Teenage Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "teenage-romance" Showing 1-13 of 13
“Never say no when you really want to say yes.”
Jenny Han, Always and Forever, Lara Jean

“Kitty's always saying how origin stories are important.
At college, when people ask us how we met, how will we answer them? The short story is, we grew up together. But that's more Josh's and my story. High school sweet-hearts? That's Peter and Gen's story. So what's ours, then?
I suppose I'll say it all started with a love letter.”
Jenny Han, Always and Forever, Lara Jean

“He moved closer to her, his face just inches away from her. They stood motionless. Jason looked deep into her eyes. He tore away her barriers and locked eyes. His nose two inches away, he slightly tilted his face and looked at her lips. She slightly turned her face at the opposite angle.”
Mark A. Cooper, Royal Decree

“I clap my hands in delight. Is there anything more intoxicating than making a boy bend to your will?”
Jenny Han, Always and Forever, Lara Jean

“And grumbling, he does it, in front of everybody, which is how I know he is utterly and completely mine.”
Jenny Han, Always and Forever, Lara Jean

“This is two romantic things in a row, so I figure I should praise him accordingly, because the boy responds well to positive reinforcement.”
Jenny Han, Always and Forever, Lara Jean

Siobhan Davis  ™
“Haydn snorts. “Only gullible, lovesick fools spout that mushy crap.” Thank the stars that his tone is teasing, because I can sense Logan’s patience waning.
“When you find the right girl, I’m so going to make you eat your words. And I’m going to thoroughly enjoy rubbing your nose in it.”
Siobhan Davis, Saven Defiance

Flynn Meaney
“We are in a boy recession," Eugene repeats. "There's been a sudden, drastic decrease in the male population at this school. And I'm gonna take advantage of it.”
Flynn Meaney, The Boy Recession

Flynn Meaney
“I could kiss that girl. And ya know what? I will kiss that girl. As soon as I get back to school, I'm gonna grab her, and I'm gonna kiss her.”
Flynn Meaney, The Boy Recession

Daniel Handler
“It's okay to like jerks. I mean, it'd be better to like a nice guy, but there aren't any.”
Daniel Handler, We Are Pirates

Bernie Morris
“A lady is a female person who has the grace to consider the feelings of others before her own, at all times, and in all places. It has nothing to do with fine clothes or posh accent, or how much money her father's got. And it don't even matter if she smokes, drinks, or never observes the finer points of unnecessary etiquette. None of these things have anything to do with it unless they conflict with the first rule. In other words, it depends who she's with. A lady is naturally born and cannot be moulded or trained to be anything else. She just is.”
Bernie Morris, Bobby's Girl

“Everything to which You Grant Your Love is Yours.”
Benjamin Aubrey Myers

Cheryl Seely Savage
“So familiar, it begins with the first look and then
you're hooked and you can't stop looking

again and again and again across the
band room, butterflies erupting when he

catches you staring at him until you are
brave enough not to look away and he smiles...”
Cheryl Seely Savage, We Have Time