V For Vendetta Quotes

Quotes tagged as "v-for-vendetta" Showing 1-8 of 8
Alan             Moore
“The past can't hurt you anymore, not unless you let it.”
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Alan             Moore
“Remember, remember the fifth of November of gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot.”
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Alan             Moore
“Evey: Who are you?
V. : Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
Evey: Well I can see that.
V. : Of course you can, I’m not questioning your powers of observation, I’m merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.
Evey: Oh, right.
V. : But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace soubriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V.
Evey: Are you like a crazy person?
V. : I’m quite sure they will say so.”
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Alan             Moore
“We are told to remember the idea and not the man. Because a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten. But 400 years later, an idea can still change the world. I have witnessed firsthand the power of ideas. I've seen people kill in the name of them. But you cannot kiss an idea... cannot touch it or hold it.
Ideas do not bleed. They do not feel pain. They do not love. And it is not an idea that I miss. It is a man.
A man that made me remember the 5th of November. A man that I will never forget.”
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Alan             Moore
“strength to unity unity through faith”
Alan Moore

Alan             Moore
“That’s it! See, at first I thought it was hate, too. Hate was all I knew, it built my world, it imprisoned me, taught me how to eat, how to drink, how to breathe. I thought I’d die with all my hate in my veins. But then something happened. It happened to me… just as it happened to you.”
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Alan             Moore
“Noise is relative to the silence preceding it. The more absolute the hush, the more shocking the thunderclap. Our masters have not hear the people's voice for generations Evey and it is much, much louder than they care to remember.”
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Alan             Moore
“Noise is relative to the silence preceding it. The more absolute the hush, the more shocking the thunderclap. Our masters have not heard the people's voice for generations Evey and it is much, much louder than they care to remember.”
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta