Stepheny's Reviews > The Magicians

The Magicians by Lev Grossman
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's review

did not like it
bookshelves: gouge-out-my-eyes-with-a-spoon

Prepare yourselves for a rant-filled scathing review. So. Much. Hate.

When I read the Martian I really never thought there would be a book I would hate more. But boy am I putting my foot in my mouth on that one! The Magicians was the winner by a landslide for The Most Obnoxious Book of the Year Award!

Congratulations, Lev Grossman! Your book fucking sucks.

This book was said to be the “adult version of Harry Potter.” Those are some big balls you have making that claim. Especially to someone like me. This is NOT anywhere near as good as Harry Potter. In fact, you may as well compare hippogriffs to flobberworms! I mean, seriously. The two aren't even in the same realm, let alone the same fucking genre. Everything that Harry Potter is is exactly what the Magicians isn’t.

Now, I can forgive the idiot who decided to use the slogan “the adult version of Harry Potter” to help sell the Magicians. Clearly that person is a fucking moron who never read either book. It’s ok, I’ve forgiven him/her. What I can’t forgive is Lev Grossman creating the most obnoxious character I have ever encountered. That’s right! Step aside, Bella! Quentin has taken your place atop the list of Most Useless Main Character!

Quentin is…oh dear. I am not even sure where to start. Quentin is just awful. He’s plagued with self-loathing and yet so incredibly full of himself that he he’s blinded by his own shit because his head is crammed up his own ass. The dumbass actually has the audacity to demean his girlfriend for cheating on him after he cheated on her. He acts as if he is completely innocent and then rips her to pieces verbally. That’s just one example but my god, what the fuck is wrong with you?! Great storytelling, Lev!

The only memorable moment for me throughout this heaping pile of shit book was that they got turned into geese where they flew to the south pole…or was it the north? Ah, fuck it. It doesn't matter anyway because the whole storyline was pointless. Anyway, they later get turned into arctic foxes and then they fuck. The single most exciting moment in the whole entire book.

But listen, this book has absolutely no point. None. Quentin figures out he is a special snowflake- shocker. And then goes to school at the Special Snowflake Academy where he learns some magic tricks. But no one knows where the magic comes from you know. Like it’s apart of your being, ya know. And it’s all like hipster meets grunge mentality there. Everyone is so fucking privileged but they do nothing but bitch about their parents and life. Oh. And the school? Well, that could have been interesting. But instead we get barely half of the book worth of schooling before they are all graduated and find out that their lives don’t matter. They can do everything. But…DUN DUN DUN! They can also do nothing! Fascinating. No?

No. I suppose you’re right.

I almost never tell people not to read books. But if you value your sanity I would stay far, far away from this book. What a disappointment. I will not be continuing the series. I do not care what happens to anyone in it. I don’t care to see how the story progresses. I do not care one bit. So please, do not tell me how awesome the rest of them are. I will kill you lock you up in my basement and feed you to Jeff and Mr. KIng.

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Reading Progress

January 17, 2015 – Shelved
January 17, 2015 –
page 0
0.0% "Finally getting started on this!"
January 18, 2015 –
page 8
57.14% "Had trouble even concentrating for these 8 pages. Don't know if it's because I was tired or if it's the book. I'll keep at it and see how it goes. Far too early to tell."
January 19, 2015 –
page 37
100% "Hmmmm"
January 20, 2015 –
page 64
100% "My mind is wandering a lot while reading this. Beginning to think it's the book and not me..."
January 21, 2015 –
page 75
January 22, 2015 –
page 95
100% "Starting to get a little more into this now...curious where it's going. I really thought one thing before and now, I'm not so sure!"
January 23, 2015 –
page 137
100% "Are we done with welters?


I hope so."
January 26, 2015 –
page 137
100% "Still struggling a bit with this one...going to read it when I can rather than having it be my primary just hasn't really sucked me in..."
February 20, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
December 9, 2015 – Started Reading
December 9, 2015 –
0.0% "Attempting this one for the second time. Hoping the audio is worth it!! :D"
December 10, 2015 –
December 11, 2015 –
December 16, 2015 –
December 18, 2015 –
December 21, 2015 –
43.0% "Is Quentin a special snowflake? I think he might be."
December 28, 2015 –
December 28, 2015 –
January 5, 2016 –
79.0% "0h gee! They made it to Fillory. Never saw that one coming. "
January 9, 2016 –
93.0% "I don't think I've ever been more ready for a book to be over. But I'm a see-it-through-to-the-end type."
January 12, 2016 –
98.0% "For the love of god just end the fucking book already!"
January 13, 2016 – Finished Reading
January 19, 2016 – Shelved as: gouge-out-my-eyes-with-a-spoon

Comments Showing 1-50 of 126 (126 new)

message 1: by Alissa (new)

Alissa Patrick Oh boy I can't wait! Lol I have this on my tbr so I can't wait to have a good excuse to remove a stinker

message 2: by Bill (new)

Bill I'm heading for cover - fire in the hole!

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Hurry up!

Stepheny It'll probably be Friday! I have 5 days off from both jobs starting Friday!! Woot woot!

Randee you know, I didn't think it was that bad but I am sorry I picked it as a monthly read a year ago. Later this month, the syfy channel starts this as a series. I'm going to watch least, DVR it just to see how it stacks up.

Stepheny Here you go, Kelly! Hopefully my review lives up to your expectations!

Stepheny Randee wrote: " you know, I didn't think it was that bad but I am sorry I picked it as a monthly read a year ago. Later this month, the syfy channel starts this as a series. I'm going to watch ..."

Randee, no need to apologize!! We are all different readers. :) This was the first book in the great escape that I really disliked. But, it's ok. I do not hold you responsible. I gave it a shot, but it wasn't for me. I hope you don't feel bad about me not liking it! LOL

message 8: by Dan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dan Schwent The way they market this as Harry Potter for adults gives people the wrong expectations. I enjoyed it but I can see why people hate Quentin thinking they're getting Harry Potter.

Stepheny I agree for the most part. However, I never expected Quentin to be Harry Potter. I think Quentin is a shitbag on my own standards without needing to compare him to HP. But yes, my expectations for the story itself were high. I was hoping for the...excuse the pun..magic of HP. For a book about magic it had very little magic.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Stepheny wrote: "Congratulations, Lev Grossman! Your book fucking sucks."

You could have stopped right there. Oh god snortlaughs extreme. And then????

Stepheny wrote: "You may as well compare hippogriffs to flobberworms!"


Stepheny wrote: "Anyway, they later get turned into arctic foxes and then they fuck. The single most exciting moment in the whole entire book."


Stepheny BWhahahahaah! Your reaction to my review made my whole year. Literally. I am so glad you approve! LMFAO!

message 12: by Delee (last edited Jan 19, 2016 11:53AM) (new)

Delee The dumbass actually has the audacity to demean his girlfriend for cheating on him after he cheated on her.

Were they on a break? ;)

message 13: by Bill (new)

Bill Oh my the F-Bombs are raining down on this one :)

Stepheny LMFAO. No. He got drunk and slept with was actually very vague. I think it may have even been a bit of an orgy. But he definitely hooked up with some other chick. Then his gf gets back at him and he WILL NOT LET IT GO. Every chance he gets he is throwing it in her face as if he never did anything in the first place. It drove me nuts. LOL

message 15: by Jeff (new)

Jeff Ya ain't fed us in days, but I'd et some people 'for I et Subway or somethin'.

Stepheny Bill wrote: "Oh my the F-Bombs are raining down on this one :)"

So sorry, Bill! I'm a lady only when I absolutely must be! ;) LOL Sarcasm and foul-language are two of my favorite things. :D

message 17: by Delee (new)

Delee I think you should eat the pervy Subway guy. Is there anyway you could lure him down to the cellar Stepheny?

Stepheny Jeff wrote: "Ya ain't fed us in days, but I'd et some people 'for I et Subway or somethin'."

Yeh'll eat what I'm feeding' yehs or yeh won't eat t'all! How'd old Musty taste? *cackles*

Stepheny Delee wrote: "I think you should eat the pervy Subway guy. Is there anyway you could lure him down to the cellar Stepheny?"

I'm sure I could find a way....

message 20: by Jeff (new)

Jeff Musty tastes like hair....

message 21: by Andrea (new) - added it

Andrea Love this review. The copy that I picked up a while ago might just make it's way back to the library book sale. I can feel the hatred for it growing and I haven't even picked it up yet. :)

Putting this on the nope list...right next to the new Twilight one. haha!

message 22: by Delee (new)

Delee Jeff wrote: "Musty tastes like hair...."

...and yur point is?

message 23: by Jeff (new)

Jeff Delee wrote: "Jeff wrote: "Musty tastes like hair...."

...and yur point is?"

Them's good eats...

message 24: by Angel (new)

Angel I love this review! A lot.

Stepheny Andrea wrote: "Love this review. The copy that I picked up a while ago might just make it's way back to the library book sale. I can feel the hatred for it growing and I haven't even picked it up yet. :)


haha! Thanks, Andrea! But you should read it so we can bitch about it like we do the Maze Runner!!! LOL

Stepheny Jeff wrote: Them's good eats..."

I just threw up a little...

Stepheny Angel wrote: "I love this review! A lot."

Thank you, Angel! :)

Stepheny LOL!!! Too funny!

Thanks for sharing, Ms. M! And thank you kindly for your words! :) I had not planned on using HP gifs originally but they seemed to fit rather nicely! ;)

message 29: by Ginger (new) - added it

Ginger <3 Love the rant and the gif's
This was on my TBR as well. Moved to the end or at least to the list of books to read out of curiosity.

Stepheny Ginger wrote: "<3 Love the rant and the gif's
This was on my TBR as well. Moved to the end or at least to the list of books to read out of curiosity."

Haha!! So glad to hear my protege approves of my review!! :D You should read it so we can bask in our mutual hatred together! ;) LOL Or you could read it and love it. haha!

message 31: by Mir (last edited Jan 19, 2016 01:19PM) (new) - added it

Mir I think Grossman was trying to make a point about how finding a magical school or whatever will not make your life all perfect if you're still a jerk. But I don't want read about some jerks whining. I couldn't even finish this, it was so annoying.

You know what I really wanted to read? Those fictional Fillory (or whatever they were called) books that the characters really liked.

Stepheny YES! You're 100% on the mark with that, Miriam! And had he been a better writer he could have pulled it off. But the incessant whining of the most pretentious characters led to my hatred. He really had the opportunity, more than once, to make this book awesome. What a letdown! And I agree- the Fillory books seemed much more interesting than what we DID read. LOL

message 33: by Lisa (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lisa Yesssssss love a good rant! Sooooooooooo you;re not carrying on with the series???!!!! :)

Stepheny Lisa wrote: "Yesssssss love a good rant! Sooooooooooo you;re not carrying on with the series???!!!! :)"

Hahaha! No, ma'am!

At least at this point I am saying no. It's hard for me to not continue series...even when I dislike them I usually try to finish them to find out how the whole thing plays out. But....ugh! I'm going to say no! For now.. LOL

message 35: by Christopher (new) - added it

Christopher > But no one knows where the magic comes from you know. Like it’s apart of your being, ya know.

Wait... do people in HP know where magic comes from? It's midi-chlorians, right?

My GR friends are all over the map on this one. I'm morbidly curious, but I suspect my 500+ tbr shelf will keep me from giving into that.

message 36: by Ashley Marie (new)

Ashley Marie Think I'll skip this one. Thanks for taking one for the team, Steph!!

Stepheny Chris- Where the magic comes from isn't really even addressed in HP. But that's my point. If JKR didn't know she didn't talk about it. To me, if you're a writer and you're going to bring it into discussion you should probably be ready to give your reader's an answer. LOL And I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it....IF you get around to it! ;)

Stepheny Ashley *Hufflepuff Kitten* wrote: "Think I'll skip this one. Thanks for taking one for the team, Steph!!"

Anytime, Ashley! ;) LMAO!

Jess ❈Harbinger of Blood-Soaked Rainbows❈ So please, do not tell me how awesome the rest of them are. I will kill you lock you up in my basement and feed you to Jeff and Mr. KIng.

^^^^^ BAHAHAHAHAHA This review is awesome as always:)

Jess ❈Harbinger of Blood-Soaked Rainbows❈ And man! My friends are also seriously divided about this one...

Stepheny Lol! So glad you enjoyed it, Jess! Thanks, Sweets!! :)

Stepheny And yes. The reviews are all over the place!

message 43: by Christopher (new) - added it

Christopher With this 1-star review, my friends have now given this book every star rating possible. I find it amazing that the same book can evoke "awesome", "shit", and "meh" from different people, all of whom thought well enough of the genre and premise to read it in the first place.

message 44: by Christopher (new) - added it

Christopher Stepheny wrote: "Chris- Where the magic comes from isn't really even addressed in HP. But that's my point. If JKR didn't know she didn't talk about it. To me, if you're a writer and you're going to bring it into di..."

Ah, I see. That makes a lot of sense.

I will probably pass on this one even if the crazy variance in reviews has me interested. "He’s plagued with self-loathing and yet so incredibly full of himself that he he’s blinded by his own shit" is enough for me. That MC sounds like one that would drive me insane.

Stepheny It is fascinating isn't it, Christopher?! That's the beauty of reading you know :) I'm glad my review helped you make a decision! ;)

message 46: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra Wowzers! Is it actually called Special Snowflake School?! Definitely staying far away, I love Harry Potter immensely and don't think anything can come close. I shall stay far, far away. I am a masochist is seems as I'm going to read Grey BUT maybe that's enough self inflicted punishment for me

Ɗẳɳ  2.☊ Damn, I really thought I was going to beat you to the presses with this one, but I got caught up in work and wasting time on gr, of course. I'll post my review tomorrow, and try and catch up with all the comments then. Nice rant though. :)

message 48: by Becky (new) - rated it 1 star

Becky You should have learned from my mistake, Steph. I gave up at the illogical and pointless goose transfiguration.

Amanda Stepheny - I don't know you, but a friend liked your review and it showed up in my wall. I couldn't agree with you more. I despised this book. I never hated a main character more than I did Quentin. I am usually extremely OCD about reading a series, but I wouldn't waste my time on the second book even if you paid me. I am still mad when I think of the hours of my life I will never get back because of this book. <> Rant Over.

message 50: by Jeff (new)

Jeff Stepheny wrote: "Jeff wrote: Them's good eats..."

I just threw up a little..."

It's better 'n slugs, bugs and Delees.

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