The Dark Artifices Quotes

Quotes tagged as "the-dark-artifices" Showing 1-30 of 198
Cassandra Clare
“You’ve got a lot of responsibility now,” Jace said to Julian. “You’ll have to make sure Emma winds up with a guy who deserves her.”
Julian was strangely white-faced. Maybe he was feeling the effects of the ceremony, Emma thought. It had been strong magic; she still felt it sizzling through her blood like champagne bubbles. But Jules looked as if he’d been slapped.
“What about me?” Emma said, quickly. “Don’t I have to make sure Jules winds up with someone who deserves him?”
“Absolutely. I did it for Alec, Alec did it for me — well, actually, he hated Clary at first, but he came around.”
“I BET you didn’t like Magnus much, either,” said Julian, still with the same odd, stiff look on his face.
“Maybe not,” said Jace, “but I never would have said so.”
“Because it would have hurt Alec’s feelings?” Emma asked.
“No,” said Jace, “because Magnus would have turned me into a hat rack.”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Cassandra Clare
“Hello? This is Clary Fairchild.”

“Clary? It’s me, Emma.”

“Oh, Emma, hi! I haven’t heard from you in ages. My mom says thanks for the wedding flowers, by the way. She wanted to send a note but Luke whisked her away on a honeymoon to Tahiti.”

“Tahiti sounds nice.”

“It probably is — Jace, what are you doing with that thing? There is no way it’ll fit.”

“Is this a bad time?”

“What? No! Jace is trying to drag a trebuchet into the training room. Alec, stop helping him.”

“What’s a trebuchet?”

“It’s a huge catapult.”

“What are they going to use it for?”

“I have no idea. Alec, you’re enabling! You’re an enabler!”

“Maybe it is a bad time.”

“I doubt there’ll be a better one. Is something wrong? Is there anything I can do?”

“I think we have your cat.”


“Your cat. Big fuzzy Blue Persian? Always looks angry? Julian says it’s your cat. He says he saw it at the New York Institute. Well, saw him. It’s a boy cat.”

“Church? You have Church? But I thought — well, we knew he was gone. We thought Brother Zachariah took him. Isabelle was annoyed, but they seemed to know each other. I’ve never seen Church actually likeanyone like that.”

“I don’t know if he likes anyone here. He bit Julian twice. Oh, wait. Julian says he likes Ty. He’s asleep on Ty’s bed.”

“How did you wind up with him?”

“Someone rang our front doorbell. Diana, she’s our tutor, went down to see what it was. Church was in a cage on the front step with a note tied to it. It said For Emma. This is Church, a longtime friend of the Carstairs. Take care of this cat and he will take care of you. —J.”

“Brother Zachariah left you a cat.”

“But I don’t even really know him. And he’s not a Silent Brother any more.”

“You may not know him, but he clearly knows you.”

“What do you think the J stands for?”

“His real name. Look, Emma, if he wants you to have Church, and you want Church, you should keep him.”

“Are you sure? The Lightwoods —“

‘They’re both standing here nodding. Well, Alec is partially trapped under a trebuchet, but he seems to be nodding.”

“Jules says we’d like to keep him. We used to have a cat named Oscar, but he died, and, well, Church seems to be good for Ty’s nightmares.”

“Oh, honey. I think, really, he’s Brother Zachariah’s cat. And if he wants you to have him, then you should.”

“Why does Brother Zachariah want to protect me? It’s like he knows me, but I don’t know why he knows me.”

“I don’t exactly know … But I know Tessa. She’s his — well, girlfriend seems not the right word for it. They’ve known each other a long, long time. I have a feeling they’re both watching over you.”

“That’s good. I have a feeling we’re going to need it.”

“Emma — oh my God. The trebuchet just crashed through the floor. I have to go. Call me later.”

“But we can keep the cat?”

“You can keep the cat.”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Cassandra Clare
“When no one you know tells the truth, you learn to see under the surface.”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Cassandra Clare
“As we all have an infinite capacity to make mistakes, we all have an infinite capacity for forgiveness.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“As long as you exist and I exist, I will love you.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“You're the only person I've ever loved like this, and I know you're the only person I ever will. And I'm not myself without you, Emma. Once you dissolve dye in water, you can't take it back out. It's like that. I can't take you out of me. It means cutting out my heart, and I don't like myself without my heart, I know that now.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“This cat is looking at me with judgment.”“He’s not,” said Jules. “That’s just his face.”“You look at me the same way,” Mark said, glancing at Julian. “Judgy face.”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Cassandra Clare
“I know you have nothing to worry about. I wasn't in love with Mark. I'll never be in love with anyone again who isn't you.”
Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows

Cassandra Clare
“He caught her by the wrist, brought her hand to his bare chest. Splayed her fingers over his heart. It beat against her palm, like a fist punching its way through his sternum. 'Break my heart,' he said. 'Break it in pieces. I give you permission.”
Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows

Cassandra Clare
“When a decision like that is made by a government, it emboldens those who are already prejudiced to speak their deepest thoughts of hate. They assume they are simply brave enough to say what everyone really thinks.”
Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows

Cassandra Clare
“It was hard to live normally when you were constantly pretending you didn't see what was going on in front of your face.”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Cassandra Clare
“That is love, son of thorns. We welcome its cruelest blows and when we bleed from them, we whisper our thanks.”
Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows

Cassandra Clare
“When you love someone, they become a part of who you are. They’re in everything you do. They’re in the air you breathe and the water you drink and the blood in your veins. Their touch stays on your skin and their voice stays in your ears and their thoughts stay in your mind. You know their dreams because their nightmares pierce your heart and their good dreams are your dreams too. And you don’t think they’re perfect, but you know their flaws, the deep-down truth of them, and the shadows of all their secrets, and they don’t frighten you away; in fact you love them more for it, because you don’t want perfect. You want them. You want-”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Cassandra Clare
“Sometimes she thought the only things she had faith in were revenge and Julian.”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Cassandra Clare
“This is the nature of having of a soul, Kieran, and a heart. We all stumble around in the dark and we cause each other pain and we try to make up for it the best we can. We are all confused.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“I still love Emma more than I ever thought was possible. I love her more every day, and more every time I try to stop. I love her like I'm being ripped in half.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“God, I hate rogue necromancers," said Magnus. "Why can't they just follow the rules?"
"Probably because the biggest rule is 'no necromancy'?" Emma suggested”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Cassandra Clare
“I am saying the choices we make in captivity are not always the choices we make in freedom. And thus we question them. We cannot help it.”
Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows

Cassandra Clare
“Sería como todo el mundo era, sobre todo los cazadores de sombras: un lienzo con parches de amor y dolor, de pérdidas y de encuentros. El amor ayudaba a aceptar el dolor. Había que sentirlo todo.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“—Cuando te encontré, no sabía lo que había encontrado —siguió Alec—. No se me da bien hablar sobre las cosas hermosas y preciosas para mí, ya lo sabes, me conoces mejor que nadie. —Se humedeció los secos labios—. Y cuando un día la gente me recuerde y sepa lo que mi vida significó, no quiero que digan «Alec Lightwood luchó en la Guerra Oscura», o «Alec Lightwood fue Cónsul». Quiero que piensen: «Alec Lightwood amó tanto a un hombre que cambió el mundo por él».
Los ojos de Magnus brillaron como estrellas. Los clavó en los de Alec con una mirada feliz, con un sentimiento tan profundo que el nuevo Cónsul se sintió orgulloso de ser parte de él.
—Ya sabes que ya has cambiado el mundo por mí.
—¿Te casarás conmigo? —susurró Alec. El corazón le latía como las alas de un colibrí—. ¿Ahora mismo? ¿Esta noche?
Magnus asintió sin palabras y ayudó a Alec a ponerse en pie. Se abrazaron, y Alec se irguió un poco, porque Magnus era más alto que él, lo que siempre le había encantado.
Y se besaron durante un buen rato.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“Este parecía pensativo.
—¿Traeréis uno de esos calendarios de gatos a los que me he aficionado? Me gustaría decorar la cabaña.
—Hay también otros tipos de calendarios. Con nutrias, y conejitos y perritos — bromeó Mark sonriendo.
Con aspecto beatífico, Kieran echó la cabeza hacia atrás para contemplar las estrellas.
—Sin duda, esta es una tierra de maravillas.
Cristina los miró a ambos, con tanto amor en el corazón que casi le dolía.
—Sin duda lo es.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“—Aku cinta kamu —pronunció Magnus, leyendo esas palabras, y sonrió a Alec, una sonrisa brillante que abarcaba un mundo entero—. Mi amor es tuyo, mi corazón es tuyo, mi alma es tuya, Alexander. Ahora y para siempre.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“-fear tapped against the outside of his consciousness, howling to be let in and acknowledged, like skeleton hands scratching at a window. It was the fear of his own despair. He knew that he was cushioned by shock now, that he had only touched the tip of the iceberg of grief
and howling loss. It would come, the darkness and the horror:”
Cassandra clare , The Dark Artifices, the Complete Collection (Boxed Set): Lady Midnight; Lord of Shadows; Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“—Me alegro de que hayas aceptado —comentó Alec—. No me habría gustado nada tener que decirles a todos que tenían que retirar la decoración. Y ya les había dicho a los niños que tenía una sorpresa para ti.
Magnus no pudo evitarlo y besó a Alec en la mejilla.
—Sigues sorprendiéndome todos los días, Alexander —dijo—. Tú y tu maldita cara de póquer.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“Entonces conoció a Alec. Se sintió atraído por él de un modo que no podría haber explicado o previsto; deseaba verlo sonreír, verlo feliz. Había observado a Alec transformarse de un muchacho tímido y con secretos en un hombre que se enfrentaba al mundo abiertamente y sin miedo. Alec le había dado el don de la fe, una fe que en Magnus era lo suficientemente fuerte para hacer feliz no solo a Alec, sino a toda una familia. Y en su felicidad, Magnus se sintió no solo libre, sino rodeado de una gloria inimaginable.
Algunos podrían haberlo llamado la presencia de Dios.
Magnus solo lo llamaba Alexander Gideon Lightwood.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“La gente calló, el silencio de la santidad, de un ritual sagrado compartido y respetado. Emma no pudo evitar cogerle la mano a Julian; él la acercó a su lado. Había algo en el modo en que Magnus y Alec se miraban. Emma pensó que deberían estar sonriéndose, pero ambos estaban serios. Se miraban como si el otro fuera tan brillante como la luna llena, que podía borrar todas las estrellas.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“Alec se acercó a Magnus y Emma vio que era un broche dorado con la forma de la runa de la unión en matrimonio. Mientras se acercaba a Magnus, Alec fue pronunciando las palabras de los votos de los nefilim: «El amor destella como el fuego, la llama más brillante. Muchas aguas no pueden apagar el amor, ni las riadas ahogarlo». Le colocó el broche a Magnus sobre el corazón, sin apartar los azules ojos de su rostro: «Ahora colócame cual un sello sobre tu corazón, cual un sello sobre tu brazo; porque el amor es fuerte como la muerte. Y así unidos quedamos: más fuertes que la llama, más fuertes que el agua, más fuertes que la propia muerte».”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“No es bueno para nadie mirar demasiado rato el pasado y olvidar el futuro que se abre por delante.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“—Tú también me trajiste de vuelta —dijo él—. Te he amado toda mi vida, Emma. Y cuando no sentía nada, me di cuenta de que, sin ese amor, yo no era nada. Eres la razón por la que quise salir de la jaula. Me hiciste comprender que el amor da más alegría que cualquier pena que pueda causar. —Echó la cabeza atrás para mirarla, con sus ojos verde azulado brillando—. He amado a mi familia desde el día en que nací, pero tú eres el amor que elijo, Emma. Entre todo el mundo, entre todas las personas que he conocido, te elijo a ti. Siempre he tenido fe en esa elección. Y en el último extremo, ese amor y esa fe siempre me han traído de vuelta, de vuelta a ti.
«En el último extremo, ese amor y esa fe siempre me han traído de vuelta, de vuelta a ti». Emma no tenía que preguntar, sabía en qué estaba pensando Julian: sus amigos y su familia en fila ante ellos en los Campos Imperecederos, el amor que los había recuperado de una maldición tan poderosa que todos los cazadores de sombras temían.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“When had he changed? She couldn't remember the day, the hour, the moment.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

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