Woodland Quotes

Quotes tagged as "woodland" Showing 1-5 of 5
William Wordsworth
“Therefore am I still / A lover of the meadows and the woods, / And mountains; and of all that we behold / From this green earth; of all the mighty world / Of eye and ear, both what they half create / And what perceive; well pleased to recognize / In nature and the language of the sense, / The anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse/ The guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul / Of all my moral being.”
William Wordsworth, Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey

“Little Maiden Encounters Fear

Deepest regions walked she there
little maiden sweet and fair
ventured far from the path
never a whisper
never a laugh...”
Muse, Enigmatic Evolution

“If you destroy thriving woodlands to establish a so-called smart city, it won’t be a ‘development.’ Development and conservation should go hand in hand.”
Shivanshu K. Srivastava

Freedom Matthews
“The creature which stood before me was no bigger than a child, yet I would have sworn she was wood nymph. With pointed ears, translucent skin and a halo of woodland flowers in her silvery hair, the small woman held a strange presence. Besides the creature's obvious beauty, I couldn't draw my gaze away from her magnificent opaque wings. They fluttered in the breeze like the leaves above us.”
Freedom Matthews, Inherited

Stewart Stafford
“In Green Grandeur by Stewart Stafford

Under towers of green pillars,
Grow those leafed palaces,
Stretching out their tall limbs,
Up skyward in thanksgiving.

Saplings with peacock foliage,
A forest floor carpeted thickly,
With dead leaves, kindling and,
Subterranean roots peeking out.

Storm-crooked trunks stooping,
To the lightning-shattered bows,
Fingers of dying sunlight reach,
To caress the ivy-entwined bark.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved”
Stewart Stafford