Anish Kohli's Reviews > The Girl on the Train

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
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's review

did not like it

What can I truly say about this book that hasn’t been already said, you ask..??

I’ll tell you…
This book here, is a complete and an utter TRAIN WRECK. Yes, you heard me..!!

Am I out of my freaking mind, you ask..??

I’ll tell you...
YES! ABSOLUTELY! Because this book is a horribly written MINDFUCK.

This guy’s insane, he’s completely LOST IT, you say..??

I’ll tell you…
I HAVE! I feel the need to pour ACID on my brains and eyes to erase this SHIT piece of writing.

My eyes, my POOR POOR EYES..!!
They spent many hours and days at my behest, reading, hoping, praying for it to get better, on what has to be my WORST READ EVER..!!

Ohh the TREES..!!
Think about the TREES. Those defenseless poor trees that were cut down, ROBBED of LIFE, DIED only to be turned into this 336 paged MONSTROSITY. It's a pity that they were so cursed in the afterlife and were denied the honor of being made into a book that would've been worthy of their sacrifice.

Funny thing is, I did put this book down midway for almost a month. But being a sucker that I am, who can hardly ever NOT complete a book, I picked it up again and vowed to see it through.

It has been a tough task.

Reading the Percy Jackson series, I thought my will power to be STEEL, to get through such a bad series. Though it took more effort on my part to finish just this one book than 5 books of Percy Jackson series combined, it taught me that my will is FUCKING TITANIUM, to have withstood the mind-numbing, self-wallowing & gullible protagonist and her incessant rambling.

I absolutely hated every character! Like they were all useless and senseless and so shallow and It never mattered if they lived or died or suffered. I loathed Rachel. So so so much!
I found the plot mostly weak. And the ending. That weird ending. I just cant.

Yes, it's that BAD. Probably even worse than I make it sound.

Written in 1st person, which I do not favor by the way, this book will make you feel like you are inside the mind of the protagonist. Now, you may think, “How can that be bad..??”. It’s not the good kind, being able to peek inside a character’s mind, this is like being TRAPPED inside someone’s noggin and hearing their every freaking thought that you could do without.
Let me point something out, 1st person writing too has its variations. One can be below par writing, case in point. The other, while is technically still 1st person POV, reads a lot like the 3rd person POV simply because the author bothers to write in things other than the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist.

I know that this review, if you’ve read it thus far, probably pronounces me as the odd bloody duck, since this book is highly critically acclaimed. Not only is it a sensational bestseller but also it has been the Goodreads Choice Award winner in its respective genre. I guess, I want more from a book than what was offered here?

FUNFACT: Did you know, that this author earns more from just the 1 book than STEPHEN KING does from over 50 books and an assortment of short stories. Like, how? And, why?

I'm left seething, sadly. I’m so disappointed that it’s quite hard to explain. I bought this book for way too much and had such expectations. The only saving grace, which isn’t much, is that the author manages to maintain the suspense till the end of first half of the book. But maybe you could chalk it up to the horrible writing style, which makes you want to just get to the end somehow and when you reach there, you want to hurl the book through a wall.

Try at your own risk!
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Reading Progress

November 30, 2015 – Shelved
November 30, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
June 16, 2016 – Started Reading
June 17, 2016 –
page 10
June 17, 2016 –
page 40
11.9% "It's an incessant rambling till now. Reads like from the POV of a person who lives in their own head to much...!!
Creating a pitiable atmosphere around the Protagonist..!!"
July 4, 2016 –
page 70
July 7, 2016 –
page 100
29.76% "Oh dear..!!
What have I got myself into..!!
Is this book meant to annoy, coz if it is then its a job well done.
Its like being trapped in someones head with them...!!
Incessant "I This" "I That"...!!!
July 16, 2016 –
page 100
29.76% "Alright, I give up...!!!
I'm officially putting this book aside for the simple reason that it is CHEAPLY written. There is no story and the writing style is SHITTY. Whoever told PAULA HAWKINS that she could be a writer, i wonder."
July 16, 2016 – Shelved as: gave-up
August 22, 2016 –
August 23, 2016 –
August 23, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 75 (75 new)

Keeks 🔪 And yet another book that is apparently amazing turns out to be shit. Honestly, I'm not even surprised. Reading this review makes me so happy that I did not buy a copy at my library's book sale.

message 2: by Anish (last edited Aug 25, 2016 08:54PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Kiki, i'm glad that something related to this book made someone happy. :P
Have you read this book or are you yet unscathed from it..??

If you haven't read it, believe me, my review is an understatement. I may have a very limited number of books under my belt but the sole reason for my hatred towards the 1st person writing is underlined in this book. In an attempt to be more intimate with the readers, amateur authors like Paula end up alienating them.

Worst thing is, the accolades this book collected. Dressed up as The BEST THRILLER of the year. Makes you wonder though, how many of these praises bestowed are real and how many paid..!!

Ankit Finally someone who share my thoughts on this book!

I was shocked that this book has got this much attention (acceptable), praise (KMN) and film adaptation (I am leaving this planet).

But that's what happened with Fifty Shades, so it's nothing new.

Anish Kohli Hi Ankit,

Glad to know you too share my feelings and i completely know what you mean.
It's one of the worst books i've read.

Pls dont even get me started on the monstrosity that is 50 shades.

Well, all i can say is keep reading, there are great authors out there.

Sandeep How I wish now that I shud have stumbled upon this honest review before reading this depressing book.,,But the damage is already done :(

Ankit Anish wrote: "Hi Ankit,

Glad to know you too share my feelings and i completely know what you mean.
It's one of the worst books i've read.

Pls dont even get me started on the monstrosity that is 50 shades.

Well, all i can say is keep reading, there are great authors out there.
Cheers "


message 7: by Anish (last edited Oct 27, 2017 01:12AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Sandeep wrote: "How I wish now that I shud have stumbled upon this honest review before reading this depressing book.,,But the damage is already done :("

I feel your pain Sandeep. I felt the same way after reading this. But fret not man, there are some great great books out there.

message 8: by Aaryan (new)

Aaryan So bad it is?

Anish Kohli Ahh well, for me it was. But other people have different opinion.

It's your call if you want to pick it up.

Tarang Sinha Yes, different people have different opinion, but, this unnecessarily long piece is not a review.

message 11: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Tarang wrote: "Yes, different people have different opinion, but, this unnecessarily long piece is not a review."

Hi Tarang, may I ask as to what moved you so to point out this is not a review?

I expressed MY view point in MY review. And as far as I can see and understand, that is exactly the point of a review.

Nice to know that you have a different opinion and that you enjoyed this book but why do you feel the need to force your opinion on others in such a "charming manner"?

Sankara Jayanth S I completely respect that this is your own opinion and your review based on what you have experienced while reading the book. But it's unnecessarily vicious, to be frank. You admit not liking 1st person narrative style(stream of narrator's thoughts style) in general, so you don't like the book even before you start to read it, in a sense. It's quite obvious that there would be a lot of 'I's in a 1st person narrative.

I personally liked the book apart from the final act, it was too dramatic I thought. The writing was alright. See, some books become bestsellers not because the writing is great but because they have a great story and most 'casual' readers tend to not mind the writing styles and its flaws as long as it's delivering them the great story even with mediocre writing. Maybe the herd that rates books on good reads give more credit to a book on account of the story than the writing. I only think that your review is unnecessarily vicious, even though it's all in your right to express your opinions.

message 13: by Anish (last edited Jan 16, 2017 08:38PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Thanks for agreeing it is in my rights to express to begin with Jayanth.

Now, just to clarify, I did not hate or dislike this book from the outset. Infact, I'd like to tell you that while I do not favor 1st person POV, I do read a lot of books written that way and have written words of praise for them. You might want to refer to Corrosion before you berate me for my "Viciousness".

Like you said, everyone has a different opinion. Maybe many people (including you, apparently) prefer story over writing but I prefer writing over everything. Also, there was nothing to the story either. All the characters were so meh & yuck for me and the plot was nothing new.

To inform you, NO, in a 1st person account, there is no pre-requisite of excessive I's. That is just the easier way out.

As for the term "Bestseller" i think its more like "100 crore movie club" where mostly cheap Sallu flicks make the cut.

But hey, that's simply MY opinion. Here on Goodreads there are people who have hated this book more than me. Whose review (had you read them, you'd faint) are not for the weak-hearted or fans but for the neutral reader who welcomes an honest opinion, just like mine.

I hope you will read my review mentioned above and see for yourself how different can two books be, even when written in the same style. If you actually do read it (though i have my doubts) then hit me back and let me know if you still think the same.

PS: Viciousness is just how I do for the books that are below a certain threshold. It's genuinely how I feel coz I am passionate about books.

PPS: Do not, I repeat and request, DO NOT get in an argument with me regarding what is wrong with Sallu Bhai.

Sankara Jayanth S I like good literature too, I read books for their writing too, I'm passionate about books too. Viciousness is too strong a word, it wasn't mean to berate you, I'm sincerely sorry for that. I've read more intense reviews of people who disliked books, lol.

I understand what you say to a very great extent, actually. I am like that when it comes to movies, 'vicious'. Especially Indian movies(I hardly watch any because every frigging movie is almost the same and has been done before). I'm not going to get into an argument about Sallu bhai with a person who knows what's wrong with him :P it's with people who don't know what's wrong with him that I might get into an argument. Hahaha:P Also, let's not get into an argument about the quality of movies, there's a whole lot of shit, possibly worse than here in books, that makes the cut and become successful movies.

message 15: by Tarang (last edited Jan 16, 2017 09:33PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tarang Sinha Anish wrote: "Tarang wrote: "Yes, different people have different opinion, but, this unnecessarily long piece is not a review."

Hi Tarang, may I ask as to what moved you so to point out this is not a review?


I didn't understand two things. One - why do you think that I'm 'forcing my opinion' on you/others? I didn't say that you must like this book or something like that. I didn't even mention if I liked/didn't like this book! It's about personal choices, and I respect that.

Two - what makes you feel that my comment was 'charming'?

As for your review - I have already read this book so it doesn't matter, but had I not read this book, your review might have confused me as it doesn't give any idea about the writing style, execution of the story, unpredictability, what actually didn't work for you etc. that we generally look for in a review. It is just your vehement expression that you hated this book, and it does not deserve to be successful (Again, it's just my opinion. If this is the way you write your reviews, then it's okay).

message 16: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Hey man, no need to be sorry. I welcome your words, strong or regular.
Glad we could come to terms, especially about Sallu bhai :P :)

Did you get around to reading the review I mentioned?

message 17: by Sankara Jayanth (last edited Jan 16, 2017 09:59PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sankara Jayanth S Anish wrote: "Hey man, no need to be sorry. I welcome your words, strong or regular.
Glad we could come to terms, especially about Sallu bhai :P :)

Did you get around to reading the review I mentioned?"

I already read that review and it went onto my TBR shelf right way because of your review(although I did not remember you mentioning the 1st person POV thing, my bad that. I haven't read much horror except The Shining by SK, which I loved. I'll probably read Corrosion, I made a resolution to read a few horror books this year :D

message 18: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Well, allow me to address your points of inquiry.

One, writing "this unnecessarily long piece is not a review" is actually forcing your opinion of a review upon me. I think it is good enough for anyone like me, who looks for how the book impacted the reader.

Two, I saw that you are an author. I have huge respect for authors (not necessarily in every case) for they have a way with WORDS. They say things a lot of people feel but unlike them are incapable of putting them in shape. So, I think you will understand when I say that as an avid reader and admirer of literary arts, I hold authors in high regard.
But you being an author, the way you shaped your comment, was very unexpected and "Charming". I can think of a 1000 ways to disagree in a better fashion. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. No qualms.

Three, as far as my review is concerned, I never give out any spoilers. I do not give out the elements of the story.
I think, if you take a moment to read the review again (assuming you read it till the end the 1st time around) I actually did talk about what did not work for me.
Since I do not give out spoilers, story I can't discuss. Other than than, for me this book was a CLUSTERFUCK. I do not think it would have made sense to write an even lengthier piece (which you pointed out) only to describe that EVERYTHING was wrong with this book.

Besides, It is just how I write every review. I rant. I express how I felt after reading the book not the story itself.

I am all for criticism, tell me what I can improve and you will have my undivided attention.
Tell me "this unnecessarily long piece is not a review", it reflects on you.

Hope to have addressed all your points. Let me know in case I left out anything.

message 19: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Ok, so let me clarify. Corrosion is not a Horror book per se (atleast not for me), in case you might have missed.
I'd classify it more as a psycho-thriller/horror. I mentioned it in the review as well.

The Shining you say, well, that was a delicacy, wasn't it?
Have you read it's sequel Doctor Sleep? I am reading it as we speak, in my office, in middle of work. :P

Horror is something I long for too, I am also reading 'Salem's Lot. It is supposed to be good.
If you do find some good horror books, pls oh pls let me know. I am really pining for one.

Sankara Jayanth S Anish wrote: "Ok, so let me clarify. Corrosion is not a Horror book per se (atleast not for me), in case you might have missed.
I'd classify it more as a psycho-thriller/horror. I mentioned it in the review as w..."

Oh, psycho-thriller + horror would be equally terrifying I guess :D I read a couple of H.P. Lovecraft's short stories, did not enjoy them as much as I expected. People use the term 'Lovercraft-ian' when describing horror books, but I've not personally seen anything special in his stories.

Doctor Sleep is on my TBR shelf too, I will read it, how is it so far?

I read/listen to books at work too :P I can totally relate to the pains and pleasures of it ;) Hahahaha!

message 21: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli I think, Lovecraft, Tolkein, Agatha Christie etc were the trend setters and genre creators of their time. I have read 2 Christie books and 1 by tolkien and I never understood the real appeal of them. It's like vintage value is attached to the names I guess :P

Doctor Sleep, its great. Typical SK. Sucks you right in. He's one hell of a storyteller man. Have you read his Bill Hodges Trilogy?

message 22: by Tarang (last edited Jan 17, 2017 05:55AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tarang Sinha It's amusing that just a single line made you write so many lines. The way you are judging my two lines. Unfortunately, I still don't get your idea of 'forcing opinion on others' and 'charming'. But, leave it.
And, you are right. It's a rant (not review). But then, you say this is the way you write your review, so it's okay.

This is really cool that you can think of a 1000 ways to disagree in a better fashion. But, I don't believe in using unnecessary words. I am an author, yes, but I'm not always in 'author mode' (even when I am talking/commenting replying), 'shaping up' my comments. Here, I have commented as a reader and book reviewer. I'm glad you don't like giving away the spoilers for they spoil the reviews even if they come with 'spoiler alert'. But, I strongly believe that you can easily write a (long) review without giving away the entire story. Writing a book review doesn't mean that you'll have to give the spoilers away.

message 23: by Anish (last edited Mar 28, 2017 07:43PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli You know Tarang, thanks a lot for the insight into the art of reviewing. I'm sure with enough time and books under my belt i'll get better and concise.

I hope you will read all the rest of my reviews too and let me know my other flaws as well (I'm sure I have plenty since I am still a budding reader).

Really would love your input.

message 24: by Rohisa (new)

Rohisa Reviews like this ignite my dimming faith in humanity. Yes. Thankyou. And to know that it's a best seller and large majority of people had gloriously hailed this book are just outright disheartening.

message 25: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Rohisa wrote: "Reviews like this ignite my dimming faith in humanity. Yes. Thankyou. And to know that it's a best seller and large majority of people had gloriously hailed this book are just outright disheartening."

Thank you, good lady, for agreeing with what I had to say. :)

I know, right? Best-goddamn-Seller!! This isn't the only one though. There are many such cases. I feel the same way about Percy Jackson series too. :P
The friend invite though :P ;)

Sr3yas Anish's Biographer's monologue: Early years of Anish's reviewing career was filled with passionate comment wars and blood. As the years passed, Anish's comment section found peace. :p

message 27: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Sr3yas wrote: "Anish's Biographer's monologue: Early years of Anish's reviewing career was filled with passionate comment wars and blood. As the years passed, Anish's comment section found peace. :p"

I think that is unlikely to happen, the finding peace part I mean. ;)

message 28: by Orient (new)

Orient He strikes again! I have a suspicion that you avoid good books on purpose :D

message 29: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Orient wrote: "He strikes again! I have a suspicion that you avoid good books on purpose :D"

ROFL!!! xD
I wish. But this was supposed to be a very good book. No. 1 Bestseller! Goodreads Choice awards winner!
Where did I go wrong? :P

message 30: by Orient (new)

Orient Anish wrote: "ROFL!!! xD
I wish. But this was supposed to be a very good book. No. 1 Bestseller! Goodreads Choice awards winner!
Where did I go wrong? :P "

I heard about this book and it's a mystery for sure!! Maybe god created you for the bigger cause! :)

message 31: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Orient wrote: "I heard about this book and it's a mystery for sure!! Maybe god created you for the bigger cause! :) "

Hahaha, I like to think too, at times! :P
Maybe I am to serve some cause. xD

message 32: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Craig wrote: "Haha I almost bought this book Anish!!! Oh those poor trees hahahahaha😃"

Almost being the keyword Craig. You lucky guy! :P

Anshu I'm currently reading it and I just lost every bit of drive to continue.

message 34: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Anshu wrote: "I'm currently reading it and I just lost every bit of drive to continue."

Oh, I am going to HELL for making someone lose their drive on a current read! Damn you, Anish!

How far are you into it, Anshu?
Were you liking it before you read this crap review? :P

message 35: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Dari wrote: "I totally agree with your opinion..."

Thank you, Dari! :)
Validation always tastes so sweet! ^_^

message 36: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Dari wrote: "You are welcome! I don't know how this novel has become a bestseller."

I wondered the same thing after I read it. :P
I guess most people liked the story for one reason or the other.
Here is a concept that people use to validate the book. They say, characters of this book are created in a way so that they can be hated.
This concept doesnt work for me. Bcz hate is too big a feeling, right? The characters were just Blah!
What do you think?

message 37: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Dari wrote: "Exactly!! The hate is something too... forcedly, I guess... "

Glad we agree! :)

Anshu Anish wrote: "Anshu wrote: "I'm currently reading it and I just lost every bit of drive to continue."

Oh, I am going to HELL for making someone lose their drive on a current read! Damn you, Anish!

How far are ..."

No worries. I just finished it (finally) and I more or less share your view/contempt :)

message 39: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Anshu wrote: "No worries. I just finished it (finally) and I more or less share your view/contempt :) "

Well that is good news! :)
Look forward to your review.

message 40: by Avinash (new)

Avinash Ha ha! Kraken is a funny creature, I must say :P

I loved your Eco-friendly approach and titanium will my friend. And I feel sorry for you for going through all the pain :P

message 41: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Avinash wrote: "Ha ha! Kraken is a funny creature, I must say :P

I loved your Eco-friendly approach and titanium will my friend. And I feel sorry for you for going through all the pain :P"

Rofl xD
Glad you liked it! I hate this book with a passion!
Have you read it?

Gayatri Lol. This review is just hilarious! I love it when people have such passionate feelings (of love or hatred, doesn't make any difference) about a book. XD

Fun review! :D

message 43: by Avinash (new)

Avinash Anish wrote: "Have you read it?"

Didn't I already answer that yesterday? Man! You need to have some BADAM :P

message 44: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Gayatri wrote: "Lol. This review is just hilarious! I love it when people have such passionate feelings (of love or hatred, doesn't make any difference) about a book. XD

Fun review! :D"

Thanks! Atleast someone recognized my AWESOME sense of humor! :P

message 45: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Avinash wrote: "Anish wrote: "Have you read it?"

Didn't I already answer that yesterday? Man! You need to have some BADAM :P"

Arre Badam nahi...I asked again thinking maybe my review got you curious enough! :P
Padho tum yeh book! xD

message 46: by Avinash (new)

Avinash Anish wrote: "Arre Badam nahi...I asked again thinking maybe my review got you curi..."

After this review??? No Sir! _/\_

MissBecka Gee I thought I was the only one. I too could not figure out why this book was sooooooo popular.

message 48: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli Avinash wrote: "Anish wrote: "Arre Badam nahi...I asked again thinking maybe my review got you curi..."

After this review??? No Sir! _/\_"

Oh come on! Be a sport! :P

message 49: by Anish (new) - rated it 1 star

Anish Kohli MissBecka wrote: "I thought I was the only one. I too could not figure out why this book was sooooooo popular."

Hahaha, I thought I was alone too!
Good to meet you! :D
Did you hate just one or all the characters? :P

MissBecka Gee I hated Rachel A LOT! I have mostly tried to block out the memory of this book though lol

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