Petrik's Reviews > Tress of the Emerald Sea

Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson
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bookshelves: self-published-and-indie, favorites

4.5/5 stars

Tress of the Emerald Sea was simply whimsical and wonderful. Starting the year 2023 with the first secret novel from The Year of Sanderson is the correct action for me.

“Even small actions have consequences. And while we can often choose our actions, we rarely get to choose our consequences.”

The time is here. The first of the four awaited secret project novels, Tress of the Emerald Sea, by Brandon Sanderson is here. If you're active in the fantasy community, or even if you're not, it is no longer news that Sanderson has shocked the world with the immense success of his four secret novels Kickstarter campaign. I mean, number one most pledged Kickstarter campaign of all time; it doesn’t get more successful than that. And it shouldn’t also come as a shock that I, as a longtime fan of his Cosmere novels, end up enjoying Tress of the Emerald Sea. I wanted to start my year with a great book, and choosing this book as the first novel of 2023 (as I said) was the right pick. Sanderson plus a full-length Cosmere novel is a formula that never ceases to impress me. What I did not expect, however, was just how visually beautiful Tress of the Emerald Sea would be. I am pleasantly surprised. I am glad the past Petrik decided to buy four premium hardcover editions of the secret novels, and I am eternally thankful to my co-blogger, TS, for covering the expense of the shipping fee. Without TS, I do not think I would cave into buying the premium hardcover editions, and I would regret it so much. I will go into more details on this later, but at $40 per secret novel (not counting the shipping fee) and for everything we get, this special edition can be considered, relatively, a bargain. This is on top of it being such a fun and cozy book to read.

“Leaving didn’t feel exciting. It felt heavy. Every child looked forward to the day when they could choose a different path from the one their parents were on. Tress sincerely hoped she hadn’t decided on one that led straight off a cliff.”

All her life on an island named The Rock in the emerald-green ocean, Tress lived a simple life with the simple pleasures of collecting cups received from sailors from faraway lands and listening to stories told by her friend, Charlie. But when Charlie’s father takes him on a voyage to find a bride and disaster strikes, Tress must leave her simple life to stow away on a ship and seek the Sorceress of the deadly Midnight Sea. Although I expected to love this book, I was initially worried after reading the first few chapters. Note the word ship in the official premise. Sailing and seafaring dominated the majority of Tress of the Emerald Sea. Personally, I tend to have mixed feelings about fantasy books with a heavy focus on seafaring unless they're The Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb and The Tide Child trilogy by R.J. Barker. And there were indeed some sections here where I felt a bit of a lull because of this. However, my overall experience was fun. Most of the time, it was difficult for me to stay away from the book. Sanderson's prose and the relatively short length of the novel, plus its short chapters, made it easy for me to steal-read one or two chapters whenever I had some free time. This was a delightful book about human beings, contradictions, leadership, found family, stories, love, bravery, and empathy.

“It might seem that the person who can feel for others is doomed in life. Isn’t one person’s pain enough? Why must a person like Tress feel for two, or more? Yet I’ve found that the people who are the happiest are the ones who learn best how to feel. It takes practice, you know. Effort. And those who (late in life) have been feeling for two, three, or a thousand different people… well, turns out they’ve had a leg up on everyone else all along. Empathy is an emotional loss leader. It pays for itself eventually.”

Before reading Tress of the Emerald Sea, I did not read any of the secret novel preview chapters. However, based on the known artists and the title or premise of the four novels, Tress of the Emerald ranked third out of four. I am interested in all four, but I am most excited about the third and fourth secret novels. Based on these, the first two secret novels felt like they would be the most tonally different from Sanderson's other Cosmere books. Having read all published Cosmere stories, including this one, I can convey that Tress of the Emerald Sea has proved it. Sanderson has mentioned that The Princess Bride is one of the main inspirations behind this book. Another good comparison for what kind of tone you're getting here is Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman. So it is time to admit something. I haven't read or watched The Princess Bride yet, but I have watched Good Omens. And I think Sanderson nailed the comparison he's going for. The storytelling is whimsical and light-hearted in tone but also imbued with clever philosophical nuggets and serious themes occasionally. I loved the novel for it. I don't think I would've liked it this much if it was just all fun and joy all the way through. Sanderson's comedy, especially when the narrative involves young adult characters, doesn't land well with me often. But his hard-hitting and thought-provoking passages? That's another story. Sanderson may not have flowery prose, but the words he put on the pages of his novel frequently hit and became passages I think about daily. A few examples from this book are:

“While a healthy measure of foolhardiness drove our ancestors toward discovery, fear kept them alive. If bravery is the wind that makes us soar like kites, fear is the string that keeps us from going too far. We need it, but the thing is, our heritage taught us to fear some of the wrong things.”

And also these two long passages about memories.

“Beyond that, memories have a way of changing on us. Souring or sweetening over time— like a brew we drink, then recreate later by taste, only getting the ingredients mostly right. You can’t taste a memory without tainting it with who you have become. That inspires me. We each make our own lore, our own legends, every day. Our memories are our ballads, and if we tweak them a little with every performance… well, that’s all in the name of good drama.”

“Memory is often our only connection to who we used to be. Memories are fossils, the bones left by dead versions of ourselves. More potently, our minds are a hungry audience, craving only the peaks and valleys of experience. The bland erodes, leaving behind the distinctive bits to be remembered again and again. Painful or passionate, surreal or sublime, we cherish those little rocks of peak experience, polishing them with the ever-smoothing touch of recycled proxy living. In so doing— like pagans praying to a sculpted mud figure— we make of our memories the gods which judge our current lives. I love this. Memory may not be the heart of what makes us human, but it’s at least a vital organ. Nevertheless, we must take care not to let the bliss of the present fade when compared to supposedly better days. We’re happy, sure, but were we more happy then? If we let it, memory can make shadows of the now, as nothing can match the buttressed legends of our past… Do not let memory chase you. Take the advice of one who has dissected the beast, then rebuilt it with a more fearsome face— which I then used to charm a few extra coins out of an inebriated audience. Enjoy memories, yes, but don’t be a slave to who you wish you once had been. Those memories aren’t alive. You are.”

Although possible, it wouldn't feel organic to have these kinds of passages appearing throughout the book if the novel is told through the first-person or third-person perspective of Tress. These were effective because the entire story in Tress of the Emerald Sea is narrated through Hoid's perspective. Hoid is an integral character in Sanderson's Cosmere universe. And we, Cosmere fans, are all waiting for Hoid's origin story. Sanderson mentioned he wanted to practice and be more fluent at writing Hoid's perspective before that backstory novel happened, and this is the book where it came to fruition. This won't, however, be how the story is told eventually in Hoid's backstory novel. It will definitely be less whimsical. But to give you an idea of the kind of voice Sanderson is giving Hoid in this book, if you've read The Stormlight Archive series, this is more in tune with the unforgettable "Wandersail" and "The Dog and the Dragon" stories Hoid told in the series. A full-length version of that kind of in-world story. I absolutely loved "Wandersail" and "The Dog and the Dragon," and obviously, I ended up loving Tress of the Emerald Sea as well.

“Worldbringers like myself spend decades combing through folk tales, legends, myths, histories, and drunken bar songs looking for the most unique stories. We hunt for bravery, cleverness, heroism. And we find no shortage of such virtues. Legends are silly with them. But the person who is willing to reconsider their assumptions? The hero who can sit down and reevaluate their life? Well, now that is a gemstone that truly glitters, friend.”

So yes, we get to learn more about Hoid and the Cosmere (more on this in the next paragraph) inside this book. But at the end of the day, even though this is told through Hoid's perspective, Tress of the Emerald Sea is still a standalone story about Tress and her adventures. I mentioned The Stormlight Archive earlier, and I am no stranger to voicing how much I love the Bridge Four group in the series. The found family trope is one of the many things Sanderson executed extremely well in The Stormlight Archive and the first Mistborn trilogy. And he managed to craft another cherishable found family in this book. Tress, Huck, Fort, Salay, and all the characters are well-written and likable characters. The Deaf character representation was written with the help of a special sensitivity reader to do it justice, too. And hey, for the first time in the Cosmere, we finally get to see a real dragon. As Tress and the crew of the ship she's in face danger constantly, the bonds between them grow deeper and deeper. My investment in them, too. And upon reaching the last page, I can't help but hope we will get more stories or appearances from these characters eventually. Knowing how connected with each other the Cosmere is now, I'm confident we will.

“She… didn’t need to do this all on her own. That shouldn’t have been such a revelation for her. But after spending ages walking around with everyone piling bricks in your arms, it can throw you off balance when someone removes a brick to carry for you.”

Speaking of Cosmere connections, and because people will ask me this question, should you read other Cosmere books first? Tress of the Emerald Sea is a standalone story in the world of Lumar. This marks the first time we get a book taking place in this world in the Cosmere. Like always, it is not necessary to read the other Cosmere books first to enjoy the main story here. But will you benefit from reading them? Yes, you will. I talk about this already in my review of The Lost Metal. But moving forward, Sanderson's future publications in the Cosmere universe, especially the ones taking place after book 5 of The Stormlight Archive, will most likely have heavy Cosmere crossovers. If you intend to read all of Sanderson's Cosmere books, it is a good idea to start catching up reading them if you want to reap all the connections. As for this book, reading the entirety of The Mistborn Saga so far will be beneficial. Additionally, there were a few small nods to the magic or technology portrayed in Warbreaker, Elantris, and The Stormlight Archive. I will leave it to you to decide whether you want to read them first or not. There is no spoiler for these three series. Also, although not the primary planet of the magic and there is no main novel for it yet, aethers and its explosive potential are explored here.

“Now, most people would agree that humans are not telepathic. We can’t directly send our thoughts or emotions into the minds of others. Nevertheless, you can hear my story and imagine the things I describe—the same as I picture them in my own mind. What is that, if not a form of telepathy?”

One more thing before I end this review. I will update this once I have the physical copy, but right now, even the ebook of the premium edition alone is exquisitely made. Unless the paper quality of the physical copy sucks, which is so doubtful, I can vouch that the $40 I spent on getting this book is well spent. Maybe too well spent. It is almost ridiculous. You won’t get a premium/special edition like this with only $40 anywhere else. If Subterranean Press or Grim Oak Press publishes a book like this, I guarantee it will cost at least $200 (not counting the shipping fee and customs fee yet). The stunning design and the more than ten interior artworks (four fully colored art and the rest in green-toned black and white) by Howard Lyon enhanced the quality of the aesthetic and the tale. They are magnificent. And I am brimming with excitement waiting for the physical copy to arrive at my place. And if the first secret novel already reaches this level of production value, I want to read and find out what the other three will look like. Rest assured, in this review, I leave out some surprises in the clever design and artwork inside this book for you to find out for yourself.

“One of the great tragedies of life is knowing how many people in the world are made to soar, paint, sing, or steer— except they never get the chance to find out.”

Whether aesthetically or narrative-wise, Tress of the Emerald Sea provided a whimsical and wonderful reading experience. It is a refreshing addition to the Cosmere universe. And it is essentially (at least, it read like one) a Cosmere version of an adult fairy tale. With the success of the secret projects, some readers might think Sanderson favors quantity instead of quality in his books recently. It is up to you to think that way, but I can't voice the same sentiment. Personally speaking, Tress of the Emerald Sea doesn't show any drop in storytelling quality. Every book in the Cosmere, including this that he wrote in secret, works amazingly well for me. Similarly to the first Mistborn trilogy, even though this is undoubtedly a different kind of book, I think Tress of the Emerald Sea is a standalone story that can be enjoyed by both YA or adult fantasy readers. Making this even more appealing to a bigger audience. This is a superb first book of 2023 for me, and I hope this signals the positive trajectory of my reading year. I look forward to receiving the physical copy and reading the next secret novel.

“The first is that heroes can be trained. Not by a government or a military, but by the people themselves. Heroes are the ones who have thought about what they’re going to do, and who have trained to do it. Heroism is often the seemingly spontaneous result of a lifetime of preparation… In the frenzied anarchy of destruction, loyalty to causes and kingdoms alike tends to fall to the chaos. But the bond between people, well, that’s stronger than steel. If you want to create heroes, don’t give them something to fight for. Give them someone to fight for.”

You can pre-order this book from: Blackwells (Free International shipping)

You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions | I also have a Booktube channel

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Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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aurora *ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hi Petrick, this may be a broad question but I really want to get into Sanderson (specifically the Cosmere) this year. I know the universe has a bunch of series and overlapping banters and what not. I was wondering if you could tell me where I should start, as in the first book I should read, as I am very confused. Thank you!!

Petrik Aurora *ੈ✩‧₊˚ wrote: "Hi Petrick, this may be a broad question but I really want to get into Sanderson (specifically the Cosmere) this year. I know the universe has a bunch of series and overlapping banters and what not..."

Hi Aurora, I have a video on this on my YouTube but I can't link it here. But long story short, start from Warbreaker (if you want a standalone) or The Emperor's Soul (a standalone novella). If you prefer a trilogy to start off your journey, read Mistborn trilogy first. :)

BookManiac I completely agree with your review, Petrik! I really clicked with the narration style; not all of Hoid's jokes landed for me, but a lot of them did, and his thoughts and musing were also quite deep at times (as you noted). I also loved the story, the characters - Tress was such a different type of protagonist than we normally encounter in epic fantasy - and the world. This book has made me so much more excited to see aethers in the future. And that ending! So good. This book was a joy to read. I think Sanderson succeeded in creating a grownup version of the Princess Bride.

Petrik BookManiac wrote: "I completely agree with your review, Petrik! I really clicked with the narration style; not all of Hoid's jokes landed for me, but a lot of them did, and his thoughts and musing were also quite dee..."

Thank you so much! I can't make the Princess Bride comparison yet because I haven't read that book, but I loved the tone and narration here. It's great to see Sanderson trying out different styles and making it work for the Cosmere! :)

Chase Sears The introduction of ipads and laptops to the cosmere :D

Chase Sears This was an amazing book for me too!

message 7: by Jody (new) - added it

Jody Great review as always, Petrik! Can't wait to get my eyes on this one.

Petrik Chase wrote: "The introduction of ipads and laptops to the cosmere :D"

Hahahah! So true. Glad you loved it, too! :)

Petrik Jody wrote: "Great review as always, Petrik! Can't wait to get my eyes on this one."

Thank you so much, Jody! I think you'll enjoy this one. You can even read this with your daughter. There's a good chance she'll love it as well! :D

Chase Sears Petrik wrote: "Chase wrote: "The introduction of ipads and laptops to the cosmere :D"

Hahahah! So true. Glad you loved it, too! :)"

Yeah! I loved the modern stuff xD

Erica B (ricci.reads) Great review - echos many of my thoughts ☺️

Glad you enjoyed - happy new year 🎉

Petrik Erica B (ricci.reads) wrote: "Great review - echos many of my thoughts ☺️

Glad you enjoyed - happy new year 🎉"

Thank you so much, Erica!! Happy new year to you, too! 😁

Adrienne I just finished this yesterday and also really enjoyed it. It was so different in tone from other things I’ve read from him which just goes to show how talented of a writer he really is. I loved the whimsy and humor and am now gobbling up all of the cosmere content on YouTube. I think this will be a fun one to reread looking for all of those Easter eggs. Great review as always!

Petrik Adrienne wrote: "I just finished this yesterday and also really enjoyed it. It was so different in tone from other things I’ve read from him which just goes to show how talented of a writer he really is. I loved th..."

Thank you so much, Adrienne!! Yeah, I think it is a refreshing addition to the Cosmere to have the book written like this! Never thought I'll see Sanderson write like this tbh! :D

message 15: by Holli (new) - rated it 1 star

Holli You are spoiling things. For those of us waiting for yhe HB and for those who didn't spend money and therefore shouldn't know anything at all. The covet and title is all over BT. God forbid I wait until I get it in yhe mail. This will go on ALL YEAR because there is NO WAY those books will arrive at the same time as yhe ebooks.
Way to spoil something so precious and rare. When yhe whole point is to enjoy the books without knowing ANYTHING!
A BT I follow unhauled a book she had never read because she already knew everything about it.
Shame on youself.

message 16: by Holli (new) - rated it 1 star

Holli Also, BT ignored the impact that this decision BS made . You ignored it all year and so did 90% of BT. Many didn't even comment on it at all! Since you all ignored it then you shouldn't be talking about it now. The whole BT is just a machine to sell books. Of COURSE you want to discuss the book. Because you all feel the need to be relevant. Have some ethics.

Isabel ♡ Holli wrote: "You are spoiling things. For those of us waiting for yhe HB and for those who didn't spend money and therefore shouldn't know anything at all. The covet and title is all over BT. God forbid I wait ..." Don't go on Goodreads, a website for BOOK reviews, if you don't want to be spoiled

message 18: by Peter (new)

Peter A title and a cover is not a spoiler.

message 19: by Jody (new) - added it

Jody Petrik wrote: "Jody wrote: "Great review as always, Petrik! Can't wait to get my eyes on this one."

Thank you so much, Jody! I think you'll enjoy this one. You can even read this with your daughter. There's a go..."

I've been trying to get her into fantasy, but she is 14 now. All she wants to read is romance novels. Lol!

message 20: by Petrik (last edited Jan 06, 2023 10:26AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Petrik Holli wrote: "Also, BT ignored the impact that this decision BS made . You ignored it all year and so did 90% of BT. Many didn't even comment on it at all! Since you all ignored it then you shouldn't be talking ..."

Hey, Holli. I posted this review after Dragonsteel Books shared the cover, title, and interior artwork on their social media page. You better tell them to have some ethics, too.

Seriously, if a title and a cover art make you this angry, you might be better off not browsing booktube or Goodreads or any other social media because I guarantee you the next three secret projects will receive the same treatment. Even if not from me, but from other people. So in that sense, you're welcome to block me. Have a good day! :)

Petrik Peter wrote: "A title and a cover is not a spoiler."

This obsession over titles is so crazy for me. It is literally impossible to avoid this if you have any social media. Sanderson and his team shared it on their social media page, too.

Petrik Jody wrote: "Petrik wrote: "Jody wrote: "Great review as always, Petrik! Can't wait to get my eyes on this one."

Thank you so much, Jody! I think you'll enjoy this one. You can even read this with your daughte..."

Hahahah understandable!! Fingers crossed she'll grow into liking fantasy books, too! :D

message 23: by Jody (new) - added it

Jody Some people just want to make drama, bro! Don't pay any attention. Me and plenty of other GR people love your reviews. As much time and love you put into reading and sharing your experiences about books and authors should be celebrated. Keep doing your thing, dude!

Petrik Jody wrote: "Some people just want to make drama, bro! Don't pay any attention. Me and plenty of other GR people love your reviews. As much time and love you put into reading and sharing your experiences about ..."

Thank you so much, bro! I appreciate people like you. I will keep doing my best and ignore these unnecessary noises! :)

message 25: by Gina (new)

Gina Holli wrote: "You are spoiling things. For those of us waiting for yhe HB and for those who didn't spend money and therefore shouldn't know anything at all. The covet and title is all over BT. God forbid I wait ..."

Are you high? Like seriously what is wrong with you? Get off goodreads/ booktube/ hell the whole internet if you don't want to see titles and covers of popular books.

Jessie From the Brando Sando directly, “You might be asking why none of these have titles yet. Well, we thought it would be fun to keep those hidden for now. Some of you might want to receive these books with minimal spoilers and just enjoy them fresh and new, without even knowing the title ahead of time—kind of like going into a movie blind, never having seen the trailer, on the promise that it’s by a filmmaker you know you love. We also thought this might make it fun for book clubs or groups of friends and family to co-read a mysterious Sanderson book, knowing almost nothing about it.

However, I also know that many of you enjoy teasers, minor spoilers, and previews. So, while we kept the surprise intact on this page we’re also going to be releasing detailed previews of each book.”

In the spirit of this book and this project let’s not attack each other or police how others go about their book-ish hobbies. If you want to be surprised it’s a fact of life you’re going to have to avoid content/sites like this. If you’re like me and have to thoroughly research/read reviews before diving in then by all means do it to your hearts content.

If I can avoid knowing how Lost ends (despite it being a decade later) in case I ever finish it I am confident that you too can avoid spoilers for the secret books project.

message 27: by Ari (new)

Ari Cool

Chase Sears Holli wrote: "You are spoiling things. For those of us waiting for yhe HB and for those who didn't spend money and therefore shouldn't know anything at all. The covet and title is all over BT. God forbid I wait ..."

If you don't want 'spoilers'(title and cover don't fall into this website), then get your whiny BS off this website. People are allowed to write a review and share their excitement with others. I'm happy to see you take it up with Brandon Sanderson if you feel injusticed by a cover reveal.

message 29: by Petrik (last edited Jan 07, 2023 08:42PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Petrik Jessie wrote: "From the Brando Sando directly, “You might be asking why none of these have titles yet. Well, we thought it would be fun to keep those hidden for now. Some of you might want to receive these books ..."

Yeah, that's the thing! "Some of you might want to receive these books with minimal spoilers and just enjoy them fresh and new, without even knowing the title ahead of time—kind of like going into a movie blind, never having seen the trailer, on the promise that it’s by a filmmaker you know you love." This is practically impossible in this time and age. Too much wishful thinking. How would you even be able to watch a movie at the theater without knowing the title first? xD

*close my eyes* "excuse me, don't tell me anything, but can I buy a ticket to watch a movie in studio 1, the one directed by Christopher Nolan, please?"

This is ridiculous. Also, Tor Books and Gollancz will publicly release their own ebooks on January 10th. There is literally no way to avoid the title and cover art if you're a fan of Brandon Sanderson or books unless you stay at home and turn off all bookish social media until the physical book arrived.

IF Sanderson and the team really want to achieve that, what they have to do is send out the physical books much quicker than the KS ebooks and mass-market publication date. I agree with you, though! No need to debate over this.

Jesse Great review, man! I am super excited to get to this, though it wil be awhile. Do you see yourself reading BrandoSando's YA books?

Petrik Jesse wrote: "Great review, man! I am super excited to get to this, though it wil be awhile. Do you see yourself reading BrandoSando's YA books?"

Thank you, Jesse! Oh absolutely. I still have to read Sanderson's and Abercrombie's YA books! :D

Jesse Ah, nice! I eagerly await your thoughts on them, especially Steelheart.

message 33: by Cale (new) - added it

Cale Johnson (on hiatus) I’m waiting for the hard copy special addition before I read the books. I skimmed through the ebook and it looks fantastic. I’m also excited about the free stuff that will come with the book

Chase Sears Steelheart is fantastic!

Teddy Bear Good

Petrik Cale wrote: "I’m waiting for the hard copy special addition before I read the books. I skimmed through the ebook and it looks fantastic. I’m also excited about the free stuff that will come with the book"

I've read it and still waiting for the gorgeous physical copy, too. I hope it will arrive soon! :)

message 37: by Jesslyn (new) - added it

Jesslyn Nathania I've never read anything by brandon sanderson before. Will it be easy to follow this one as my 1st book read from him?

Petrik Jesslyn wrote: "I've never read anything by brandon sanderson before. Will it be easy to follow this one as my 1st book read from him?"

Absolutely! :)

message 39: by Swapnadip (new) - added it

Swapnadip Can I start with this if I haven’t read any of the other books by Brandon Sanderson?

message 40: by Amy (new) - rated it 2 stars

Amy i could not disagree with this more. the book was humorless, condescending to the reader, and poorly paced.

message 41: by Violetta (new)

Violetta Hold up. Brilliant review, but did you really just say you’ve never watched The Princess Bride? Are you from a different realm? I don’t understand. 👸🏼🥷

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