Reap Quotes

Quotes tagged as "reap" Showing 1-30 of 47
Robert Louis Stevenson
“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
Robert Louis Stevenson

“Put your heart into even the smallest seemingly insignificant acts possible. Then be patient enough for the universe to give back to you what you reap.”
Matthew Donnelly

Sanjo Jendayi
“In life, we plant seeds everywhere we go.
Some fall on fertile ground needing very little to grow.
Some fall on rocky soil requiring a tad bit more loving care.
While others fall in seemingly barren land and no matter what you do; it appears the seed is dead.

Nevertheless, every seed planted will have a ripple effect.
You could see it in the present or a time not seen yet.
So be wise about where you plant your seeds.
Be very mindful of your actions & deeds.
Negativity grows just as fast if not faster than positivity.
Plant seeds of kindness, love and peace
And your harvest will be abundant living.”
Sanjo Jendayi

“People respect one's integrity not their going along with the crowd just to reap a personal benefit.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

Lisa Brown Roberts
“Sometimes your garden surprises you. You don't remember planting strawberries or mint, but there it is, rising up in the middle of the carrot patch. Maybe the seeds blew in from the neighbor's garden. Or maybe they were buried in the dirt and you unearthed them when you tilled the soil. Or maybe you're reaping what you've sown. However it happened, you now have unexpected bounty. Accept it with gratitude.”
Lisa Brown Roberts, How (Not) to Fall in Love

Israelmore Ayivor
“Sow the seeds of hard work and you will reap the fruits of success. Find something to do, do it with all your concentration. You will excel.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You

Richelle E. Goodrich
“We reap the fruit of the seeds we sow. Every good deed, every bad deed—they are the means of planting seeds that will reward us one day with a merited harvest from life’s garden.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

“Plant and reap what comes from your heart and you will never know what sadness is.”
Alan Maiccon

Israelmore Ayivor
“Success doesn’t come with ease. As a matter of fact, the darkest lie you may have been told is that you will reap in abundance when you have sowed nothing. It is a big lie!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You

Steven Magee
“We live in a society where those that do the greatest damage to humanity and nature reap the greatest financial rewards.”
Steven Magee

Israelmore Ayivor
“Where love germinates, peace is harvested!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Six Words Inspiration

“Increase in vision comes with wisdom to reap the harvest”
Sunday Adelaja

J.R. Rim
“The right reason will reap the desired result,”
J.R. Rim

“Are you now eating the evil fruit of your own growing?”

“When people want to reap the rewards without putting in the work. It just doesn’t work that way, and quite frankly it is irresponsible.”
Belinda Taylor

“The best soil is very rarely owned by the best farmer, seeds too often eaten prematurely by either crows or ravens, and crops reaped, never to be seen again.”

“The worst ambition of human beings is to want to reap the fruits of what they never sowed.”
Augusto Branco

“Focus on miracles or breakthrough makes a man to hope that he could reap where he has not sown.”
Sunday Adelaja

“To Reap The Result Of Destructive Behavior Is To Do Evil”
Sunday Adelaja

“It is the passion of God that empowers to reap the harvest of souls”
Sunday Adelaja

“To be empowered is to reap the harvest with God”
Sunday Adelaja

“There is a harvest field you cannot reap alone”
Sunday Adelaja

“Increase in passion gives empowerment to reap the harvest”
Sunday Adelaja

“You will definitely reap whatever you have sown”
Sunday Adelaja

Richie Norton
“Work to me does not represent dollars earned. Too many ways to make money. Work to me means freedom of time. You reap the measure of your work when you work for what you measure. Choose your measure.”
Richie Norton

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Giving reaps the greatest dividends.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“We still reap what we sow, but remember it is God who provides the growth”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“We are somehow led to believe that the justification of what we’re ‘sowing’ has the power to change the nature of what we’re sowing. Subsequently, we find ourselves shocked that the justifications didn’t change the nature of what we ‘reaped.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“In Maie get a weede hooke, a crotch and a glove,
And weed out such weedes as the corne doth not love.
Slack never they weeding, for dearth nor for cheape,
The corne shall reward it er ever ye reape.

[Found in Helen Nearing, ‘Wise Words on the Good Life’, 1980.”
Thomas Tusser, Five hundred pointes of good husbandrie Volume 21

“In Maie get a weede hooke, a crotch and a glove,
And weed out such weedes as the corne doth not love.
Slack never thy weeding, for dearth nor for cheape,
The corne shall reward it er ever ye reape.

[Thomas Tusser, ‘Five hundred points of husbandry: directing what corn, grass, is proper to be sown: what trees to be planted: how land is to be improved: with with whatever is fit to be done for the benefit of the farmer in every month of the year’ (1557).]”
Helen Nearing, Wise Words for the Good Life

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