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'Romantic' Space Opera > Tales of Tolari Space (series)

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message 1: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (last edited Nov 26, 2017 08:11AM) (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
I just finished rereading the Tales of Tolari Space series by Christie Meierz and thought I would start a thread about it. Novels in the series are:
The Marann
Daughters of Suralia
The Fall

There is also an optional prequel consisting of two related short stories: Into Tolari Space
And another novel that takes place after The Fall but is mostly outside Tolari Space:
Farryn's War

The romance isn't very steamy. Yes there are sex scenes, but most of the details are left to the imagination.

Most of the action takes place on a planet, Tolar. Most of the characters are Tolari. The villains tend to be either Central Security (human) or politicians (Tolari). There are aliens with strange powers, there are space ships, there are attempted assasinations and attempted kidnappings, but there aren't ships fighting ships. The Tolari culture is definitely different from human.

The books can be read in any order, but I prefer starting with The Marann. Farryn's War has less romance and far more villainy, so I don't reread it as often as the others.

Ending of each novel is satisfying. No cliffhangers, but of course wanting more of the story.

Have you read any of these? What did you think?

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