Scifi Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scifi-romance" Showing 1-30 of 92
Jay Kristoff
“Who am I to deny gravity, Aurora? When you shine brighter than any constellation in the sky?”
Jay Kristoff, Aurora Rising

She paused and saw him tense in expectation. He wouldn’t like to hear this, but
“She paused and saw him tense in expectation. He wouldn’t like to hear this, but better from her than one of the others. “You aren’t the only pilot I have in my service. And you aren’t the only person with a dark past, though the illegal things that you did, you were forced to do by the Core. But I will tell you what I’ve told the others. This is your last chance. You screw up with me and you get shipped up river. I don’t offer second chances—I offer last chances.”

Nope, he didn’t like it. She saw the hand not holding the bottle of beer curl into a fist.

Sin and Del, from Sunscapes Trilogy, Book 1: Last Chance”
Michelle O'Leary, Last Chance

Gayla Drummond
“We’re hardly idiots, Linzi. I think we can manage without an instruction manual." - Trissk from Hunter's Edge (After the Fall series)”
G. L. Drummond

Catherine Stine
“The sun, through the filter of the trees, glints green off the cells of her suit, outlines her soft curves. I’m overcome with visions of my father poring over his books, and the wet, verdant forest floor, and newts pausing over toxic yellow candy, and leaves flying up from the impact of Bryan’s body hitting the ground. Another, confused part of me hears my father’s voice calling the refs scum, trash, slime. With flashes of fury at Marisa, mixed with a sad, all-consuming longing that feels dangerously like love, I pluck her hands from my face and push her away. -from Fireseed One”
Catherine Stine

Relax,” the woman said. “It’s just me.” “Just you?” Hale asked with heavy irony, remembering
“Relax,” the woman said. “It’s just me.”

“Just you?” Hale asked with heavy irony, remembering the black leather and predator’s eyes with a stab of heat. Dangerous beauty had always been his downfall.

“I’m watching your back.”

“Sure you are,” he snorted. Beauty or not, he wasn’t stupid enough to trust. Screw, sure. Trust, no way.”
Michelle O'Leary, The Third Sign

“In Your Thoughts Irma!

I was lost in your thoughts Irma, your hopes and in your imagination,
When the breeze whispered “follow me and feel the new celebration!”
And I replied, “no matter where I may tarry I am never away from her sensation,
That has dissolved in my every emotion!”

I seek you in every corner of light,
In the morning hope, in the flowers., in the stars and in the moonlight,
Then I look into the mirror and investigate my own sight,
To find you in my own eyes and what a delight!

I often remember our moments of togetherness from the past,
The kiss that is still fresh and warm, but was the last,
Always together even in the shadows that we cast,
Everything feels like yesterday, but in every today, yesterday is always the past!

My heart loves being a prisoner of your thoughts and your imaginings,
And my mind seems to have got used to my heart’s longings,
Leaving me marooned in love’s beautiful trappings,
Where your smiling face is a part of all my mental surroundings!

You are like the moon of my night,
Where you shine on the shore of my life with love’s light,
And I let you be my fate, my destiny and my joy’s every scalable height,
So it is you and only you I dream of every night.

Sometimes you are a palpable dream passing through my closed eyes,
Often you are a beautiful embrace the warmth of which never dies,
Until I wake up and seek you with my open eyes,
It shall be the same every day and night until we meet again under these open skies!

For now let me seek you within me and outside my own existence,
I miss you deeply because I love you without any pretence,
And I wish sometimes if I could bear wings like Gabriel to overcome every distance,
But I am sure, I will either find you or bear wings to be kissed by your magnificence.

Someday we both shall be reduced to nothing, just an impalpable feeling,
But even then my soul shall find your thoughts healing,
And when all shall before the God be kneeling,
I shall be the only one still seeking myself in your omnipresent feeling!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“She Lies Within Me!

Her thoughts rapture like seed pods bursting at the command of some unknown will,
And the seeds of her memories every corner of my life fill,
With hopes, memories, desires that all germinate as a single feeling,
Minds creation, her beautiful memories, are for heart a complicated dealing,
And as feelings arise from the seeds of her memories,
The landscape of my life is cast into never ending sanctuaries,
Of her beautiful and ceaseless memories,
Where my mind wanders aimlessly and my heart remains marooned within its boundaries,
The walls are virtual but the mental fascination is ubiquitous and anchored in reality ,
Where I submit myself before her beauty in my absolute piety,
And as I serenade for her in the sanctuary of her memories,
A million seeds of her memories and desires sprout around me in an unending array of miniature carries,
Where I witness her blooming like flowers of hope,
And like a hungry butterfly I alight on them , and persuade them to elope,
With me and beyond this sanctuary with no real walls,
Into the reality where anything virtual crumbles and falls,
So, let me dance with you under the real Sun,
And create new memories for our beautiful life and not just for fun,
Then let the sanctuary be renewed by our love and romance,
And then let us forever in reality dance,
Under the real sun, under the real moonlight and the real stars in the night sky,
Then when the time is right let us again fly,
To the sanctuary of hopes, dreams and desires,
And once again sprout from the bursting seed pods with renewed fires,
Of love and feelings endless,
And as an admirer of your beauty let me then feel limitless,
Growing over your memories, your desires and every feeling that draws me closer to you,
And in the vast silence of this sanctuary, let my heart beats echo with a singular vocal accord, “My darling Irma I love you!”
Then let real walls rise around the sanctuary where we now exist as a palpable reality,
And wherever I maybe, I am with you and surrounded by your endless beauty,
And as pods of seeds bearing our memories burst and scatter everywhere,
Then let me love you there, somewhere, but now like the old walls of the sanctuary we shall be nowhere!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“I Love You Everywhere!

I neither love you here nor there,
Because I love you wherever I am, always somewhere,
So when I am somewhere, there you are everywhere,
Maybe I have repurposed my sense of existence,
Because only in your presence,
Do I feel my own sense of being alive and its true essence,
The distance between us exists in many a mile,
But it begets emotional pain where my every thought is cast into exile,
Of your memories, sweet kisses and that smile,
Many years have passed since we last met,
And I pledged to be entangled in the loyalty’s net,
From it no pleasure, but some inexplicable satisfaction I do get,
But there are times when something within me is lamenting in deep pain,
Longing to see you, feel you, and once again feel sane,
Quite often and again and again,
Who have I become: a lover in despair,
Longing for the moments bit kind and fair,
Before these longings transform into a never ending despair,
Let us meet somewhere under the vast sky,
Under the moonlight or the sunshine bearing the wings of a butterfly,
Let us meet, be mine, and let us not ponder on how and why,
Then let silence prevail and nothing,
Only the throbbing of two hearts to be the recognisable clamour of happiness and our moments loving,
In this universe of infinite possibilities let us be this beautiful thing!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“You And The Rose of Immortality!

With mortal thoughts one can never seek immortality,
Just like a beautiful rose of Summer cannot create an eternally beautiful garden of memory,
So my darling let us seek eternity, where immortality lies in its absolute piety,
Towards the seekers of the illusive Summer rose that beautifies every memory,
Then you and I shall be beautiful butterflies bearing the wings of immortality,
And fly over the clouds of comely sensations to create our own ocean of limitlessly beautiful memory,
My love Irma just imagine the potentiality of this awaiting reality,
Where every moment spent in time is the recreation of our sweetest memory,
It is here that I wish to offer you the rose of immortality,
That I have stolen from the time's memory!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!


Circles, small, large and many circles,
That is what our lives are like,
Always moving and pacing in circles,
Circles of love, circles of desire, circles of passion , too many circles, but none alike.

Situations, circumstances presenting themselves in circles,
With infinite loops, where we always end up where we began,
With the only difference that we change circles, but never can we leave these circles,
Even if we tried hard and we desperately ran.

We always end up in a circle within many circles,
But be assured these loops have been created on purpose by someone,
Who enjoys watching us going in circles because for him/her life is a circus of circles,
There is no regard for emotions, sentiments and human sensitivities, because this entity seems to care for no one.

And casts us mercilessly and relentlessly in these vicious circles,
Where the race begins never to end, because in a circle the end is unmarked,
And ah the agony of living in ceaseless pain and its ever extending circles,
Who shall we accuse, our fate or our destiny that we always get marked.

To be a part of circles, in relentless motion and desperation, only to create new circles,
And be cast in them remorselessly by this unknown entity,
It has nothing to offer us, no joys, no celebrations, just the ceaseless circles,
Where we always lie in the centre like a loathed deity!

And if ever our circle intersects with a cluster of happy circles,
We are cast away and shunned like a managed dog,
Till there are no more happy circles left in our constellation of endless circles,
And we get recast by fate once again , in the infinite circle of life where we belong.

We, our circle, our lives, our pain, a little blend of joy, and our live’s moments going in circles,
Often question us in our wakeful state,
“What are we and who are we without these circles?”
And the answer, “ a motion within a circle seeking its eternal kinetic state !”

To love in a circle, to feel joy in a circle, to confront life within circles,
And tread in a state of constantly moving inertia,
Where the quantum of everything is defined by these ceaselessly evolving circles,
With the purpose to attain panacea!

And I have loved you even in these circles,
Where the feelings of my mind and heart are these constantly geminating circles,
Your circles, my circles, our circles, life’s circles, circles within circles,
To be a part of that final circle, we call “life’s circles!”

So, I have plucked this rose with infinite red petals,
For when we enter the circle of life together,
I shall shower these scented petals,
In all our circles to create that quintessential and romantic weather.

where we shall enjoy our life in these circles, without feeling their drag,
For being with you in the life’s endless sequence of circles,
Will be a moment of joy, where I would wish that time developed a perpetual lag,
So that you and I , could feel the symphony of our rhythmically moving circles!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“You , I and Winter Weary Flowers!

Those winter weary flowers; do you remember?
Kissed by their unseen admirer, their redeemer,
Who warms them with her kiss of hope and love,
Having waited for eternity and risen like a phoenix from above.

Helping them escape beyond time and its every zone,
Into that unknown realm in that so distant zone,
Where you and I can go too,
But only if our hearts beat as one, though two!

Throbbing in one rhythm every today and tomorrow,
In pain, in joy and in every sorrow,
Because they have that memory patch to rejoice in,
A feeling of love that I long to be immersed in.

With you. Tell me would you?
For I long to tread with you,
Holding your sun kissed hand,
Alongside that dancing and jocund flower band.

That shall be our rabbit in Alice’s wonderland,
Where I shall never leave your hand,
When I witness beauty never seen before,
I promise I shall only love you more than ever before,”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Let Me Hold Your Hand

Take my hand and let us walk past this meadow,
Where we are surrounded by sunshine, and only our shadow,
That spreads over the tips of grass blades,
Where your beauty my every sense invades,
There let me surrender my prudence before your beauty,
And let me love you Irma, with all my piety,
To erect your sweet memories as Goddesses in the temple of my existence,
To kiss you with devotion and submit myself to your love and its trance,
Then let me stare at your beautiful face till eternity,
And as I get submerged in this sea of passion and renewed feeling of sanity,
Let me hold you in my arms and lift you unto the Heaven,
To make Gods jealous, for in you I have already found my heaven,
So what shall They offer me now to own my loyalties,
For from you my love, I draw my life’s royalties,
Then let me bargain with the Gods from the above,
And seek eternity for you and for me only your love,
So it shall be done my darling and so it shall be now,
I belong to you, and before your grace I shall take an obedient bow,
To love you forever in the sanctum of my life and place you as the highest God,
While I love you Irma, let me thank the Gods too, for without you and me they might feel a bit odd,
So as we walk past the meadow of life holding our hands,
I shall always love you in the midst of this myriad collection of flower bands!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Climbing The Mountain of Life Together!

Let us climb the mountain of life together,
Just you and me forever,
To climb higher and higher,
To feel the love’s embrace forever and ever,
Then when we have arrived at the summit,
Let us rest for a while and reassure our grit,
As we renew our faith in each other and to each other we recommit,
Our lives, our love and our feelings of passion and wit,
Let us rise again,
Whether we are surrounded by joys or feeling a little sprain,
Let us not refrain,
From kissing each others soul under the love’s rain,
At the summit of the life’s mountain,
Where lies the hollowness of hell and the eternity’s fountain,
Let us choose to bathe in this fountain,
And claim our rightful place on the life’s mountain,
Where we ascend all the peaks, all lowlands and high ground,
Until we arrive at the place where time nowhere can be found,
Because then our love, you and me, is all that can be found,
So let me, my darling Irma, to your love and your thoughts be bound,
And rise as a happy morning sunshine,
That always spreads over you to make you forever mine,
Let me feel this feeling divine and fine,
And make you forever mine,
Then let us climb no further,
For now we shall exist as the love light and live forever together,
And touch new peaks and spread the light farther,
And I shall love you in the infinity of today where we are always together,
You and I, and I always with you, and you forever with me,
Then let us wish together and so it shall be,
Together forever,just you and me,
At least that is all I shall seek from eternity if it so were to be!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Endless Love

Like the river never stops, I too shall never stop loving you,
Like those shining stars, I too shall always shine for you,
Like the wind that paces through the forest where I spent few moments with you,
I too shall in that forest of memories always seek you, just you,
Maybe it is my compulsive proneness that I only seek you,
In my wakeful state and in my subconscious slumbers I only think of you,
Maybe it is my memories that refuse to exist without you,
And before this stubbornness of my mind and heart , I surrender and I allow myself to love you, just you,
In the Summer garden where many roses bloom, I find none like you,
Like the desperate butterflies seeking their flowers of choice, in the garden of life, I only seek you, just you,
The roses have wilted, butterfly wings lie strewn on the grass blades, and they all remind me of you,
But unlike the changing seasons, my heart always stays in the perennial state of loving you,
Everything in this universe seems to be seeking something or someone, just like I endlessly seek you,
In the summer joys, in the forest wind, in the gushing river, wherever I see, I just see a reflection of you,
As the palpable world grows around me in these transient forms, I seek my world within you,
In your beautiful eyes, in your smiles, in your scent and in every essence that reflects you,
I transpose these beautiful reflections on this world, until everything looks like you, exactly like you,
Maybe Irma, love is what I feel when I see you, when I touch you, when I just say nothing and simply sit beside you,
And the palpable world transforms into your smile, and I resume loving you,
In the forest of my endless memories of you,
Where I often tread in the brightness of the day and the silence of the night, to be with you, just you,
The river still flows, the stars still twinkle, the forest still grows, and with them your love in my heart grows too,
I have entered a precarious state where there is only one certainty, that to keep on loving you,
And wonder if you feel so too,
I have every reason to believe you do too Irma, because the trails of life we tread together, still remind me of you, and there at discrete corners I hear the echoes of your longings too,
And then my heart whispers, while my mind quietly lets it be its own master, “I love you!”
And the river of my feelings gains a renewed momentum to rush endlessly and forever unto you,
And as lovers, we fill our senses where you become me and I become you,
And what a joy it is to love you,
And say again and again, “my darling Irma. I love you!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Let Me Irma!

Like the sun beams dancing over summer flowers,
Let me wake up in your mind at all hours,
Like a thought that never subsides,
But as an adorable feeling it within you always resides,
Let me flash as a feeling of joy over your senses,
My darling Irma, I want to take my chances,
For who knows what might happen tomorrow,
So I wish to live every moment of joy before I experience a moment of sorrow,
Let me embrace you like the daylight,
Which is around you always, though you do not feel its grasp tight,
Like this let me hold you forever and everywhere,
To be seemingly nowhere yet always there, forever there,
Like the daylight draping you in its brightness,
And when I see you clad in this dress of daylight, ah my fondness,
For you, your smile, your deep eyes draws me unto you,
Then neither the daylight, nor the day exist, it is just you and only you,
And as I climb the heights of passions and desires,
Let me rest within you like those solemn prayers,
That arise from the heart and dwell forever in the firmament of love,
Then let me believe nothing exists below and nothing exists up above,
It is just the daylight and you,
Where you wear my passions all around you,
And I forever love you,
And I once again believe you were made for me and I was made for you,
Then when the night approaches,
Let me disregard all astral reproaches,
And lie with you Irma under the starry night,
And bask in your love light, that shines brighter than the daylight.”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“You in my eyes!

You wake up in my eyes like the morning Sun,
You surround my life like the day and its busy schedules,
You are there when I am sitting idle or pursuing errands undone,
Because thinking of you is the default part of all my schedules,

Then when the day tires me,
You sleep in my eyes,
There in my dreams with me to be,
While I wish I never opened my eyes,

And in the darkness of the night that spreads everywhere,
I hold my eyelids tight,
To not let your dreams escape from the crevices in my eyes somewhere,
And throughout the night I hold you in this dreamy delight tight,

Then as the morning bird taps its beak on the glass window,
I let the night cease for me as I let your beauty leave the territory of my eyes,
And percolate into the morning light that flashes over the willow,
Then begins the magic of recreating you in the light of the day with my open eyes,

And then my darling Irma, you spread like the sunshine in every corner of my world,
And wherever I go I carry my universe with me,
In my eyes, your dreams your views and my entire world,
And that is how I like it to be, at least for now this is me,

But there are moments when dreams in closed or open eyes,
Are awakened by your memories,
And how I wish I could vanish into the skies,
Because on Earth I miss you and our realities,

How you feel I do not know, maybe you feel the same,
But then a Summer without flowers is not a true Summer,
And in a flowerless Summer nothing feels the same,
You too could have evolved the feeling to tell me, “my darling let me be your flowery Summer!”

Nevertheless, for now let me close my eyes and dream again of you,
The Summer, the flowers and us together,
To feel once more how I once felt with you,
And maybe this time when I vanish into the skies we shall be together!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“What Are These Thoughts Irma?

What are these dreams that you beget me,
What are these memories with which you still mesmerise me,
What are these thoughts Irma where I always wish to be,
What are these visions that your endless beauty brings to me,
What is this feeling with which you embrace me,
What is this spell of love in which I always wish to be,
What are these sweet longings that your thoughts beget me,
What is that I feel whenever I think of thee,
Why is it that I always with you wish to be,
Whether I am in a quiet forest or a vast sea,
Why is it that I always wish to see thee,
Why is it that I want you to invade me?
With your senses until your heart beats echo inside me,
And then let the heaven know that you belong to me,
And this is how till eternity it shall now be,
Where I would spend infinity loving thee,
And I hope, you too with the same passion will forever love me!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“You are the shore of my life!

I know that you reside in your dreams and in your desires,
You, your beauty and my desires,
I feel still need to find a way to intersect somewhere,
To give birth to the desire allowing us to meet somewhere,
Where your dreams are mine too,
And where my desires reflect in your eyes too,
Maybe you still need to understand why the waves rush to the shore,
And that my sea of life, so deeply wants to you to be my only shore,
Where to all my dreams, my desires, my wishes flow,
And I shall wish for nothing else anymore, just to be in this ceaseless flow,
Where all my waves of life pass through you and unto you,
To rest at the shore where my life feels it has eventually found you,
In my every wish and my heart’s every desire,
Where you are the last and only shore of my life and you my only desire,
Then when my sea of life pours into your life’s territory,
Love shall find an immortal existence in this endless territory,
Where all your wishes and my infinite desires form its boundary,
And we shall live within this territory of love, where only our wishes form its territory,
So let these lapping waves of the sea of life feel your feet,
For as you wade through the waters of life I shall feel thy feet,
Walking through the landscape of my endless desires and wishes,
Perhaps then Irma, you would let your sea of life empty itself into the territory of my wishes,
Then we shall let our heart beats float along with these rushing waves of life,
Until our universe is reduced to your wishes, my desires and only our life,
Maybe then, maybe then, the waves of life will rise no more,
For then our lives would have found and rested at the most placid shore.
Where a feeling of serenity spreads like a vast blanket over the sea of life,
And loving each other becomes the only desire and the single wish of life,
Then my love, the moon shall shine and you will be mine,
And we shall surrender our identities because now, all my joys will be yours and all your desires will be mine.”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“The Timid Gods!

When the sun shines high,
And it leaves its morning shyness,
As it dominates the light spreading across the vastness of the sky,
Then let me reflect back to it your loveliness,

When the sun beams dazzle over flowers many,
And they sway with the afternoon breeze,
Let me show them your beautiful avatars many,
And ah their unease,

When the river flows at its enjoyable pace to meet the sea,
Then let me submerge your essences into the infinite reservoir of feelings,
Then as the river meets the sea, let it see,
That in the sea of beauty every drop, every wave and every ripple is a creation of your beauty’s dealings,

When the God of beauty wakes up from the blissful sleep,
Let me cast your shadows around the universe,
And as its reflections to and fro leap,
Then let the God’s realise their acts perverse,

Because Gods sometimes resort to fiendish timidity,
Where they believe the universe is for them alone,
And when I show them your beauty,
Then let them realise that they too, to many weaknesses are prone,

When the winter approaches and the rose in the winter garden lies abandoned,
By the summer kisses and beauty’s secret visitations,
Let me make you touch its heart that in winter freeze lies stoned,
Then let the God’s feel their privations,

And when my love Irma, you allow me to,
I shall create a new order in the Universe,
Where love given is the love received too,
Then, that shall be the universe to which no one shall be averse.”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Where my heart wanders!

Where does my heart often tend to wander,
This is what I often wonder,
Where does she meet me in my dreams,
As she descends all over me riding those Moon beams,
Where do her thoughts often lead me from my sleepy world,
Why is it that I like her long hair when it is slightly curled,
As she gazes at me with those sparkling eyes,
Why is it that many stars miss their twinkle in those night skies,
When she presents me the Summer rose,
Why I feel she keeps humming in my mind love’s most melodious prose,
Then wherever she goes, I follow her like the summer rose,
Here there and everywhere until I sing back to her, her own love prose,
And then as her face with charm and joy glows,
I look at her beautiful smile and my heart beat slows,
Then as she holds my hand and there I transfixed stand,
Why is it that my desire and my feelings nothing demand,
For every desire now seems fulfilled and every wish satisfied,
In your presence Irma my world is perfectly beautified,
No longer to oscillate between desires and wishes,
For a feeling of love that springs from the heart never perishes,
Time becomes its custodian,
And the will of God its guardian!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“You and Me!

In the summer garden,
Where flowers abound,
With joys never felt before or begotten,
There my love I always have found,
You, In the soft fluttering of butterflies’ wings,
In the tender swaying of these beautiful Summer flowers,
In the heart beat of those young lovers whose hearts a melody sweet sings,
While I seek you in these Summer flowers and in the shadows of carefree lovers,
And as the afternoon Sun shines brighter,
And the angle of every shadow changes,
Then how I miss to hold you tighter,
Before like these shadows the feeling escapes into new emotional ranges,
Where you are the peak and summit of everything,
The Summer, The Summer bliss and my love for you,
And then with my feelings I wrap everything,
Now in the moment it is just us: the Summer, me and you,
Then as dusk descends on the scenes of life,
I stack your memories in my heart and in my mind,
To embark on my new ambition, the night and our life,
Where now, your memories and my feelings I unwind,
And cast them over these golden beams,
As they spread everywhere,
My love Irma, my heart with my mind teams,
And then it is you, just you, in everything and everywhere!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“You me and our love!

There she was,
In the calmness of the morning,
Yes there she was,
Spreading her presence in ways mesmerising and charming,
As her beauty hung everywhere now,
Here, there, to be everywhere,
I felt a world of beauty it was now,
Where I belonged only with you somewhere,
Now she was in the daylight as well,
The light, the day and she,
Beauty that was covering everything so well,
That I felt the entire universe was nothing, but her deep eyes and she,
And in this interplay of lights and your beauty, I wondered where I was,
Then I discovered that with you I too was everywhere my love,
For now Irma, everything that there was,
It was you, me and our love!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Everything is only you!

Sometimes my heart wants to escape with my head,
But my heart beats in all directions tend to tread,
And my mind that only thinks of you,
Eventually lets my heart beats become an echo of you,

Where your memories lie everywhere, and stare at me,
From every corner, every side, every direction, it is just you that I see,
And then my love Irma, I love you,
Quietly in my heart beats and my mind creates visual glimpses of you,

Which appear and fade like bubbles in the sea of time,
And whenever a bubble of excitement is about to reach its prime,
It bursts and the bubble sprays infinite droplets of memories bearing an image of you,
And then how I miss you!

Maybe you will never know it,
That shall be the tragedy of time and feelings of love which are forfeit,
Still I shall think of you and love to create this bubble with you,
And feel the droplets of your kisses, which are but distant memories of you,

Time travels at its pace but human memories somehow master the art of lying in a timeless space,
Where the moments from the past through the lanes of mind towards every heartbeat pace,
It is so with me, yet I love to love you,
Whenever I travel in the train of time I wish to journey only unto you,

So let the memories be there Irma and let the feelings stay true,
Let the present know, that it is past that rules and leaves a clue,
For the lovers to pick, just like I in every present seek you,
This clue from the past, makes me find you in the present, that Universe creates only for me and you,

In every bubble of memory that bursts and creates endless droplets of memories,
Which cover my body and soul with these time’s pleasantries,
Where you grow over me like a skin of feelings and I feel you,
Like a touch growing all over me, where everything is now you and only you!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Net of love!

What are these scenes unfolding,
Over the water of the lake,
Where boats are sailing though water is randomly flowing,
Is it a sight of motion with no mistake?

As the fisherman casts his net,
And its octagonal boundaries gradually sink into the water,
Where they now lie in their world wet,
And wait as octagonal shapes and one single net, when put together,

A shoal of fish swims freely and maybe happily too,
As they enter this octagonal mesh that waits in silence,
The fisherman feels something stir in his mind too,
And pulls the net breaking his wait of prolonged patience,

And he smiles at the fish struggling to break free,
He holds them one by one and tosses them on the floor,
This is how it has always been and this is how it shall always be,
The struggle for the floor to be the sky and for the sky to even invade the floor,

For what spring and summer tames as beauty,
Shall be confounded by the Autumn that appears to appear too soon,
For in the temple of life there is no deity,
There is only the law of bane and the boon,

So I watch the fish wriggle on the floor of the boat,
As my thoughts sail away with the one I love,
And I cast my net over the vast expanse of fate as I wait,
To notice in her the same feeling of love reflecting all over my net of love,

That I cast only to seek her attention and few smiles,
While her beauty glides throughout the universe,
Her charm is rendered eternal across the universe’s infinite miles,
And my net of love also gets cast across this endless universe!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Pact of love

Not in the silence but in the stillness of quietude I want to be with you,
Then as our heartbeats break the silence I want to tell you,
Darling I love you,
And see the flash of joy arise from you,

And let the quiet stillness be intruded by you,
By your smiles, by your heart beats, by anything that represents you,
Then as my world of emotions and feelings grows over you,
I shall attempt to steal you from you,

To reside somewhere in the eternal stillness with you,
Where there is the world but it exists only for me and you,
Then as my feelings sink inside you,
I shall tune my heart beats with that of you,

Then even the stillness will not disturb me and you,
Because now it will be hard to tell whether you are inside me or I am inside you,
With feelings merged as one, with heart beats beating as one, I shall now see my world through you,
Then my love Irma, we shall sign our pact of love bearing just one line, “I was born to love you!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Japanese lilies and her beautiful face

In a crowded market place,
People walked, moved; and quite a few preferred to amble,
While I searched for my known space,
Where she sells beauty’s earthly samples without too much too gamble,
I walked past the busy spaces and the bustling market views,
People haggling, a few arguing,
It was like life was tasked to seek reviews,
In ways pleasing and many a time annoying,
Finally I reached there where I wanted to be,
And there she was this beautiful maiden,
And as she prospected every face, her eyes finally rested on me,
For a while nothing existed, as if time its pace had forgotten,
Only to be revived back to life,
When the maiden at the flower shop said,
“Hello, and welcome to the shop of beautiful life,”
My eyes moved, my lips shivered and in response I only shook my head,
I looked at flowers with different colours,
And her eyes followed mine to every spot where they rested,
I could be there, with the flowers and the maiden, for many hours,
Because at this flower shop, all the flowers only of her beauty attested,
She knew it too because the sparkle in her eyes was brewing with confidence,
She knew she was like the most beautiful summer rose that ever existed,
And I only visited the shop to feel surrounded by this beauty’s appeal so dense,
Her beauty was not just a visual act but an experience, where a new appeared as soon as the old exited,
She was pure beauty, and maybe my only and my wilful addiction,
While I was soaking in this experience of charm and beauty,
She tenderly felt my hand trembling with love’s affliction,
“Here, look at these new samples of eternal beauty,”
She said this with a professional tone and demand,
They were small clusters of white charm,
Beautiful as anything beautiful can be resting peacefully in beauty’s eternal wand,
Peaceful to look at that always kindled feelings warm,
It was such a delight to witness and see,
Then she silently quoth this,
“They are called the Japanese lilies that sparkle like the pearls from the deepest sea,
They look like joys suspended on the branches of bliss,
These beautiful Japanese lilies bearing the sparkle of the pearl from the deepest sea.”
I again nodded my head with a smile,
As I looked at them closely,
They indeed were clusters of white joy hanging there with a beautiful smile,
And I said hurriedly, “certainly!”
Then I realised something strange,
They were bending downwards, as if gravity pulled them harder,
It was nothing like flowers at other shops, so it indeed was very strange,
I looked at all the flowers and then I looked at her,
And there it was, in her eyes, her beautiful face her overall grace,
That the flowers in her shop felt so inferior,
Because all Japanese lilies and every Summer flower was but a reflection of her face,
And it was difficult to tell whether they were her lovers or she was there lover,
But to me, they all shone as the brilliance in her eyes,
The rose had offered her its blush,
The lies had granted her the twinkling miracle of the night skies,
And all other flowers had rendered her eternally beautiful and lush,
And whenever they looked at her,
The flowers drooped a bit,
And maybe that is why I buy all my flowers from her,
Because like these helpless flowers I too love her every bit, and thus my love affair with her and her flowers has matured bit by bit!
And now neither the flowers nor I can quit,
So it is an affair that shall last till eternity and this is how I prefer it,
She loving the flowers, I loving her, and as soon as my memory amidst her beautiful memories is lit,
Then I am sure, like these flowers, and like me; now she too cannot quit, not even a bit!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

Dharini Patel
“My daughter is part of my soul, heir to the Cep Throne. Nobody can question the Crown Princess. Don’t dare do this again.”
Dharini Patel, Aksh Spark and the Emperor of the Universe

Dharini Patel
“I was wrong. She is not a pawn. She is a Queen in this game. And that’s why the King is still safe.”
Dharini Patel

“Your and my corner!

Not in any corner,
And at all not there,
But in our own corner,
Where light bends and shadows play, just there,

Let us romance,
Feel the feelings of love,
Just in that corner known as the corner of romance,
Let us take our chances and kiss and love,

Our corner, just your and my corner,
Where time knowingly does not venture,
Let me embrace you behind the shadows of light in that corner,
Where you with me and I with you always venture,

Where time is your kiss of eternity,
And the space is the feeling of your beauty,
Let me dive into this eternity,
And float along with your waves of passions and endless beauty,

There my love Irma, let us create our corner,
Where light bends, shadows play and your smile always greets me,
Let me discover your wonder in that secret corner,
And let your beauty seep into me,

Then whenever we visit this secret corner,
It shall always be you and me,
To create a cascading relay of corners, one corner followed by another corner,
But in all, you and me, forever just you and me!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Everything and she!

Still, silent and motionless,
That is how the world appears without her,
A world of beauty that has been sleepless,
And is eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of her,

Before the rivers, the flowers, the wind; all sleep and rest.
The Summer has gone by and Autumn has passed too,
Now it is winter when in the mornings East looks like the West,
And the less radiant Sun longs to catch a glimpse of her too,

The world, the morning and the evenings as well,
All seem to pass by as usual, but with a slower pace,
Where is she? Nothing and nobody can tell,
But the hope to see her someday has made them adopt a slower pace,

While I look at the Sun, the mountains and the rivers, I am reminded of her,
So, I too have adopted the nature’s pace,
And at times I see her waking shadows turn and stir,
And ah, how jovial is my heart’s pace, the happy pace, and then it is her face and the heart beating with a happy pace!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

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