Lilibet Bombshell's Reviews > Endless

Endless by Devyn Sinclair
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Endless is the first book in author Devyn Sinclair’s new omegaverse series, set in the rich and eccentric seaside town of Clarity Coast. Each novel will follow a new omega but the stories are interconnected. This story is about an omega named Isolde and the pack she hires to escort her to her sister’s wedding because she’s the co-maid of honor and her dreadful ex is the best man.

I’m not huge on the fake relationship trope, but I like Devyn Sinclair’s omegaverse novels a lot and I’ve been gobbling up omegaverse novels like candy for the past year so I signed up for this one as soon as it was announced. I’m glad I did, because Endless had everything I love about fake relationship tropes and nothing I hate about them. Not only that, but the spice was so, so nice–full of filthy talk, rope, and endless pleasure for an omega who’s been starved of it.

I’m grateful to Sinclair for writing a FMC who has had difficulty with orgasms, because it’s not a topic discussed often in romance novels, especially not omegaverse novels. Even in real life it’s taken for granted that not all women have an easy time reaching climax. Sometimes it gets tiring reading novel after novel where every FMC can just orgasm as easily as she can breathe. To see Sinclair write an FMC like Isolde, who has had a hard time with orgasms and has a pack of men willing and able to help her explore what she likes and needs while giving her space…well, it means a lot to me as a reader.

This book is romantic, has a great story, has great characters, and is sexy. I enjoyed it a great deal and look forward to seeing what else Clarity Coast has in store.

I was provided a copy of this title by the author. All thoughts, opinions, views, and ideas expressed herein are mine and mine alone. No compensation was offered or accepted in exchange for this review. Thank you.

File Under: 5 Star Review/Book Series/Kink Friendly/Omegaverse/Romance Series/Spice Level 3/Why Choose Romance

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Reading Progress

February 14, 2024 – Started Reading
February 14, 2024 – Shelved
February 14, 2024 – Shelved as: to-read
February 15, 2024 – Shelved as: 2024-indie-arcs
February 15, 2024 – Shelved as: 5-star-reviews
February 15, 2024 – Shelved as: advanced-reader-copies
February 15, 2024 – Shelved as: book-series
February 15, 2024 – Shelved as: kink-and-bdsm-friendly
February 15, 2024 – Shelved as: omegaverse
February 15, 2024 – Shelved as: part-of-a-romance-series
February 15, 2024 – Shelved as: smutty-romance-spice-level-3
February 15, 2024 – Shelved as: why-choose-romance
February 15, 2024 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Jessie (new)

Jessie Winterspring Now I really need to research what's omegaverse haha

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