Imme van Gorp's Reviews > Daisy Haites

Daisy Haites by Jessa Hastings
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|| 3.0 stars ||

Jeez, this girl seriously had about twenty different love interests so it was pretty much impossible to keep track of them all. Moreover, it was also very hard to take any of those feelings seriously considering she had them for so many different people.
I mean, she claims to be in love with Christian (and even hates Magnolia for being the girl he loves), but then she also goes on and on about how much she loves Romeo and how she always will?? Like, girl, PICK A SIDE! I honestly don’t understand why the author chose to include Romeo in this book at all; there was no need for it and it only made Daisy seem unfaithful, superficial and insanely hypocritical. It was a weird choice. And a bad one.

Honestly, I just feel bad for Christian at this point. He keeps falling in love with girls who have this toxic, insane love connection with boys from their childhood. This guy can’t ever catch a break and I want him to find someone who truly loves him, and only him.
Of course it could be said that he wasn’t faithful to Daisy at the start either, and sure that’s true, but at least he didn’t claim to be in love with her at that point. First he was in love with Magnolia, then he started to slowly and unconsciously develop feelings for Daisy, until he eventually fell in love with Daisy completely and moved on from Magnolia. That’s a normal and valid trajectory.
Daisy, on the other hand, claims to fully and completely love Christian from the start but also feels the same about Romeo, and also has very intense feelings and attractions to a million other men. That’s not normal and not valid. She’s giving exactly the type of behavior Christian hates Magnolia for, but Daisy is actually much worse since she isn’t honest about her feelings to anyone and also doesn’t have a single valid reason for stringing all these people along. She uses people and doesn’t even acknowledge how evil some of her actions are.
I think the thing that annoyed me the most about her was her hypocrisy; she was so hurt and so angry about Christian’s unresolved feelings for Magnolia, but she’d been having so many more worse feelings for Romeo the whole time. This girl was exasperating! And Christian really deserved better. He really did. (And Romeo too, actually).

As might be quite clear by now, I genuinely couldn’t stand Daisy. But my dislike for her turned into full-on hatred towards the end when she broke up with Christian for the dumbest reason and just completely fell of the wagon. She became a giant mess who didn’t care who she hurt in the process of her own little mini-drama. She was selfish, mean, cruel, embarrassing, self-absorbed and insanely slutty; she turned into the absolute worst, and I was completely done with her by then. She didn’t have a single redeeming quality left to her. And it killed me to see Christian still pining away for her, willing to give her a million more chances, and even acting like he was the one who had to make things right. SHE was in the wrong. SHE should be begging. Ugh.

Honestly, I think there is only one couple I’m actually interested in right now: Henry and Taura. They’re both such decent people, and I love how they seem to have a little more of a slow-burn with actual development. I’d love to get a book about them. Probably won’t get it though.

Lastly, I want to talk a bit about Julian: I’m not sure why we got his POV considering he never really gets his own story and he only really exists to narrate about Daisy’s life and feelings, yet I still found him to be the most intriguing and meaningful character (perhaps that should tell you something about the lack of overall depth in this book, but I digress). I definitely think there could have been a lot more to this character if only the author cared enough to give him his own voice, relationships and feelings outside of Daisy. That said, his unconditional and deep-rooted love for Daisy was kind of exactly why I was intrigued by his character so much. A cold mobster who hates everyone but his baby sister? Yea, love that. And when these two had their falling-out it was the only time I actually felt sad while reading this book. Their relationship was so gentle and truly loving; it broke my heart a bit to see that shatter. And I’m very curious to find out how Julian will react to it after he’s had a minute to calm down. I imagine he’ll be absolutely devastated…

All in all though, this book gave me yet another awful romance where I do not want the couple to get together in the end because one of them deserves better (Christian in this case, Magnolia in the other), yet I still really enjoyed this book due to all the addictive drama and high-paced angst.
I just have such a weird relationships with these books where I kind of hate and love them at the same time.

'Magnolia Parks Universe':
1. Magnolia Parks - 3.5 stars
2. Daisy Haites - 3.0 stars
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Comments Showing 1-32 of 32 (32 new)

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autumn ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ I just don’t get why the author made Julian’s whole gang fall for daisy 💀 great review!!

Imme van Gorp @autumn — right!?? It’s like this author NEEDS her fmc to be the centre of attention of every single boy in her life. I mean, does she just not think it’s possible for a girl to be hot and cool and sexy while still not having every single man fall at her feet? Like, Let’s chill with that for a sec💀🤣

message 3: by len ❀ (new)

len ❀ #justiceforchristian

Imme van Gorp @elena — YESSS!!😤

Krysta ꕤ (semi-hiatus) i just know i would absolutely HATE this series so i don’t even bother 😂 ive heard about everyone being obsessed with magnolia too lmao

Imme van Gorp @Krysta — The funny thing about it is that this book is actually about Daisy, but she’s basically Magnolia 2.0 (but much less likable), so the author made everyone obsessed with her too💀🤣 Also, yea, I think this series is definitely not for everyone. I actually never thought it would be for me either. I’m not sure I truly like it tbh; it’s more of a love/hate situation🥴

message 7: by SK (new)

SK I really gotta be in a drama mood to read this series 😩

Imme van Gorp @SK — Oh yes, you definitely have to be! If you’re not, this book will drive you absolutely crazy!😅

message 9: by Sana⁷ (new)

Sana⁷ Aren't Magnolia and Daisy basically the same? I haven't read any of these books, but these characters sound the same

message 10: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Sana — hahahha well, yea, that’s pretty much accurate🤣 Daisy is a copy of Magnolia, but then in a less likable format. They’re both self-absorbed and everyone’s obsessed with them, but at least Magnolia doesn’t lie to people about her feelings and she does have a better reason for why she acts the way she does. Furthermore, Magnolia’s love interest is the one who’s in the wrong with her situation, while Daisy is in the wrong with hers. So basically, Daisy is Magnolia 2.0 but worse😭🤣

message 11: by Kati *☆・゚ (new)

Kati *☆・゚ [a bit distracted atm] wow, how could you even keep track of them all? 😂

Vanna (on-hiatus) 20!! 😳😳 That’s crazy!! Not that I’m slut-shaming.. but OMG 🙄 No wonder you were left disappointed with the ending.. Does seem like Julian deserved better.. Great entertaining review too Imme.. Hope your luck improves with this series 👍🏻👍🏻

message 13: by Dann [Hiatus] (new)

Dann [Hiatus] Oh goodness, that sounds awful. I wouldn't be able to make it through a book where the MC has no redeeming qualities.

kendyl ʚ♡⃛ɞ oh noooo aww i’m sorry you didn’t enjoy this as much ml😭such an amazing review!<3

message 15: by Rain (new)

Rain Those breakups for ‘reasons’ annoy me so much. I hope you find a decent romance soon 💜

message 16: by Amina (new)

Amina Twenty love interests - I can barely keep up when there's just one! 😅 Happy that it was still addictive enough for you to put up with Daisy's antics, Imme. 🥰

message 17: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Kati — I couldn’t🤣

message 18: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Vanna — I mean, twenty was a bit hyperbolic, but I swear she had soooo many love interests I just couldn’t even keep up with them🥴🤣

message 19: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Dann — Yea, that’s fair enough! I honestly never thought I would be able to either LOL

message 20: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @kendyl — I mean, I did enjoy the book, but I just didn’t like the character🤣

message 21: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Rain — It really is quite headache-inducing, huh?🙄😅

message 22: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Amina — hahahaha valid!🤣🤣 but thank you, love💜

manas palaparti jessa made the weirdest choices for this series. tbh it could have been a 5 star series for me, but 90% of her characters are annoying and pissed me off.... great review!

message 24: by allison ☆ (new)

allison ☆ This sounds like it would give me a headache. The fmc seems like a nightmare😒. #JusticeforChristian. If you continue with the series hopefully the characters become more bearable🤞.

message 25: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @manas — honestly, that’s very true! I still enjoyed these books so far, but it had the potential to be a lotttt better😅

message 26: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @allison — Oddly enough, I think the unlikability of the characters is part of the fun; it makes their drama so petty🤣

message 27: by Charles (new)

Charles Love/hate relationship with this book sounds like the perfect takeaway. Yes, I think Daisy would have really pissed me off too. Are these couples continued on in the series?. Loved your review!💙

message 28: by Rose (new)

Rose :) ♡⋆ (slump) This review basically summed up the chaotic, weird mess that this series is... and confirmed my annoyance with Magnolia😭I read book 1 and i do not know if I want to keep going....

message 29: by Sabrina (last edited Jun 20, 2024 06:37PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Sabrina You managed to word some of my thoughts here as well. I couldn’t see how she would get mad at Christian when she had her own unresolved issues with Rome? And I think the author included his character to show how she had her own trauma bonds like magnolia had with bj. Idk a lot felt repetitive. I also thought Christian deserved better honestly with how these girls had him 😭 it’s understandable but was a bit annoying why he was so bitter in his inner monologue about magnolia bc she didn’t owe him anything even tho she was just at fault lmao I just think the lack of common sense and dumb decisions is entirely strong with all these books but can say there’s eventual growth from them—although it’s a journey and when you think about that in the grand scheme of life—it’s never ending lol will say that despite my initial thoughts here, I was able to warm up to Daisy in her second book and didn’t have any complaints with her just with the direction of the book itself. I’m curious how you’ll feel as well there 👀

message 30: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Charles — Yup, the whole series is either a book about Magnolia and BJ or a book about Daisy and Christian. Or, at least, I’m assuming that the couples will stay the same. I guess it’s possible we’ll get a big surprise twist, but I think that’s probably wishful thinking🤣

message 31: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Rose — Well, I personally find Daisy a million times more insufferable than Magnolia, so if you already struggled with the latter, I can’t imagine you’ll fare much better with the former💀🤣

message 32: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp @Sabrina — Yea, the whole thing was just insanely hypocritical of Daisy, so that pissed me off something fierce! I agree that Christian’s awful attitude towards Magnolia did get on my nerves, and it’s probably the only thing about him that makes me dislike him a little bit. I do understand where his hateful feelings come from, but he doesn’t really have a right to them I think. It’s hardly her fault that he’s been pathetically pining for her all this time; she’s never made it a secret that she’s still in love with BJ. It’s his job to accept that🤷🏻‍♀️

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