Women S Strength Quotes

Quotes tagged as "women-s-strength" Showing 1-30 of 447
Erin Morgenstern
“Most maidens are perfectly capable of rescuing themselves in my experience, at least the ones worth something, in any case.”
Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus

C. JoyBell C.
“The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.”
C. JoyBell C.

Sophie Kinsella
“Darling, when things go wrong in life, you lift your chin, put on a ravishing smile, mix yourself a little cocktail...”
Sophie Kinsella

توفيق الحكيم
“إن عقل المرأة إذا ذبل ومات ،فقد ذبل عقل الأمة كلها ومات.”
توفيق الحكيم

Ahlam Mosteghanemi
“I Became a free woman when I decided to stop dreaming, freedom that is waiting for nothing .. and anticipation is a state of slavery" - Ahlam (Chaos of the Senses)”
Ahlam Mosteghanemi, فوضى الحواس

Brené Brown
“Even to me the issue of "stay small, sweet, quiet, and modest" sounds like an outdated problem, but the truth is that women still run into those demands whenever we find and use our voices.”
Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Taylor Rhodes
“blessed be
who is
Taylor Rhodes, calloused: a field journal

Amanda Lovelace
don't endure
simply because
we can;


women endure
because we aren't
given any other

- they wanted us weak but forced us to be strong.”
Amanda Lovelace, The Witch Doesn't Burn in This One

Anya Seton
“A woman with opinions had better develop a thick skin and a loud voice.”
Anya Seton, The Winthrop Woman

C. JoyBell C.
“Inside every woman, is a crazy girl. And we all know what I'm talking about. That part of you that is entangled with insecurities, fears, and absolute insanity! The art of femininity lies in the molding, pounding, and defeating of that crazy girl on a daily basis! Look at any woman, and you're looking at a woman fighting a daily battle, wielding her weapons in war, every day! I have said it before and I'll say it again: it is never easy being a woman! And if we could only pound that crazy, insecure girl out of ourselves, it would make such the difference!”
C. JoyBell C.

Anne Frank
“In the book Soldiers on the Home Front, I was greatly struck by the fact that in childbirth alone, women commonly suffer more pain, illness and misery than any war hero ever does. An what's her reward for enduring all that pain? She gets pushed aside when she's disfigured by birth, her children soon leave, hear beauty is gone. Women, who struggle and suffer pain to ensure the continuation of the human race, make much tougher and more courageous soldiers than all those big-mouthed freedom-fighting heroes put together.”
Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

Renée Ahdieh
“You are first and foremost a person. A reckless, foolish person, but a person nonetheless. If I ever say you are not permitted to do something, rest assured that the last reason I would ever say so would be because you are a girl.”
Renee Ahdieh, Flame in the Mist

G.K. Chesterton
“Babies need not to be taught a trade, but to be introduced to a world. To put the matter shortly, woman is generally shut up in a house with a human being at the time when he asks all the questions that there are, and some that there aren't. It would be odd if she retained any of the narrowness of a specialist. Now if anyone says that this duty of general enlightenment (even when freed from modern rules and hours, and exercised more spontaneously by a more protected person) is in itself too exacting and oppressive, I can understand the view. I can only answer that our race has thought it worth while to cast this burden on women in order to keep common-sense in the world. But when people begin to talk about this domestic duty as not merely difficult but trivial and dreary, I simply give up the question. For I cannot with the utmost energy of imagination conceive what they mean. When domesticity, for instance, is called drudgery, all the difficulty arises from a double meaning in the word. If drudgery only means dreadfully hard work, I admit the woman drudges in the home, as a man might drudge at the Cathedral of Amiens or drudge behind a gun at Trafalgar. But if it means that the hard work is more heavy because it is trifling, colorless and of small import to the soul, then as I say, I give it up; I do not know what the words mean. To be Queen Elizabeth within a definite area, deciding sales, banquets, labors and holidays; to be Whiteley within a certain area, providing toys, boots, sheets, cakes. and books, to be Aristotle within a certain area, teaching morals, manners, theology, and hygiene; I can understand how this might exhaust the mind, but I cannot imagine how it could narrow it. How can it be a large career to tell other people's children about the Rule of Three, and a small career to tell one's own children about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone, and narrow to be everything to someone? No; a woman's function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it is minute. I will pity Mrs. Jones for the hugeness of her task; I will never pity her for its smallness.”
G.K. Chesterton, What's Wrong with the World

Leila Meacham
“I'm learning not to hope for what I can't control...”
Leila Meacham, Roses

Sylvia Plath
“I was my own woman.
The next step was to find the proper sort of man.”
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Diana   Forbes
“I wished he'd stop trying to put me off. It was becoming irksome. Or, if he were, then he really needed to stop acting so damned charming.”
Diana Forbes, Mistress Suffragette

Bella Pollen
“Women only cut their hair in times of crisis... It's somethin' a woman always has the power to do, even when she loses control over everything else. Cuttin' hair is a cry for help.”
Bella Pollen, Midnight Cactus

Liz Newman
“A woman has but two loves in life: the one who broke her heart and the one she spends the rest of her life with."
- Carolyn Chase, former Broadcast Journalist and heroine Kate Theodore's mother”
Liz R. Newman

Gillian Flynn
“Something bad was about to happen. My wife was being clever again.”
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl

Charles Bukowski
“Fay had a spot of blood on the left side of her mouth and I took a wet cloth and wiped it off. Women were meant to suffer; no wonder they asked for constant declarations of love.”
Charles Bukowski, Post Office

Jennifer Love Hewitt
“A world without men would consists of a bunch of fat, happy women with no crime.”
Jennifer Love Hewitt, The Day I Shot Cupid: Hello, My Name Is Jennifer Love Hewitt and I'm a Love-aholic

Emilie Autumn
“Going back to the basis, the phrase ‘Fight Like A Girl’, and we’ve all heard that growing up. And by that they mean that you’re some kind of weakling and have no skills as a male. It’s said to little boys when they can’t fight yet, and it ridicules us. By the time we were born, the most of us hear things which program you to accept and know that you are less than your male counter part. It comes apparent in the way you’re paid for your job, it comes apparent when yóu are not allowed to go outside after a certain hour because you stand a good chance of getting raped while no one says that to your boyfriend. While women, anywhere, live in some kind of fear, there is no equality and that is mathematically impossible. We cannot see that change or solved in our lifetimes, but we have to do everything that we can. We should remind ourselves that we are fifty-one percent. Everyone should know that fighting like a girl is a positive thing and that there is not inherently anything wrong with us by the fact that we are born like ladies. That is a beautiful thing that we should never be put down because of. Being compared to a woman should only make a man feel stronger. It should be a compliment. In this world we’re creating it actually is.

I remember this one guy who came to our show in Texas or something and he had painted his shirt “real men fight like a girl”, and I cried, because he was going away in the army next day. He bought my book because he wanted something he could read over there. I just hoped that this men, fully straight and fully male can maintain and retain all of those things that make him understand us, and what makes him so beautiful. A lot of military training is step one: you take all those guys and put them in front of bunch of hardcore videogames where you kill a bunch of people and become desensitised. But that is NOT power! I will not do that. I will not become less of a human being and I refuse to give up my femininity because that’s bullshit. I’m not going to have to shave my head and become all buff and all that to be able to say “now I’m powerful” because that’s bullshit. All of this, all of us, we are power. You don’t have to change anything to be strong.”
Emilie Autumn

Ursula K. Le Guin
“I know that many men and even women are afraid and angry when women do speak, because in this barbaric society, when women speak truly they speak subversively - they can't help it: if you're underneath, if you're kept down, you break out, you subvert. We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains.

That's what I want - to hear you erupting. You young Mount St. Helenses who don't know the power in you - I want to hear you.”
Ursula K. Le Guin

Charlotte Brontë
“it is madness in al women to let a secret love kindle within them, which, if unreturned and unknown, must devour the life that feeds it; and, if discovered and responded to, must lead into miry wilds whence there is no extrication.”
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Amit Ray
“Women are the nourishing power of the Universe. Whoever has deep respect for women of the world, will remain free from diseases.”
Amit Ray

“The ethereal beauty of the female semblance conceals that they really are dangerous like a great white shark in the most peaceful and deep water.
(quote from the exhibit at the Cultural Museum)”

Tamar Myers
“Women saw everything, and they thought about everything. The result was wisdom. For men, this was a frightening state of affairs, which is why they insist on holding on to power.”
Tamar Myers, The Witch Doctor's Wife

“They wore their professional clothes like armor. They wielded their work like weapons, warding off the presumption of inferiority because they were Negro or female.”
Margot Lee Shetterly, Hidden Figures

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