Hugo & Nebula Awards: Best Novels discussion

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message 1: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Sep 09, 2019 12:17AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
NOTE added 9/9/19 . . . this thread mostly has short-term deals on US Kindle versions of Hugo and Nebula nominees and winners. Obviously, many date back a long time. BUT . . . on page 6 and 7 of this discussion there are some low prices on books that I think may be permanent. I went through the list of nominees and found some of the more obscure titles at prices like $2.99 and $3.99. You can see where I started if you look. I will post more if I find any more.

Just because these are US Kindle deals doesn't mean that they might not be on sale in other eformats or in other countries. But since I am reading US Kindle books, that's what I am looking for . . . sorry!

Also, feel free to post deals you find on Hugo/Nebula and Hugo/Nebula related books here. By "related," I mean, i.e., the second book in a series is nominated, but you found a sale on a first book that should be read before the second book.

If you have other deals on books you really want everyone to know about, you can post them here, or, every once in a while, something is so cool, I will post it over in the Random Chatter thread. Like big comic book sales, for example.

Also, don't forget to join the TOR bookclub at Free book every month

Earthseed the complete series
Parable of the Sower:
Parable of the Talents:

Two on our list 4/4/19 in a nice set for 2.99, the first a N nominee, the second a N winner

message 2: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

message 3: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
The Golem and the Jinni

2014 Nebula Nominee $1.99

message 4: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Apr 05, 2018 07:53AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Charles Stross Singularity Sky 2004 Hugo Nominee $1.99

message 5: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Poul Anderson 2 of 3 books in the volume are on our list for $2.99

note: this email came YESTERDAY (oops) so hurry if you are interested

message 6: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Leguin Nebula winner "Powers" also came from a link sent to me YESTERDAY so not sure when it runs out and check before you click $2.99

message 7: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Apr 21, 2018 07:42AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
When Gravity Fails 2.99 1988 hugo and nebula nominee 1st book of trilogy

BUT can get all three in the trilogy for 4.99 (others are 10 and 8 bucks each)

message 8: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
2.99 nebula nominee the sheep look up John Brunner

message 9: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod
Kateblue wrote: "2.99 nebula nominee the sheep look up John Brunner..."

This is one of the nominees for the next Monthly Read, might be a good idea to grab it while on sale.

message 10: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Walter Tevis Nebula and Hugo award nominee $3.99 Mockingbird along with The Man Who Fell to Earth and The Steps of the Sun

message 11: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Don't forget Tor's current Nebula nominees on sale cheap until tomorrow

Amberlough GR Rating details 3.92 ·· 1,009 Ratings · 352 Reviews

Autonomous GR Rating details 3.62 ·· 3,665 Ratings · 702 Reviews

The book below is actually some related award (given by the Nebula people??) named after Andre Norton??

Weave a Circle Round GR Rating details 3.65 ·· 448 Ratings · 144 Reviews

message 12: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Whilst browsing Harry Harrison's Kindle offerings as a result of there being a Stainless Steel Rat book offered cheap today, I found an omnibus that has both of his H/N books in it, plus a bunch of other stuff, for only $1.99, which I think might be its everyday price

message 13: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
$2.99 today only--Ender's Shadow is not H/N, but it is a retelling of Ender's Game from a different viewpoint and is, I think, the second best thing Orson Scott Card ever wrote. (Granted, I haven't read too many.)

message 14: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
James Blish "A Case of Conscience" 1950's Hugo winner today $2.99

message 15: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 16: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Picoverse by Robert Metzger $1.99 not sure for how long

I'm not getting it. On GR, it is only rated 3.39 so not bothering. It's another one of those Nebula nominees that the authors seem to like, but I probably won't

message 17: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Picoverse by Robert Metzger $1.99 not sure for how long

I'm not getting it. On GR, it is only rated 3.39 so not bothering. It's another one of those Nebula nominees that the authors seem to like, but I probably won't

message 18: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
There are a bunch of book deals here

But I don't have time to look them all up for you all, so you will have to do it yourself!


message 19: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod
Kateblue wrote: "Picoverse by Robert Metzger $1.99 not sure for how long

I'm not getting it. On GR, it is only rated 3.39 so not bothering. It's another one of those Nebula nominees that the authors seem to like, ..."

I will try and keep you updated if there is anything interesting among Nebulas. So far The Love We Share Without Knowing was one that I enjoyed but I cannot imagine it being up your alley.

message 20: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited May 17, 2018 05:27AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Nebula award winner Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler $1.99 today only

It's the second in a series, though

message 21: by Bryan, Village Idiot (new)

Bryan | 480 comments Mod
Kateblue wrote: "Nebula award winner Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler $1.99 today only"

I really like Octavia Butler. Wild Seed and the series was awesome. I haven't read this one yet, but I look forward to it.

message 22: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
I have not read any yet, but if you nominate some, I will second for you. You pick!

message 23: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Bryan . . . note that the series has been on sale as a set for 2.99 before in "Earthseed, the complete series." So I am thinking that it may be again. Sometimes they repeat.

So this purchase may not be the best choice. If you are reading instead of listening, that is!

message 24: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited May 17, 2018 12:54PM) (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Both of Becky Chambers Wayfarer books are on sale for $2.99, of which A Closed and Common Orbit (#2) is a Nebula Nominee.

NOTE: The non-nominated Long Way to a Small Angry Planet is a Goodreads deal and is supposed to be good for 14 more days. The Nebula nominee A Closed and Common Orbit I found by accident when surfing around Amazon. So no idea how long. But I think, Art, it must be a series . . . do you have it as a series?

message 25: by Bryan, Village Idiot (new)

Bryan | 480 comments Mod
Holy all my favorite books are on sale right now. Everyone should get Becky Chambers' two books as well. They are just solid sci fi!

message 26: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
yep, it's like that . . . a dry spell and then too many books to buy them all

message 27: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Jeffery Carver Eternity's End Nebula nominee for only 99 cents!

message 28: by Ed (new)

Ed Erwin | 843 comments I mentioned it in another thread, but since y'all mentioned Octavia Butler, 2 of her novels, along with many other novels, are in the current Humble Bundle (for 5 more days):

You'd have to pay $15 to get both Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents, but they come with other good books and the money supports the Nebula awards organization.

message 29: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
You can get them both Kindle for $4.99 here

message 30: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited May 20, 2018 08:43AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Joanna Russ has three books on our list, all Nebula nominees low priced at Amazon:

Picnic on Paradise $2.51
And Chaos Died $2.51
The Female Man $3.99

You can find them at this price on this Joanna Russ search page I found

message 31: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
The Jagged Orbit John Brunner today only 1.99

message 32: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Throne of the Crescent Moon Saladin Ahmed

Hugo and Nebula nominee I think today only

message 33: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Expiration Date, Tim Powers, Nebula Nominee, today only I think

message 34: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
A Boy and His Dog by Harlan Ellison, 60 pages of Hugo and Nebula award winning goodness

99 cents

message 35: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
The Budayeen Cycle: When Gravity Fails, A Fire in the Sun, and The Exile Kiss by Effinger, the two last are hugo/nebula and nebula nominated respectively, $3.99 I think today only

message 36: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
The Helliconia Trilogy: Helliconia Spring, Helliconia Summer, and Helliconia Winter by Brian W. Aldiss $3.99 2 of the three are Nebula award nominees

message 37: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod
Kateblue wrote: "The Helliconia Trilogy: Helliconia Spring, Helliconia Summer, and Helliconia Winter by Brian W. Aldiss $3.99 2 of the three are Nebula award nominees"

Thanks, this is one hell of a deal at that price.

message 38: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Gibson's Virtual Light today and tomorrow $1.99 Hugo nominee

message 39: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Mieville's Embassytown today and tomorrow $1.99 Hugo and Nebula nominee

message 40: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod
Kateblue wrote: "Gibson's Virtual Light today and tomorrow $1.99 Hugo nominee"

Been looking forward to reading this for some time now.

message 41: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Glad I could help . . .

message 42: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jun 02, 2018 11:16AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
From Goodreads deals of today only, 3.99 The only novel ever to win the Hugo, Nebula, and Arthur C. Clarke Awards.

Ancillary Justice (Imperial Radch, #1 by Ann Leckie
3.97 · 56,177 Ratings · 6,703 Reviews

message 43: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Today only $2.99
All the Birds in the Sky Nebula winner Hugo nominee

message 44: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jun 07, 2018 09:30AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Today only $2.99
Amberlough: Book 1 in the Amberlough Dossier Nebula nominee

message 45: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
From Portalist 4 free books (older, of course)

message 46: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Schismatrix plus added short stories not sure for how long
Nebula nominee $1.99

message 47: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Provenance Kindle Edition by Ann Leckie
2018 Hugo nominee

today only $2.99

message 48: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
1st of the NK Jemison hugo winner $3.99 today only

message 49: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jun 10, 2018 06:02PM) (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Sorry this is so late

Hugo nominee There Will Be Time by Poul Anderson 2.99, I think today only, not sure

other poul anderson here today . . . I have no time to look for you, sorry

message 50: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod
Kateblue wrote: "1st of the NK Jemison hugo winner $3.99 today only"

Hoping to find a bundle of this, $4 is a bit steep I suppose.

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