Standard Quotes

Quotes tagged as "standard" Showing 1-30 of 87
Steve Maraboli
“Set the standard! Stop expecting others to show you love, acceptance, commitment, & respect when you don't even show that to yourself.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Karl Lagerfeld
“I love classic beauty. It’s an idea of beauty with no standard.”
Karl Lagerfeld

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A person is wise if he listens to millions of advice and doesn't implement any of it.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Nature wishes that woman should attract man, yet she often cunningly moulds into her face a little sarcasm, which seems to say, 'Yes, I am willing to attract, but to attract a little better kind of a man than any I yet behold”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jeff Zentner
“She's it. She's my everything. She's the standard by which I'll judge beauty for the rest of my life. I'll measure every touch to her breath on my skin. Every voice to her voice. Every mind to her mind. My measure of perfection. The name carved into me. If I could, I would lie with her under these stars until my heart burst.”
Jeff Zentner, The Serpent King

Nouman Ali Khan
“The real dawah to Islam is the character of a Muslim.”
Nouman Ali Khan

Steve Maraboli
“Relationships: If you put up with it, you’re going to end up with it. Set the standard you want and don’t settle for less.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

“A superior man in dealing with the world is not for anything or against anything. He follows righteousness as the standard.”

Robert G. Ingersoll
“If the people of Europe had known as much of astronomy and geology when the bible was introduced among them, as they do now, there never could have been one believer in the doctrine of inspiration. If the writers of the various parts of the bible had known as much about the sciences as is now known by every intelligent man, the book never could have been written. It was produced by ignorance, and has been believed and defended by its author. It has lost power in the proportion that man has gained knowledge. A few years ago, this book was appealed to in the settlement of all scientific questions; but now, even the clergy confess that in such matters, it has ceased to speak with the voice of authority. For the establishment of facts, the word of man is now considered far better than the word of God. In the world of science, Jehovah was superseded by Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. All that God told Moses, admitting the entire account to be true, is dust and ashes compared to the discoveries of Descartes, Laplace, and Humboldt. In matters of fact, the bible has ceased to be regarded as a standard. Science has succeeded in breaking the chains of theology. A few years ago, Science endeavored to show that it was not inconsistent with the bible. The tables have been turned, and now, Religion is endeavoring to prove that the bible is not inconsistent with Science. The standard has been changed.”
Robert G. Ingersoll, Some Mistakes of Moses

Blaise Pascal
“There is a certain standard of grace and beauty which consists in a certain relation between our nature... and the thing which pleases us.”
Blaise Pascal, Pensées

Steve Maraboli
“You are the point of origin for everything in your world: you set the standard for yourself.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Steve Maraboli
“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself. It is in this relationship that you set the standard for all others.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

George Orwell
“Within twenty years at the most, he reflected, the huge and simple question, “Was life better before the Revolution than it is now?” would have ceased once and for all to be answerable. But in effect it was unanswerable even now, since the few scattered survivors from the ancient world were incapable of comparing one age with another. They remembered a million useless things, a quarrel with a workmate, a hunt for a lost bicycle pump, the expression on a long-dead sister’s face, the swirls of dust on a windy morning seventy years ago; but all the relevant facts were outside the range of their vision. They were like the ant, which can see small objects but not large ones. And when memory failed and written records were falsified—when that happened, the claim of the Party to have improved the conditions of human life had got to be accepted, because there did not exist, and never again could exist, any standard against which it could be tested.”
George Orwell, 1984

Ehsan Sehgal
“The standard quality shows its best value within it, which attracts such minds that have the sense to feel and understand the reality.”
Ehsan Sehgal

“Though designing the house in which modern rational choice/utility/decision theory would inhabit, it is not clear that Ramsey would have chosen to reside there himself. For one thing, while he provided a logic of decision, he did not think that all human action and decision should be crammed into the strictures of rational choice theory, as many economists and social scientists today seem to assume. In his 1928 work in economics, he would make it clear that choosing to maximize utility is a moral decision, one which puts utility before justice and equality.”
Cheryl Misak, Frank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers

J.S. Felts
“When in leadership, never fail to follow the same standard you have put in place for others. There is nothing that will undermine leadership more, than having a doublestandard.”
J.S. Felts, Ageless Wisdom: A Treasury of Quotes to Motivate & Inspire

Alvin E. Roth
“As with other kinds of markets, popular operating systems quickly get more and more popular, as they attract both new buyers and new sellers. In time, they become de facto industry standards—meaning they essentially establish a marketplace in which products (new applications) can be sold. Once this happens, they can, at least for a time, so completely dominate their markets that competing operating systems can’t attract enough users and developers to be anything but niche offerings.”
Alvin E. Roth, Who Gets What ― and Why: The New Economics of Matchmaking and Market Design

“One of the beautiful parts of science is that it allows us to query/question God at His level.”
Seun Ayilara

August Wilhelm von Schlegel
“Those critics who consider the authority of the ancients as models to be such, that in poetry, as in all the other arts, there can be no safety out of the pale of imitation, affirm, that as the nations in question have not followed this course, they have brought nothing but irregular works on the stage, which, though they may possess occasional passages of splendour and beauty, must yet, as a whole, be for ever reprobated as barbarous, and wanting in form.”
August Wilhelm Schlegel, Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature

Steven Magee
“Illegally firing whistle blowers is standard practice in the USA.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“A Standard American Diet (SAD) may eventually kill you.”
Steven Magee

Andy Andrews
“The correct definition of the word standard is "a required or agreed-upon level of quality or attainment." If that is true, and the definition of the word says that it is, then what today’s society has done by agreeing to disagree is to virtually announce that there are many standards. Society has proclaimed that a standard is whatever you decide it is. When a society grows comfortable with the idea that there can be many standards, the people have, in effect, accepted the reality that there will be no standard. Anything goes.”
Andy Andrews, The Noticer Returns: Sometimes You Find Perspective, and Sometimes Perspective Finds You

Carlos Wallace
“Your value in another person’s life is not negotiable. It is not up for discussion. Set the standard and stick to it.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity

“People who are trying to be the best get used to tough evaluations. They get used to high standards. Sometimes the evaluations come from coaches like Cal. More often they come from within. But it’s important that the evaluations come at the right time and are directed at the right stuff.”
Bob Rotella, How Champions Think: In Sports and in Life

“The captain is the figure who holds sway over the dressing room by speaking to teammates as a peer, counseling them on and off the field, motivating them, challenging them, protecting them, resolving disputes, enforcing standards, inspiring fear when necessary, and above all setting a tone with words and deeds.”
Sam Walker, The Captain Class: The Hidden Force that Creates the World's Greatest Teams

“In the Human society, we don’t have sticks. Here, an ideal leader is the person who develops the group and encourages them. It is based on the principle that people are doing their best and if they are failing then it means they need more support, guidance or development. People prefer to be encouraged, supported and rewarded, rather than being beaten. Of course there are standards to reach and benchmarks must be set and the consequences of not reaching them clarified.”
Steve Peters

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Too often our standard is less an adherence to a standard and more the elimination of one.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“For those of you who aren’t understanding some things I write, my message is simple: we all have dreams, big or small, about what we want to achieve or who we want to be in life & guess what? They’re within your reach!

Darling listen – here’s the key: set aside your pride, apologize for past mistakes, actively change your behavior & show up for yourself, for your goals & for the life you crave.

Remember, sweetheart: you become what you focus on. Don’t just expect things to magically fall into place. Raise your standards & put in the work. This will not only improve the quality of your relationships but also propel you towards a truly fulfilling life. Raise your Standard, not expectations!

Once again, my morning messages, posts & articles are just to feed your mind strong affirmations until your dreams morph into reality. Because I firmly believe that our lives, future & destiny is shaped by the mental shifts that we adopt along our journey in life.

I wish & hope that you get closer to living the future that you want, everyday… Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

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