Rhett Butler Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rhett-butler" Showing 1-15 of 15
Margaret Mitchell
“Until you've lost your reputation, you never realize what a burden it was or what freedom really is.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Margaret Mitchell
“Say you’ll marry me when I come back or, before God, I won’t go. I’ll stay around here and play a guitar under your window every night and sing at the top of my voice and compromise you, so you’ll have to marry me to save your reputation.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Margaret Mitchell
“Scarlett, always save something to fear—even as you save something to love.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Margaret Mitchell
“I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'll never understand or forgive myself. And if a bullet gets me, so help me, I'll laugh at myself for being an idiot. There's one thing I do know... and that is that I love you, Scarlett. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. Because we're alike. Bad lots, both of us. Selfish and shrewd. But able to look things in the eyes as we call them by their right names.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Margaret Mitchell
“I told you once before that there were two times for making big money, one in the up-building of a country and the other in its destruction. Slow money on the up-building, fast money in the crack-up. Remember my words. Perhaps they may be of use to you some day. (Rhett Butler)”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Margaret Mitchell
“Take my handkerchief, Scarlett. Never, at any crisis of your life, have I known
you to have a handkerchief.”
Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell
“Then you've made the only choice. But there's a penalty attached, as there is to most things you want. It's loneliness.”
Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell
“Talking to Rhett was comparable only to one thing, the feeling of ease and comfort afforded by a pair of old slippers after dancing in a pair too tight.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Margaret Mitchell
“Why be an ostrich?”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Margaret Mitchell
“Indeed? Well, I shall bring you presents so long as it pleases me and so long as I see things that will enhance your charms. I shall bring you dark-green watered silk for a frock to match the bonnet. And I warn you that I am not kind. I am tempting you with bonnets and bangles and leading you into a pit. Always remember I never do anything without reason and I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Margaret Mitchell
“Would it please you if I said your eyes were twin goldfish bowls filled to the brim with the clearest green water and that when the fish swim to the top, as they are doing now, you are devilishly charming?”
Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell
“- Não sei se interprete as suas palavras como um galanteio, se não - replicou Scarlett, indecisa.
- Não se trata de nenhum galanteio - explicou ele. - Quando é que perderá essa mania de imaginar galanteios em todas as palavras que os homens lhe dirigem?
- Só depois de morta - respondeu ela.
E sorriu, pensando que encontraria sempre homens que lhe dirigissem piropos, mesmo que Rhett nunca o fizesse.
- Presunção e água benta cada qual toma a que quer - comentou Rhett. - Graças a Deus, tem ao menos uma virtude: a de ser sincera.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind: Part 1 of 2

Margaret Mitchell
“Oh, Scarlett, you are so young you wring my heart.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Margaret Mitchell
“Would it please you if I said your eyes were twin gold-fish bowls filled to the brim with the clearest green water and that when the fish swim to the top, as they are doing now, you are devilishly charming?”
Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell
“Rossella, non ho mai avuto la pazienza di raccogliere i frammenti di un oggetto rotto per incollarli insieme e dire a me stesso che l'oggetto riappiccicato vale quanto quello nuovo. Quello che è rotto è rotto... e preferisco ricordarmelo quando era in buono stato piuttosto che aggiustarlo e e vedere le tracce della rottura finchè vivo.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind