Steamy Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "steamy-romance" Showing 91-120 of 211
Vidhu Kapur
“I want to soak in deep inside me, every bit of this blissful
moment so it rests with me forever, just like his love.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Your eyes hold me heretofore. Your heart
holds mine with all its lure. Hold me so, I never can part, from
your embrace and love so pure.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
summit of love is the two lovers being together, for life, through a
marriage where they engage in a shared path of life with all their
will and heart.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
behemoth love shall shatter all impediments, including fear.
Rumi… don’t you want to will our vision of love into reality...?”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“I am not me anymore. He changed me into someone.
Someone sentient of feelings. Someone who loved being loved by
him. Someone who loved doing things which I would never even
dream of doing, but I did, and happily, for him. And, then, one day
he thought he could leave. He snaffled me from the world, and
then he left me for the world.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“He did not talk… He just stayed quiet. And left. He could
have just talked. The same old Rumi, my Rumi, did not talk and
just left me. My Rumi, who could talk to me through his eyes, did
not even look into mine, maybe from fear that I would see what
was writ large in them. He did not let me. He just left. My Rumi,
is no more my Rumi. He is, just Rumi.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Malignancy of any communication that
should, but does not happen-- it constantly makes the relationship
deteriorate. The irony is, even in its absence, communication
makes its presence felt with the coldness that creeps into the
relationship. It slowly gets malignant for the bond to sustain, so
eventually, you cut the relationship off while it slowly dies.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“am still unable to
imagine my life without him. I cannot imagine my days without
him. I cannot see a life without him. I cannot think straight. I
cannot gather what happened, and what fear, so grave, crept into
him, that he had to just up and leave. Or, was it all a sham to hide
something deplorable from me? I am so petrified Nayn, I am petrified. What will come of me now, what will?!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Why do people leave, Nayna? Why do they just leave? Why
do they come into people’s lives if they have to leave? Why do
they shower love if they cannot do it forever? Why do they ask for
love if they do not know how to keep it secure? Why do they
make promises that they do not intend to keep? Why do they even
evoke love in you? Why do they say “for life” if they do not mean
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Months keep elapsing and I get used to being the way I am--
alone. Not knowing how to love another man. Not knowing how
to trust again. Not knowing how to tell my own self that I can still
be with someone and also give myself away. Again.
The thought of ‘again’ terminates everything inside me. If
truth be told, the thought of being with someone and getting used
to his things, the mere thought repulses me. I loved a man with all
my heart and I do not know how to do that once again. I do not
even feel like attempting it.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“I still look at Rumi’s pictures. I have men still swooning over
me, wanting to kiss me, but not love me like the love I know. I
knew. The love that came from Rumi to me and streamed from me
to Rumi.
My heart is at unrelenting unrest. There lives a void in it. I
never happen to find love or peace in whatsoever I may do.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“My world revolved around him. You know I tried. You know
well I am trying so hard but I have not been able to forget him
even for a single day, a single night, not even a single second. My
world still revolves around him. He was my star; he was my sun.
Once a Sun, always a Sun, my life still orbits around him. I wish
he would know. Actually, no Nayna, he knew, he always knew.
He knew. And still, he left without looking at me, without saying
anything to me.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Between what was said and taken to be true, what was not,
and yet our hearts knew it to be true. Our love got lost… lost! Our
celebrated capital love got lost. Time narrated a different story.
Or, is it that he was the narrator, narrated one story of love, and
enacted another of betrayal?”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“You are thinking too much Roo. You are draining yourself.
Some things are out of our reach. We cannot know everything. We
cannot control everything. But we can control ourselves.
Happiness is right within us. It is inside you! He did not wave a
magic wand to make you happy. You were always happy. You
made him happy and so he loved you. He loved you because you
are so lovable. It is difficult not to love you. You are a cracker of
happiness and fervour. And now strength! So better not lose
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Every corner of my home talks of him, every!
Every article talks to me of Rumi and I could not say that to Nayna.
As I pace around and gently touch all the surfaces, my heart
cries out— come back... Don’t stay away, please! My home never
felt like home without you.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Months start to become years-- crying and coming out of the
pain he left me in, trying to wean off his constant presence in my
head. But the pain never leaves, and the void never fills. The pain
he left me in, happens to be more devoted, in contrast to the love
he left in me.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“My wings clipped; my flight, restricted with his absence!
They say a penguin mates for life. Well, mostly. I need no
flight, just get me my wings. I pray out of lost hope.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“A smile does not anymore touch and settle in me like a peal of
laughter. It is just another effete smile that flies by as softly as it
flies in.
Quiet is what I have become. Perpetually!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Love confirms hope and rejects cynicism, and he chose cynicism over love.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“He left, and I hate him for that. Even though I am never able
to, in the true sense of the word, hate him but I certainly hold a
disfavour towards his act, for… um… for not talking to me, for
not sorting his concerns out, for just leaving me alone due to just
one darn fear. When we could have fought that fear together, and
gradually seen it diminish, but he rather thought it better to just
leave than give us a chance. Perhaps so I’d be happy with another.
But, happy-me meant, being with him. There never could be
another, none like him. And he knew that well, very well!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“I still do not know if this is love but it does feel like love. The
good old love the way parents do, as we see it. The configuration
is perhaps the same, the manifestation is altered. But at least, it
feels like a lasting song of love not just the one we make love to…”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“I feel like I am at a fork in the road of life.
Combatting for answers I feel impotent and close my eyes to
pray to the Almighty-- give me strength God, give me strength. I
do not want to fall. But I also know I am tripping here. I cannot
hide it anymore. I am losing out on my strength to go on.
Please—I say out loud in my shaky voice— PLEASE, be with
me. I have been stranded enough. You also don’t leave my side.
Please don’t. Tears start to trickle down my eyes as if the oceans
have decided to make their exit through them.
I open my eyes and happen to see myself in the mirror afront--
once a glow-emanating expressive face, now, a deadpan face only
emanating sorrow.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“You bring
happiness to one and all around you. All you have to do is
rummage within yourself and let my Roohi step out in the open
again. Let her out, do not chain her inside to fester, along with
your pain. Once you see yourself beaming like you once did, you
will not feel so crushed. Just work on smiling straight from the
heart. Everything else will fall in place.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Life teaches my love, allow yourself to see what it is
beseeching you to see—come what may, remain true to your own
being by not letting someone dilute your true self. Earn what you
deserve! Come what may get back up and wrestle back the pain
that pushes you down, even if you think you have no strength left.
Take a jab at it and conquer! Come what may piece yourself
together, even if it is one day at a time. Own your struggle! Come
what may never take yourself to be fragile. Strength is you, my
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“The memories may not go far
from us but someone’s love may make them dimmer. With all
your true heart, know what it wants. Does it want happiness or
does it obstinately want Rumi… back? First, answer this to
yourself and then try. Happiness will happen on its own then!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Dominate your thoughts! Try to keep your thoughts in check.
That is what lies within your purview, so work on that. Please do not try to alter life with what you may want. It will not change its
course basis your wants. While you try with all your true heart, if
you are still-- scared, be! Unsure of the future, be! But also, be
discreet with the experience that life has left you with, till now.
And use it well for your future.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Open up to
your inner thoughts, of the present and the future, not of the past,
and do not shut your eyes and ears to them.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“I have got the reins of my life in my hands and I must not let
myself topple over some mishap. I must put an end to my
tinkering with my own true peace and happiness. I thought my
peace lay with a person, but it domiciles right within me. In my
willingness to let it proliferate within me, once again.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“I take a deep breath and tell myself to put one foot at a time, in
the seemingly cold waters of love, once again. I tell myself-- love
will infuse its warmth in me. Love isn’t cold, my heart is. It needs
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Love is painful. Or, love is a beauty that, if leaves, leaves
scarred remains.
Perhaps, love left me scarred.
Or! Love is forever a beauty, that lives forever. Rather. People
leave. People leave pain. People leave people, scarred. People
leave people, without answers they deserve to hear. People smear
the name of love.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!