Refreshment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "refreshment" Showing 1-21 of 21
“A combination of fine tea, enchanting objects and soothing surroundings exerts a therapeutic effect by washing away the corrosive strains and stress of modern life. [... It] induces a mood that is spiritually refreshing [and produces] a genial state of mind.”
John Blofeld, The Chinese Art of Tea

علي بن أبي طالب
“People are like waves of the ocean, some cover you with tides of refreshment, whilst others drown you in floods of turmoil”
Imam Ali as

Santiago Ramón y Cajal
“If a solution fails to appear ... and yet we feel success is just around the corner, try resting for a while. ... Like the early morning frost, this intellectual refreshment withers the parasitic and nasty vegetation that smothers the good seed. Bursting forth at last is the flower of truth.”
Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Advice for a Young Investigator

Gabriel García Márquez
“The usual for me." The usual was a strong infusion of different kinds of Oriental teas, which raised her spirits after her siesta.”
Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera

Susan Sontag
“[T]o read was precisely to enter another world, which was not the reader's own, and come back refreshed, ready to bear with equanimity the injustices and frustrations of this one. Reading was balm, amusement -- not incitement.”
Susan Sontag, The Volcano Lover

Enock Maregesi
“Mapenzi ni kiburudisho kikubwa kuliko vyote katika maisha.”
Enock Maregesi

“We are custodians. We are stewards. Our actions are being watched by others around us. Someone is looking up to us as we take each breath. We can be just a grape or we can be the juice that offers simplicity, nourishment and refreshment. Extract and empty your goodness. Pass it into the hearts of the people looking up to you. It will multiply beyond your highest good.”
Angie karan

Thich Nhat Hanh
“Be in touch with what is wondrous, refreshing, and healing, both inside and around yourself.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I incessantly look for water in wells dug by men, and I have drunk enough sand to prove it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Ray Bradbury
“Douglas's mouth was slightly open and from his lips and from the thin vents of his nostrils, gently there rose a scent of cool night and cool water and cool white snow and cool green moss, and cool moonlight on silver pebbles lying at the bottom of a quiet river and cool clear water at the bottom of a small white stone well.
It was like holding their heads down for a brief moment to the pulse of an apple-scented fountain flowing cool up into the air and washing their faces.
They could not move for a long time.”
Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

Josh Waitzkin
“My chess rivals were taking lessons, competing at every weekend tournament, while I was on a boat crashing through big waves. But I would come back with new ideas and a full tank of energy and determination. The ocean has always healed me…”
Josh Waitzkin, The Art of Learning: A Journey in the Pursuit of Excellence

“A snail will never take a plunge in a river to find refreshment; I am refreshed wherever I am located for my source is Elshaddai...”
Bayode Ojo, Petals Around The Rose

Craig Groeschel
“Fueled by faith and passion for our true priorities we're going to drive against traffic in order to find rest, refreshment, and time for what matters most in life.”
Craig Groeschel, Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Never underestimate the power of freshly squeezed orange juice.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

“Without regeneration, how can there be refreshment?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Praying leads to perpetual refreshment.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Righteousness of faith leads to refreshment.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“There is no refreshment in life like repentance.”
Lailah Gifty Akita , Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

Robin S. Baker
“Detoxing your mind and body does wonders. It is a natural reset button.”
Robin S. Baker

Robin S. Baker
“It is okay for me to take a break when my body and soul are asking for rest. My time of relaxation is valuable. Helping me feel rejuvenated and refreshed throughout my day. I am aware of how much I deserve this grace.”
Robin S. Baker

Fernando Pessoa
“Let's sit down here. From here we can see more of the sky. The vast expanse of these starry heights is soothing. Life hurts less as we look at them; a whiff of air from an invisible fan refreshes our life-wearied face.”
Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet