Special Gift Quotes

Quotes tagged as "special-gift" Showing 1-8 of 8
Hopal Green
“There is no other love that’s as special as the love of a grandma.
So warm and fuzzy, so calm and sweet, so cheerful and joyful.
Grandmas are definitely a special gift from God.
A treasure you must always keep.
Memories that are never fading but always alive and well in our minds.
Forever in my heart, Grandma…”
Hopal Green

“Your destination, your special gift, your personal qualities and your potential are interrelated”
Sunday Adelaja

Gift Gugu Mona
“Dear Daughter,
No one is born more special than others. Everyone is born with a special gift. Know yours and nurture it.”
Gift Gugu Mona , Dear Daughter: Short and Sweet Messages for a Queen

“Each of us needs to find our own special gift and develop it”
Sunday Adelaja

Gift Gugu Mona
“Life is a special Gift from God. It is a great blessing that should be cherished at all times.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Gift Gugu Mona
“What More Could I Ask For?

Greatest blessing of my life
When I see you smile
I realise all the time
How favoured I am that you are mine
Thank you for being on my side
My beautiful sunshine
Shining star at night
Bright light in the dark

You make my world a better place
And you bring me so much peace
My strength when I am weak
For you, I stay on my knees
Wish you would see how it feels
As I walk on the streets
Knowing you are a part of me
Of you, I am proud indeed

As a Mother, I still wonder
What I have done
To be graced with such a special gift
Altogether treasured
My place of comfort
I know God has been kind
By giving me such a child
What more could I ask for?”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Karen Hawkins
“You have a gift for flavors. I---" She chuckled, her gaze suddenly soft. "My momma used to make chocolate-covered caramels when I was a tiny thing. She made them every Easter and the whole house would smell like this. Like happiness."
As Aunt Jo smiled, Ella's heart eased even more. Somehow, she knew the gentle memory was because of the cardamom.
"I declare, but I haven't thought of that in years." Aunt Jo gave a final chuckle and dropped the spoon onto the counter. "I remember those days so well now. The memories are so vivid, so real. It almost feels like I'm really there, like I'm hearing her voice and smelling that---" Her gaze fell on Ella, and she stopped, her eyes widening. "Ella! We may have found your special ability."
Ella blinked, her mind jangling with a thousand thoughts. Maybe, just maybe, she was special after all.”
Karen Hawkins, The Secret Recipe of Ella Dove

Karen Hawkins
“This time it was a strawberry shortcake with homemade whipped cream. If Angela closed her eyes, she could still remember the fluffy perfection of the shortcake, the ripe flavor of the strawberries, the sweet thickness of the cream. But more than that, she remembered a summer day from her childhood that the cake made her recall. She'd been only seven years old, and on the hottest day of the summer, she and Daddy had gone down to Sweet Creek, which ran right through town, meandering behind houses and through the park, until it emptied into Dove Pond itself.
Daddy had loved creeks, and there was nothing he liked better than to roll up his pants and walk barefoot over rocks worn smooth by cool, shimmering water. She'd learned to love that same experience herself. That summer day, the heat of the late afternoon had dissipated as the coolness of the water washed over their feet. They'd held hands as they walked, and had laughed and talked as they splashed and scared off more fish than she could count.
Oh, how she relished that memory. And Ella's cake had made it so immediate, so real, that when Angela had finished swallowing the final bite, she'd had to wipe away happy tears. That had been one of the best days of her life.
But then that was the beauty of an Ella Dove cake. It wasn't just the flawlessness of the bake, or the richness of the flavors, although they were something to behold themselves. It was the unexpected memories of those perfect combinations of flavor and texture stirred. The glimpses of special, exquisite moments from one's past were astoundingly real and, oh, so precious.”
Karen Hawkins, The Secret Recipe of Ella Dove