Spiritual Awakening Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spiritual-awakening" Showing 31-60 of 258
Rose Rosetree
“Longing for Heaven won’t help you to make the most of this lifetime, the one you have now.

Especially if you’re interested in Spiritual Enlightenment, don’t treat this precious human life like some pathetic kind of consolation prize.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Ulonda Faye
“The only truth, is infinity. The flower, the one sacred breath and the beauty- all are one. We awaken, we are the one. We see our true divinity. Oh, sacred one, we truly are one.

Take the sacred step. Breathe the infinite scent. Return to who you are, and awaken in this state.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Rose Rosetree
“Key to seeking Enlightenment now is learning about something else that’s new, widely available only since the Shift into this Age of Awakening: Come learn about your new Consciousness Positioning Superpower.

Even if you don’t yet know what that means, surprise! You’re already using it. However, until you learn how to use it on purpose, you’re almost guaranteed to misuse it. Of course, this book will reveal plenty about this superpower, and how to use it productively.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“Join me for a fascinating survey of life’s Three Vibrational Frequencies: Human, Astral, and Divine.

Each of these has a purpose for helping you to evolve spiritually, a purpose connected with how you use your consciousness.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“All of you here at this Planning Meeting know from past experience, Earth is the toughest of all learning planets. Inevitably it changes you forever, even if you dare to incarnate on earth only once.

Sacrificing all that you know in your heavenly world, you agree to inhabit a fragile human body, living in a world brimming with fear, pain, loneliness; greed, anger, and all the other illusions.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Although your heart is in the right place, let’s take a fresh look at all you’ve been told about seeking Enlightenment: Not only beautiful; sadly, that teaching is also probably wrong. Why? Quite simply, it’s outdated”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“Of course, the Age of Awakening should matter to every spiritual seeker. Ever since the Shift, on December 21, 2012, it has become far easier and far faster than ever before... to reach Spiritual Enlightenment. But why, exactly? In subtle ways, human consciousness—your consciousness—functions differently now. That matters. You see, moving toward Enlightenment involves your personal consciousness.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“Maybe we human beings became energy sensitive because of something bigger, a vibrational shift to the entire planet that began to build over the centuries, accelerated even more rapidly starting in the 1980’ s, then clicked into place on that fateful day in 2012. After that once-in-an-eon change, all of humanity shifted into this Age of Awakening.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

Rose Rosetree
“What kind of skill matters for an empath?

Not psychological boundary work or anything about behavior. Not energy work to clean up the mess from being an unskilled empath. Not avoiding energies of negative or overwhelming people. (With appropriate skill, an empath can go anywhere while remaining energetically protected.)

The kind of skill empaths need comes from using your AWARENESS, a gentle way of being awake inside. Ever since you were born, all your waking hours, you have had awareness.”
Rose Rosetree, The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts (An Empath Empowerment® Book)

Rose Rosetree
“Both spiritually and psychologically, deeper energies used to be hidden from view. Now they are hidden no more. In fact, these subtle energies are almost too noticeable. All that unlimited access has given rise to problems—tricky problems that this book will help you to solve.

Every day you hear so much energy talk, but does that necessarily make your life better? Today’s new rules involve Vibrational Frequencies, not just energy but different kinds of energy that are often confused by beginners. Once you learn how to tell them apart, you’ll be well on your way to a more comfortable and successful life.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

Susan L. Marshall
“You must keep your eyes open,
don’t lose yourself here in Maren.
The dark can coax and hide you,
stripping you of your glowing light
and nurturing the very fears that torment you.”
Susan L. Marshall, All the Hope We Carry

Susan L. Marshall
“I ate the very last food scraps,
starving for the light up above.
That was when I saw you new buds,
your stems reaching into the dark.

[Seeking Sanctuary]”
Susan L. Marshall, Bare Spirit: The Selected Poems of Susan Marshall

Susan L. Marshall
“Thick fog sweeps passed her,
dramatically dissipating away.
She exhales a relieved breath
and stretches her branched arms,
allowing finger leaves to shoot free.

{Spirit Tree]”
Susan L. Marshall, Bare Spirit: The Selected Poems of Susan Marshall

Susan L. Marshall
“Your manicured lawn did dissipate,
revealing a garden dug with holes.
Secrets germinated deep within,
blossoming into botanical madness.

A mix of grass stalks and fallen leaves,
swept single letters across the ground.
Digging and planting them into the dirt,
you helped me bring earth to my words.

[Awakening North]”
Susan L. Marshall, Bare Spirit: The Selected Poems of Susan Marshall

Susan L. Marshall
“Like clay was the sand in my fingers,
moulding into hooded, echoing figures.
Past clay voices mixed with sea water,
gurgling words of anger and blame.

I now smear sand clay upon my dress,
white linen heavy with new marks.
I carry the harsh voices as I spin around
and open my arms to the lighthouse.

[New Clay Linen]”
Susan L. Marshall, Bare Spirit: The Selected Poems of Susan Marshall

Susan L. Marshall
“Summoning my energy,
I silence my inner screaming.
Twirling amongst the sparks,
I lift the hem of my skirt,
welcoming raw air onto my skin.
Awakening my warrior spirit,
I grasp my sword firmly in one hand.

[Warrior Spirit]”
Susan L. Marshall, Bare Spirit: The Selected Poems of Susan Marshall

Rose Rosetree
“An EMPATH is someone with at least one significant gift for directly experiencing what it is like to be another person. Many different empath gifts are possible, but the process of developing empath skill is identical whether you were born with one empath gift or many.

Whichever of these 15 special empath gifts you have, it was installed on the day you were born. Installed fully switched ON.”
Rose Rosetree, The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts (An Empath Empowerment® Book)

Rose Rosetree
“energetically, the rules changed for us all. Which rules? Only the rules that underlie your personal growth, how strong you feel, how you overcome problems, which friends you make, which friends you keep, what the heck is going on with your love life, how your career progresses, and whether or not you fulfill your dreams.

Think I’m exaggerating? Discover what a difference it makes when you get skills for living by today’s new rules. Still being yourself, with your basic belief system. Definitely you, just like always. Except that now you’re following the new rules. And consequently you’re able to fulfill your desires better than ever before. That’s your opportunity, anyway.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

“Di mana ada siang, pasti akan ada malam yang terjadi, begitu pun dengan jiwa, di mana ada spiritual awakening, pasti ada dark night of the soul yang terjadi. Tanpa kegelapan paling pekat, tidak akan pernah ada cahaya paling terang di semesta.”
Ananda Ramartha, Way of Ray: Souls In A Higher Learning Road

“Silence cannot be understood through speech.
Words cannot express emptiness.
Who can give form to the formless..
Defining the limitless will be limiting it.”
Meeta Ahluwalia

“To the One who owns the entire universe,
the wind, rivers, sky, earth, fire and forests,
what good are your offerings of flowers, lamp, water and incense.
Make a offering of the self and be free.”
Meeta Ahluwalia

“To realise the universal,
remove all identification with the individual.”
Meeta Ahluwalia

“This world is an illusion because what we see or feel is just our perception and not what really is.”

“Be happy with nothing because that nothing is everything.”

“When the consciousness merges with conscience, a new you is born.”

Felisa Tan
“We are larger than the sum of our parts, and we possess the potential for greatness of a magnitude inconceivable to our conventional ways of thinking.”
Felisa Tan, In Search for Meaning

Dipa Sanatani
“Awaken, O Tara, from this world where nothing is as it seems and where the truth is hidden in plain sight.”
Dipa Sanatani, The Heart of Shiva : A Story of Rebirth, Enlightenment and Creation

Rose Rosetree
“An EMPATH is someone with at least one significant gift for directly experiencing what it is like to be another person. Many different empath gifts are possible, but the process of developing empath skill is identical whether you were born with one empath gift or many.”
Rose Rosetree, The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts (An Empath Empowerment® Book)

Rose Rosetree
“Many unskilled empaths interpret their talent negatively, inappropriately calling themselves names like “Over-sensitive,” “Neurotic,” or “Co-dependent.” Ridiculous, Brave Empath! You have a gift. It’s tricky but, with skill, you can purposely use that gift to fly in spirit.”
Rose Rosetree, The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts (An Empath Empowerment® Book)