Spiritualism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spiritualism" Showing 1-30 of 244
“There are two kinds of secrets. The ones we keep from others and the ones we keep from ourselves.”
Frank Warren

Gregory Dickow
“…what we focus on shapes the soul—the mind, the will, the emotions.”
Gregory Dickow, Soul Cure: How to Heal Your Pain and Discover Your Purpose

Gregory Dickow
“Purpose gives perspective to your pain and powers you through it. Without it, your pain can paralyze you.”
Gregory Dickow, Soul Cure: How to Heal Your Pain and Discover Your Purpose

Gregory Dickow
“When you understand why you were born, you can handle whatever comes your way. You stop running from your past, from your pain, and from your mistakes.”
Gregory Dickow, Soul Cure: How to Heal Your Pain and Discover Your Purpose

Megan Chance
“Imagine you come upon a house painted brown. What color would you say the house was?"
"Why brown, of course."
"But what if I came upon it from the other side, and found it to be white?"
"That would be absurd. Who would paint a house two colors?"
He ignored my question. "You say it's brown, and I say it's white. Who's right?"
"We're both right."
"Non," he said. "We're both wrong. The house isn't brown or white. It's both. You and I only see one side. But that doesn't mean the other side doesn't exist. To not see the whole is to not see the truth.”
Megan Chance, The Spiritualist

Carolyn Cutler Hughes
“God knows what we do not see, so let Him lead and set you free.”
Carolyn Cutler Hughes, Through God's Eye

Carolyn Cutler Hughes
“God knows everything we need to know, so let God be God and let it all go.”
Carolyn Cutler Hughes, Through God's Eye

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
“You only truly possess that which you cannot lose in a shipwreck.”
أبو حامد الغزالي

Susan Sontag
“A large part of the popularity and persuasiveness of psychology comes from its being a sublimated spiritualism: a secular, ostensibly scientific way of affirming the primacy of spirit over matter.”
Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors

John Hodgman
“Houdini, the magician who debunked magic, could not bear to see the great rationalist [Arthur Conan] Doyle enchanted by ghosts and frauds. And so he did what any friend would: He set out to prove spiritualism false and rob his friend Doyle of the only comforting fiction that was keeping him sane. It was the least he could do.”
John Hodgman, That is All

Garth Stein
“However, I don’t understand why people insist on pitting the concepts of evolution and creation against each other. Why can’t they see that spiritualism and science are one? That bodies evolve and souls evolve and the universe is a fluid place that marries them both in a wonderful package called a human being. What’s wrong with that idea?”
Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain

Megan Chance
“The material world is simply an expression of the mind; that's what so many fail to see. We're so dependent on what is before us that we discount our intuition. Yet if one dismisses instinct, how can one understand or believe in a world that exists beyond one's sight?”
Megan Chance, The Spiritualist

David A. Fiensy
“The Christian life is an exciting adventure in which God does incredible things in our lives.”
David A. Fiensy, The Journey: Spiritual Growth in Galatians and Philippians

David A. Fiensy
“If we could summarize all, or almost all, of the New Testament letters, we would not be too far off the mark to say the theme is: “Grow up!” Just grow up.”
David A. Fiensy, The Journey: Spiritual Growth in Galatians and Philippians

Megan Chance
“Trying to justify a world we don't hold all the answers to is what bedevils the best of us. Sometimes it's better just to accept that things are as we see them.”
Megan Chance, The Spiritualist

Megan Chance
“Logic only tells us what's there; it can't really address what isn't. Even the most devoted empiricist must admit that we have no hope of understanding the universe. Some things are unknowable.”
Megan Chance, The Spiritualist

Augustus de Morgan
“I am perfectly convinced that I have both seen, and heard in a manner which should make unbelief impossible, things called spiritual which cannot be taken by a rational being to be capable of explanation by imposture, coincidence, or mistake.”
Augustus De Morgan

Leanna Renee Hieber
“Don't you remember anything?! There is no 'devil.' There is no 'hell.' There is only Unrest. There is no down, only sideways; the transparent beside the opaque, and a thin wall to separate them.”
Leanna Renee Hieber, The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker

Cok Sawitri
“Apakah seorang pencari keheningan adalah si mulia? ataukah si pengecut yang tidak berani menghadapi masalah dunia?”
Cok Sawitri

Vladimir Nabokov
“I reviewed in thought the modern era of raps and apparitions, beginning with the knockings of 1848, at the hamlet of Hydesville, N.Y., and ending with grotesque phenomena at Cambridge, Mass.; I evoked the anklebones and other anatomical castanets of the Fox sisters (as described by the sages of the University of Buffalo ); the mysteriously uniform type of delicate adolescent in bleak Epworth or Tedworth, radiating the same disturbances as in old Peru; solemn Victorian orgies with roses falling and accordions floating to the strains of sacred music; professional imposters regurgitating moist cheesecloth; Mr. Duncan, a lady medium's dignified husband, who, when asked if he would submit to a search, excused himself on the ground of soiled underwear; old Alfred Russel Wallace, the naive naturalist, refusing to believe that the white form with bare feet and unperforated earlobes before him, at a private pandemonium in Boston, could be prim Miss Cook whom he had just seen asleep, in her curtained corner, all dressed in black, wearing laced-up boots and earrings; two other investigators, small, puny, but reasonably intelligent and active men, closely clinging with arms and legs about Eusapia, a large, plump elderly female reeking of garlic, who still managed to fool them; and the skeptical and embarrassed magician, instructed by charming young Margery's "control" not to get lost in the bathrobe's lining but to follow up the left stocking until he reached the bare thigh - upon the warm skin of which he felt a "teleplastic" mass that appeared to the touch uncommonly like cold, uncooked liver. ("The Vane Sisters")”
Vladimir Nabokov, American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from the 1940s to Now

Megan Chance
“The only truth was whatever you could make someone believe.”
Megan Chance, The Spiritualist

Megan Chance
“It seems all spirits need theatrics, eh? Even Christ himself requires incense and holy water. We're a skeptical people. We need convincing.”
Megan Chance, The Spiritualist

Paramahamsa Nithyananda
“The simplest, easiest, most beautiful way of cleaning the parasites from your muscle memory is taking haritaki powder. Don't underestimate the power of haritaki, triphala or ashwagandha. These are all not just stomach cleansing items, they cleanse the parasites sitting inside your muscle memory triggering you to get addicted to certain food or behavior or certain habits.

Almost all physical disorders and diseases are due to parasites sitting inside your muscle memory. Detoxing your muscle memory literally transforms your life to royal life. If you want to become a king, all you need is take haritaki and triphala churna everyday

In mahabharata, bhishma’s enemy drishtadyumna’s sister - shikandi (she is actually napumsaka), takes birth again just to kill bhishma.It means even after death she is not ready to give up her anger.When the parasites sit in your biomemory level, they become part of your very cognition about you. That is the most dangerous.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Byrd Nash
“Sudden death can cause unrest. If the spirit died with a grudge, that could cause problems for the living.”
Byrd Nash, Ghost Talker

Byrd Nash
“Be careful what you wish for, especially during the season of the dead.”
Byrd Nash, Delicious Death

Byrd Nash
“Forgetting wasn’t unusual. As time passed, ghosts lost the ability to hold their memories, a dementia that we often see in the living, and a process greatly accelerated in the dead. The older the ghost, the less it really remembered.”
Byrd Nash, Delicious Death

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