Self Righteous Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-righteous" Showing 1-30 of 37
Criss Jami
“For the believer, humility is honesty about one's greatest flaws to a degree in which he is fearless about truly appearing less righteous than another.”
Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile

Criss Jami
“God judges men from the inside out; men judge men from the outside in. Perhaps to God, an extreme mental patient is doing quite well in going a month without murder, for he fought his chemical imbalance and succeeded; oppositely, perhaps the healthy, able and stable man who has never murdered in his life yet went a lifetime consciously, willingly never loving anyone but himself may then be subject to harsher judgment than the extreme mental patient. It might be so that God will stand for the weak and question the strong.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Shannon L. Alder
“Naive people tend to generalize people as—-good, bad, kind, or evil based on their actions. However, even the smartest person in the world is not the wisest or the most spiritual, in all matters. We are all flawed. Maybe, you didn’t know a few of these things about Einstein, but it puts the notion of perfection to rest. Perfection doesn’t exist in anyone. Nor, does a person’s mistakes make them less valuable to the world.

1. He divorced the mother of his children, which caused Mileva, his wife, to have a break down and be hospitalized.

2.He was a ladies man and was known to have had several affairs; infidelity was listed as a reason for his divorce.

3.He married his cousin.

4.He had an estranged relationship with his son.

5. He had his first child out of wedlock.

6. He urged the FDR to build the Atom bomb, which killed thousands of people.

7. He was Jewish, yet he made many arguments for the possibility of God. Yet, hypocritically he did not believe in the Jewish God or Christianity. He stated, “I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the harmony of all that exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Immorality is the word we use to describe people that are not sinning the same way we are.”
Shannon L. Alder

Sally Rooney
“I wasn’t used to being attacked like this and it was frightening. I thought of myself as an independent person, so independent that the opinions of others were irrelevant to me. Now I was afraid that Nick was right. I isolated myself from criticism so I could behave badly without losing my sense of righteousness.”
Sally Rooney, Conversations with Friends

Gillian Flynn
“I am smiling a big adopted-orphan smile as I write this ... I still love scribbling the word - WRITER - any time on a form, questionnaire, document asks for my occupation. Fine, I write personality quizzes, I don't write about the Great Issues of the Day, but I think it's fair to say I am a writer ... ('Adopted-orphan smile', I mean, that's not bad, come on.)”
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl

Criss Jami
“As time moves on the line will blur. It will no longer seem to be the simplicity of good versus evil, but good versus fools who think they are good.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Sarah J. Maas
“No self-righteous speeches?”
“This is war,” he said simply. “We're past that sort of thing.”
Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash

Shannon L. Alder
“You will never overcome your self righteousness if you continue to believe that God prefers you over other people. The moment you feel entitled is the moment you feel superior and distance yourself from a humble heart that believes God knows what he is doing.”
Shannon L. Alder

Brian K. Vaughan
“It's time to climb off our high horses and step into the shit.”
Brian K. Vaughan, Ex Machina, Vol. 4: March to War

Stewart Stafford
“Beware the self-righteous man, for he will destroy the world many times over before he sees his folly.”
Stewart Stafford, The Vorbing

Wilkie Collins
“It is quite possible that I may be altogether wrong in this idea. My own impression, however, is, that I am right.”
Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White

Sai Marie Johnson
“Try your best to be a saint and see how far you'll fall.”
Sai Marie Johnson

Shannon L. Alder
“A daughter of God knows that insecurity is not an excuse for doing evil to others, nor will God rest until caring for everyone is a lesson you learn.”
Shannon L. Alder

“It is far kinder and smarter to show someone a better path in life than to darkly follow down their's with the self-righteous belief that you do so with the purer intentions of justly punishing them for their previous actions, making you hypocritically the same and thus influencing further negative repercussions.”
Isabella Poretsis

C. Robert Cargill
“Heaven has no room for the self-righteous.”
C. Robert Cargill, Dreams and Shadows

Toni Morrison
“All of us - all who knew her - felt so wholesome after we cleaned ourselves on her. We were so beautiful when we stood astride her ugliness. Her simplicity decorated us, her guilt sanctified us, her pain made us glow with health, her awkwardness made us think we had a sense of humor. Her inarticulateness made us believe we were eloquent. Her poverty kept us generous. Even her waking dreams we used - to silence our own nightmares. And she let us, and thereby deserved our contempt. We honed our egos on her, padded our characters with her frailty, and yawned in the fantasy of our strength. And fantasy it was, for we were not strong, only aggressive; we were not free, merely licensed; we were not compassionate, we were polite; not good, but well behaved. We courted death in order to call ourselves brave and hid like thieves from life. We substituted good grammar for intellect; we switched habits to simulate maturity; we rearranged lies and called it truth, seeing in the new pattern of an old idea the Revelation and the Word.”
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye

Criss Jami
“Men seek a great deal, but fatally close, albeit very different, is one's pride in proving oneself right with one's zeal for finding the truth.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Stewart Stafford
“Truth is a well we all draw from and slowly poison, as we use it in ways for which it was never intended.”
Stewart Stafford

C. JoyBell C.
“People today refer to Judas Iscariot in a way as if he was betraying a wonderful, upstanding man in society. They forget that Judas was betraying a wanted criminal branded as a fraud by all of the synagogues in the land. Ask yourself, how many times have you denied another person to save your own skin and to appear upright? How many times have you been a Judas Iscariot?”
C. JoyBell C.

C. JoyBell C.
“I don't like righteousness, I don't. To my ears, righteousness sounds like the chatter made by birds in cages when the birds of the skies fly by.”
C. JoyBell C.

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“After I’ve played the part of ‘god’ long enough and as a result I can no longer hold myself up, it is then that I must finally quit playing the part of ‘god’ and begin the task of looking up.”
Craig D Lounsbrough

Criss Jami
“When reduced to nothing more than principle of the mind, humility will never be low enough for humility. On principle, the man who lives in the small mountain cottage is more large and luxurious than the man who lives in the tiny shack; the man who lives in the tiny shack, than the man who sleeps on the bank; the man who sleeps on the bank, than the man who wanders the desert; the man who wanders the desert at least has legs to wander while many other men do not. To reduce by the standards of men is to morally compete against men, and to reduce by one's own standards is ego-driven. A man can decrease his life to death and never reach true lowliness because humility on principle of the mind is not humility at all but rather its opposite: the pride of competition - only in reverse. Therefore it seems that, perhaps, true humility is nothing one can achieve; it hides in purity of the heart given only by the one perfect Christ.”
Criss Jami

“Gratitude, forgiveness, perseverance, self-honesty, and self-control fosters optimism, kindness, and success.

Self-righteousness yields bitterness, hostility, and self-destruction.”
Charles F Glassman

“Gratitude, forgiveness, perseverance, self-honesty, and self-control fosters optimism, kindness, and growth. Self-righteousness yields bitterness, hostility, and sadness.”
Charles F Glassman

Stewart Stafford
“The Awakening Web by Stewart Stafford

One defamatory word starts reputations dragging,
And spreads the virulent and incessant tagging,
As the cat cruelly with the mouse has toyed,
By a kangaroo crucible, condemned, and destroyed.

For these spiders of the great stalking portal,
Do bend the ears of mobs of mortals,
And spin others in silken shrouds,
Shaking the web, shameless and proud.

So be cautious of the image you put out,
And with the carefree words that leave your mouth,
For tempests form over waters calm,
When self-righteous arachnids hypocritically cause harm.

© Stewart Stafford, 2021. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“The Eye of Karma by Stewart Stafford

Do we still rationalise things we do?
Karma's cold, clear eye sees through,
Soiled laundry aired for the public to see,
A looking glass raised to gross misdeeds.

No compunction, an inflaming sick note,
Deaf to the plea bargains began by rote,
Facing peccadilloes that seek redress,
Damaging overflow of avarice and hubris.

Poison sucked from self-flagellation wounds,
The stinging venom disgorged and plumed,
A penalty passed with the gavel in hand,
Purge those failings with goodwill planned.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Donna Goddard
“As joy and humility go together, so do duty and self-importance.”
Donna Goddard, Geboor: Spiritual Fiction

Marie Mistry
“You knew,” Nilsa repeats. “Yet no one thought to mention he was a prince with assassins after him?”

“If we’re talking about keeping secrets, you might want to stop the self-righteous act, witch. If you’ll recall, you’ve not been exactly forthcoming.”
Marie Mistry, Liar Witch

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