The Last Song Quotes

Quotes tagged as "the-last-song" Showing 1-15 of 15
Nicholas Sparks
“I mean, if the relationship can't survive the long term, why on earth would it be worth my time and energy for the short term?”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
“Love is fragile. And we're not always its best caretakers. We just muddle through and do the best we can. And hope this fragile thing survives against all odds.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
“There are guys who grow up thinking they'll settle down some distant time in the future, and there are guys who are ready for marriage as soon as they meet the right person. The former bore me, mainly because they're pathetic; and the latter, frankly are hard to find.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
“Change not only was inevitable, but usually brought its own rewards.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
“I don't care if your dad is the Sultan of Brunei. You happened to be born into a privileged family. What you do with that truth is completely up to you. I'm here because I want to be with you. But if I didn't, all the money in the world wouldn't have changed my feelings for you.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
“Strange, what being forced to slow down could do to a person.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
“It hadn't been so long ago, yet sometimes she felt that she'd been an altogether different person back then.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
“If pinpointing God's presence were really that simple, then he supposed the beaches would be more crowded in the mornings. They would be filled with people on their own quests, instead of people jogging or walking their dogs or fishing in the surf.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
“More than anything, he wanted to return to the house with the same look of peace that he'd seen on Pastor Harris's face, but he trudged through the sand, he couldn't help feeling like an amateur, someone searching for God's truths like a child searching for seashells.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks
“I don't hate it here," she said automatically. Surprising herself, she realized that as much as she'd been trying to convince herself otherwise, she was telling the truth. "It's just that I don't belong here."

He gave her a meloncholy smile. "If it's any consolation, when I was growing up, I didn't feel like I belonged here, either. I dreamed about going to New York. But it's strange, because when I finally escaped this place, I ended up missing it more than I thought I would. There's something about the ocean that just calls to me.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Charles Bukowski
“nothing's news.
it's the same old thing in
only one thing comes without a
disguise and you only see it
once, or
maybe never.
like getting hit by a freight
makes us realize that all our
moaning about long lost girls
in gingham dresses
is not so important
Charles Bukowski, Bone Palace Ballet: New Poems

Nicholas Sparks
“A joy as intense as pain”
Nicholas Sparks

Pablo Neruda
“شعر آخر

می توانم امشب غمناک ترین سطرها را بنویسم

مثلن بنویسم: ” شب شکسته است
وَ تکه تکه می شوند آن ستارگان در دور دست و بر باد می روند”

شب- باد، در آسمان می پیچد و می خواند
می توانم امشب غمناک ترین سطرها را بنویسم
عاشق اش بودم و گاهی هم عاشق ام می شد

در شبی این چنین به آغوش اش کشیدم
بوسیدم اش بسیار و بسیار زیر آسمان بی انتها

عاشق ام بود و گاهی هم عاشق اش می شدم
چه گونه می توانستم عاشق آن چشمان درشتِ خاموش اش نباشم

می توانم امشب غمناک ترین سطرها را بنویسم
برای درکِ این که ندارم اش، برای حسِ این که گم اش کرده ام

می شنوم این شب بلند را، که بی او طولانی تر
بر روح می نشیند این سطرها، مثل شبنم که بر علف

دیگر چه اهمیت دارد، که نتواستم نگه اش دارم
شب شکسته ست و او کنارم نیست

این تمام ماجراست. کسی در دور دست می خواند. در دور دست
روح ام را یارای نبودن اش نیست

که انگار در تقلای یافتن اش چشمانم دو دو می زند
که قلبم می جویدش: اوکنارم نیست

شبی شبیه بر همان شاخ ساران به صبح می رسد
مای آن زمان، شبیه حالِ ما نیست

بی گمان، عاشقش نیستم اکنون، اما چه گونه زمانی بودم
برای رسیدنِ به او، صدایم، به تقلای جستجوی باد است

بوسه های دیگران بر لبانش، چون بوسه های من
صدایش، تن مرمرین اش، چشمان بی انتهایش

بی گمان، عاشق اش نیستم اکنون شاید اما باشم
عشق کوتاه است؛ از یاد بردن اش چه طولانی

از آن شب ها که در آغوش می کشیدم اش دیگر
روحم را یارای نبودن اش نیست

هرچند این واپسین عذابی است که مرا دچارش می کند
و این واپسین سطرهایی ست که برایش می نویسم”
Pablo Neruda, Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair

Nicholas Sparks
“La vida era como una canción.
En el comienzo, hay misterio, al final, hay una confirmación, pero es en el medio donde todas las emociones se asientan para hacer que todo valga la pena".”
Nicholas Sparks