Sizzy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sizzy" Showing 1-26 of 26
Cassandra Clare
“Isabelle!" he called again. "Let down your raven hair!'
"Oh my God," Clary muttered. "There was something in that blood Raphael gave you, wasn't there? I'm going to kill him.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“Simon hid the fact that he was inordinately pleased by this. “Are we officially boyfriend
and girlfriend? Is there a Shadowhunter ritual? Should I change my Facebook status from ‘it’s complicated’ to ‘in a relationship’?”
Isabelle screwed up her nose adorably. “You have a book that’s also a face?”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“I am here to determine my relationship."
Simon goggled. She couldn't be talking about him. Could she?
"Do you see that man?" Isabelle asked, pointing at Simon. Apparently she was talking about him. "That's Simon Lewis, and he is my boyfriend. So if any of you think about trying to hurt him because he's a mundie or--may the Angel have mercy on your soul--pursuing him romantically, I will come after you, I will hunt you down and I will crush you to powder.”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“Simon," Isabelle interrupted, "you're talking like a nerd."
She said it almost fondly, but it freaked Simon out more. "And I don't know how to be smooth, sexy vampire Simon for you, either!"
Isabelle's perfect mouth curved, like a dark half-moon in her pale face. "You were never that smooth, Simon."
"Oh," said Simon. "Oh, thank God. I know you've had a lot of boyfriends. I remember that was a faerie, and"--another flash of memory, this time most unwelcome--"a...Lord Montgomery? You dated a member of the nobility? How am I ever going to compete with that?"
Isabelle still looked fond, but it was diluted with a good deal of impatience. "You're Lord Montgomery, Simon!”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“If you're texting Magnus to say 'I think ur kewl,' I'm going to kill you.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Ashes

Cassandra Clare
“Oh, Lord Montgomery, what do you mean to do with me in this bedroom when you have me all alone? An innocent maiden, and unprotected? Is my virtue safe?

'I, ah- what?'

'I know you are a dangerous man. Some call you a rake. Everybody knows you are a devil with the ladies with your poetically puffed shirt and irresistible pants. I pray you will consider my innocence. And my poor, vulnerable heart.'

Simon decided this was a lot like role-playing in D&D, but potentially more fun.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“None of this is fair. It isn't fair that part of your life was ripped from you. It's not fair that you were ripped away from me. I'm so angry Simon.”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“Simon, don’t you think I’m scared of that too? You’re not the only one on that ledge. If we jump, we jump together. We fall together.”
Cassandra Clare, Pale Kings and Princes

Cassandra Clare
“Mothers,lock up your daughters, then lock up your maidservants, then lock up yourselves. Lord Montgomery is on the prowl”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“Speaking of luck, Isabelle Lightwood is a total babe. Actually, she's better than a babe: She's a hero. She came all the way here to tell the world you were hers. You're telling me she doesn't know another hero when she sees one? You're going to figure out what you're doing here. Isabelle Lightwood believes in you, and for what it's worth, I do too.”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“Isabelle!” Simon called. “Stop throwing clothes at me! Just because you’re a Shadowhunter and I’m a vampire doesn’t mean we can never happen. Our love is forbidden like the love of a shark and a—and a shark hunter. But that’s what makes it special.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
It was always Isabelle.”
Cassandra Clare, The Lost Herondale

Cassandra Clare
“Simon bristled. She wasn’t his Isabelle, not anymore. He wondered if she ever truly had been. Isabelle didn’t seem like the type of girl to belong to someone. It was one of the things he liked best about her.”
Cassandra Clare, The Lost Herondale

Cassandra Clare
“She was so overwhelmingly beautiful and impressive, he found it too much to handle. He could barely believe any of his new memroies, but the idea that Isabelle Lightwood had been his girlfriend seemed more unbelievable than the fact that vampires were real and Simon had been one. He didn't have the faintest idea how he had made her feel that way about him once, and so he didn't have the faintest idea how to make her feel that way about him again. It was like asking him to fly.”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“I think about him all the time,” she said. “It’s awful. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.”
“You mean Simon?”
“Scrawny little mundane bastard,” she said, and took her hands off Jordan’s chest. “Except he isn’t. Scrawny, anymore. Or a mundane. And I like spending time with him. He makes me laugh. And I like the way he smiles. You know, one side of his mouth goes up before the other one—Well, you live with him. You must have noticed.”
“Not really,” said Jordan.
“I miss him when he’s not around,” Isabelle confessed.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Cassandra Clare
“Once you Ascend, you'll get all your memories back!" Isabelle shouted at him.
"If I Ascend, it will be in two years. I'm not going to be the same guy in two years, even if I do get all the memories back, because there will be so many other memories. You're not going to be the same girl. I know you believed in me, Isabelle, I know you believed because you--you cared about him. That means more than I can tell you. But, Isabelle, Isabelle, it isn't fair of me to take advantage of your belief. It isn't fair to keep you waiting for him, when he isn't ever coming back.”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“I’m a mess, but I’m not an idiot. I just wanted to be alone and think depressing thoughts.”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“I'm not your boyfriend, Isabelle," he called out.
She went white, Simon was horrified by how badly his words had come out.
"I mean, I can't be your boyfriend, Isabelle," he said. "I'm not him--that guy who was your boyfriend. That guy you want.”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“Losing myself,” he said.


“That’s what I’m afraid of. Losing myself, in this. In you. I’ve spent this whole year trying to find myself, to figure out who I am, and now there’s you, there’s us, there’s this all-consuming, terrifying black hole of a feeling, and if I give into it . . . I feel like I’m standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, you know? Like, here’s something bigger, deeper than the human mind is built to fathom. And I’m just supposed to . . . jump in?”
Cassandra Clare, Pale Kings and Princes

Cassandra Clare
“I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero, in fact, until the morning light. And she's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be soon - because I have been kidnapped by evil faeries - and she's gotta be larger than life”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“Isabelle. Simon's mouth moved to form the shape of her name, pressing it into his pillow. He'd told himself he wasn't going to think about her, not until he was really getting somewhere in the Acedemy. Not until he was on his way to being better, being the person she wanted him to be.”
Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Cassandra Clare
“Oh, please," said Simon. "All I did was tell you the entire plot if Star Wars"
"I don't think I remember that," said Isabelle, taking a cookie from the plate on the table.
"Oh, yeah? Who was Luke Skywalker's best childhood friend?"
"Biggs Darklighter," Isabelle said immediately, and hit the table with the flat of her hand. "That is so cheating!" Still, she grinned at him around her cookie.
"Ah," said Magnus. "Nerd love. It is a beautiful thing...”
Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Cassandra Clare
“There are things we want, down under what we know, under even what we feel. There are things our souls want, and mine wants you.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“I love you, and I won’t go away until you tell me you love me too!”

“Tell him you love him,” Helen called up. “He’s scaring the whole street.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“Notaba las cicatrices de ella bajo los dedos, y quiso decirle que para él eran como adornos, testimonios de su valentía que sólo la hacían más hermosa.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Cassandra Clare
“Izzy, no se porque esperarías por mí pero si lo haces, prometo hacerme digno de esa espera. O voy a intentarlo. Puedo prometer que voy a intentarlo.”
Cassandra Clare, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
tags: sizzy