Women Writers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "women-writers" Showing 61-90 of 182
Anne Boyd Rioux
“As girls gravitate to more contemporary fare and away from Little Women, they are missing a lot. Today’s successors to Little Women seem to have overlooked two of the most important themes of Alcott’s classic: companionate marriage and sisterhood. And many of them are missing the central premise altogether, namely that growing up means becoming a better person, one who can balance her own needs and desires with those of the people she loves.”
Anne Boyd Rioux, Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy: The Story of Little Women and Why It Still Matters

Christina Strigas
“I love words as food. It fills up my appetite with parsley, mint, and species. It has a way of keeping my immune system stronger - my senses alert, my feet tapping, and my soul smelling the aroma of imagery.”
Christina Strigas, A Book of Chrissyisms

Alice Tyszka
“Find her with the flowers.
The roses,
The marigolds.
Find her telling stories that
She’s never before told.
Find her when she is vulnerable
And honest
And true.

When you find this girl,
Just know
I’d keep her close
If I were you.

She’ll write a tale in growing time that
Almost seems to last forever.
Don’t ask her when she will stop daydreaming.
She will simply look at you
And say,
Because forever in her fairy tales
the girl with the flowers will be.
Finding things of inspiration
To keep her heart beating
And her spirits light
Humming a simple harmony.”
Alice Tyszka, Finding My Light

“I’m determined to prove not only to him, but to everyone—that discipline is not more important than care.”
Alex Dalton, A View From The Mountain

Janisse Ray
“Although I was reared on a junkyard by parents who did not waste time hiking or camping, I knew pine trees and pitcher plants, bobcats and brown thrashers, as my people.”
Janisse Ray, Wild Spectacle: Seeking Wonders in a World Beyond Humans

“Men in offices are, for the most part, Deadly Bores. They suffer from indigestion and ask you to buy their pills in your lunch hour. They seldom think of their girl employees as human beings at all. What they would prefer, if they were procurable and didn’t cost too much, would be a series of automatic machines, into which you put the week’s salary and took out the letters at the other end. They would prefer these to young women, because you can kick a machine, if you happen to be put out about something, without being hauled into court for assault.”
Lucy Malleson, Three-a-Penny

“My natural hair it always flows like
golden crowns made from cosmos.”
Rain Cooper

Christina Strigas
“Stay beautiful and strong
when others try to break your soul,
it's not you
they want,
it's your beauty and art.”
Christina Strigas, A Book of Chrissyisms

Rasha Alajouz
“Wherever you stand, stand tall; you don't need heels, you just need a goal.”
Rasha Alajouz, Standing Tall Without Heels

Alice Tyszka

A head in the clouds

Ideas spark like lightning

My mind, a hailstorm inside.”
Alice Tyszka, Finding My Light

Prachi Gangwani
“Back when we lived together, we had a couch in the room, which played a central role in our marriage. Two roles, actually, that became foundational bricks. For Karan, it was a dumping ground - for the damp towel, dirty socks, smelly t-shirts, laptop bag, and the resentments he had against me, which he buried under the cushion. For me, it was a sounding board - I would sit on it and write in my journal all the things I chose not to say out loud to Karan. I would hide the journal under the cushion, along with Karan’s pile of resentments. Now that the marriage was over, there was no room for his grudges and my confessions. And no room for a couch in the bedroom.”
Prachi Gangwani, Together Again?: A Lockdown Love Story

“Dissecting the rishta sites quickly becomes me and Fiz's favorite pastime. 'Look at this one, Fiz, look at this one. "i am looking for simple, obedient girl." Vom!' 'Why doesn't he just advertise for a chief chapati maker and be done with it.' 'I know, right! This guy says "only virgin!", "no party girls!" He also loves exclamation marks.' 'Translation: I can't be with a woman who has met other men because then she'll know how rubbish I am.”
Mariam Khan, It's Not About the Burqa

Jennifer Yeates Camara
“...I grow
snakes for
hair to hold
the venom
from this
heart loaded
too heavily
with all
they hate
about themselves and if

they hiss
it's only because
like any monster I've
long since
my own
to scream"
- from "Medusa", Reduction Fired”
Jennifer Yeates Camara, Reduction Fired

Janisse Ray
“Out beyond houses and mailboxes, roads and bridges, a person can see a realm that exists alongside this world in which we humans live.”
Janisse Ray

M.J.  Grace
“For her friends, Ella is a hero! She will do anything in her power to not leave a woman behind. A feminist who stands up bravely for women against the pile of narcissistic sperm affiliates who spend their whole lives scouting out for hilari uteri.”
M.J. Grace, Paperback Writers Anthology

Cristina  Redondo
“Irina Paulova tenía más ganas de matar que nunca”
Cristina Redondo, Clandestina

Cristina  Redondo
“El espejo de la realidad cambia muy rápidamente de ángulo: aquello que parecía inimaginable se hacía realidad en los momentos más inesperados y, a veces, también en los más inoportunos”
Cristina Redondo, Clandestina

Rebecca Solnit
“There are other things I'd rather write about, but this affects everything else. The lives of half of humanity are still dogged by, drained by, and sometimes ended by the pervasive variety of violence. Think of how much more time and energy we would have to focus on other things that matter if we weren't so busy surviving. Look at it this way: one of the best journalists I know is afraid to walk home at night in our neighborhood. Should she stop working late? How many women have had to stop doing their work, or been stopped from doing it, for similar reasons?”
Rebecca Solnit, Men Explain Things to Me

“பெண்ணைக் குறித்த பார்வை பெண்ணினிடமிருந்தே துவங்கவேண்டும்; அப்போதுதான் பெண்ணின் மனதில் காலம்காலமாய் ஏற்றப்பட்டு புரையோடிப்போன ஆண் சிந்தனை உடையும்; பெண்ணுக்கு பெண்ணே எதிரி என்று சொல்லித் திரியும் பட்டிமன்ற சொல்லாடல்கள் மாறும்; அதை ரசிக்கும் பெண்களின் உளப்பாங்கும் மாறுபடும் என்பனவெல்லாம் தொடர்ந்து சொல்லப்பட்டு வருகின்றன.”
Ahila Dorairaj, மண்சட்டி | சிறுகதைகள்: Mansatti | Short Stories

Rasha Alajouz
“If I can touch the life of one person, two people, ten people, then my work is worth it”
Rasha Alajouz, Standing Tall Without Heels

“Deciding to put my energy and experience into building a business at the time I did it felt perfectly natural; but when I started to look around I realised that I was in a very small minority of women around my age, leading business.”
Sheila Holt, Trust is the New Currency: How to build trust, attract the right partners and create wealth through business and investments

Prachi Gangwani
“Do you love Hemant?”

I thought about this. I never had before. Hemant, like Sanjeev, was also a habit. We spoke at a fixed hour every day, for a fixed period of time; saw each other every Tuesday and Friday and drank the same frothy cold coffee at the same cafe each time. We made love once a month when Sanjeev would go to Benares for a field visit. Come to think of it, I didn’t know Hemant all that well either. He made me laugh, and that’s why I so enjoyed his company. But, I didn’t know what his childhood was like or how close he was to his sisters. Just that he had three. So, did I love Hemant? No.”
Prachi Gangwani, Sheela Ji's Woes : A Lockdown Love Story

Prachi Gangwani
“How could I choose between two men I didn’t love?”
Prachi Gangwani, Sheela Ji's Woes : A Lockdown Love Story

Mitta Xinindlu
“My passion for social justice and uplifting people also serves as my inspiration.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Rebecca Winn
“When crisis strips away our masks and guides us inside to our authentic selves, the beauty it reveals can be staggering. When we are unmasked, we are vibrant, we are radiant. When we are wholly ourselves, it is holy.”
Rebecca Winn

Anupama Krishnan
“I am nobody, nobody is me,
I hold nothing, nothing holds me.
I belong to no one, no one belongs to me.”
Anupama Krishnan, Misplaced Mind

“The best part of being a Woman is that we get the cake, the icing, the cherry on the icing and of course the Quintessential good looking Baker as well... We wouldn't want it any other way now, would we?”
Pooja Marwah

Baheya Zeitoun
“The buildings looked like mere children’s blocks from a distance. The sun hid behind the interlaced clouds, softening the atmosphere and blurring the edges of the individual objects in the landscape. Paris appeared as it would on an impressionist artist’s canvas – real but without exact details.”
Baheya Zeitoun, Toxic Relief

Baheya Zeitoun
“She strolled down the boulevard with a melancholic expression on her face and the weight of the world on her back.”
Baheya Zeitoun, Toxic Relief