Sweden Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sweden" Showing 1-30 of 51
Charlotte Eriksson
“You read and write and sing and experience, thinking that one day these things will build the character you admire to live as. You love and lose and bleed best you can, to the extreme, hoping that one day the world will read you like the poem you want to be.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Charlotte Eriksson
“Don’t forget that the land is always out there, making its way, doing everything it can so you can breathe fresh air; so you can eat fresh food; so you can move and see and feel and think, and it’s on your side. The world is out there doing what it’s been doing way before you came here, it’s firm and strong and it takes a lot to bring it down.
so from time to time, just go outside and look at this spectacle. This pure painting right in front of your eyes. No one created it. No one owns it. It doesn’t want anything. It doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone. It simply is.
So maybe, try a little tenderness. Just give it a chance to do what it can do. Just let it help you
and eat
and move
and see
and maybe just try to live your life in a way that doesn’t kill this force of nature
that is just trying to give you a world worth living in. A clean world. A fresh world.
Paths, forests, oceans, animals, oxygen, water. That’s all it takes.

Just try a little tenderness towards this world we’ve been lucky enough to build our homes on.
If you take care of it, it will take care of you.”
Charlotte Eriksson

“[The main road was] now teeming with people carrying torches, pitchforks, and rakes, and one very confused man who apparently had mistaken the mob for a parade and was marching around with a Swedish flag.”
Cuthbert Soup, Another Whole Nother Story

Fredrik Backman
“Stockholm' is, after all, an expression more than it is a place, both for men like Roger and for most of the rest of us, just a symbolic word to denote all the irritating people who get in the way of our happiness.”
Fredrik Backman, Anxious People

Fredrik Backman
“Everyone has Stockholmers in their life, even people from Stockholm have their own Stockholmers. only to the it's 'people who live in New York' or 'politicians in Brussels', or other people from some other place where people seem to think that they're better than the Stockholmers think they are.”
Fredrik Backman, Anxious People

“Unsere Landschaft ist nicht so dramatisch wie die Alpen, aber ausreichend dramatisch. Das Wasser in unserem See ist nicht so warm wie auf den Malediven, aber ausreichend warm. Die Bären in unseren Wäldern sind nicht so groß wie in Alaska, aber ausreichend groß." Solche Werbung gibt es wohl wirklich nur in Schweden. Dem Land, wo die Königsfamilie nicht so königlich ist wie in Windsor, aber ausreichend königlich.”
Gunnar Herrmann, Elchtest: Ein Jahr in Bullerbü

“The artists of this nation - state are, taken as one historical subject, one of 'latecomers' to the smorgasbord of the artistic pantheon.Even if Sweden as a nation-state thus seems to have been excluded from the world art history its contemporary arts infrastructure presently makes the country a much more vital place of production.”
Charlotte Bydler

Michael Booth
“Some might argue that the reality of Nordic autonomy is that you are free ... to be Nordic. If you are a Muslim who is looking to build a mosque, or an American who wants to drive a large car, espouse your deeply held Creationist beliefs, and go shopping with your platinum card on Sunday, or even if you are English and choose to conduct yourself according to archaic forms of baroque politeness, you are likely to experience varying degrees of oppression and exclusion should you come to live in this part of the world. This is true.”
Michael Booth, The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia
tags: sweden

Tomas Tranströmer
“Понякога животът ми очи отваря в мрака
и ме обзема чувството, че множества кръстосват улиците,
а аз стоя невидим и ги наблюдавам
как сляпо и тревожно търсят чудо.

Така детето се унася в сън - уплашено
от прокънтяващите стъпки на сърцето
далеч, далеч, догдето утрото не пъхне лъч в ключалката,
за да отвори дверите на мрака.”
Tomas Tranströmer

Fredrik Backman
“Sometimes 'Stockholm' can actually be a compliment: a dream of somewhere bigger, where we can become someone else. Something that we long for but don't quite dare to do.”
Fredrik Backman, Anxious People

“The notion of displacement destabilizes spatial hierarchies of senders and receivers, and turns the issue of historical causality into one or more negotiable genealogy and interpretative communities.”
Charlotte Bydler

Michael Booth
“The Swedish system is best understood not in terms of socialism, but in terms of Rousseau," he continued. "Rousseau was an extreme egalitarian and he really hated any kind of dependence--depending on other people destroyed your integrity, your authenticity-- therefore the ideal situation was one where every citizen was an atom separated from all the other atoms.... The Swedish system's logic is that it is dangerous to be dependent on other people, to be beholden to other people. Even to your family.”
Michael Booth, The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia
tags: sweden

“[Charles XII] seldom took a more active part in the council than to cross his legs upon the table.”
Voltaire, Histoire de Charles XII, roi de Suede. Par Monsieur de Voltaire. Nouvelle edition, revue & corrigée par N. Salmon. ... of 2; Volume 2

“The most frequently cited artists and curators travel extensively and there is a real difference in saying whether concepts and other contributions to the current contemporary arts agenda bear a recognizable cultural, or even national, identity.”
Charlotte Bydler

Sverker Sörlin
“The homage paid to the fragment and the dismantling of the large narratives had had their spatial counterpart in the lack of integrated and conceptual vision of urban construction, and perhaps also of social construction.”
Sverker Sörlin

Sverker Sörlin
“It is a story of utopian dreams and belief in the future, but also one that involves a critique of modernity.”
Sverker Sörlin

Michael Booth
“Everything I read about the Swedish Social Democratic government of the last century suggested an organization that was driven by one single, overarching goal: to sever the traditional, some would say natural, ties between its citizens, be they those that bound children to their parents, workers to their employers, wives to their husbands, or the elderly to their families.”
Michael Booth, The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia
tags: sweden

Per Olov Enquist
“Pjäsen handlade, sa Konungen till mig, om att ondskan funnes i så hög grad hos dessa människor vid hovet att de liknade apor eller djävlar; de gladde sig åt andras olyckor och sörjde över deras framgångar, detta vore det som druidernas tid kallades Kannibalism, Anthropophagie. Därför befunno vi oss bland Kannibaler.”
Per Olov Enquist, The Royal Physician's Visit

“The fastest way to destroy a culture is to make it multicultural.”
Robert Black

Petra Hermans
“I am connected with the people who go abroad, to Sweden, there where people have an attitude.”
Petra Hermans
tags: sweden

A.A. Patawaran
“He has killed me since he married me.”
A.A. Patawaran, Manila Was A Long Time Ago - Official

“I bought the wrong face soap. Why? Because it says smooth face cleanser on it. I put it on my face and I'm fairly certain it's lotion. I also bought something that says "Body soufflé." What is that? Is it a lotion? Is it shower gel? Am I supposed to eat it?”
Heather Jonasson, Life In the Land Of the Ice and Snow: Essays, Observations, and Lies

“Such is the control, and such the public mentality, enjoyed by the Swedish planners. The rulers of the Soviet Union, although favoured by despotic power, are not so fortunate. Obstructively resentful of officialdom, the Russian, in the words of the Spanish saying, has always known how orders are 'to be obeyed but not carried out'. To the Swede, that sort of compromise is downright immoral. His elected leaders have received those political blessings denied the autocrats in the Kremlin: compliant citizens and an unopposed bureaucracy.”
Roland Huntford, The New Totalitarians

Petra Hermans
“It is my obligation, to bring my life, works and mission to safety and security.”
Petra Hermans
tags: sweden

Sandra Lee
“What's a lingonberry?"
"It's a fruit that grows in the forest, in Sweden. You've probably had lingonberry jam at your grandmother's house. We always had it when I was growing up; like other kids had grape jam, we had lingonberry. Your grandmother always used to say lingonberry jam is like Swedish summer in a jar. The Swedes love their lingonberries. It's not so sweet, sort of like cranberry sauce.”
Sandra Lee, The Recipe Box

Steven Magee
“COVID-19 has swept through 75% of nursing homes in Stockholm, Sweden.”
Steven Magee

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Swedish society is mentally Sick.
They need to burn their hypocrisy, selfishness, ego, and their radical intolerance mindset rather than quran”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Sherine Calloway
“I wrote this book to inspire young women to be brave and believe in themselves.”
Sherine Calloway, Sättet du älskar

Magnus Linton
“Även om välfärd är en sorts förutsättning för att en bred djurrättsrörelse ska slå rot kan samma materiella välfärd bära på strukturer som tar kål på rörelsen. Åtminstone i ett homogent land som Sverige.”
Magnus Linton, Veganerna: En bok om dom som stör

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