Spiritualism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spiritualism" Showing 121-150 of 244
Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“The whole history of India and Hinduism. First comes Krishna. Seeing his charisma, the whole country follows him. Then comes Buddha who is completely opposite ideology. But seeing his charisma and ability to lead people into enlightenment experience, the whole country followed him. Then came Shankara. Just his ability to lead people into experience, simply the whole country followed him. Then came Nagarjuna who is completely opposite to Shankara. But his ability to lead people to experience, the whole country followed him. So, we never followed any infrastructure, organization. We followed the beings’ ability to lead us into the next level.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Seeking is giving earthquake to patterns. If patterns are plants and trees, seeking is giving a small shake or big shake; all your patterns will collapse, whether it is yesterday started or 2000 years started, everything will collapse. Everything will collapse.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Spirituality

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Anything can be given up, not seeking. Whichever part of you has stopped seeking, look into it, it will have become a frozen part of you, whether parts of the body, mind, logic, emotion, wherever you stopped the seeking you lost the art of reinventing yourself. Whenever you lost the art of reinventing yourself, not only you are stinking, you are rotting to death.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Physically, your body continuing to seek its original state is Yoga. Your logic continuing to seek its original state is Liberated Thinking. Your emotion continuing to seek its original form of existence is Devotion. If your being, Consciousness, seeking to its original state is Enlightenment.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Seeking keeps you alive with the possibility of reinventing yourself. Whenever seeking is lost, you lost the capacity to reinvent yourself, you are frozen, you are dead! Dead fellows are not that dangerous to humanity, but the living dead are most dangerous to humanity.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Same way with the cosmos, as ordinary broken human being, you can never get attention; raise yourself to the level of seeking, you will see, cosmos responds to you! If you question “why me” you will be punished more and more, if you question “why is it at all for human beings” you will be liberated!”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“These three words first:
1) muscle memory 2) bio memory 3) bio energy all your day-to-day habits like morning you wake up and do yoga or sip a cup of coffee and the kind of food you eat - all your behaviours, habits and actions form your muscle memory. your muscles keep the memory of all your actions - good or bad, right or wrong. if you create the right muscle memory, it helps you to manifest a beautiful right life.

If you build wrong muscle memory, it makes you manifest bad life.end of the day, your life you are living is just the expressions of muscle memories you built. second is, bio memory. It is all the opinions, ideas, cognitions, powerful conclusions about yourself and your life, god, people, about everything. the conclusions you carry, powerful cognitions you carry is called bio memory.

Bio memory is about how you believe yourself, what kind of idea you carry about yourself and how it is impacted by others’ belief about you, how others treat you and how that impacts you.

All your opinions, ideas, cognitions, powerful conclusions about you, about others, about guru, about god, about the world, about the universe - all these put together is bio memory.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“The consciousness which is manifesting in your body, its experience about itself is called bio energy. How due to the continuous impact of your bio memory and muscle memory your experience about you, how your consciousness experiences itself, how you feel about you, your core, due to the total impact of your muscle memory and bio memory, that is called bio energy.

Actually, the bioenergy only takes multiple births. from this body, when you move to the next body, your bioenergy only is carried. It is the core software coding of your existence.

Muscle memory is the memory of all your day-to-day habits, lifestyle - the food you like or everything based on your actions.Every belief you carry, powerful cognitions, powerful conclusions you carry - that is bio memory. The core of you - the “you”, the “I” in you, how it experiences itself due to the continuous impact of muscle memory and bio memory on you, that is called bio energy.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Parasites means that which does not have its own independent life, but gets empowered, comes alive by the nearness or the existence sitting on you willingly or unwillingly. Whether you like it or not, it catches, it sits in you and gets empowered.

Your muscle memories have parasites. The parasites sitting in your muscle memory is responsible for all your addictions and tiredness.These parasite can just trigger you, it can trigger the muscle memory of certain food or certain drug, alcohol, smoking, marijuana; it can trigger any of these memories and force you to consume them again.

Addictions related to eating, drugs, sex, pornography or any type of addictions, is because of the parasites sitting in your muscle memory.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“The parasite sitting inside your bio energy. This parasite can destroy you lifes after lifes after lifes and make you go round in the same rut. Same kind of father-mother attachment problem lands in the same kinds of mess and you die and pick up the same things and the same rut will go on and on and on. You are stuck but not breaking out.

Only one thing can detox you from all the parasites sitting in your bio energy: ‘living around the master’. You need to see him constantly: how his muscle memory is working, how his bio memory is working, how his bio energy is working. Guru seva is the only way the parasites in the bio energy will be detoxed. Guru seva is the most direct method of melting down all the parasites sitting inside your bio energy.

Nothing else can do it because bio energy level means constantly your bio energy needs to be cleansed, detoxed, opened, and the guru’s initiation, shaktipada, needs to be poured inside you, and you need to go on experiencing detox. You need to be detoxed continuously. Because the parasites are sitting inside your bio energy which you collected for many janmas, multiple births, you won’t get rid of it just like that in one or two days.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“I can give you a methodology, alternative for the guru seva, because unfortunately, most of you can’t live around me at least as on now. Have the atma murti. Live with it whole day. When you wake up, brush your teeth. When you eat food, give him food. Before you go to bed, put him to bed. Living with him can detox all the parasites sitting in your bio energy.You can get rid of all those parasites, detox your bio energy through living with atma murti.
Atma murti is your personal deity of the guru, personal intimate version of the guru in the form of deity.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“One of the biggest mental disorder is unable to sit with yourself. Understand, just learning the concept, not making it as part of your cognition, is the most dangerous.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“I am Consciousness.” Means not being pushed by stupid fears, stupid greed, being pushed only by tremendous joy, inspiration, happiness, bliss, fulfillment, completion!”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“If your fuel is only completion and inspiration, you are blessed! Reinventing yourself, re-strategizing yourself.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“I am telling you, all tiredness, all boredom, is nothing but frozen pains in your muscle memory. The only way to break the ice, the frozen pains, is re-strategizing yourself. Seeking should be the frying pan for the enlightenment dosa.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Constantly keeping your seeking alive makes you grasp the Truth, you will not try to grab them. Understand, for example you see somebody melting down, overflowing, with that melting devotion offers a Bilva leaf to Mahadeva and he is liberated. You see that and then you also decide, Yes, if I pluck that tree, leaf and put it on this statue I will have liberation. That is what is grabbing the Truth. Understand, you are not grasping it, you are grabbing it. You only see the action.

~ KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“You don't see the context. So you see everyone sitting in that Padmasana (lotus) posture and chanting, "AUUUMMM" and all the Rishis are enlightened. Immediately you also think, let me sit and do "Ahhhhhhhh". That is only grabbing the Truth, not grasping.

~KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“All the religions which caters to your mind, which tries grab the Truth, the Religions which tries to cater to your mind, which grabs the Truth, which does not have patience to grasp, they only give a set of rules, finally evolve into a socio-political cult.
~KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Even the pleasures and luxury happens is side effect happens when you are travelling towards Enlightenment. Anything other than Enlightenment is put as a priority, that tradition is not a Religion. Be un.. very clear. It is a socio-political cult.
~KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Wow! How can this simple act - he goes and plucks one Bilva leaf from a tree, Bilva tree and offers it on a statue, how can such a simple act liberate him? Why is he so blissful? Why is he in ecstasy? If you approach the happening with tremendous love, you will grasp the Truth. You will grasp the Truth. You will understand something more than the action is happening.

~KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Approaching the world, approaching God, approaching Guru, approaching yourself with tremendous love, patience and the context of grasping the Truth is Seeking. Approaching everything with tremendous love and patience from the context of knowing the Truth, wanting to know the Truth is grasping, seeking.

~KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“The food you eat, the way it is produced, processed or cooked, consumed, the way you detox yourself, clean your body after the digestion - the whole thing end-to-end should be absolutely life positive.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Same way, the words you generate, the pure vibration, is the natha in you.How you convert that natha into shabda and shabda into language, how you use those words on yourself and on others and how others use the words on you and how you cognise / cherish / consume them and decide to get impacted by the words others use on you - the whole thing should be with absolute life positivity.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“The way your food, your words, your consciousness functions, the way you cognise things happening, the way you build yourself, the way you build your life’s experiences, everything should be absolutely life positive.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Till you align the whole thing to life positivity, you are going to come back again and again. So better let us do it as early possible as possible! Let us not postpone! Intense life positivity is enlightenment!”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Withdrawal, cherishing life negativity, is not going to end till you become life positive. You are going to suffer wherever you are. So better to build pure positivity now.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Whoever can lead us to a more enlightened life, deeper clarity, higher experience, we followed them. That is the beauty of this great tradition!”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Where every basic is questioned, where human brain, in a large scale, enters into the possibility of analysis, research and questioning capabilities. Please understand, the critical mass is able to question everything and understand, internalize everything. Not like those days, only the cream, elite society will be able to question and understand, and the mass always used to follow the elite.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“Sanatana Hindu Dharma, is created by the rishis whose brain was at least few thousand times more active than any possible human brains can happen in the future. Because of enlightenment, they (the rishis) operated beyond the body, mind and brain. That is why I am saying, only the traditions created by the Vedic rishis, the truths declared by them, the truths revealed by them, the lifestyle created by them, is capable of the enlightened thinking created by them, enlightened thinking presented by them; only that is capable of standing the scrutiny of the developed human brain of this century. This New Age thinking era, only that tradition, that enlightened thinking, the science of enlightenment, science of Completion, Advaitha, is capable of standing the scrutiny of the modern-day brain. That is why I am telling you, in the future, if at all religions exist, they may have any name, but the stuff will be simply the pure Advaitha presented by Upanishads.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“The place for various debates, research, development, is the unique contribution and unique component belongs to only Hinduism, Hindu tradition. No religion allows debate other than Hinduism. No religion allows research and development other than Hinduism. Hinduism is a religion encourages logic. In this religion, with this basic infrastructure, intellectual infrastructure, you cannot make slaves and build large buildings. That is why I am wondering what kind of charismatic enlightened beings would have been there in this infrastructure, able to inspire and convince millions of people and concentrate them towards one-pointed action. I am very sure, at least they had ten human-beings to the level of the charisma of incarnations, at least ten human-beings who were radiating, who were charismatic to the level of incarnations! Otherwise, see we are not primitive religions where you just infuse certain faith and certain fear and greed, and they just do what you want. No! It is a religion of debate. And, you need to know, every day, in all the Akhadas, morning collectively practising Yoga, and night sitting and collectively having ‘khandana-mandana’ (refuting or destroying an opponent’s philosophy, and embellishing one’s own philosophy), ‘vaadha prathivaadha’ (philosophical arguments and counter-arguments), is a lifestyle!”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda