Work Life Balance Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "work-life-balance-quotes" Showing 1-16 of 16
Rahul Shrivastava
“Take things as they come. The less you compare, the happier you will be. And this is not only true at work.”
Rahul Shrivastava, WHY FAIL?: Your Bestial Way to Success

Richie Norton
“Forget work-life balance...Do the thing you want and create systems to support that. Perfectly imbalanced in the direction you want to go is perfectly acceptable.”
Richie Norton

“No matter how good you are at work, you are always replaceable. So don't loose yourself in the work rather grow mature with work-life balance”
Ambika Thapa

Tina Hallis
“Work-life balance is not something we can find. That’s because we use words as if this balance were a noun when in reality it’s an action verb. We cannot find balance because it’s a continual action with ongoing adjustments, just like the tightrope walker who constantly moves his pole to keep from falling”
Tina Hallis, Sharpen Your Positive Edge: Shifting Your Thoughts for More Positivity and Success

Simeon Ivanov
“Work-life balance” seems to have become the best excuse for many people not to take responsibility for their professional and personal growth. But this “balance” that all of us love to talk about is not something conceptual. It is achieved by strategic, focused, hard work. It doesn’t come by default or when we say the magic words. That’s why many of us are leading lives far from our potential for success and fulfillment — because we wait for balance to happen, and it never does. I’ve been there, and it sucks.

Most of us haven’t taken a single hour of our lives to think about what work-life balance means to us. Needless to say, we put zero effort into planning about it, working for it, living it. Open your calendar and show me what your work-life balance looks like. In 99 percent of cases, it’s not there — it’s nowhere to be found.”
Simeon Ivanov, 0.1%: Join The Club of The Richest, Healthiest, Happiest

Richie Norton
“Check your life. Not boxes.”
Richie Norton

Rob Liano
“Stop living to work or and start working to give.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“Live to work or work to give?”
Rob Liano

“I love walking and working - it's my favorite thing to do. I have meetings while walking or work on projects, come up with ideas, respond to messages etc [all while walking around the city]. My least favorite thing to do is sit and work in front of a computer, so I limit that to the minimum.”
Mimi Ikonn

Janice Fraser
“We no longer believe in work/life balance: It’s all just life. And we need to know it’s a life that we want to live, filled with security, confidence, love, and meaning. The idea that we turn “off” life when we turn “on” work is outmoded. What happens to us at work, the choices we make at work, how we lead at work—all of this impacts our macro and micro quality of life, and the nature of the world we live in.”
Janice Fraser, Farther, Faster, and Far Less Drama: How to Reduce Stress and Make Extraordinary Progress Wherever You Lead

Harjeet Khanduja
“Work Life Balance is not always about balancing hours.
It’s about finding harmony in life.”
Harjeet Khanduja, The Storytelling Leader and other stories

Harjeet Khanduja
“A creative side hobby can improve wellness and productivity.”
Harjeet Khanduja, The Storytelling Leader and other stories