Self Surrender Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-surrender" Showing 1-11 of 11
Michael Bassey Johnson
“True devotion and humility is when you carelessly allow yourself to fall in love with things you consider will make you look inferior, which in essence, makes you superior.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Fulton J. Sheen
“The egocentric is always frustrated, simply because the condition of self-perfection is self-surrender. There must be a willingness to die to the lower part of self, before there can be a birth to the nobler.”
Fulton J. Sheen, Seven Words of Jesus and Mary: Lessons from Cana and Calvary

Evelyn Underhill
“the night of thought is the light of perception.”
Evelyn Underhill, Practical Mysticism

The Mother
“The path is long, but self-surrender makes it short; the way is difficult, but perfect trust makes it easy.”
The Mother

“The essence of the soul is divine consciousness.”
Shiva Negi

“Worry comes in when any work, political or otherwise, is done with a selfish motive. The secret of liberation in action lies in doing all works without the ego-sense. Here what is demanded of us is perfect self-surrender through dedication of all our actions to the Master power that controls the universe.”
Swami Ramdas, In the Vision of God

“True service is possible only when the self-conscious individual loses his egoistic sense of 'actorship' by merging his self-interest in the common weal and welfare of the world. Now his life-interest is identical with the interest of all. This exalted humility can be achieved by realizing the eternal fact that an omnipotent power, which is inherent in all creatures and beings, is actuating the individual life and all its actions.

Humility leads to self-surrender, i.e., an attitude of submission to the will and purpose of God, who is the source of infinite power that controls all the movements in the universe.”
Swami Ramdas, The Essential Swami Ramdas

“He listened to her with a cool indifference and said: 'Why do you worry over the matter? God’s will is supreme. All things happen as He wills and at the time determined by Him.'

'How can you say so? Do you mean to say then that human effort has no value?' she retorted. 'Human effort,' he replied, 'is necessary only to learn that human effort as such is useless, and God’s will alone is the real power that controls and brings about all events. When you realise this truth, human effort ceases and divine will starts its work in you, and then you do all things in the freedom of the soul, liberated from care, fear and sorrow. This is the real life to be attained. So leave all things to the Lord by complete surrender to Him.”
Swami Ramdas, In the Vision of God

“Self-surrender means that we throw the whole burden of life, our anxieties and sorrows on the Supreme Lord who is the Master of all and keep our mind filled with calmness and peace that comes from His constant remembrance.

Cling to the Lord in all situations. Do not worry about anything. thing. Have complete trust in God. Give up all superstitious notions. Do not mind the opinions of the world about you. Court the society of pure and noble souls. Whenever changes come in your life, take them that they come by God's will alone. Take to the changes naturally and cheerfully.
We are ever under God's care and protection. We are never forsaken. God is all love. We have doubts about this because we are not conscious of His love. Let us know once and for all that He is our sole refuge.”
Swami Ramdas, The Essential Swami Ramdas

“Self surrender is the grace of salvation from sin.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Self-surrender sometimes has the potential for happiness. Submission never does.”
Ethel Spector Person, Dreams of Love and Fateful Encounters: The Power of Romantic Passion