Spirituality Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spirituality" Showing 2,731-2,760 of 14,928
“Nothing in universe is worthless.
Everything has its own value.”
P k

“If you are right and cant do anything.
Then wait and watch”
P k

“Bad things always more attractive than good things..”
P k

“Nobody is happy untill bound with any relation..”
P k

“Every one will forget you, except your sins..”
P k

“Biggest achievement of yours is ,you are born as human ..”
P k

“Don't harm anybody. God lives everywhere..”
P k

“If something wrong happening even if doing good, then thinks ,what will happen if we did bad..”
P k

“Time is fixed for everything..”
P k

“Everything has its time...”
P k

Karen Wright Marsh
“I haven’t given up on the spiritual life; in fact, I need a steady inner grounding more than ever. In my questing, I’ve come around to unexpected answers....I had a revelation. It was nothing profound, really, but it has changed me ever since. I realized this: I do not need to find and follow the perfect plan. (What a relief!) What I truly need is people I can follow—older sisters, brothers, mentors, spiritual friends who have been this way before. In my search for people over plans, I’ve found my way to faithful Christian women and men from across centuries and cultures, each with challenges all their own yet very much like mine. Their varied stories are thrilling, heartening, extreme, bizarre, even quotidian. For all their flaws and eccentricities, they discover, even blunder into, a spirituality of amazement and encounter God’s presence shimmering everywhere.”
Karen Wright Marsh, Wake Up to Wonder: 22 Invitations to Amazement in the Everyday

“You never best but may getting continues better..”
P k

“Nothing is real except GOD..”
P k

“If you get confused to take decision, then chose one which you have not any benefit..”
P k

Caroline Myss
“There comes a point at which you have to let go and forgive. You can start your prayer with, 'Help me to forgive because I don't want to forgive. I feel entitled to be angry even though the anger is killing me, not them. And no one really cares that I'm angry. It's destroying my life, not theirs. I want to punish someone, so I punish my kids or I punish other innocent people who have never harmed me because it is my way of punishing them. So I really don't want to forgive because then I think all my hurt will be forgotten and that feels so unfair. But what is fair? No one's hurt is fair. I just think that justice should revolve around me. So, help me to forgive, one person at a time, beginning with _______.' That's your beginning. You take it from there until you have emptied your dungeon. Whenever you add new prisoners, you will have to revisit your dungeon.”
Caroline Myss, Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul

Caroline Myss
“In the Second Mansion, you aim to become more discerning about your thoughts, motivations, and personal companions. We all need to be more discriminating about whom we allow into the circles that influence our souls. Beyond your friendships and social interactions, you need to become aware of how your psyche and soul are changing, of their shifts in perceptions. As you become more awakened, you may become more psychically hypersensitive and reactive to other people’s emotional energy, to highly charged negative atmospheres, to stresses in people around you, or even to the great tensions of the planet. Teresa warned her nuns that as they progressed in their Castles, they would become vulnerable in some way to other people’s emotional, psychological, mental, and spiritual debris. You need to learn, as an emerging mystic, how to protect your energy field.
This hypersensitivity can be brought on by spending too much time alone in retreat or by opening up too many interior rooms too rapidly. In rare cases, achieving a blissful state of consciousness can result in a sense of ungroundedness and disorientation. A more common experience is that reading sacred literature and doing soul work can shift your values and make you feel very detached from your familiar world. In these states, you require serious hand-holding and the companionship of someone who understands the journey of the soul. You will always need to maintain a solitary, silent prayer life and time for reflection, but you will also need to reach out to at least one other person to share your experience of God.”
Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss
“Teresa (Saint Teresa of Avila) herself was starved for such companionship, especially when her mystical experiences of God reached a cosmic level to which no one else could relate. If is a great comfort to be understood by others who trust and believe in the personal experiences that we share with them, especially those for which there are no witnesses....When Teresa was fifty-two years old, she met John of the Cross, who was then only twenty-five. After they exchanged their experiences of God, they recognized each other as soul companions. In John, Teresa finally found someone with whom she could share the mystery of her life with God. After they met, she no longer needed to prove or defend her experiences of the soul. (Sadly, John burned all their correspondence shortly before his death.)
Teresa emphasized the need for companions on the spiritual journey. No one should travel through her Castle alone, she wrote again and again. Teresa knew firsthand the difficulty of inner work required of the soul pilgrim, who was as likely to experience a dark night of the soul, to borrow a phrase from John of the Cross, as she was to experience the light and grace of liberation.”
Caroline Myss, Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul

Rick Doblin
“Mysticism is the antidote to fundamentalism.”
Rick Doblin

“The one who is the king is the one who suffers hell”
P k

“A man becomes free from his vices only after attaining dispassion.”
P k

Abhijit Naskar
“Mind is not a gateway to another realm,
Mind is a wondrous universe on its own.
The messages we think we get from the heavens,
Are actually subconscious constructs of our own.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

“Until you know who you really are, your life is meaningless.”
Shiva Negi

“If we research other perspectives, we can test what are the clearest paths.”

“Time & space both exist inside a linear time frame, and have a sense of being; within higher dimensions beyond infinity, we start to exist as a part of cosmic music.”

“Education never give results in life untill you don't respect your teachers..”
P k

Ayelet Baron
“Until you truly value and love yourself to the core, the rest is simply noise. It is easy to fall into the trap of trying to please all the people all the time and end up losing sight of yourself”
Ayelet Baron, F*ck The Bucket List for the Health Conscious

“Time listens patiently to the drones and demands of destiny’s desire”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

“A nascent part of you is brimming
with possibility and seeks realization.”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

“Reflections encourage a way to connect to the essence”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

“Release the wisdom that resides within you”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being