Unloved Quotes

Quotes tagged as "unloved" Showing 1-30 of 66
Anthony Liccione
“Her complexity is a glorious fire that consumes, while her simplicity goes unapproachable. But if one takes time to understand her, there is something beautiful to find, something simple to be loved. But she goes unloved, for being misunderstood.”
Anthony Liccione

David Levithan
“I am jealous of anyone who can make other people care so much.”
David Levithan, Every Day

Chuck Palahniuk
“If it comes down to a choice between being unloved and being vulnerable and sensitive and emotional, then you can just keep your love.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Choke

Richelle E. Goodrich
“The fact is, the man who’d begotten me didn’t want me. In his eyes I should never have been born. And perhaps that would’ve been best. As it was, my existence had proven to be nothing more than a nuisance for everyone. I angered my father, brought strife upon my mother, irritated my teachers, and annoyed the other children who were forced to interact with me in school. All by simply being.

When you aren’t loved, you aren’t real. Life is cold, like the stone against my palm.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Dandelions: The Disappearance of Annabelle Fancher

Dossie Easton
“One remedy for the fear of not being loved is to remember how good it feels to love someone. If you're feeling unloved and you want to feel better, go love someone, and see what happens.”
Dossie Easton, The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities

Ranata Suzuki
“I've never been the most important thing to anybody - not even myself.”
Ranata Suzuki

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
“You can’t nice your way to being loved.”
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Zikora

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“I sometimes cannot understand how she can love another, how she dares love another, when I love nothing in this world so completely, so devotedly, as I love her, when I know only her, and have no other possession.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther

Carmen Maria Machado
“How do you get someone you want to want you? Why did no one love you?”
Carmen Maria Machado, In the Dream House

“black women breathe flowers, too.
just because
we are taught to grow them in the lining of our quiet (our grandmothers secret)
does nor mean
we do not swelter with wild tenderness.
we soft swim.
we petal.
we scent limbs.
we just have been too long a garden for sharp and deadly teeth.
so we
Nayyirah Waheed, Salt

T.J. Klune
“If one were to ask if Linus Baker was lonely, he would have scrunched up his face in surprise. The thought would be foreign, almost shocking. And though the smallest of lies hurt his head and made his stomach twist, there was a chance he would still say no, even though he was, and almost desperately so.
And maybe part of him would believe it. He'd accepted long ago that some people, no matter how good their heart was or how much love they had to give, would always be alone. It was their lot in life, and Linus had figured out, at the age of twenty-seven, that it seemed to be that way for him.
Oh, there was no specific event that brought along this line of thinking. It was just that he felt. . . dimmer than others. Like he was faded in a crystal-clear world. He wasn't meant to be seen.”
T.J. Klune

Sally Rooney
“I love you. I am not just saying that, I really do. Her eyes fill up with tears again and she closes them. Even in memory she will find this moment unbearably intense, and she's aware of this now, while it's happening. She has never believed herself fit to be loved by any person. But now she has a new life, of which this is the first moment, and even after many years have passed she will still think: Yes, that was it, the beginning of my life.”
Sally Rooney, Normal People

Elelwani Anita Ravhuhali
“It doesn’t take an intellectual to figure out how unwanted you are. I feel the most challenging part is bearing just how someone holds so much power in their hands to make you feel as small and trivial as they possibly can.

It is a horrific actualization that somewhere in life, you walked into a room desiring to be treasured, and instead, you were met with disregard and made to feel as small and extraneous as conceivably possible. It is the agony involved in eventually making you reach this realization. That nobody who intends to mistreat you sincerely verbalizes their intentions. You are left to figure this out on your own after going through a humiliating process.”
Elelwani Anita Ravhuhali, From Seeking To Radiating Love: Evolution is unavoidable in the process of overpowering doubt

Colleen Hoover
“I can't tell you what the rest of that day was like. To feel so incredibly unwanted, unloved, alone. I had no one. Nothing. No money, no belongings, no family.
Just a wound.”
Colleen Hoover, It Starts with Us

Emily Henry
“He was bad with me too, but it was a little more random. If the phone rang and woke him up, he'd hit me, or if he had plans to go out but had to cancel for snow, he'd knock me around to burn off his anger. I was always looking for the secret code, the rules I could follow so he wouldn't freak out. That's how you keep yourself safe, you know? You pay attention to how the world works. But there was no secret code for him. It was like our actions were entirely detached from his reaction to us.”
Emily Henry, Beach Read

Quentin Crisp
“There are a lot of people in the world who are not loved and we must make an inconspicuous dash to them to save them, to help them. To live a life and not be loved is a terrible thing. And we can spare them that if we are attentive.”
Quentin Crisp

Anthony Liccione
“Being there, but not being there.”
Anthony Liccione

Elelwani Anita Ravhuhali
“It isn’t difficult to determine that someone doesn’t treasure you. It’s always there, popping out in every direction. It’s in the moments they don’t show up when they say they will, the times they don’t take a minute out of their days to let you know they won’t make it anymore.”
Elelwani Anita Ravhuhali, From Seeking To Radiating Love: Evolution is unavoidable in the process of overpowering doubt

Thomas Hardy
“Ojalá hubiera estado sola, como he estado durante el último año, sin esperanzas, ni temores, ni placer, ni dolor.”
Thomas Hardy, Lejos del mundanal ruido (Clásicos de la literatura nº 22)

Thomas Hardy
“Se apoderó de ella como un gran dolor la idea de que su último pretendiente estuviese a punto de renunciar y huir. Él, que había creído en ella y se había puesto de su parte cuando el resto del mundo estaba en su contra, finalmente se había hartado como los demás, y la dejaba sola para librar sus batallas.”
Thomas Hardy, Lejos del mundanal ruido (Clásicos de la literatura nº 22)

Alberto Villarreal
“Fuiste y aunque digo que ya no te espero... espero.”
Alberto Villarreal, Todo lo que fuimos

Elelwani Anita Ravhuhali
“It’s the little hints that they opt to disregard, the small decisions that lack any form of empathy. It’s never in the main things that you discover how unloved you are”
Elelwani Anita Ravhuhali, From Seeking To Radiating Love: Evolution is unavoidable in the process of overpowering doubt

Holly Black
“Cardan had grown up in the palace, a wild thing to be cosseted by courtiers and scowled at by the High King. No one much liked him, and he told himself he cared little for anyone else. And if he sometimes thought about how he might do something to win his father's favour, something to make the Court respect him and love him, he kept that to himself. He certainly asked no one to tell him stories, and yet he found it was nice to be told one. He kept that to himself, too.”
Holly Black, How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

“Was there a time that you've felt unloved?
Always remember in your heart, mind and life that day when Jesus was crucified at Calvary,
Jennifer Aquillo

Allie Ray
“Never in her life had she seen him this way--without that smirking assurance in his mouth. In his eyes. In his shoulders. He looked like another man; like a boy. Like a poor, beaten little boy no one had ever actually loved; an orphan in a Jacob Riis photograph, patched trousers, smudge-faced.”
Allie Ray, Inheritance

Holly Black
“Lady Asha, as the mother of a prince, found herself much in demand with the Court, if not the High King. Given to whimsy and frivolity, she wished to return to the merry life of a courtier. She couldn't attend balls with an infant in tow, so she found a cat whose kitten were still born to act as his wet nurse.

That arrangement lasted until Prince Cardan was able to crawl. By then, the cat was heavy with a new litter and he'd begun to pull at her tail. She fled to the stables, abandoning him, too.

And so he grew up in the palace, cherished by no one and checked by no one. Who would dare stop a prince from stealing food from the grand tables and eating beneath them, devouring what he'd taken in savage bites? His sisters and brothers only laughed, playing with him as they would with a puppy.

He wore clothes only occasionally, donning garlands of flowers instead and throwing stones when the guard tired to come near him. None but his mother exerted any hold over him, and she seldom tried to curb his excesses. Just the opposite.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

Holly Black
“Lady Asha, as the mother of a prince, found herself much in demand with the Court, if not the High King. Given to whimsy and frivolity, she wished to return to the merry life of a courtier. She couldn't attend balls with an infant in tow, so she found a cat whose kittens were still born to act as his wet nurse.

That arrangement lasted until Prince Cardan was able to crawl. By then, the cat was heavy with a new litter and he'd begun to pull at her tail. She fled to the stables, abandoning him, too.

And so he grew up in the palace, cherished by no one and checked by no one. Who would dare stop a prince from stealing food from the grand tables and eating beneath them, devouring what he'd taken in savage bites? His sisters and brothers only laughed, playing with him as they would with a puppy.

He wore clothes only occasionally, donning garlands of flowers instead and throwing stones when the guard tired to come near him. None but his mother exerted any hold over him, and she seldom tried to curb his excesses. Just the opposite.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

Lioness DeWinter
“I lower my head into my hands and sob. Oh, but how wretched are we, the unloved. We wither like forgotten plants in the shadow, always yearning, always hungry--stretching our arms forever towards a light that is always moving farther and farther away. We cannot even reach each other, our fellow pilgrims in this sad, lonely voyage through life. I cry for both myself and for Tahji. We have both been alone for far too long.
~ from Sirèn Loa”
Lioness DeWinter

J A Croome
“I’ve come to understand that in this world, there are those who, in their untouchable privilege, believe that they’re entitled to a perfect life, and the perfect life they get is because they’re so deserving, so good, and true. Their crippled souls are blinded by a naivety that can only understand their life, their pain, their truth. These are the ones who look at us—the mermaids, the fairies, the unicorns—and see only that we don’t fit into their little box of what beauty and truth are. They make token gestures of kindness that are not about what we need, but about what they need to look good in their own eyes, and in the eyes of the world they have moulded to their shallow, selfish limits, leaving us—the magical, the different, the dreamers—feeling less than them; feeling unheard, unseen, and unloved.”
J A Croome, The Sand People: a collection of magical realism and other stories

Carmen Rosales
“it's difficult to let go of the person you care about the most. But now I find him, it's even harder to hold the memory of a person who doesn't care about you in the way you hopped.”
Carmen Rosales, He Loves Me

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