Silas Quotes

Quotes tagged as "silas" Showing 1-21 of 21
Colleen Hoover
“She's familiar. My only familiar thing in a world of inconsistency and confusion.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never

Margaret  Rogerson
“I will see Master Thorn settled.” Silas paused to sniff the air beside Elisabeth. “Then, Miss Scrivener, I shall draw you a bath. I believe supper is also in order. And—has no one lit the lamps?” He looked aggrieved. “I have hardly been absent for twenty-four hours, and already the world has descended into ruin.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns
tags: silas

Margaret  Rogerson
“Does it need to be so tight?" Nathaniel objected as Silas retied the cravat in a complicated series of knots, his gloved fingers moving with nimble certainty over the fabric.
"I'm afraid so, if you wish to remain fashionable," Silas replied. "And we don't want a repeat of the incident with Lady Gwendolyn."
Nathaniel scoffed. "How was I supposed to know tying it that way meant that I intended to proposition her? I have better things to do then learn secret signals with handkerchiefs and neckcloths."
"Had you listened to me, I would have told you, and spared you from getting champagne thrown in your face---though I heard several people say afterward that that was their favorite part of the dinner.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

Margaret  Rogerson
“You're a proper monster Silas. I'm glad of it.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

C.L. Stone
“Marései o trópos pou gelás."
-Silas Korba”
C.L. Stone, First Days

C.L. Stone
“Sweetie, you better believe if I have to run, it’s going to be me chasing after you.”
C L Stone

Chloe Gong
“Of course I was committed to her beyond what was acceptable for the mission. I was so fascinated because I could see the parts of you in her. I've loved you this whole time, just split in two.”
Chloe Gong, Foul Heart Huntsman

Rachel Higginson
“When Silas said Gabriel was a priest, I assumed he meant to a real congregation, not the caretaker of an empty building threatening to send the entire street of people to meet Jesus literally at any moment, and not just emotionally.”
Rachel Higginson, Fearless Magic

“She is Trouble," Gabriel groaned. "And you know it."
"Nope, she's aggele mou."
"A devil's angel, maybe.”

Quil Carter
“The light was everywhere. He would tell me later I looked like an angel... but he just looked like the same devil to me”
Quil Carter, The Ghost and the Darkness Volume 2

Margaret  Rogerson
“What is this, master - the third time I've broken you out of a jail cell?
Nathaniel coughed. "Minor misunderstandings, on both previous occasions," he assured Elisabeth.
"At least you're wearing clothes this time, master.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

Margaret  Rogerson
“Silas paused even longer. Finally he said, in a voice almost like his own, “I fear he must learn to put his clothes on the right side out. He will have twenty more years now to master the art. Let us hope that time is sufficient.” He took a step forward. 'Take care of him, Elisabeth.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

Margaret  Rogerson
“I have found the scrying mirror, Miss Scrivener.” His tone was mild. “In the future, I advise against using the laundry chute to dispose of magical artifacts.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

George Eliot
“The lapse of time during which a given event has not happened, is, in this logic of habit, constantly alleged as a reason why the event should never happen, even when the lapse of time is precisely the added condition which makes the event imminent. A man will tell you that he has worked in a mine for forty years unhurt by an accident as a reason why he should apprehend no danger, though the roof is beginning to sink; and it is often observable, that the older a man gets, the more difficult it is to him to retain a believing conception of his own death.”
George Eliot, Silas Marner

Colleen Hoover
“Todo en ella es cautivante, como la consecuencia de una tormenta. No se supone que la gente obtenga placer de la destrucción que la madre naturaleza es capaz de hacer, pero queremos mirar de todos modos. Charlie es la devastación dejada a raíz de un tornado.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never

Criss Copp
“You’re hard sometimes, but you’re genuine and easy to love.  You give people everything you have to give, Silas.  You’re a rough diamond amongst pearls.  You look like a dirty stone amongst the sheen, but your value far exceeds the silky dull shine of a pearl.”
Criss Copp, Fake

Margaret  Rogerson
“Si-a amintit ce scria în Lexicom: Pentru că, odată ce se cade la învoială cu un demon, este în interesul acestuia să își vadă stăpânul mort...”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

Margaret  Rogerson
“O pisică albă, pufoasă, ședea pe podea, în spatele ei, privindu-i țintă cu ochii ei galbeni.

Să ai o pisică cu tine te poate chiar ajuta să fii în siguranță, dat fiind că au un talent special de a detecta magia.

Îl cheamă... ăăă - s-a bâlbâit ea - Sir Fluffington.”
Margaret Rogerson

Margaret  Rogerson
“Botul și pernițele lăbuțelor erau de un roz care contrasta cu blana albă ca zăpada. Era foarte pufos. Simțea o nevoie alarmată de a-și lipi fața de burtica lui.

- Miau! a zis Silas.

Motanul s-a luat după ei, dând din coada umflată.”
Margaret Rogerson

Margaret  Rogerson
“Elisabeth bănuia că tot nu trecuse peste incidentul cu Sir Fluffington.”
Margaret Rogerson

Margaret  Rogerson
“Silas era un sfânt sculptat din marmură; înfățișarea lui, frumoasă și imposibilă, neatinsă de emoție sau durere.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns