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Archived threads > What are you reading in March?

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message 51: by Laurel (new)

Laurel Scott, let me know what you think of the Judging Eye. I keep hearing good things about Scott Bakker, and am wondering if I should pick it up.

message 52: by Witch (new)

Witch (nozomiviridae) | 8 comments I'm reading a couple of books this month. It's spring break! xD I'm actually waiting for a couple of books in the mail off PBS and eBay.

Warprize and Dagger-Star by Elizabeth Vaughan.
Raven's Shadow and Raven's Strike by Patricia Briggs.
Bad to the Bone ARC by Jeri Smith-Ready.
The Killing Dance and Burnt Offerings by Laurell K. Hamilton.

message 53: by Janny (new)

Janny (jannywurts) | 807 comments Just finished C. S. Friedman's The Wilding.

message 54: by Sandi (last edited Mar 21, 2009 05:00PM) (new)

Sandi (sandikal) Janny wrote: "Just finished C. S. Friedman's The Wilding."

That's the one that's a sort-of sequel to In Conquest Born, isn't it? C.S. Friedman is one of my favorite, if most frustrating authors. She's just released the second book of her latest trilogy and I'm refusing to read anything in that series until it's done. She just takes too long between books. I've loved everything else she's written though. The Coldfire Trilogy is absolutely amazing.

message 55: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 629 comments I'm reading Alphabet of Thorn which is beautifully written (i.e. some nice turn of phrase in the prose). Initially it was not "grabbing" me but it is getting a bit better now.

message 56: by Samie (last edited Mar 22, 2009 02:43PM) (new)

Samie Foster Right now I'm reading the lightening thief. So far it's kind of weird. But I just finished reading the Kingdom Keepers by Ridly Pearson. And yes the concept of kids trapped in a dark and silly but it actually was really really good. I mean I wish I knew where this book was when I was in highschool. I would of read this intead of Baby Sitters CLub any day. But it's a lot like Harry Potter. It's one those kid or adult books and it is pretty aazing. I reconmend it to any one who likes fantasy

P.S. check out my book website at

message 57: by Janny (new)

Janny (jannywurts) | 807 comments Sandi wrote: "Janny wrote: "Just finished C. S. Friedman's The Wilding."

That's the one that's a sort-of sequel to [b:In Co..."

Sandi, yes that's the one. This author does very sharp work. If the topics are sometimes tough, she's often exceptional at plotting. I guess I don't mind the wait, when the work is that startling or extremely well thought out.

message 58: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 629 comments Samie wrote: "Right now I'm reading the lightening thief. So far it's kind of weird. But I just finished reading the Kingdom Keepers by Ridly Pearson. And yes the concept of kids trapped in a dark and silly bu..."

I liked Lighting thief - I like YA and I felt this was a bit "too YA" which I didn't think was possible but that is my best way to describe it. Still it was an enjoyable time reading it and my son LOVES it (He is 14)

message 59: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thelastwolf) Twilight series.
Twilight was good and I enjoyed it.
By the end of New Moon, I wanted to slap Bella for her selfishness. Just started Eclipse and she's still showing her selfishness and immaturity. I hope she grows up because I don't think I can stand another book with her the way she is right now.

message 60: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 629 comments I finished up Alphabet of Thorns and picked up...

Griffin's Shadow
World War Z An Oral History of the Zombie War

Leslie, I only read the Prologue but I really enjoyed it. It has a great begining!!

message 61: by Leslie Ann (new)

Leslie Ann (leslieann) | 224 comments Thanks, Robin. I'm eager to find out what you think of the rest of it. I'm also chomping at the bit to get my copy of Avempartha!

message 62: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 629 comments We are getting our copies of Avempartha on Monday so it will be going out then ;-)

message 63: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandikal) I'm now reading City of Saints and Madmen by Jeff VanderMeer and The Flame in the Bowl: Unbinding the Stone by our own Marc Vun Kannon.

I'm still working on Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson. It's soooooo slooooooow.

JG (Introverted Reader) I hit a dense 700-pager that took me FOREVER to get through, so A Clash of Kings is going to have to wait a while. I need a break. Instead, I picked up some lighter fantasy. I just finished A Great and Terrible Beauty, Heir to the Shadows, and Artemis Fowl The Arctic Incident. I enjoyed all of them, but I am really enjoying Anne Bishop's Black Jewels trilogy (Heir is the second in the trilogy). I might pick up His Majesty's Dragon next.

message 65: by Leslie Ann (new)

Leslie Ann (leslieann) | 224 comments JG--His Majesty's Dragon is available as a free download. I got it a few weeks ago, and here's the annoying part for you--I can't remember where!! BUT--someone here in the Fantasy discussion group posted the link to where to get it, and it's all legal, don't worry. I'm pretty sure it was a site associated with the book's publisher, Del Rey.

So, whoever posted that link, can you please post it again so JG can get His Majesty's Dragon?

JG (Introverted Reader) Thanks, but I have it already. I guess I didn't make that clear, did I? I told my mom to buy it for my sister for Christmas, and then it got passed on to me. I love it when a plan comes together! :-)

message 67: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 629 comments So I discovered someone new - I'm so excited!! I stumbled over...The Wheel of Nuldoid by Russ Woody. I read the first part from the Kindle download (via iphone - thank you MAC) It is charming. I've contacted the author to get a signed copy and can't wait until it comes in.

message 68: by Chris (new)

Chris  Haught (haughtc) | 916 comments Here it is, Leslie:

I see that he got it, but someone else might need the link again......

message 69: by Leslie Ann (new)

Leslie Ann (leslieann) | 224 comments Thanks, Chris! Like JG says, and he's quoting the leader of the A-Team, whose name I'm blanking out on right now--I love it when a plan comes together, also!

message 70: by Marc (new)

Marc (authorguy) | 393 comments Hannibal Smith, wasn't it? George Peppard acting like George Peppard with a different name.

message 71: by Terence (new)

Terence (spocksbro) March has been a very, very good month for reading (unlike February, which had too many duds):

I decided to focus on fiction this month so only finished two nonfiction works: Joseph Williams' Style and Thomas Burns' Rome and the Barbarians.

Figures of Earth a Comedy of Appearances, James Branch Cabell - the best Cabell work I've read so far (4 stars)
The Born Queen, Greg Keyes - a decent wrap up of the series
The Third Man, Graham Greene - the author's novelization of his and Carol Reed's movie script
Strange Cargo, Jeffrey Barlough - third in The Western Lights series; not as grim as The House in the High Wood but a good entry in the series
Three Bags Full, Leonie Swann - the best sheep detective novel in the genre; great fun (4 stars)
The Lemon Table, Julian Barnes - fictive reflections about death; not as depressing as you might think
The Scarlet Pimpernel, Baroness Orczy

Next month I look forward to Liz Williams' Snake Agent: A Detective Inspector Chen Novel Detective Inspector Chen Novels - finally, one of my groups' monthly selections matches up with my reading schedule - Eve: A Novel of the First Woman, Elissa Elliot; King Jesus: A Novel, Robert Graves; and beginning to reread R. Scott Bakker's Prince of Nothing series in anticipation of The Judging Eye.

message 72: by Leslie Ann (new)

Leslie Ann (leslieann) | 224 comments How in the WORLD do you find the time to read so many books, Terence?! Ye gods, man, do you ever sleep?!

I'm going to start Watchmen tonight, I think. I just bought it yesterday, and even though there are a few others ahead of it, I simply can't wait.

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