Space Opera Fans discussion

Contests, Giveaways and Freebies > Post your tangible goods CONTEST or PAPERBACK giveaway here ONLY in this thread!!!

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message 1: by Anna (last edited May 14, 2015 06:22AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Did you spot an opportunity to win an interesting-looking Space Opera paperback or hardcover listed as a GOODREADS FIRST-READS GIVEAWAY? Or maybe your favorite author is offering up a CONTEST or RAFFLE on their blog for something really awesome, like an autographed paperback or Kindle Fire? If so, drop the book cover, the link and the end-date of the giveaway into this thread.

This thread is ONLY for contest offers for stuff that is TANGIBLE and BOOK-RELATED, not ebooks, swag, or anything egregiously self-promotional. Must be sci-fi or sci-fantasy space opera related, sci-fantasy is okay, sparkly vampires are not (except in the case of Riddick, in which case the minions of the undead are well ... on a space ship). Contest/raffle can't ask for anything more than an email address so you can notify the winner. No lengthy rafflecopters where you have to blog, tweet, post, share, write an essay and offer up the blood of a virgin in order to enter the fr!c#!n contest (those aggravate the crap out of readers).

Here are the rules for a RAFFLE, CONTEST or First-Reads Giveaway:

1. Must be TANGIBLE and BOOK-RELATED, such as a chance to win a physical autographed paperback of a book, not ebooks, swag, or anything egregiously self-promotional.

2. Must be sci-fi or sci-fantasy space opera related. Sci-fantasy is okay, but sparkly vampires are not (except in the case of Riddick, in which case the minions of the undead are well ... on a space ship).

3. The contest or raffle can't ask for anything more than an email address so you can notify the winner.

--Remember there are canned spam laws that say you can't spam the crap out of people who give you their email address later! If you do this, your web host could shut down your blog!

--Here's a helpful guide about other laws that govern a giveaway:

--And another with a handy form at the end:

4. No lengthy rafflecopters where you have to blog, tweet, post, share, write an essay and offer up the blood of a virgin in order to enter the fr!c#!n contest (those aggravate the crap out of readers). It's okay if you want to entice entrants to do those things by giving them extra 'entries' as a chance to win, but to gain a single entry, all they should have to do is give you their email address.

5. Please post the beginning and end-date of the raffle, contest or giveaway. Nothing aggravates readers more than following a dead link.

6. If your physical contest or giveaway is limited by geography or age due to postage or other considerations (i.e., 18+, limited to USA), you must state so CLEARLY.

Okay Space Opera Fans! May the odds of winning forever be in your favor.

message 2: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Contest ends March 27, 2014

Io Deceneus Journal of a Time Traveler (The Living Universe, #1) by Florian Armas
Io Deceneus: Journal of a Time Traveler

The Universe is conscious, discreet, has many avatars, and likes to experiment on … us. He has been chosen to stop the genocide and change the pattern of history, and the fate of the galaxy: a galaxy where Earth, enslaved by a ruthless financial system, is considered a failed civilization.

10 copies available

message 3: by Anna (last edited Mar 26, 2014 09:20AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Contest ends March 27, 2014

Gears of War Judgment Kilo Squad The Survivor's Log by Rob Auten
Gears of War: Judgment: Kilo Squad: The Survivor's Log

Written as a collection of notes in Damon Baird’s journal, The Survivor’s Log expands on declassified testimony and other facets of the game and serves as an in-universe artifact within the timeline of the series.

Note: this is a video-game tie-in to a space-operatic MMO.

1 copy available

message 4: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Haddock I hope it's okay that I'm adding a giveaway of my own book . . .

End date is June 9, 2014

Jake's Last Mission by Shannon Haddock

Jake's Last Mission

The entire future of Sweytian/Mugdaran relations rests on one man's shoulders.

That one man, Jake Kavaliro, would really like nothing more than to retire. Unfortunately, while on his last patrol he encounters a Mugdaran determined to restart a war that ended decades before. Now Jake – who's never been known for his skill at diplomacy – has to go and explain what transpired to the Mugdaran Emperor in person, an emperor who's only had the position for a very short time and who is already being pressured by others to restart that long ago war.

1 copy available

message 5: by Anna (last edited May 18, 2014 05:33PM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Shannon wrote: "I hope it's okay that I'm adding a giveaway of my own book . . .

That's what this thread is for, Shannon! Hope you get lots of adds to people's TBR lists :-)

message 6: by Paul (new)

Paul Spence (paulbspence) | 119 comments The Remnant

The Remnant by Paul B. Spence

An archaeological expedition on the edge of human-settled space makes a startling discovery that could change the course of human history, but will anyone ever know?

Lt. Commander Hrothgar Tebrey was assigned to the archaeological expedition as a military attaché because of his knowledge of alien technology. The technology found in the ancient ruins isn't exactly alien, however, and the ruins look a little too familiar.

Now, someone - or something - is manipulating events to sabotage the expedition: something that doesn't want anyone to know about the discoveries, and will do anything to silence the scientists.

To save the expedition and the woman he loves, Tebrey must learn that while some things are worth dying for, but it's the things worth living for that matter.

5 Signed copies available.

Giveaway ends June 15, 2014.

Click here to enter the Goodreads giveaway.

message 7: by Steph (new)

Steph Bennion (stephbennion) | 303 comments What's a 'First-Reads' giveaway? Am I being dim?

message 8: by Conal (new)

Conal (conalo) | 143 comments Steph wrote: "What's a 'First-Reads' giveaway? Am I being dim?"

and one that just posted today...

message 9: by Anna (last edited Jul 02, 2014 08:35PM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Steph wrote: "What's a 'First-Reads' giveaway? Am I being dim?"

A First Reads Giveaway is a contest where you enter to win actual physical, paper books offered directly from the author or publishing company. The expectation is that once you get the book, you will read and review it here on Goodreads. Many of the authors autograph the book before they mail it to you. You should scan through the latest offerings and see which books catch your eye :-)

To get to the Giveaways:

1. Go to the top-right hand side of the page.
2. Click the down arrow for 'Explore'
3. Click Giveaways
4. Scan through the lists and enter to win

message 10: by Steph (last edited Jul 03, 2014 03:13PM) (new)

Steph Bennion (stephbennion) | 303 comments Sorry... I meant why 'first-reads giveaway', as opposed to just a 'giveaway'? I wondered if it was something to do with books not yet available for sale or something. Actually, ignore me. I'll go and have a lie down.

EDIT: Okay, I've just gone to the giveaways page and noticed the 'first reads' title. I'm an idiot. Especially as I recently posted my own giveaways for YA space operas Hollow Moon and Paw-Prints Of The Gods (recently released in paperback but not really 'first reads' as the ebooks have been out a while).

message 11: by Paul (new)

Paul Spence (paulbspence) | 119 comments Hi Steph, only about 30% of book sales are in ebooks. If you books just came out in print. I think celebrating by giving away some of them to people who might not otherwise be reached is a great idea!

Also, Goodreads suggests that the giveaways can be used to increase popularity of existing books by revitalizing interest.

I you really feel badly, you can remove the giveaway, but I wouldn't. I don't think anyone will think badly of you simply because they had been available as ebooks.

message 12: by Anna (last edited Jul 03, 2014 06:15PM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Everybody who is a veteran Goodreader knows the term 'first reads' is a relic of an earlier era when only people in New York were invited to the party and books only stayed on the bookshelf for 3 months before disappearing. Go ahead and list all of your books with impunity, Steph :-) People are happy to get a free paper copy, no matter when it was released.

BTW - if you do either a first-reads giveaway or a free ebook day for YA space operas Steph ... could you please list them a second time in the YA threads? We don't (yet) have a lot of YA engagement here in this community, but I wish to leave the welcome mat out for those few who do show up at the party.

message 13: by Steph (new)

Steph Bennion (stephbennion) | 303 comments Anna wrote: "...BTW - if you do either a first-reads giveaway or a free ebook day for YA space operas Steph ... could you please list them a second time in the YA threads? We don't (yet) have a lot of YA engagement here in this community, but I wish to leave the welcome mat out for those few who do show up at the party."

Thank you! I have done so. You've probably guessed I'm no veteran at this...

message 14: by Paul (last edited Jul 07, 2014 11:11AM) (new)

Paul Spence (paulbspence) | 119 comments The Fallen by Paul B. Spence

The Fallen by Paul B. Spence

10 signed copies of The Fallen, sequel to the The Remnant

Lt. Commander Hrothgar Tebrey has returned to duty in Special Operations, but it is becoming harder for him to fight in the name of a government he no longer feels is just – one that orders purges against its own citizens.

Meanwhile, dissention is growing within the ranks of the Earth Federation Fleet. Ships continue to go missing, and the military needs someone to blame. A war with the Sentient Concord seems inevitable.

But if the Earth Federation destroys the Sentient Concord, who will fight the true enemy? For the Sentient Concord is the only government that knows the truth about the hellish Theta entities...

…Entities that want Tebrey dead, and are willing murder entire worlds to make it happen.

Giveaway ends August 4th, 2014

message 15: by Robert (new)

Robert Wolfe | 38 comments An Invisible Thread The War in the Orion Arm by Robert Lee Wolfe

An Invisible Thread: The War in the Orion Arm by Robert Lee Wolfe

10 (signed) copies available for Giveaway starting today (ends August 12th, 2014).

The year is 3335. Earth is expanding its sphere of influence and reaching for resources out-system. The ancient, wicked Brakikeen-jhennen, a species of prideful, xenophobic, warlike creatures, are expanding their sphere, as well. Both are moving into the so-called Fertile Arc of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way.

19-year-old Erin Broctrup is contemplating joining the Earth's Space Exploration and Expansion Fleet and being flown out into deep space for the experience of a lifetime. At the same time, daring and zealous yuvynn warriors are enlisting to take part in an alliance with Earth for reasons that are unclear to most humans.

Constantly changing vantage points provide a wild ride and a thrilling view of future Earth. An Invisible Thread is a chronicle of a critical period in Earth's future history powered by Byzantine political machinations, visions of violent combat on exotic worlds, and contact with bizarre, alien lifeforms.

message 16: by Jonathan (last edited May 14, 2015 09:07AM) (new)

Jonathan (jsharbour) The Mandate of Earth by Jonathan S. Harbour
The Mandate of Earth
A Hard Science Fiction Bestseller!

Giveaway date: June 30 (2 signed copies, US only)

Jack Seerva, billionaire entrepreneur, has a lifelong dream to industrialize the solar system where resources abound, and eliminate the strain on the environment—perhaps even eliminate war. After decades of hard work, he has built a corporate empire—the infrastructure to branch out into space.

Then the unthinkable happens—a comet craters an American city, a disaster that might very well have been the Extinction Event. Jack is convinced that he has a calling—a mandate—to preserve Earth's greatest achievement: human civilization. He intends to show them the way, to bootstrap humanity into space, where even one large asteroid has more ore than all the mines on Earth.

But, Seerva's unwillingness to play by the rules draws the attention of rivals in government and industry, who are still driven by greed and power. Even with the promise of a golden age of prosperity, with the future of the race at stake, they follow their greedy agendas. As a manned mission heads far from Earth, a terrible threat is revealed—not from petty rivals, but from beyond.

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

Hello. Sequel book and original book are on or going back on give aways shortly. Version and Prospect Earth.
Prospect ends July 20th. Version back on again from Sunday 25th May until august 25th. My apologies, this is just a message regarding obtaining free copies. Thank you. Version: A Sci-Fi Thriller
Prospect Earth

message 18: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Bergeron (scifi_jon) | 370 comments I'm giving away 2 signed copies of Android Hunters (The Corli Saga, #1) by Jonathan Bergeron !

Enter Here!

message 19: by Christa (last edited Jun 17, 2015 12:28PM) (new)

Christa Yelich-Koth Contest giving away multiple books, both YA and adult science fiction, fantasy, and more. Contest runs June 16-30, 2015. (The adult books are 18+).

The contest is run by B&N bestselling YA fantasy novelist Jessica Therrien. One of the books (in the adult category) is my upcoming science fantasy novel, ILLUSION. It is an ARC, meaning you would have a copy before the book is even released.

message 20: by L.J. (new)

L.J. Cohen (ljcohen) | 6 comments I'm currently running a goodreads giveaway of a bunch of copies of ITHAKA RISING (SF/Space Opera) the sequel to one of this month's group reads, DERELICT.

It only has a few days left to run - sorry for not listing it sooner! (Am in Northern VT on holiday with sketchy internet access.)


message 21: by Ray (last edited Aug 21, 2015 04:25PM) (new)

Ray Perreault (rayjayperreault) | 22 comments I've listed my book Gemini as a SF Giveaway. The period ends on 10/6 so you have plenty of time. I've made three copies available.

Gemini is a story with good worldbuilding and builds to a surprising conclusion. You get to know the characters, their society, their religion and the pain they go through.Gemini

message 22: by Loren (new)

Loren Giveaway ends October 30, 2105

Enter for a chance to win 1 of 10 paperback copies of the first edition of No More Heroes, the final book in the Wake of the Templars trilogy!

No More Heroes mixes courtroom science fiction with sweeping space opera that features aliens, androids, drug dealers, journalists, and free-running media hackers. Following The Dangerous Type and Kill By Numbers, No More Heroes is the final book in Loren Rhoads’s epic trilogy.

message 23: by Stephen (last edited Nov 09, 2015 01:37PM) (new)

Stephen Renneberg (stephenrenneberg) | 16 comments In Earth's Service Giveaway, ends December 31, 2015

Hi Space Opera fans.

If you’d like a chance to see where Sirius Kade’s next mission leads, click the link below and try your luck for a signed copy. Good luck!

Stephen Renneberg

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

The science fiction thriller Version is on the give away list on goodreads. Six copies up for grabs; competition runs out 20th Feb 2016.

message 25: by Jemima (last edited Mar 02, 2016 01:37PM) (new)

Jemima Pett | 166 comments The Perihelix (Viridian System, #1) by Jemima Pett
Hi everyone

My new book The Perihelix is on Goodreads for a First-Reads giveaway - 2 copies open worldwide, ends Feb 29th.

You can click here to enter:

Two asteroid miners get odd messages which have them haring off to find out what's going on, only to be kidnapped and forced to search for pieces of a legendary weapon, while the girls they left in their spacecraft work out how to drive it....

The ebook is also on special price of 99c until the end of March. The link to your estore of choice should be on The Perihelix listing page.

Good luck!

Update: This giveaway is now over - the winners came from Toronto (Canada) and Paphos (Cyprus)

message 26: by Conal (new)

Conal (conalo) | 143 comments A group of sci-fi authors have gotten together and generated a new Sci-Fi website called Discover Sci-Fi. They are offering a contest with 40 signed books as a giveaway. You can sign up here for the contest or their weekly e-mail.

message 27: by Russell (new)

Russell Brennan Conal wrote: "A group of sci-fi authors have gotten together and generated a new Sci-Fi website called Discover Sci-Fi. They are offering a contest with 40 signed books as a giveaway. You can sign up here for th..."
Just entered the competition and they gave me a free book for entering, you can choose from about 10 books. Thanks for the link.

message 28: by Lizzie (new)

Lizzie | 303 comments I entered this a week or so ago, but did not get a free book. Wonder how I missed out on that. Autumn Kalquist's books are in the give-away bundle. I liked them.

message 29: by Conal (new)

Conal (conalo) | 143 comments Lizzie wrote: "I entered this a week or so ago, but did not get a free book. Wonder how I missed out on that. Autumn Kalquist's books are in the give-away bundle. I liked them."

The free book is for signing up for the newsletter (at least I am pretty sure it is). The address is here to sign up

message 30: by Conal (new)

Conal (conalo) | 143 comments Russell wrote: "Conal wrote: "A group of sci-fi authors have gotten together and generated a new Sci-Fi website called Discover Sci-Fi. They are offering a contest with 40 signed books as a giveaway. You can sign ..."

Thanks Russ

message 31: by Greg (new)

Greg Fishbone (tem2) The Amorphous Assassin by Greg R Fishbone

I did an author interview for the "From the Mixed Up Files" blog to celebrate the release of THE AMORPHOUS ASSASSIN, the second book in the Galaxy Games series of young adult space opera books, and included in the post (which you should totally read) is a raffle for an autographed paperback edition of the book.

Also, I still have ebook copies of the book available in the R2R folder for anyone interested in reading and writing an honest review. Thanks for your support!

message 32: by Watts (new)

Watts Martin | 8 comments We're running a Goodreads giveaway for two copies of my novel KISMET, which was just released today by Argyll Productions. A space salvage operator gets a tip to a mysterious wreck--and then gets framed for stealing priceless cargo from it. It's a space opera with intrigue, action, and a kickass heroine.

(The ebook is also on sale for $3.99 through the end of this month!)

message 33: by Leonie (new)

Leonie (leonierogers) | 342 comments Have just set up a giveaway for Frontier Incursion. I had a good author year last year, so I thought I'd celebrate :-

Good luck!

message 34: by Morocco (new)

Morocco (Donkeyinthedesert) | 1 comments $25 AMAZON GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY FOR READING SURVEY

Hey everyone, we're a team at MIT collecting data on reading habits.

Fill out the survey (just a minute long) and you'll automatically enter our raffle for a free $25 Amazon eGift Card. We'll email the winner on April 6.

As a bonus, we'll donate 10 cents to Animal Haven for every survey completed because we love animals and they're too pure for this world.

Thank you for your participation!

message 35: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin | 95 comments Enter to win a signed copy of Absence of Blade. Mass Effect meets The Count of Monte Cristo in this dark, complex sci-fi.

On a contested world, a hegemonic human empire is set to crush an alien colony. An assassin, a spy, and a scientist will have to summon the last of their resolve to resist the Terran Expansion.

Whether they succeed depends on what they can withstand.

Giveaway closes November 11th. Enter here!

message 36: by Edmond (new)

Edmond Barrett (edmondbarrett) | 5 comments In conjunction with Octocon 2020 – The National Irish Science Fiction Convention I am running a a book competition is a signed pre publication proof copy of my new book Para Bellum, one of only five that will ever exist. So if you’ve ever had a hankering to own a rare book this is your chance.

Full details can be found at:

Edmond Barrett

message 37: by R.M. (new)

R.M. Schultz | 1 comments I don't want to bore everyone with a promoting. This is a space opera fantasy with a Goodreads giveaway that is getting good reviews. Check it out only if you're interested.

message 38: by Laura (new)

Laura Navarre (lauranavarre) | 3 comments ATOMIC ANGEL Pre-Release Goodreads Print Book Giveaway

Earthlings, here’s your chance to claim a print copy of my steamy queer HUNGER GAMES in orbit space opera ATOMIC ANGEL months before release. Wanna hear what readers are saying about the series?

“Intense and incendiary! This is hot stuff not for the faint of heart.” – Goodreads reviewer

“Astronomically out of this world action suspense drama, topped off with sizzle! …Hang on to your space helmet, this is one wild ride!” – Goodreads reviewer

“This book just grabs and doesn’t let go…One of the steamiest books I’ve ever read.” – Amazon reviewer

“This swashbuckling reverse harem Roman Empire in space saga turns up the heat to incendiary…a pulse racing read…Fabulous fun! I loved it!” – Alicia on Amazon and Goodreads

Strap yourself in for a galactic mating contest broadcast live on interstellar news! Here’s what you’re in for:

FIVE days to win the contest and rule the galaxy
FOUR rival races who barely survived the biowar
THREE men you can never trust
TWO deadly interstellar enemies who hide a forbidden passion
ONE star-spanning empire that crucifies lovers for unconventional unions

“I’ll conquer worlds and lay them at your feet. Every star system my army claims is another realm for you to rule.”

Enter like the fate of the galaxy depends on it.

message 39: by Justin (new)

Justin (justin_doyle) | 2 comments Hi all!

Entering this contest gives you a chance to win a FREE E-READER as well as 25+ science fiction books, many of which are space opera. Only 3 days left. Don't miss out!

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