Reverent Quotes

Quotes tagged as "reverent" Showing 1-3 of 3
Donna Goddard
“A balanced inner calmness radiates from a peaceful centre. It neither craves others' approval nor rejects others' presence. It neither pulls towards nor pushes away. It has a reverent attitude towards life and all its inhabitants.”
Donna Goddard, The Love of Devotion

Frederick Buechner
“He [Jesus] speaks in parables, and though we have approached these parables reverentially all these many years and have heard them expounded as grave and reverent vehicles of holy truth, I suspect that many if not all of them were originally not grave at all but were antic, comic, often more than just a little shocking.”
Frederick Buechner, Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy, and Fairy Tale

Richie Norton
“One does not need to apologize for you to forgive them...but a sincere, reverent and “as loud as the disrespect” apology may repair trust faster. Remember that when you apologize yourself.”
Richie Norton