S M Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "s-m-quotes" Showing 1-7 of 7
D.L. Hess
“I’m not going to deny that I want to fuck you. I can’t promise a future or that I’ll be some sniveling boyfriend who pines away after you once I go back to L.A. But I will say that I have plans for you if you say yes.

“I can promise you that I’m going to take you to new heights that you’ve never imagined. That I’ll make you feel pleasure so intense that you forget your name. I’ll fuck you so good, for so long that the only thing you’ll crave is my hands on your skin, my cock deep in your pussy.

“If you let me, Tori, I’ll open up a whole new world to you. I’ll make you fly.”
D.L. Hess, Sir

D.L. Hess
“She’s a natural submissive and she doesn’t have a clue.”
D.L. Hess, Sir

D.L. Hess
“I want to make you feel things you’ve never felt, push you in ways you never knew existed, expand your horizons in ways you never dreamt needed expanding…”
Me too.
“I want to show you that pleasure can be pain…”
Whatever you want.
“And pain can be pleasure…”
“And that those worlds can be yours if you just let go and exist…”
I’ll follow you anywhere.
“I want to break you apart. And put you back together again.”
I’m yours.
“Beautiful, I want to make you fly.”
Please. Anything.”
D.L. Hess, Sir: The Awakening

D.L. Hess
“I will never intentionally ask you for anything that you aren’t willing to give. But if I do, you can always say no.”

He lets that sink in for a moment.

“But you won’t.”
D.L. Hess, Sir: The Awakening

D.L. Hess
“Do you want to play a game?” he asks, his tone rich and dark and sensuous like his chocolate.
Every atom in me stands at attention. “What kind of game?”
“We’ll call it ‘Sir Says’. The rules are very simple—I give you a command. . . and you obey.”
D.L. Hess, Sir: The Awakening

D.L. Hess
“I like to be in charge. I like to guide my bedmate, push her to her limits, expand her horizons. My pleasure comes from the power she gives me to decide how to bring her pleasure. My pleasure comes from the trust she gives me to show her what her body is capable of if she… just…lets…go…”
D.L. Hess, Sir: The Awakening

D.L. Hess
“I won’t ask you for anything you aren’t willing to give me,” he croons. “And I promise you’ll enjoy it. Do you want to play?”
There’s no question.
“Yes. Yes, I do.”
D.L. Hess, Sir: The Awakening