Vow Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vow" Showing 1-30 of 57
Karen Marie Moning
“If aught must be lost, ‘twill be my honor for yours. If one must be forsaken, ‘twill be my soul for yours. Should death come anon, ‘twill be my life for yours. I am Given.”
Karen Marie Moning, Kiss of the Highlander

Julie Kagawa
“Her desires are mine. Her wishes are mine. Should even the world stand against her, my blade will be at her side. And should it fail to protect her, let my own existence be forfeit." - Ash”
Julie Kagawa, The Iron Queen

J.K. Rowling
“Well, you can't break an Unbreakable Vow...."
"I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough. What happens if you break it, then?"
"You die," said Ron simply. "Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five. I nearly did too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when Dad found us. He went mental," said Ron, with a reminiscent gleam in his eyes. "Only time I've ever seen Dad as angry as Mum. Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since."
“Yeah, well, passing over Fred’s left buttock —”
"I beg your pardon?" said Fred's voice as the twins entered the kitchen.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Allen Ginsberg
“our means in America to control the money munching war machine, bright lit industry”
Allen Ginsberg, The Fall of America: Poems of These States 1965-1971
tags: vow

“The moment of impact. The moment of impact proves potential for change. Has ripples effects far beyond what we can predict. Sending some particles crashing together. Making them closer than before. While sending others spinning off into great ventures. Landing them where you've never thought you've found them. That's the thing about moments like these. You can't, no matter how hard you try, controlling how it's gonna affect you. You just gotta let the colliding part goes where they may. And wait. For the next collision.”
The Vow

Markus Zusak
“... I felt something and vowed that if I ever got a girl I would treat her right and never be bad or dirty to her or hurt her, ever. I vowed it and had all the confidence in the world that I would keep the vow.”
Markus Zusak, Underdog

Amanda Bouchet
“I claim you for my very own. With my blood. With my bone. With my heart. With my soul. You are mine. Forever. In this world, and in the next”
Amanda Bouchet, Heart on Fire

Holly Black
“And that is why you ought not dramatically vow to obey someone,' I say, a growl in my voice. 'They seldom ask for what you hope they will.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Holly Black
“Vow she won't be harmed,' Oak says, breathing hard. 'Also me. I would like not to be harmed as well.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Henry James
“Suddenly she said to him with extraordinary beauty: "I engage myself to you forever."

The beauty was in everything, and he could have separated nothing—couldn't have thought of her face as distinct from the whole joy. Yet her face had a new light. "And I pledge you—I call God to witness!—every spark of my faith; I give you every drop of my life.”
Henry James, The Wings of the Dove

E.A. Carter
“I would rather die than be derivative.”
E.A. Carter

Holly Black
“Jude Duarte, daughter of clay, I swear myself into your service. I will act as your hand. I will act as your shield. I will act in accordance with your will. Let it be so for one year and one day... and not for one minute more.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Thomas Merton
“I simply have no business being in love and playing around with a girl, however innocently.... After all I am supposed to be a monk with a vow of chastity and though I have kept my vow—I wonder if I can keep it indefinitely and still play this gorgeous game!”
Thomas Merton, Learning to Love: The Journals of Thomas Merton [Volume Six 1966-1967]

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“To attain your vow, you should retain the aim of your arrow in the bow”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
tags: aim, arrow, bow, vow

“a king
hho in all his power puts down the crown
to be vulnerable his queen.
a warrior
who in all his strength puts down his amour
to be nurtured by his woman
a man
who in all his masculinity puts down his pride
to be honest with his wife.

- my answered prayer.”

Tina Sequeira
“Burning coals, making perfect shaped round rotis, massaging her husband’s back, carrying pots of water across miles would not be her fate. But she told no one about it. She silently vowed to break the mould someday.”
Tina Sequeira, Bhumi: A Collection of Short Stories

“...When the clarion call is sounded,
I will ride out and fight in the name of liege and Lady,
Whilst I draw breath the lands bequeathed
unto me will remain untainted by evil.
Honour is all. Chivalry is all...”
Anthony Reynolds, Bretonnia: A Warhammer Armies Supplement

“...I set down my lance, symbol of duty. I spurn those whom I love.
I relinquish all, and take up the tools of my quest.
No obstacle will stand before me. No plea for help shall find me wanting. No moon will look upon me twice lest I be judged idle.
I give my body, heart and soul to the Lady whom I seek...”
Anthony Reynolds, Bretonnia: A Warhammer Armies Supplement

“...That which is sacrosanct I shall preserve.
That which is sublime I will protect.
That which threatens, I will destroy.
For my holy wrath will know no bounds...”
Anthony Reynolds, Bretonnia: A Warhammer Armies Supplement

Dave Boling
“I opened my eyes and inhaled thick air. The idea of a vow seemed so out of place in our time. The first was so long ago it seemed like a biblical tale. I wondered if God would be interested in causes purchased with the promises of men he created to be flawed and weak in the first place.”
Dave Boling, The Lost History of Stars

Gift Gugu Mona
“Transformational leadership is a deliberate action taken in response to a vow made to transform people’s lives.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Effective Leadership Prototype for a Modern Day Leader

Holly Black
“What are you going to tell her?'

'That I'll do whatever she wants,' my sister says, an extravagant vow for a mortal and a downright terrifying vow from someone who would be bound to that promise.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

Sarah J. Maas
“I can't just give up on it, on them. No matter what you say.'

Even if I had been a fool- a stupid, human fool- to believe my father would ever actually come for me.

Tamlin eyed me sidelong. 'You're not giving up on them.'

'Living in luxury, stuffing myself with food? How is that not-'

'They are cared for- they are fed and comfortable.'

Fed and comfortable. If he couldn't lie, if it was true, then.. then it was beyond anything I'd ever dared hope for.

Then... my vow to my mother was fulfilled.

It stunned me enough that I didn't say anything for a moment as we walked.

My life was now owned by the Treaty, but... perhaps I'd been freed in another sort of way.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Graham McNeill
“You know as well as I that this doesn’t end with kill teams or assassins or a pre-emptive strike thousands of light years from Terra. It ends with me looking into my father’s eyes, my hands around His neck, and showing Him everything he loves burned to ash by His lies.”
Graham McNeill, Vengeful Spirit

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Hawke placed a hand on the hilt of his broadsword and bowed slightly, his gaze never once leaving mine. 'With my sword and with my life, I vow to keep you safe, Penellaphe,' he spoke, voice deep and smooth, reminding me of rich decadent chocolate. 'From this moment until the last moment, I am yours.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

“Vimalakirti's aim was to live in accordance with his vow of compassion for all living beings, and he is described as doing that in every conceivable context. So if we're businesspeople, we see what it would mean to be principled in our pursuit of profit. If we're landlords, we get a model of a relationship to tenants that is fair and respectful. If we're Buddhist meditators who shun loud, complicated urban settings, we are given an image of someone who maintains mindfulness even in the most troubling, complex circumstances.”
Dale S. Wright, Living Skillfully: Buddhist Philosophy of Life from the Vimalakirti Sutra

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You are protected with me, and you'll never be alone.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“No one will harm you,' he vowed. 'I will not allow it.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

Carissa Broadbent
“I will give you my victory, or I will give you my death.”
Carissa Broadbent, The Serpent and the Wings of Night

Kiana Krystle
“You're sensational. You were born sensational. The Devil can't take that away from you, and you shouldn't let him. I vow to protect you. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I'll be there to watch over you. I'm your guardian angel, from here on out, forevermore."
We breathe in sync, our bodies entwined, his chest beating against mine. His vow of protection seeps into my heart, and I don't fight it. I'm too tired. And so, I say, "Take me away from here, angel.”
Kiana Krystle, Dance of the Starlit Sea

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