Reality Vs Fantasy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "reality-vs-fantasy" Showing 1-10 of 10
Shrayana Bhattacharya
“Fantasizing about an impossibly idealized kind of love they’d seen an actor perform on-screen. Yet, all their real-world efforts were extremely pragmatic, often sacrificing the love they fantasized about as a price for earning status, security, and financial freedom.”
Shrayana Bhattacharya, Desperately Seeking Shah Rukh: India's Lonely Young Women and the Search for Intimacy and Independence

Dexter Palmer
“But life isn't neat the way a story is. And if you try to pretend it is, then you just make yourself unhappy, or screw yourself over.”
dexter palmer, Version Control

“Every so often, over the next day or so, she would find herself in a gray, daydreamy mood, missing something, and she'd realize that it was Robert she missed, not the real Robert but the Robert she'd imagined on the other end of all those text messages during break.”
Kristen Roupenian, You Know You Want This

Sandra Newman
“The dream was greater than a dream. It was a greater life than life.”
Sandra Newman, The Heavens

Iris Murdoch
“You have sometimes thought of going back?"

"Yes, I have, but only in a fantasy way.”
Iris Murdoch, The Nice and the Good

Marisha Pessl
“The box represents the mysterious threshold between reality and make-believe. Is it Reinhart’s? Is it Thistleton’s? Or is it yours? Because every one of us has our box, a dark chamber stowing the thing that lanced our heart. It contains what you do everything for, strive for, wound everything around you. And if it were opened, would anything be set free? No. For the impenetrable prison with the impossible lock is your own head.”
Marisha Pessl, Night Film

Stewart Stafford
“Man's Utopian dreams get circumvented through compromise and disappointment into a tolerable reality.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“Fantasmagoria by Stewart Stafford

Dreams are the exploration,
Of unlimited imagination,
In minds so freely open,
The chooser becomes chosen,
To dream labour's leisure,
Overflowing with hidden treasure,
And seeing what we feel,
The imagined becomes real.

© Stewart Stafford, 2020. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Jeanne Randolph
“Imagination is not obligated to let practicalities dominate, nor to judge itself in terms of dualistic language (true vs untrue; reality vs fantasy; good vs evil, etc.) The paradox of imagination is that it cannot imagine itself while it is experienced and it can't judge itself while experienced.

'I promise never to imagine cutting a kittens throat' is a ridiculous proposition. Most of us wish that people would not get pleasure imagining such things to the exclusion of anything else. Even so, imagining per se leaves no traces, while planning may do so and preforming always does. Imagining leave no traces, which is not the same as saying imagining has no effect.”
Jeanne Randolph, Ethics of Luxury: Materialism and Imagination

Ryan Gelpke
“Cannes thrives on the art of illusion, a city where reality and fantasy blur.”
Ryan Gelpke, Dying in Champoussin