Speechless Quotes

Quotes tagged as "speechless" Showing 1-30 of 48
Criss Jami
“Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle.”
Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile

Vera Nazarian
“A choir is made up of many voices, including yours and mine. If one by one all go silent then all that will be left are the soloists.

Don’t let a loud few determine the nature of the sound. It makes for poor harmony and diminishes the song.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Erik Pevernagie
“If we allow ourselves to stay amazed and astounded at the vibrant instants of every day and do not feel ashamed of admitting to being speechless or dumbfounded sometimes, we can uncover unsuspected sparkling gems hidden in the nooks crannies of our mind.( "Skyward, over and above".)”
Erik Pevernagie

Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“I wasn't big on family gatherings. Too many intimate strangers. I smiled a lot, but really I never knew what to say.”
Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

Tamora Pierce
“Why do you look like cheese, Beka?" Nestor asked me quietly. "We've got help."
I was too flummoxed to tell him I hadn't expected help to come so fast. Miracles aren't for the likes of me, didn't Nestor know that? Only the nobility gets them.”
Tamora Pierce, Bloodhound

Dejan Stojanovic
“I imagined I was God for a millisecond
And became speechless for a long time.”
Dejan Stojanovic

Robin Benway
“Maya was crying and she couldn't say anything, not because she didn't know what to say, but because there was too much of it.”
Robin Benway, Far from the Tree

“in the heart’s rain
in the eye’s fog
in the winter’s smoky snow
in whirling snow
in storms
wind which wants to tear my coat off
legends stories
the blood red dawn of the mind
the warm spring between your thighs
the only haven”
Nils-Aslak Valkeapää

Alejandra Pizarnik
“you don't speak
you no longer speak to yourself

even the she in the mirror
has disappeared”
Alejandra Pizarnik, The Galloping Hour: French Poems

“You tend to write because your heart holds million unspoken words, writing is your only way to heal your own soul!”
Raouf Ayoub

Natsuki Takaya
“I was so amazed at your stupidity that words failed me.”
Natsuki Takaya

“The universe is forever falling apart --
No need to push the button,
It collapses at a finger's touch:
Why, it barely hangs on the tail of a sparrow's eye.

The universe is so much eye secretion,
Hordes leap from the tips
Of your nostril hairs. Lift your right hand:
It's in your palm. There's room enough
On the sparrow's eyelash for the whole.

A paltry thing, the universe:
Here is all the strength, here the greatest strength.
You and the sparrow are one
And, should he wish, he can crush you.
The universe trembles before him.”
Shinkichi Takahashi

“Love is a silence that needs lips to be said.”
Emmanuelle Soni-Dessaigne

Alain Bremond-Torrent
“It is almost impossible to express myself, but everything seems to make more sense, satisfaction speaks louder than words.”
Alain Bremond-Torrent, "Darling, it's not only about sex"

Ray Bradbury
“Trailing veils of steam, Grandma came and went and came again with covered dishes from kitchen to table while the assembled company waited in silence. No one lifted lids to peer in at the hidden victuals. At last Grandma sat down, Grandpa said grace, and immediately thereafter the silverware flew up like a plague of locusts on the air.
When everyone's mouths were absolutely crammed full of miracles, Grandmother sat back and said, "Well, how do you like it?"
And the relatives, including Aunt Rose, and the boarders, their teeth deliciously mortared together at this moment, faced a terrible dilemma. Speak and break the spell, or continue allowing this honey-syrup food of the gods to dissolve and melt away to glory in their mouths? They looked as if they might laugh or cry at the cruel dilemma. They looked as if they might sit there forever, untouched by fire or earthquake, or shooting in the street, a massacre of innocents in the yard, overwhelmed with effluviums and promises of immortality. All villains were innocent in this moment of tender herbs, sweet celeries, luscious roots. The eye sped over a snow field where lay fricassees, salmagundis, gumbos, freshly invented succotashes, chowders, ragouts.”
Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

Eric Overby
“No amount of words,
No haiku, poem, or novel,
Can tell of our love”
Eric Overby, 17: Haiku Poems

Munia Khan
“Being silent never makes me speechless; it releases words through my fingers as I write.”
Munia Khan, Attainable

“Fear makes people speechless”
Sunday Adelaja

Paul Veyne
“J’ étais prétentieux, disait l’un de mes professeurs ; farfelu, disaient mes camarades, à l’exception de mon ami Claude Laurent (car j’aimais et aimerai l’amitié et aurai toujours des amis). Il m’a donc fallu apprendre à devenir indifférent à l’opinion d’autrui.”
Paul Veyne, Et dans l'éternité je ne m'ennuierai pas. Souvenirs

Catherine Lacey
“Speaking felt impossible, as contained and enclosed as she was, a longing that went on a loop, a longing for nothing at all.”
Catherine Lacey, The Answers

Jamie Carie
“Drake stood speechless. Admiration- and something else Serena could not quite identify, pride perhaps- showing from his eyes.
"Turn around," his deep voice commanded softly. "I would see all of you."
She turned slowly, holding back a delighted laugh. Her gown was gold, the color of the amber flecks in her eyes, with a green-and-gold-striped underskirt and matching puffed sleeves. Emeralds hung from her ears, swaying provocatively and catching the candlelight from the wall scones. A choker wrapped around her neck and tiny tear-shaped jewels sparkled from her hair. It had taken the combined urgings of her personal maid and the housekeeper to convince her it was acceptable to wear such a low-cut gown in public. Elegant gloves covered her arms to the elbows with an emerald and gold bracelet on one wrist and a Chinese fan dangling from the other.
"I knew you would be beautiful dressed as my duchess, but Serena, I am speechless. The men will adore you and the women will envy you." He spoke the last in an underbreath, as though to himself.”
Jamie Carie, The Duchess and the Dragon

Colleen Hoover
“I can’t think of anything to say, though. Or maybe I have way too much to say and I don’t know where to start.”
Colleen Hoover, Without Merit

Britney Spears
“I'm Britney Spears now”
Britney Spears, The Woman in Me

“Xiao Chiye was like the blazing sun. He was also like the wind from the grassland. He stood out from the masses. To Shen Zechuan, hiding that handkerchief on that day with the gloomy and damp rain and snow was like hiding a rousing and passionate dream. In this dream, there was the unrestrained galloping of horses over a thousand li1 of grasslands, and the spreading of wings soaring through ten thousand li of clear sky. These eventually turned into an indescribable glimpse—one he would be hard-pressed to recount in detail.”
Tang Jiu Qing, Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu (Novel) Vol. 1

Avijeet Das
“When you want to see great art look deep into nature. You will see the grass, clouds, plants, flowers, trees, mountains, valleys, rivers and the seas. You will see art that will leave you speechless! And this art is created by nature.”
Avijeet Das

“In stillness, I am speechless.”

Nitya Prakash
“Trying to decode the language of your hands,
They say it can render a woman speechless.”
Nitya Prakash

Darcy Luoma
“Darcy, what’s going on at your house? There are forty to fifty police cars, a SWAT team, and officers with guns surrounding your house. They just took John out barefoot in handcuffs. He wouldn’t look at us as they escorted him to the police car and drove him away. I don’t know what’s going on, but I wanted to call to ask where the girls are, because you definitely don’t want them to see this.”
I stood in the hallway, stunned. Paralyzed. Speechless. But there was no time for inaction. My mind flooded as I tried to make sense of what I needed to do next.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Richard Osman
“Ron's mouth opens, but, unusually for him, no words come out.”
Richard Osman, The Bullet That Missed

Michael Bassey Johnson
“It is easy to speak, but not very easy when you can't speak easily.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Stamerenophobia

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