The Walking Dead Quotes

Quotes tagged as "the-walking-dead" Showing 1-18 of 18
Robert Kirkman
“The pessimist looks down and hits his head. The optimist looks up and loses his footing. The realist looks forward and adjusts his path accordingly.”
Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman
“Okay, it's pretty obvious what we're doing here, people. If it's dead - fucking KILL IT”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 14: No Way Out

Robert Kirkman
“But honestly... I just don't know what anyone's thinking. To me, that's scarier than any half-rotten ghoul trying to eat my flesh.”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead: Compendium One

Dennis Lehane
“And often the worst thing wasn't the victims--they were dead, after all, and beyond any more pain. The worst thing was those who loved them and survived them. Often the walking dead from now on, shell-shocked, hearts ruptured, stumbling through the remainder of their lives without anything left inside of them but blood and organs, impervious to pain, having learned nothing except that the worst things did, in fact, sometimes happen. (Mystic River)”
Dennis LeHane

Robert Kirkman
“Someone is going to tell you to get use to this. That feeling of being scared and sad. They're going to say it'll be better when you learn to ignore it. Don't listen to them. Hold on to it, remember it... Don't let yourself forget it. It's too easy to lose.

-Carl Grimes”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead #125

Robert Kirkman
“Philip doesn't let go, his eyes glinting with rage. "We're gonna survive this thing,and we're gonna do it by being bigger monsters than they are! You understand? There ain't no philosophy, there ain't no grace, there ain't no mercy, there's only us and them, and all they wanna do is eat our ass! So we're gonna fucking eat them! We're gonna chew 'em up and spit 'em out, and we're gonna survive this thing or I will blow a hole through this whole fucked up world! You follow me? You FOLLOW ME!”
Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga

“If I had known the world was ending, I'd have brought better books.”
The Walking Dead

“I'd rather have it right than right now.”
Gale Anne Hurd

“We have a shit storm behind door A and a storm of shit behind door B”
Abraham Ford (TWD TV)

Robert Kirkman
“The deaths in this series are never taken lightly, they're never done with a sense of glee. They weigh on me the same way they weigh on you. These characters are very real to me, and their deaths are upsetting even to me.
(The Walking Dead #167: "A Certain Doom")”
Robert Kirkman

Adele  Rose
“Hecate dresses in all black, is extremely pale, unearthly beautiful and has the most chilling eyes I’ve ever known. All in all, she comes across as one of ‘The Walking Dead’ – except alive and far prettier!”
Adele Rose, Awakening

“Emotions are part of our soul’s anatomy. Having them available is a gift; clinging to them is not.”
Susan Lehman, Faith, Fighting and Forgiving: Life Lessons from The Walking Dead

Robert Kirkman
“Ich bleibe. Ich bin verliebt, Rick... Jedenfalls weiß ich nicht, ob ich je wieder einer Frau wie Maggie begegnen werde. [... ] Ich glaube einer der Gründe, wieso ich so sorglos in Atlanta rum gerannt bin, um nach Vorräten zu suchen, war, dass es mir ziemlich egal war, ob ich dabei drauf gehe. Ich hatte Angst, aber es war mir egal. Ich habe es fast schon drauf angelegt zu sterben. Das ist jetzt nicht mehr so. Nicht mit Maggie.”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars

Robert Kirkman
“Ich bleibe. Ich bin verliebt, Rick... Jedenfalls weiß ich nicht, ob ich je wieder einer Frau wie Maggie begegnen werde. [...] Ich glaube einer der Gründe, wieso ich so sorglos in Atlanta rumgerannt bin, um nach Vorräten zu suchen, war, dass es mir ziemlich egal war, ob ich dabei drauf gehe. Ich hatte Angst, aber es war mir egal. Ich habe es fast schon drauf angelegt zu sterben. Das ist jetzt nicht mehr so. Nicht mit Maggie.”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 2: Miles Behind Us

Robert Kirkman
“Wie viele gute Jahre bleiben mir wohl noch? ----- Gute Jahre? Keine. Keiner hat mehr gute Jahre. Und falls du deine Lebenserwartung meinst... Wir sitzen alle im gleichen Boot.”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars

Robert Kirkman
“Weißt du, diese ganzen Small-talk Fragen, sie funktionieren nicht mehr. Hast du Kinder? Wo leben deine Eltern? Was macht dein Mann? Wie viele Brüder und Schwestern hast du? Sport, Wetter, Arbeit... Die ganze Palette. Es funktioniert einfach nicht mehr. Aber die Macht der Gewohnheit, nicht wahr? (Lori)”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 4: The Heart's Desire

Robert Kirkman
“We're surrounded by the dead. We're among them--and when we finally give up we become them! We're living on borrowed time here. Every minute of our life is a minute we steal from them! You see them out there. You know that when we die--we become them. You think we hide behind walls to protect us from the walking dead! Don't you get it? We are the Walking Dead!”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead: Compendium One