe I share the trees stillness,
Its silence, where it quietly discloses that it never moves anywhere because it loves the stream,
That always flows through its roots of love, and when the tree feels this romantic stillness,
It decides to lie anchored on the banks of the stream, to enjoy his love’s accessible stream,

And I feel the same for her whenever I am under the tree,
Or with the stream that flows beside it,
For she still exists there, frozen for my sake by the always still tree,
And her reflection too is frozen in the running water of the stream, and I love feeling the wonder of it,

All of it, the stream, the tree, she; and her frozen reflection in the stream’s water,
And whenever I am here, the tree bends a bit, the stream slows her pace,
And I see her beautiful face in the flowing water, the stream’s clear water,
And then I too slow down my life’s pace, in this love’s own space, where time always loses its pace!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

J.T. Cope IV
“Without love the greatest mansion is just a house. With love the humblest shack is a home.”
J.T. Cope IV

Sahara Sanders
“If you want to be genuinely loved and adored, you have to be lovable. As simple as that. Be irresistible.”
Sahara Sanders

Gaurav S. Kaintura
“I want to sleep beside you and dream of getting us old.”
Gaurav S Kaintura

“Pieces by pieces I have picked up this heart of mine; whenever it used to beat for you, it used to shine.”
Wrushank Sorte

Alisha Nurse
“None of us are tethered to the earth. No more than love is”
Alisha Nurse, Wild Child

Nick Oliveri
“We closed our eyes together on another night.”
Nick Oliveri

Elizabeth Awori
“I sit by the embers of our dead love, still burning for you.”
Elizabeth Awori, These Things

Elizabeth Awori
“I don't go outside anymore, I'm afraid I'll crumble if I see you again.”
Elizabeth Awori, These Things

Elizabeth Awori
“I was sane till love conspired with my mind, now all I think about is you.”
Elizabeth Awori, These Things

Elizabeth Awori
“I remember how your eyes tore through me like a knife, how I fell apart each time you smiled at me, how I crumbled when you touched me.”
Elizabeth Awori, These Things

Elizabeth Awori
“Your love is the blanket to my shivering fears and insecurities.”
Elizabeth Awori, These Things

Nick Oliveri
“That boy seemed too easy to manipulate, to get close to, to control.”
Nick Oliveri, Becoming the Conjurer

Nick Oliveri
“But even if that was the natural order of things, he didn’t anger at his own bloodline, as he thought it just another part of humanity—something flawed and beautiful and disgusting, just like him, just like the rest of us.”
Nick Oliveri, Becoming the Conjurer

Nick Oliveri
“I could drown in a sea of applause, but without you, it’d still just be drowning.”
Nick Oliveri, The Conjurer

Nick Oliveri
“She’s beautiful. She’s what the gods sing about. Her image melts my heart, crushes my mind, and brings me to tears and down to my knees. She’s beautiful. And she looked at me.”
Nick Oliveri, Becoming the Conjurer

Nick Oliveri
“But she was a part of him much like his arm connected to his shoulder.”
Nick Oliveri

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