Science Vs Religion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "science-vs-religion" Showing 61-90 of 143
“Do flat-earthers believe that other planets are also flat?”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Inside The Mind of an Introvert

R. Lee Smith
“You can make a story mean anything, Meoraq. But that's the thing with you religious people, isn't it? God is this glorious intangibility, so no proof becomes proof just by how you spin it.”
R. Lee Smith, The Last Hour of Gann

Arthur Koestler
“It is not difficult to imagine the Catholic Church adopting, after a Tychonic transition, the Copernican cosmology some 200 years earlier than she eventually did. The Galileo affair was an isolated episode in the history of relations between science and theology. But its dramatic circumstances, magnified out of all proportion, created a popular belief that science stood for freedom, the Church for oppression of thought. Some historians wish to make us believe that the decline of science in Italy was due to the "terror" caused by the trial of Galileo. But the next generation saw the rise of Toricelli, Cavallieri, Borelli, whose contributions to science were more substantial than those of any generation before or during Galileo's lifetime.
The contemporary divorce between faith and reason is not the result of a contest for power or intellectual monopoly, but of a progressive estrangement. This becomes evident if we shift our attention from Italy to the Protestant countries of Europe, and to France. Kepler, Descartes, Barrow, Leibniz, Gilbert, Boyle and Newton himself, the generation of pioneers contemporary with and succeeding Galileo, were all deeply and genuinely religious thinkers. The pioneers of the new cosmology, from Kepler to Newton and beyond, based their search into nature on the mystic conviction that there must exist laws behind the confusing phenomena; that the world was a completely rational, ordered, harmonic creation.”
Arthur Koestler, The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe

Abhijit Naskar
“Science at least, is aware of its capabilities as well as shortcomings, whereas, organized religions, in most cases delude themselves with narcissistic glory.”
Abhijit Naskar, Let The Poor Be Your God

Lawrence M. Krauss
“I have challenged several theologians to provide evidence contradicting the premise that theology has made no contribution to knowledge in the past five hundred years at least, since the dawn of science. So far no one has provided a counterexample. The most I have ever gotten back was the query, ‘What do you mean by knowledge?’ From an epistemological perspective this may be a thorny issue, but I maintain that, if there were a better alternative, someone would have presented it. Had I presented that same challenge to biologists, or psychologists, or historians, or astronomers, none of them would have been so flummoxed.”
Lawrence M. Krauss, A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing

Bryan Islip
“science feeds our perpetual curiousity and claims that nothing exists until 'proven'. Science cannot prove the existence or non-existence of the human soul any more than a thermometer can prove the colour red or King Henry the eight could discourse on electronics.”
Bryan Islip, So What?

Abhijit Naskar
“There was no conflict between science and religion ever. The conflicts were actually between two different systems of human understanding – one was science, which was based on rigorous observations and examinations, and the other was fundamentalism, that’s based on undisputed belief on the scriptures.”
Abhijit Naskar, Biopsy of Religions: Neuroanalysis Towards Universal Tolerance

Glenn  Frank
“The will to believe has given us our great saints. The will to doubt has given us our great scientists. The goal of the intelligent man is a character in which the will to believe of the saint and the will to doubt of the scientist meet and mingle.”
Glenn Frank

Yuval Noah Harari
“Tarih boyunca peygamberler ve felsefeciler, büyük kozmik plana duyulan inanç olmazsa düzen ve birliğin yok olacağını iddia ettiler. Bugünse kozmik bir tasarıya inanmaya devam edenler, küresel düzen karşısındaki en tehditkar unsurlardır.”
Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow

Abhijit Naskar
“Fuel for religious violence comes from the creeds of the religious organizations that fundamentally depict that there is only one absolute and undeniable truth, and all others even mildly different truths are expendable.”
Abhijit Naskar, Let The Poor Be Your God

Abhijit Naskar
“My exploration of the biology of beliefs has taught me universal tolerance.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“I am proud to say to you that, I am a scientist and I accept all religions to be biologically true and equal. My pursuit of understanding the human mind has taught me universal tolerance.”
Abhijit Naskar, Biopsy of Religions: Neuroanalysis Towards Universal Tolerance

Abhijit Naskar
“There can never be a conflict between science and religion, once you understand the spiritual knack of the human brain circuits.”
Abhijit Naskar, Biopsy of Religions: Neuroanalysis Towards Universal Tolerance

Abhijit Naskar
“I don’t make any pretence of knowing about the existence of a Supreme Entity, neither do I make any attempt to create any friction among religions. If anything, I have spared myself no pains in my endeavor to smoothen the ongoing friction among all religions of the world.”
Abhijit Naskar, Biopsy of Religions: Neuroanalysis Towards Universal Tolerance

“At the core of the heart of an atheist is a heart that doesn't deny the existence, sovereignty and power of God but it chooses deliberately not to believe it for a long while.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

Muditha Champika
“Science is great for us. But for someone who see the human evaluation for more than one million years, science is a just a one instant and younger than a baby.”
Muditha Champika, Theories of Nature and the Universe: Comparison of Pure Buddhist Philosophy and Science

Abhijit Naskar
“Scientific Religion is compatible with Science and in fact, they enrich each other. That's because scientific religion is simply the realization of divinity within one's heart. Therefore, Science and Scientific Religion smoothen each other's path of progress. While on the contrary, far from being compatible with Science, Theoretical Religion consistently tries to impede the development of human society. Moreover, being rigidly based on bookish doctrines, it keeps making efforts to drag the human society back to the Stone Age.
I am afraid, if you don't act now, the relentless battle between Theoretical Religions will turn this beautiful planet which we call home, into a barren wasteland.”
Abhijit Naskar

“... Protestantism, in its quest for 'rational knowledge' of God's purpose and for an understanding of this world, engendered its own demise, for it lent legitimacy to a secular science that in turn rejected and devalued all religious values. And in this respect, Protestantism effectively devalued or disenchanted itself, for in its attempt to prove its own intrinsic rationality through non-religious means it affirmed the value of science, and with this laid itself open to the charge of irrationalism and to attack from the outside from 'rational', secular forms of this-worldly legitimation.”
Nicholas Gane, Max Weber and Postmodern Theory: Rationalisation Versus Re-enchantment

“... With the rise of modern scientific (or 'rational') knowledge religion is, for the first time, challenged by the disparate claims of other life-orders (Lebensordnungen)... a polytheistic and disordered world of competing values and ideals... the economic, political, aesthetic, erotic and intellectual, which, with the onset of modernity, separate out into relatively autonomous realms (the process of Eigengeseztlichkeit) with their own value-spheres (Wertsphären).”
Nicholas Gane, Max Weber and Postmodern Theory: Rationalisation Versus Re-enchantment

Abhijit Naskar
“Science works through replication, rectification and modification. But when it comes to religion, people simply tend to accept the theoretical preachers and their claims of historical God experiences without a single question. If there has been one experience in this world in any branch of knowledge, it absolutely follows that that experience will be repeated eternally. If they are not repeated through natural processes, the thinking humanity would have no way but to disprove that such an experience ever occurred in the history.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“By believing in an imaginary invisible supernatural entity, humans may become good citizens. But this is not religion. This is merely an illusion of religion.”
Abhijit Naskar, In Search of Divinity: Journey to The Kingdom of Conscience

Abhijit Naskar
“When circumstances pour the minds of some young helpless individuals with hatred and rage towards the society, and when that pain, hatred, and rage become unbearable, they turn to the scriptures as the final resort, in a pursuit to find absolution, guided by the psychopathic, misogynistic, genocidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent, fundamentalist preachers.”
Abhijit Naskar, In Search of Divinity: Journey to The Kingdom of Conscience

“People whom live in a world dominated by science and technology are losing belief in God and turning away from religion. Science eliminated the traditions that formerly made living an art form including the rain celebration of spring and traditional harvest festivals.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Joyce Rachelle
“How strange it is beholding this,
and, very confident,
proclaim that such magnificence
occurred by accident.”
Joyce Rachelle

Abhijit Naskar
“As a child, I truly believed that there was some blue alien-like god named vishnu looking after humanity, and when the time comes, another angry god, named shiva, would destroy everything, and then the god of creation with four heads, named brahma would create the world all over again. That’s what my environment conditioned me to believe. It wanted me to conform to its delusional thoughts and beliefs. But as I grew up, I discovered something rather remarkable. It was that, all those stories were mere means for an uncivilized and ignorant people to be content with their lack of real understanding of the world.”
Abhijit Naskar, Let The Poor Be Your God

Abhijit Naskar
“Work, work and work, until you see the change manifesting as reality, which everybody else only wishes for with their hands joined and head bowed as meek, mind-less, second-hand worshipers and slaves of illusory masters.”
Abhijit Naskar, Let The Poor Be Your God