Brian Eshleman's Reviews > The Holy Bible: King James Version

The Holy Bible by Anonymous
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“I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

(John 11:25-26)”
Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version

Reading Progress

January 1, 2020 – Started Reading
January 1, 2020 – Shelved
February 10, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "People tend to guide me to where they are most comfortable. The cumulative reflection of God's glory foments breakout.

Sometimes, as I reflect here, even the SAME life can be so rich in experience with God that it guides me, draws me to worship Him in daily habits of human discipline AND transcendent touches only explainable by His sovereign grace."
February 11, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I'm a history major. Chronology matters. I don't always see to my soul and what it needs to FOCUS on irrespective of order.

Here I resolve against reaction to the onrush of events. Peter seeks to draw close a fellow leader for whom the Resurrection is paramount, not just one in a series of events. So do I. I want to, likewise, BE that beacon."
February 12, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "My conscience isn't quickened enough for the justice God placed me to push for. When exceptions occur, I overreact.

I need renewal both ways. Here I ask after the kind of leadership, from me and to me, that would stick a guy with dual nicknames prioritizing justice and exuding life-integrated rest."
February 13, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I see giftedness too narrowly. I turn it into a competitive sport for the ego-burnishing of the ones most gifted.

Here I reset with a Matthias understanding, Gift of God is his name in Hebrew. He was blessed, shaped, to bless. His identity in God prepared him to shepherd God's way."
February 14, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Personalities have a pull on me, away or toward. In their sway, I often don't prioritize prayer.

Here I reconsider. Somebody is going to shepherd my soul, several somebodies. Not all of them come with a title, and not all of them see Christ's good for me with equal clarity. I cleave to whom prayer leads me, and keep on the periphery whom prayer bids me be cautious of."
February 15, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can idolize either moodiness or moving on. Either way, I miss the rocket fuel times of honest reflection can provide toward God's Presence in the present.

God grant, friend, that we see enough shipwrecks of faith, say enough over them that we earnestly plead with our lives AND our words to not founder in the same fashion."
February 16, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "By God's grace, I'm good at seeing and saying the ways He is shaping and using others. I find I'm less forthcoming if they are confronting and correcting me.

Spiritual leaders don't need to be named Matthias, I realize here for their presence to remind us of the meaning of his name, God's gift. May they be a steadfast presence in rallying and redirection."
February 17, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "If I know breakthrough's coming, I want to wait to show off the finished product. I'm reluctant to gather with those waiting for, growing through, going through change.

I'm glad Acts 2:1, as I reflect on here models otherwise. It models communally re-centering on our collective and individual dependence on God. Our meetings shape our memories."
February 18, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can call, "waiting for God to move," what is my laxity in the disciplines He has already established. Even in individual relationships, I can stall for evidence of change in me or the other party before I move.

Here I confess to needing Acts 2:1 as a pattern. I need to see His people deciding to assemble by faith, and God responding to that as only He can."
February 19, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Words are spongy, even conductive, things to me. I'm going to find and explain connections, risking overreach.

Here, the exercise blesses me, at least. I contrast the tongue of fire in Acts 2:3 heralding the coming of and growth in the Spirit with the tongue of fire in Isaiah 5 confronting smug comfort with God's judgment.

Send Your purifying flame, Lord."
February 20, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I'm a file clerk of fellowship. I look for, even demand, commonality in time spent, in like credentials, and intersecting origin stories.

God's way, as I reflect here on Acts 2:4, is often a sovereign shuffle, making NEW men and women alike in ways unexplainable according to the flesh. We can look for flammable fellowship, but without disappointment."
February 21, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can be particularly conscious of coming life's long way, of what my sins have cost me. I can show reluctance for relationship therein.

Or, as I reflect here I can obey in the present, including gathering with God's people to share similar stories of human faithlessness and God's faithfulness. Nothing touches me but that which is common to man."
February 22, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I expect my faith to impel me to make the effort to relate. I find, though, that my flesh puts a ceiling on how far I expect responsive relationships to go.

Here I confess, in ongoing awe that God proves His principles through a singular, ceiling-shattering friend. And, as drivers know with deer, spot one, and there are usually more."
February 23, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Even as I AM, by the grace of God, hearing my heart's language, I can be suspicious of the source. Does he or she check the boxes to speak in my life?

I repent here but only after pledging to examine assumptions in the light of Scripture. God can use any of His image-bearers to show me an aspect of His character, and to ignite change."
February 24, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "God's story in my life OUGHT to captivate me. I ought to update it, and repeat it to myself and others.

But my attention, I confess here, shouldn't end with me or the way in which God woos and changes me. His distinctive work in others ought to be at least as interesting because it is different."
February 25, 2024 –
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0.0% "When my curiosity tingles and I realize I want to remember and attribute something, I realize I didn't retain the source's name to begin with. I didn't start the encounter with expectation. to expect connection. Devout men knew back stories before the Spirit fell, and that made them more in awe of His connections thereafter. Every detail is grist for Glory."
February 26, 2024 –
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0.0% "In the fleeting moments I think I'm a finished product, I can fret to frame my influence. I pay less attention to the biting backswing, that my untended pettiness IS influencing others.

I sit before both aspects of discipleship here pleading that a legacy of loving humility triumph. May God constantly renew student and teacher."
February 27, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "My outlook is heavily impacted by the events of the moment. I can crave a more steady confession, but then I can be skeptical of it when I hear it.

Here I do recognize my people, those whom the Spirit unsettles before He settles. May His Church have members, and all of us in moments, asking for help incorporating the present into God's grand narrative."
February 28, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can go from being a praiser to a prisoner of precedent. I can suspect means and modes of expression I didn't anticipate.

Here I lay that categorical condemning before the Lord. I recognize the rush to judgment can keep me from seeking Him for the meaning of the new thing He is doing."
February 29, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "What a contemporary set of Woodrow Wilson is true of me. I want my thoughts to come out fully dressed. I'm unlikely to cleave to community until my thoughts are settled. Questions foment flight.

God is unwinding that, though, as I reflect here I've got a default set of disciples I go to TO puzzle things out rather than to prove I've done so correctly."
March 1, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "When self-criticism reigns, I'm directing my attention inward. When I'm pleased with my message, I'm often still focused on self as its instrument.

Peter in Acts 2:14 here prompts me to look outward, and speak accordingly. Even under accusation, he knows God has brought people to this moment by different routes."
March 2, 2024 –
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0.0% "At its best, Calvinism keeps me from thinking that myprofoundest pleading can give ears to hear. Twisted, though, it makes me a lazy sophisticate, yawning, "Why plead at all?"

Peter pounces on such thinking in Acts 2:14, as I admit here He knows the gulf between who has the Spirit and who does not, but he bids that his heartfelt words be used to change hearts."
March 3, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Years of following Christ haven't yet killed off my probing for popularity. I can have an acute sensitivity to the mood of the crowd.

Here Christ turns my heart inward, and toward advocacy rather than approval-seeking. The crowd is often fickle and deflecting can be getting attention. It is Christ Who is faithful in His work in His own."
March 4, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "God says He gives His friends a sense of what's coming. I can harden that grace into presumption, tending tightly to MY timeline.

Here I admit that the plainest reading of Scripture is not always the right one, especially when my presumptions would sap my awareness of what God IS doing in the present."
March 4, 2024 –
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0.0% "Genesis 1:3 and Matthew 1:2 – God initiates light and life and needs no promising raw material in place to do so."
March 5, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can get sucked into the moment. If it is to my advantage, I focus on comparisons. If it isn't, I obsessed over others, labels, and accusations. yes where I note Peter's principle. He grounds himself in what God's word foretold, a wider community than the world can control."
March 6, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Both my experience and my inexperience with particular life phases dominate my outlook. Do I seem savvy? Am I quickly put out with those who have not yet been the way the Lord has brought me?

I sit here with the Holy Spirit's re-creating capacity to draw a host toward His vision more compelling than credentials, or their lack."
March 7, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can go from servant, acknowledging a position in which God has placed me, to servile, allowing for a cringing spirit in which my sense of the good is filtered through others.

I need God's call through Joel and then Peter. I hear here that even servants beholden to a script of society's expectation, first and foremost, speak what He says."
March 8, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I walk t between enjoying Christ's visible signs of order and looking to those signs in place of Him. I count off days by routines and reassurances and lose awe at the regal and ready rule of Jesus.

Here Joel and Peter remind me Who regularity reflects. I'll settle my spirit on the completeness of Christ's authoritative atonement, and nothing short of it."
March 9, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Sometimes I get o wield what have the mouth feel of the right words. I'm frustrated when they fizzle. My obedience to eloquence should be more impactful.

Peter, following Joel, stretches or splits my cause-and-effect connection here It is God Who, unaided or by means of His choosing, brings men to the end of themselves, to a cry for salvation in Him."
March 10, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I am a born explainer. I can be enamored of general principles and the chance to expound on them.

Peter shows here I can fail to make the most of the moment God bought. I can fail to bring home individual responsibility for despising the righteousness of Christ in the moral, moral consequences for doing so."
March 11, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I'm a fan of cultural consensus. Usually I'm grousing for its like in bygone days.

I'm reminded here that even the best of explicit laws could not restrain the worst of men. Even the Majesty of Jesus clothed in meekness raised resentment to levels that defied law."
March 12, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Here I need to ponder the latest dimension of what I'm realizing it means to be raised with Christ in new life. No sooner does He convict me of my lawlessness than He roots me in His righteousness."
March 13, 2024 –
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0.0% "With humans, the verdict on me can vary. Even exigencies not having to do with me can impact how I and my cause are weighed.

I find, then, assurance where Peter finds it in Acts 2, and where David finds it in Psalm 16, in the standing of the Son before the Father, as I reflect on here There's an, "Of course!" quality to my deliverance in God's time."
March 14, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can treat the lack of immediate satisfaction, an answer, as a glitch no matter how often I experience these. The shortcuts I take to hope reveal themselves thereby.

Here I reflect that David and Peter teach the Christian can dwell in true hope. Focusing on the Lord and His Presence with us, we train our hearts to rejoice, and we shape our future confessions."
March 15, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Tried, I do my best to remember a recent rubric. How have I scored? Compared to whom, or what?

Peter prods me back further here He rests in the righteousness of Christ to which David looked forward. Both of them root their thoughts and their confession in His validated soul and His ultimately inviolate body."
March 16, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I find guardedness gratifying. Let the soul soar, I chide, and adjustments are abrupt.

David and Peter, I find here greet gladness more graciously. They declare the EXPERIENCE of it here is a foretaste of the COMPLETENESS of it in the Presence of the Lord."
March 17, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I'm drawn to biographical examples. I'm inspired by written eloquence.

I need to recognize here, as Peter insists that even David the sweet psalmist died. If we would encounter the living Word, we would encounter Christ as the living Word made flesh."
March 18, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "When I claim God's promises, I don't see beyond me. I find I can give away His goods but reach for anything to extend MY reputation.

I need, I find here, David's sense of dynasty as refined through Peter in Acts 2. As my soul settles on the horizon of Christ's advancing Kingdom rather than mine, as was David, He may incorporate the advance of my name in His."
March 19, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I get too good at rehearsing my resentments. I relish the reverberation off of others gathered around like grievances.

I need a new note to improvise off of, the ever new note of the Resurrection I start here We need to recite the attesting verses and reflect on the decisions we have made differently because of the Resurrection order Christ ushered in."
March 20, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I don't spend enough time celebrating the victory God grants especially to me. When I do, though, I'm also vulnerable to vainglory. I go over the edge into entitlement.

Here I confess to needing to win like Jesus. Heir to all things He respects the Spirit's prerogative as an equal. So it is that I'm called to wait on and wonder at the Spirit's ongoing work."
March 21, 2024 –
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0.0% "Far too much of how I react and relate in the next encounter is going to be determined by how I mindlessly managed the next one. True reflection does not come naturally.

David and Peter show, I reflect here a profound alternative. My relationships can be re-patterned on the Trinity as their source."
March 22, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can stick with yesterday's snap judgments just because I made so many. By degrees, I'm more in error day by day.

I need, I recognize here, a Peter figure to call me to account, to acknowledge his kinship both in being beset by a critical spirit and in Christ besting all evil intentions on our behalf."
March 23, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "The right or wrong side of any issue can seem like a wide gulf. I recognize here that I need to see and emphasize kinship. Today I may confront a son of Adam. Tomorrow I may be confronted by a daughter of Eve."
March 24, 2024 –
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0.0% ""Over and over again, we become amateur providences, we come in and prevent God; and say –'This and this must not be.' Instead of proving friends to the Bridegroom, we put our sympathy in the way, and the soul will one day say –'That one was a thief, he stole my affections from Jesus, and I lost my vision for Him.""
March 24, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can quote Crazy Love's admonition to let Jesus be as original with others as He has been with me. Actually practicing it without being prickly over my patterns and preferences is another matter.

Even Peter, as I reflect here, can trust God to work directly in other lives rather than insisting they follow the syllabus set out by his."
March 25, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "No sooner does the Spirit change my perspective on a matter than I presume it has always been so. If I'm gracious, I will recount that I was close and I let Him persuade me.

Peter, brought through outright betrayal, has a more robust recall of the scope of the grace and mercy of God. I reflect here that he reflects that in his invitation to transformation to those he has just indicted in the death of Jesus"
March 26, 2024 –
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0.0% "With attention so subdivided, I can combine laziness and low expectations. When response to the Gospel through me isn't immediate, I retreat and resent.

Peter, I learn here, pushes on. His words are the Lord's, as is his license to use them."
March 27, 2024 –
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0.0% "Jealous of the 3000 souls Peter was used to gather, I wonder here how faithful I have been with the three, or 13, or 30 over whom God has given me the most influence.

So, social media readers and reactors rarely bare their souls to me? Faith is to pray for a list of names, cities, and maybe jobs, and trust that God can use that or open more intimacy over time."
March 28, 2024 –
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0.0% "The Spirit has been gracious to reveal to me so often in times of individual quiet, I can defend the setting to excess. In effect, I am fearing to put His Truth and His work to the test in community.

Here I sit under the counter-Truth in Acts 2:42. The Spirit transforms individuals AND inflames our craving for the kind of community for which we were created."
March 29, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I've been conditioned by the pragmatic culture around me. By grace, I touch the transcendence in God's Word, and I come away with a to-do list.

I need, I reflect here,, Acts 2:43. I need Dr. Luke to remind me the first sign of spiritual health and renewal is awe. From these willingly reordered affections come new priorities in action."
March 30, 2024 –
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0.0% "I have looked at my means, currency or otherwise, as a method of comparison. I have held my assets as a reserve against exposure of my limitations.

Here I note the commonality of God's work and community forged thereby. Those I once wanted to best, I now want to bless because our similar experience in God is more meaningful than Earth's arbitrary sorting."
March 31, 2024 –
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0.0% ""If we are not heedful of the way the Spirit of God works in us, we will become spiritual hypocrites. We will see where other folks are failing, and we will turn our discernment into the gibe of criticism instead of into intercession on their behalf."

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest"
March 31, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can let you use what's mine. It takes another level of trust to part with the means of a future provision.

As members of the early Church do so, I consider here the implications."
April 1, 2024 –
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0.0% "I tend to look for where I can get the biggest bang for my attentional buck. I keep a detailed history to help define the next life high, but by supposing by which way God's glory will come, I miss much of it in the everyday.

Sit me, at least in spirit, I plead here, with the saints who behold wonders AND see epiphanies in the everyday."
April 2, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Show me an attractive, diverse fellowship at the end of Acts 2, and I'm inclined to make it happen and called myself where I don't.

Here I reflect how Christ by His Spirit and His disciplines does the work. He draws people of the various inclinations and backgrounds to the genuine commonality of falling in love with Him."
April 3, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "It's often so hot inside my soul, like Rich Mullins says, there must be blisters on my heart. Find me a space of safe affirmation among men, I am the staying sort.

I don't want to, I reflect here, come just as I am and leave just as I was. I need both the warmth and the work of the early Church, unto SALVATION."
April 4, 2024 –
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0.0% "I repeatedly measure between my current isolation and common cause with people I care about and/or whose help I need. I can recount persuasions, petitions, pleas that didn't work, but I make little of prayer.

Here I sit with Acts 3:1 to rectify. I'll move my mood. I'll move my feet. I'll tune my ears to needs more than networking. Prayer. Changes. Things."
April 5, 2024 –
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0.0% "The first two verses of Acts 3 show religious practice by habit, for survival, and FROM freedom in Christ.

Which, predominately, brings you to best religious practices, such as prayer, Bible, reading, and church attendance lately?

When you discover, perhaps to your surprise, that you are Peter and John in this scenario, the most free and most spiritually aware person in a circle, however small, how do you react?"
April 5, 2024 –
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0.0% "My wonder withers. My awe atrophies. A situation that set others apart to think big thoughts of God, and maybe used to is relegated to routine.

Here I confess. Even where MY view is as limited as the lame man's, God intrudes. He so craves to do that He provokes me to ask like I haven't asked in decades."
April 6, 2024 –
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0.0% "With cerebral palsy, I've got more needs than most. I've got a radar for when, and how, and whom to ask. It's costly.

Here I see in it the oppressive opportunism of the Acts 3:3 beggar. He doesn't know the Christian heart warmed by Christ's giving in all seasons. I do. I can ask accordingly. I can give accordingly. Yes and no can be Spirit-led, not manipulated."
April 7, 2024 –
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0.0% "Social repetitions can be dehumanizing. I can become the role I play, giver or receiver.

Peter's command to truly look at the person pauses the process here When in need, I'm not abased. When dispensing God's goodness, my heart is not lifted up."
April 8, 2024 –
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0.0% "I have seen God use people to supply my needs and wants. When it happens, and when others disappoint me just as dramatically, the sin of entitlement crouches at the door.

Here I repent. Men are more than means. Women are more than a way towards my wants. Each is a reflector of God's glory, and His greatest gift may be my opportunity to pause and consider that."
April 9, 2024 –
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0.0% "I'm ever inventorying what I can offer. I'm steering toward situations where I can be useful, and lauded, and away from presenting problems I can't address.

In effect, I realize here,, I'm auctioning off the works of God's work in me scene by scene. May God grant His peace in His process the fit it presents a needy world."
April 10, 2024 –
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0.0% "Used of God, I can crave eyes on me. Or, I miss the mark just as much by dismissing and deflecting affirmations of what God does through me.

Here I rebalance. I rejoice in operating in Christ Name, all the more because of His ongoing, willing associations with earthly particulars."
April 11, 2024 –
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0.0% "I've seen social gestures go limp. Therefore, I've taken it upon myself to declare them, once and for all, lifeless.

I realize here I've overreached. God moves in the daily as well as in the dramatic. I touch what I, how I can, or accept casual contact when offered. And. God. Moves."
April 12, 2024 –
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0.0% "Even when God grants me healing or privilege, residual rot can limit or delay its impact on my relationships. Why now? What did THEY think before?

I plead here for God's healing and blessing to be SO thoroughgoing that WITH is my witness, that I am boundary-pushing to celebrate Him the soonest and with the most image bearers I can."
April 13, 2024 –
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0.0% "I go about the routine impatiently. I've got a story to tell, and I'm perpetually surprised others aren't paying attention.

Here I realized my stewing is stymieing my storytelling. I realize MY joy in what God has done and is doing in my life may be the most enticing opener I've got."
April 14, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can turn to one person expecting consistent joy, and one expecting consistent, small-scale grief. I sort my expectations and pre-prepare my response.

Here I admit God's Word pushes me toward a second look in the same lives. The most exuberant to have known grief, and will again. The most seemingly pessimistic do have moments of transcendent joy."
April 15, 2024 –
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0.0% "I lean altogether, putting all the weight of my expectations on people, or I am loath to lean at all. I can forge an idol out of either interconnectedness or independence.

I need Acts 3:11 here The guy who goes from lame to leaping leans thereafter on the people God uses. This is affection, affirmation, not incompleteness. I need to celebrate the difference."
April 16, 2024 –
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0.0% "I am a history major. I am still an avid reader. I seem to mine stories for precedent to shrink the range of God's likely action TODAY.

I admit here that I need Peter to ask me why I wonder. There is a vast, great difference between worshipful wonder when God-scaled action is evident and the wilted wonder of incredulity."
April 17, 2024 –
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0.0% "I typed in "admiring look" for an image search. Nearly all of them were romantic, directed toward self, or a parent. How impoverished!

I'm grateful, I realize here to have heroes, to cleave to that guy or that gal as a specific means of God's grace without automatically erecting an idol."
April 17, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% ""Sadness can be beneficial. We are to learn from pain before we leave it. Sometimes grief is a way to learn from those we can't actually speak to." Jonathan Pokluda"
April 18, 2024 –
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0.0% "I am an artificial arbiter of novelty. Undermine too much of the precedent and pattern I rely on, and I will, in effect, judge the ways of God in the present moment.

I confess here my flesh's recoil is alike with those who kill the prophets and Jesus as the ultimate Prophet. Unless His Spirit grants me sight, previous revelation reinforces my rigidity."
April 20, 2024 –
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0.0% "I assume Christ's title as Author of life is now nominal. It's audacity is an affront to the assumptions I operate among.

Here I confess. I await, if guardedly, the same Genesis resonance which announced over stifling chaos, "Let there be…" Let there be life as God envisions and nurtures it, life my jaded judgment can't kill."
April 21, 2024 –
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0.0% ""You ask the one who loves you to give you something that would replace him." Francis Chan"
April 21, 2024 –
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0.0% ""There is something about asking that builds our relationship with God." Matthew Sink"
April 22, 2024 –
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0.0% "It can be hard to enter ignorance empathetically. I figure others should automatically have the understanding I have now.

Peter sets me straight here He imparts better understanding of the full Gospel as God has imparted it to him over time."
April 23, 2024 –
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0.0% "Even small-scale suffering is intense. It swallows the moment it inhabits.

Unless, Peter says and I stand on here we we see our story in Christ's story, in the overcoming narrative of the Word of God. The question is HOW and not IF the Word guides us to see triumph taking place."
April 24, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can fear or resent the long walk back. I can be weighted down with wariness about my welcome.

Here Peter reminds me to relish repentance. He beckons that my sins can be blotted out, as I realize I can keep what they, and the walk back, taught me of the faithfulness of God."
April 25, 2024 –
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0.0% "I am fettered even in my fresh starts. No sooner are my transgressions blotted than my fallen mind dares to project pessimistically.

There's hope. I insist here on transcendence more than transaction. Christ's righteousness REFRESHES."
April 26, 2024 –
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0.0% ""I pray God always gives her a love that's so fierce that it won't be reckoned with."

Mom's prayer for her daughter. If I could reach my shoes from my wheelchair, I would take them off. That prayer marks holy ground.

I've got four decades of insensitivity on the daughter, but I asked the mom to pray the same prayer for me."
April 26, 2024 –
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0.0% "I like to craft continuity. I easily relate one instance to another, and I'm at least fair at doing this on a Gospel arc. But in silence, to repurpose Gore Vidal, my unfed mind devours itself.

Here I am in twain with Peter as another excitable soul. If he can wait in the Word and proclaim from that assurance, so can I."
April 27, 2024 –
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0.0% "I admit here that I can imagine quite a bit, but that my vain imaginations tend toward preemptive pessimism. I tell myself if one of the possibilities I conjure up happens, it will hurt quite as much. I negate, though, God's capacity and desire to speak through a series of teachers, to be as patient and present in my future as He is in this moment."
April 28, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can account my restlessness to my longing for Christ's best, and it may be. It may also be that I am actively resisting the present peace He imparts.

Here I admit the accountability that comes from His nearness and the likelihood that I recoil from it"
April 28, 2024 –
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0.0% ""Help me remember when I'm weak that fear will come, but fear will leave.""
April 28, 2024 –
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0.0% ""What if instead of seeking to raise a good kid, you sought to raise a godly kid?" April Lewis, focusing on character rather than behavior suppression"
April 28, 2024 –
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0.0% ""When you think about raising godly kids, let grace be your fuel." Matthew Sink"
April 29, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can miss the continuity between individual faithfulness and wider, outlasting impact in God's time.

Peter, watching the walk of Samuel and seeing the Church, bids me toward a second look here at God's faithfulness in the past. May God multiply the principles and the fruit for a wider impact that He has perfected in individual, countercultural lives."
April 30, 2024 –
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0.0% "Present wrong can dominate my view. My Idea who hears from God or doesn't can ring with undue finality.

I need, I realize here,, Peter's perspective. He can charge his hearers in the death of Christ and come almost immediately thereafter, designate them sons of the prophets. God's character is that He speaks. His capacity is cut through any interference."
May 1, 2024 –
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0.0% "Once, I believed God had great plans for me. Any joy in incremental progress on the same old issues is overshadowed by what might have been.

Peter punctures that perpetual pessimism here His hearers are, all at once, complicit in the killing of Christ, sons of the prophets still graced to hear from God, AND heirs to blessing all the families of the earth."
May 2, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can treat dependence as de facto degrading. In so doing, I measure worth like the world.

Here I'm vehement for new valuation. Jesus, the Author of life was raised back to it as the Father's servant. He went before us in dignifying dependence, in showing it as a school for Glory."
May 3, 2024 –
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0.0% "Tension is testimony, as I reflect on here course from which Gospel opposition comes, the intercessor turned portion, the tool who has substituted accountability to God for student obedience to others, the one who substitutes symbolism for substantive action, these opponents REVEAL Gospel liveliness."
May 5, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can hasten to a, "Get it over with," attitude. If there are ominous possibilities pressing, I dwell on their infinite permutations even in a pause.

I should not, I reflect here God knows how far threats can proceed. The believer's mind is His domain in which to reign resplendent."
May 6, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can be a historian of God's work in my own sphere. That's good, but it's not when my nostalgia turns noxious.

I need the perspective here that even when a fruitful session or season for sowing has ended, God continues to tend the increase."
May 7, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "My search for wisdom can be superficial. Wrinkles in residence, more than mine? Somebody to summon a Scriptural citation in support of what I want to do. SOLD, and adjourned.

Here I see the cost. I also see the prize of those who will force us to step outside of time and truly, inconveniently, to see the struggles of today as about more than today."
May 8, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can process revealed religion through family filters. I can force what God is doing NOW into inherited, and often little examined, assumptions.

The ministerial mafia gathering in Acts 4 warn me of that here My reference for righteousness, the effective intercession in my royal priesthood, is in Christ and begotten by no human heritage."
May 9, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Context is crucial. I can infer too much from it, and THAT'S when I don't pick the pieces that overshadow any objectivity.

Here I sense the shift from realizing I'm in the midst of God's work to critiquing His handiwork on my terms."
May 10, 2024 –
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0.0% "Sometimes, my words are in battle dress before the bugle has been blown. Sometimes, I grouse wholesale about the current order when I could be gracious because God's grace is everywhere in evidence.

Here I learn patience from often impatient Peter. Wise words will often, I learn, engage a situation as it is, and then wait and see how the Lord will change it."
May 11, 2024 –
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0.0% "The Lord of the harvest places me therein. I miss the whispers in the wheat to the selfish script in my soul.

Here I note Peter does otherwise. His Christ-empowered actions impact the culture's dialogue, but then he addresses what the culture is saying. By grace, I want to read the griefs, the joys, the signs of the times and tie the timeless to them."
May 12, 2024 –
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0.0% "I'm such a ready pattern-proclaimer that I can announce the first one that occurs to me. Human norms, and their exceptions, tend to preoccupy me.

Peter bids me, I realize here, to anchor my announcements outside of time. What does this show of the character of the Resurrected and coming Jesus?"
May 13, 2024 –
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0.0% "I tend to quake at my quakes. When I find my thinking's foundation is faulty, I lurch from complacency to despair.

This, I reflect here, need not be so. Christ is the rejected, now relevant, foundation for His Church and for every hope of her members, their families, their friendships. By turns, I Learned to welcome warnings."
May 14, 2024 –
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0.0% "As I realized not just behaviors but the patterns of thought behind them are wrong, I dread the long walk back. I'll crash at every respite short of real repentance.

Peter here won't let me be satisfied with situational saviors. Foundational change through Christ is his offer and his insistence."
May 16, 2024 –
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0.0% "To exist is to explain. My love of the act itself can easily slip into a NEED to explain, as though God has no other reason, no reason to let a situation breathe.

Here I note otherwise. Confidence so thorough even our adversaries see it doesn't necessarily impel concurrent speech. Christ will knock down arguments before we address them, THEN direct our words."
May 17, 2024 –
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0.0% "I am in what Malcolm Gladwell calls the narrative fallacy. I stitch my circumstances into the story I think they ought to be telling. When GOD'S story takes a contrary sharp turn, I fume. Missed opportunity becomes my meat.

Here I begin to wait for a wider and more wondrous story, one that I cannot contort. God is working where I, purposefully, am not."
May 17, 2024 –
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0.0% "I just got asked by a relatively new friend who is dealing with recent horrible, manifestly unfair news, "can you expound on what Jesus meant By his claim that he has overcome the world?"

To be on call for that, to watch the flourishing faith already in place to ask that, I was BORN for such a time as this."
May 19, 2024 –
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0.0% "One obvious, "Aha," can change how I see subsequent choices. Let me see behind the scenes once, and operating principles are more obvious.

I'm granted that here,, binary allegiance of affection and actions either in the Name of Jesus or in the sanction of ever-shifting earthly authorities."
May 20, 2024 –
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0.0% "When a man is born again, there is not the same robustness in his thinking or reasoning for a time as formerly. We have to make an expression of the new life, to form the mind of Christ."

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest"
May 20, 2024 –
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0.0% "Both earthly powers and my own attention-grabbing flesh try to disassociate me from genuine connection to Jesus' Name.

Here I confess. As His knowing Nature prevails even in men's "secret" councils, so it will in the thoughts and intents of my heart."
May 21, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can be subtly persuaded by arguments I let hang around. The familiar ones find their way into my thinking and actions.

I confess here I need Peter and John's biblical bouncer of a counter confession, at least in my thoughts, and sometimes in my speech. I need to examine the claims of the world, and its sons, against the full knowledge of God."
May 22, 2024 –
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0.0% "I'm a gossip. I won't try to alliterate the condition into intellectual abstraction or to alleviate my guilt over gossip's recent cost.

I come to the mercy and grace of the cure here Peter and John, even under penalty, hold to what THEY have seen and heard of God's glory. Their own telling is sufficient to advance the Kingdom."
May 23, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "My flesh originates ample accusations. It ever passes sentence on my spirit.

Here I begin to realize praise has preemptive power to break that cycle. If I am expressing about God's specific goodness in the land of the living, there is no traction for the carping that I have missed His best once and for all."
May 24, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can note that there is an optimal time for change. When I neglected, I look back in noxious nostalgia.

I repent here,, realizing the long-standing nature of our sins and limitations can make a more compelling testimony when they are lifted."
May 25, 2024 –
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0.0% "I struggle to put people in the right place. Sometimes they are the princes I trust in, and that's not biblical. Or, I equate being a hermit with holiness.

I like the ministry of Acts 4:23 here Peter and John institute a debrief to process the words of an unbelieving world WITH believers under and prevailing over similar pressures."
May 26, 2024 –
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0.0% "I either make too little or too much of events in time. I can favor exposition over emotion, mine or others, and deny the pain and pleasure of the moment. Tipping over the other way, I can be stuck in sympathy-seeking.

Here I want the Holy Spirit to meld my life into a symphony of sovereignty as He calls for the timely and the timeless at His discretion."
May 27, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can accumulate what-if wounds and imaginary injuries. Even after God's deliverances, I can dwell on the downside.

Here I see the tables turned. I see an opportunity to examine feckless fury and rejoice that, in me, the Spirit fights back in rousing fashion against that rearguard of the flesh."
May 28, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can make assumptions about what God's sweeping sovereignty looks like at every stage. I can insist that if He can foil plots against Himself and His own at their earliest, He always will.

Sometimes, I realize here the Holy One heightens the contradiction. He lets plots play out, let's those who would grab at His glory gather."
May 29, 2024 –
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0.0% "Sometimes even the name of those with earthly sway over my life roils with resentment. I carry that indignation into prayer.

Or, I reflect here, I can admit matter-of-factly that the unjust are in power. I can even confess ready evidence that God's covenant people are ready to cooperate for expediency's sake."
May 30, 2024 –
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0.0% "Seeking to simplify, I can set God's attributes against one another. He is either lofty or intimate.

I realize here that Peter, like Spurgeon after him, never seeks to reconcile friends. He rejoices in both the intimate, fashioning hand of God and in His overarching plan, evident even in the placement of Christ's erstwhile victorious opponents."
May 31, 2024 –
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0.0% "I treat my speech as air passed over my vocal cords, here and gone, as an outpouring of emotion for my benefit.

The Church's prayer, I reflect here, scores differently. It says the Lord SEES undermining speech. There is accountability for every idle word. There is reward for every word washed in belief that it will accomplish what God sends it to accomplish."
June 1, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I note here that the church is tough and tender in ways I could evidence more individually. She is feisty against persecution, but her members continue to expect to reach out in risky relational embrace"
June 2, 2024 –
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0.0% "My attitude putrefies in two parts concerning prayer. I underestimate the power of "just" praying. I can also center its impact in myself.

I sit under the corrective here Prayer is emboldening, but it is also humbling. God folds in the agency He grants us – and proceeds to do what only He can do."
June 3, 2024 –
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0.0% "Phil Cooke says the most precious commodity of the 21st-century is undivided attention. I'd rather give my goods. I'd rather see Acts 4:32 on those terms.

Where Luke puts it, though, I wonder, as I reflect here Peter and John's story to tell, then prayers to propel, then acknowledgment of all things in common. Christ-glorifying experience is most precious."
June 4, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can envy the expressive opportunities others get. My jealousy can even acquire a spiritual sheen.

God's Word addresses that here Grace is great whether expressed to and through those with prominent and perilous experience, or those who hear and retell."
June 5, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can relish, even revere, resolve. A change of mind, announced with some impressive phrasing, is its own reward.

Those awash in the reality of the Resurrection, I understand more deeply here, are as sure to EXPRESS great grace in our actions as water is to find an outlet."
June 6, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "If I transcend my short-cycle selfishness, I want to own the impact.

The Church laying gifts at the apostles' feet that those gifts might be dispersed in time of need helps break me loose from my "brand" here I sow. Sometimes I cast my bread upon the waters. The act itself is obedience, worship, to be celebrated. The impact is God's to see to."
June 7, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can treat ambition and affection as an odds. Focused on my advancement, even toward worthwhile ends, I can relegate genuine relatability.

Here I note that this need not be the case. Barnabas' birth name points to addition. What the apostles noted, however, was that encouragement permeated his identity."
June 8, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can root myself to a particular circumstance, like blessing will never exist outside at. Or, I can rationalize my lack of presence in the present by saying, I'm not of the world, or of a particular place.

Here I come more alive to the gift of the moment, and of its place in God's larger demonstration of Himself."
June 8, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% ""We have fed on the world and taste tested Jesus." Todd White"
June 10, 2024 –
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0.0% "I crave quick consensus. Arriving at it, I can give little thought to the quicksand belief upon which it stands.

The operating assumptions here warn me otherwise. The challenge me to find friction at decision points as an opportunity to re-examine."
June 11, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can be sanctimonious about my standing. I can rationalize all the good my insolence, my brand, can do if it is vindicated instantly and repeatedly.

I reflect here that Peter, leading the infant, unprecedented Church, announces the affront to the Spirit. His reputation, His work, and the One to Whom He points are far more important. We must become less."
June 12, 2024 –
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0.0% "I'm struggling, craving, to internalize the individual responsibility bequeathed by Scripture to such a degree that my blog response here is all prayer.

May others struggling at times to see boundaries as blessings join in. May we celebrate the sanctity of God's servants individually standing and falling before Him."
June 13, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I know some addictions can be readily deadly. I pride myself in having stayed away from them.

Here I reconsider. The search to seem, the thirst to be seen, is its own addiction. It can sap our lives and sometimes snuff out life itself."
June 14, 2024 –
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0.0% "Bible exposition is the very definition of book talk as has been welcome here. Today, I try something different, but with the same idea.

Instead of a blog, I'm on video here teaching myself to number my days, to learn from the cycle of sin and death."
June 15, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I am trying out a transition to a video version of blog. Here look at the idols aspire to build and support in our household"
June 16, 2024 –
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0.0% "As I blog through the book of Acts, now transitioning to my YouTube channel here, today I am reaffirming the blessing of spiritual authority in our lives. Structure is not the enemy of the spiritual or the spontaneous."
June 17, 2024 –
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0.0% "My wife and I watched a Pixar flick set in the Italian Riviera. Then I got a reaction to my Bible video blog from Italy. As soon as I posted on Goodreads, I got four likes.

I'm mildly surprised that supporters from a READING community haven't revolted at my transition to video."
June 18, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Even when nobody drops dead, as in Acts 5, I start to wonder what ambitions and preferences I'm dying to and why. Time will tell."
June 19, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "In the latest stop on my YouTube channel,, I'm looking at a focusing fear in Acts 5:11. It's not whether we fear, but what."
June 20, 2024 –
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0.0% "I look at reflecting a vital, ongoing faith as seen in Acts 5:12 here:

June 21, 2024 –
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0.0% "I learn to study God‘s varied timing in individual lives here"
June 22, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can too often look backward, even on God's blessings. He loves to expand, to shatter precedent. I celebrate that phenomenon even among the early Church here"
June 23, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I see in Acts 5:15 here the privilege of carrying others' needs in intercessory prayer."
June 24, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "We look here at how God challenges us towards change by using human examples and changes in circumstance."
June 25, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "God's mercies are new every morning. His Spirit and His Word guide the Christian.

Yet here I had met we aren't especially obedient in each moment. The status quo has a hold of its own."
June 27, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "What I project on the future can either be overheated or underwhelming.

Here I consider how to appreciate the freedom God grants in the land of the living while preserving part of my heart for the ultimate restoration of His order."
June 30, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Wisdom is always saying, who am I becoming? Matthew Sink"
June 30, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% ""The Jews thought of wisdom as knowledge brought to life. Knowledge can take things apart. Wisdom can put things together." Matthew Sink"
June 30, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Acts 5:20, as we explore here models keeping OUR story in the context of the need for the cap Gospel story we have in common with the watching world."
July 1, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can think breath and moment converge for me to say "my" piece, to use talk as my own therapy. Acts 5:20-21 declare differently.

Here we look at the heart to teach and the preciousness of the moment within which to do it."
July 2, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "I can let expectations, others or mine, confine me.
Sometimes, I recognize here, God uses the same situations to display new mercies and to demonstrate new freedom."
July 3, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "We look here at how easy it is to focus on our current struggles and how God reminds us of the overall freeing, empowered direction of our growth in Christ's likeness."
July 4, 2024 –
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0.0% "Here I look at monitoring mentoring, being more aware of what they know and what they don't, of the prospect of competing agendas. As we walk in more awareness, we will understand the grace we need to use the influence WE have wisely."
July 5, 2024 –
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0.0% "I like that the same people on Goodreads who were benefiting from what God was showing me through my written Bible blog have continued to follow and respond as my studies ported to my YouTube channel, It is a reading social network, after all."
July 7, 2024 –
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0.0% ""My fear doesn't stand a chance when I stand in your love," really goes well with the sermon texts, proverbs 3:1-6 and proverbs 28:1.

Reminding ourselves of God's steadfast love emboldens."
July 7, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% ""There is something more important than fear. The Church doesn't exist to protect disciples. It exists to embolden disciples." Matthew Sink"
July 7, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% ""The God of peace is often the God Who disturbs our peace." Matthew Sink"
July 8, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Good morning! How can I pray for you? This is what I'm thinking about for my Bible blog.

How have you seen a familiar figure in your life differently from someone else's fresh description? How has this revealed your ongoing assumptions or even desire for control?"
July 8, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "We talk here about the power in noticing the progression of our Gospel story and that of others, of being upfront about frontiers of freedom and what still binds."
July 9, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Is our notion of a work of God too small? Are we insufficiently grateful for the way He uses the wider culture to further His work and to resist further and faster degradation? We gaze into the breadth of the Gospel here"
July 15, 2024 –
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0.0% "Questions can come from a genuine interest in another's heart in which God is working. Or, as we explore here they can reveal more about the questioner's desire for control."
July 16, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Words were meant to impose order. Ours, , as we explore here, however, often hurry ahead of awe. They stifled the chutes of a humbled expectation that GOD will show us what He is doing and how and when to express our response."
July 17, 2024 –
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0.0% "How often are you excited for "them" in the midst of a joyous, empowered Christian life? How often do you wish you could get in on the action, but you cringe at correction you think disqualifies you?

Here we look at reluctant repentance."
July 18, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Good morning! How can I pray for you?

Here's what I am thinking about for my next Bible blog: when have you realized someone's use of their influence in your life didn't line up with what they said they believed? Harder, when have you had to tell THEM?"
July 18, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Here we consider how to view human authority, and its limits, as God's gifts."
July 19, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Good morning! How can I pray for you?

Here's what I'm thinking about for my next Bible blog:

How have you seen the value of a common heritage and made personal history proven?

How has this common starting point helped when confrontation is necessary, either that you are confronted or are the one doing the confronting?"
July 19, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Good morning! How can I pray for you?

Here's what I'm thinking about for my next Bible blog:

How has a common starting point in heritage or personal history helped when confrontation is necessary in your relationships?"
July 20, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Good morning! How can I pray for you?

Here's what I'm thinking about for studying Hebrews 2 where God says one of the ways He proves Himself is by dispersing spiritual gifts:

When has it gotten your attention that someone is demonstrating timely strength of character in an area that is usually a weakness?"
July 21, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Good morning! How can I pray for you?

Here's the question I'm thinking over in preparation for today's sermon:

What people and situations do you move toward or avoid because you have a better awareness and acceptance of your strengths and weaknesses?"
July 22, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "Here, renewing our minds into Christ's in John 2:23-25, we consider openness to God's work in relationships versus defining ourselves by relationships and reactions."
July 23, 2024 –
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0.0% "Feeling the weight of your mistakes? Don't waste or self-medicate that. Instead, as I urge here search your heart for how you have treated Christ as less than He is. Confessing, trust the time-and-again proven heart of God to use this moment for His good."
July 31, 2024 –
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0.0% "Our idea of Savior can be situational, limiting. I celebrate here that by embracing Jesus simultaneously as Leader, like Acts 5:31 says, we can see the suffering and setbacks of today as not just for today. We can know the One Who saves us, situationally and ultimately, does so working a grand plan for revealing His character through us."
August 1, 2024 –
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0.0% "I can picture repentance as a necessary evil, remediation, relegation from God's mission, God's best. I reconsider here as Acts 5:31 reveals Christ as the Leader, the Captain, the Founder, the Author of every stage of the repentance process."
August 2, 2024 –
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0.0% "Here, ,we get a sense of the honor of individual, human testimony which Acts 5:32 is is used and combined with testimony of the Holy Spirit. Trusting that work, we may say less, and what we say and show may be more patient."
August 3, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "We remind ourselves of the Christian's eternal privilege of ruling and reigning with Christ. Oriented there, we remember here, , we see today's hierarchies and indignities as specifically selected to prove His character in us."
August 4, 2024 –
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0.0% "We look here at practices which undermine or reinforce right unity."
August 5, 2024 –
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0.0% "We look at persistent, present delight in the Word and its Author here as fuel for fruitfulness. As we, by God's grace, mind our minds and stoke our affections for Him, He will time and prune for fruitfulness as pleases Him."
August 6, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "We look here at the human need for validation and influence, how we try for short-cycle satisfaction. We contrast that with how much more meaningful it is when GOD gathers people already affirmed in Him."
August 7, 2024 –
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0.0% "Elton Trueblood says the same sun that softens the wax hardens the clay. Just so, God's very blessings can, untended, be soil for bitterness. We look here at how, at the privilege of our position and its tendency to incite anger that we don't have more and wield it more effectively."
August 8, 2024 –
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0.0% "God teaches us of Himself by teaching us the limits of all else besides. Here we respect that even His satire of human pretensions is an instrument of His mercy, helping us to see things as they are before our ultimate accountability. He raises and he lowers. He skewers and He reserves reverence."
August 9, 2024 –
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0.0% "Identifying with a group, we admit here, can give us a false sense of anonymity and empowerment, especially inflamed by idolatry. Here or hereafter, God will break such bonds. He will not share His glory. After He has slain its subversive purposes, though, He gives distinctive identity back, both to groups and to people."
August 10, 2024 –
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0.0% "We delve here into the fruitful fear of the Lord which which closes out Psalm 2. It's a fear, a deep awe-intensifying reverence, that fuels right affections and actions, that draws us both away from slipshod solutions and toward true refuge in Him."
August 11, 2024 –
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0.0% "We look here at the sting of betrayal, the enemy's seizing on the very blessing of authentic community. With Psalm 3's author, we insist on the watchcare of God over the heart at least as much as the body, on the blessed irony that He will advance OUR glory with His in the very situations which stink of reproach."
August 11, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% ""Marriage is a parable of the Gospel to the world." NT Wright"
August 11, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% ""I'm not going to edit the words of the Creator because of what the Creation says about me." Jon Hauser"
August 11, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% ""We are desperately trying to build bridges of grace on pillars of Truth." Jon Hauser"
August 11, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% ""If it breaks God's heart, why do you think it will satisfy yours?" Jon Hauser"
August 12, 2024 –
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0.0% "We can view God as a part-time Consultant, invited into the big decisions and crises but uninterested in the everyday. We rejoice here with Psalm 3's author that there is no shadow of turning with God, that our same confession of His qualities holds forth in terrifying trials and in tedious disappointments. The slight shaking of our circumstances evokes His mighty and intimate advocacy."
August 13, 2024 –
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0.0% "Whose story captures your soul? Whom you tend to expect to have the last word on a situation is a tell for that.

Psalm 3's author, we reflect on here is a warrior waiter. He rests because he knows God will be roused for him, that God will close mouths that speak against the knowledge of him. Those rooted in God speak, or are silent, at His discretion."
August 14, 2024 –
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0.0% "There is a hardiness we reflect on here drawn from knowing we can bring our pain, our eagerness for change rather than drafting a petition to persuade the indifferent. Difficulties in the world drive us to God's throne, and reemerging into the world requires its own adjustments. As we have seen our human words move the heart of God, it can be baffling that words are so wasted among men."
August 15, 2024 –
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0.0% "We are so in touch in prayer with the aspect of ourselves already seated with Christ in the Heavenlies that the come down into everyday earthly experience, in which Christ is no less present, can be, we admit here, jarring. There's even anger, anger at the extent of what Satan stole when he disturbed perfect Eden communion. Psalm 4 describes that, and triumph in the midst of it."
August 16, 2024 –
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0.0% "Psalm 4 takes us here through an arc of honesty, of confidence of being heard of God, of comparative alienation as we return among men, of the turn toward the grateful sympathy of one beloved of God for those with less of a sense of that. David's soul at the Psalm's close rests where ours can, awake or asleep, in company or alone. We rest SATISFIED in God."
August 17, 2024 –
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0.0% "David knows complexity, diplomacy, statecraft. As authentic author of Psalm 5's first verses reflects on here, he chose he also knows sanctity in simplicity. His words are heard, and he knows it. His groans are graciously received, and he knows it. That he starts a sound silences Heaven to hear, and he knows it. That hearing is his morning renewal, and it can bring us renewal at any hour."
August 18, 2024 –
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0.0% "Right rituals, we realize here with Psalm 5:3-6, parse the pervasiveness of our feelings, the encroachment of Earth's fallen culture on the chutes of a newborn soul. Rituals protect space for reflection. They touch the timeless and allow us to compare contagious, compelling beliefs and practices of the age to those for which the Bible testifies we were made for."
August 19, 2024 –
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0.0% "The world's ways the Christian swims in inevitably distort and contaminate. God's steadfast love, as we study here in Psalm 5:7-8, draws us in. We welcome lowering, humbling, that in God's time He would raise us up in His likeness. Wooed into His house, we absorb the ethos there, though the contrast touches the wounds we have absorbed and inflicted in ways that are initially painful."
August 20, 2024 –
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0.0% "Whom do we listen to? Here we admit, no sooner are we lured by the lovingkindness of the Lord than other voices undermine. Their lure is the open grave, death by way of prideful independence rather than life abundant or lying on the Lord's righteousness."
August 21, 2024 –
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0.0% "Here we rejoice in God's Matthew 1:1 capacity to use both our energy and the end thereof, our ambition and our exasperation."
August 22, 2024 –
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0.0% "What a strange way to save the world! We continue to look here at the genealogy of Jesus as it unfolds in Matthew 1:2 through the life and limits of Abraham."
August 27, 2024 –
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0.0% "I admit here , our belief and confession can dry out as over-rehearsed – unless we let in the reality of the PRESENT goodness and effectiveness of God on our behalf individually. This, and not a one-time password, is the vibrant root of Romans 10:9-10."
August 28, 2024 –
page 0
0.0% "God's plans as we celebrate them here are bigger than set preconceptions or our idea of the ideal temperament to carry them out. His work spans generations, and all the up-and-down experience of days and people that make them up."

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by India M. (new)

India M. Clamp Boldy is not necessarily an educated preference, is it Brian?

message 2: by Brian (new) - added it

Brian Eshleman I don't quite understand. Sorry. Could you rephrase?

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