Space Opera Fans discussion

'Military' Space Opera > Master List of Military Space Opera

Comments Showing 51-100 of 113 (113 new)    post a comment »

message 51: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Can't find it :-( You'll have to manually add it to goodreads and then add it back in once it appears.

message 52: by Brian (new)

Brian Dorsey (brian_dorsey) | 23 comments Anna,

This should work. Clicking on the Amazon link from this link should work as well.

message 53: by Betsy (last edited Sep 25, 2014 01:28AM) (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
Gateway Gateway (Gateway Series, #1) by Brian Dorsey (Christopher Brian Dorsey) . It's there, but it may be hard to find because the author name is duplicated. In fact the book is in the database twice because of that.

Brian, did you do that because there are other authors named Brian Dorsey in Goodreads? There's a different way to deal with that in Goodreads, using extra spaces.

Also, it looks like your series page hasn't been set up. I'd be glad to help you with those things, or you can ask any librarian in the librarian's group.

message 54: by Aaron (last edited Sep 25, 2014 12:10PM) (new)

Aaron Nagy | 111 comments All You Need is Kill is a Light Novel(think YA book over here) not a manga/comic/whatever. If you enjoyed Edge of Tommorow I REALLY recommend reading it, a good number of things got changed from book>movie.

The upshot is Tom Cruise's character in the movie was a good bit better and stronger as a whole and the comic relief was really good compared to the books. However the time travel was different and much more consistent in the book, the Bitch actually was wayyy more badass in the book, plus they used a giant halberd thing. I feel overall the ending was better in the book however it wouldn't of appealed as strongly to the mass audience, been a hell of a lot more likely to win a fancy award though.

I guess if I had to compare the in one line.
Edge of Tomorrow was way more polished and a much smoother ride, however All You Need Is Kill had a better outline.

message 55: by Conal (new)

Conal (conalo) | 143 comments Brian wrote: "Cool...I made the list :)
Kindle is here:
papeback and Nook will be avail..."

This is not commentary on your book but I was wondering how you came to the title of your book and series?

message 56: by Brian (last edited Sep 25, 2014 08:44PM) (new)

Brian Dorsey (brian_dorsey) | 23 comments Conal,

The name came from a communications station that is in the initial scene in the book. It acts as the 'Gateway' to the Neutral (also called Dark) Zone-think DMZ-between two civilizations in the storyline. The title was developed before I realized the title was used in Pohl's work. The publisher decided to stay with the title.

message 57: by Brian (new)

Brian Dorsey (brian_dorsey) | 23 comments Conal wrote: "Brian wrote: "Cool...I made the list :)
Kindle is here:
papeback and Nook..."

The name came from a communications station that is in the intial scene in the book. It acts as 'Gateway' to the Neutral (also called Dark) Zone-think DMZ-between two civilizations in the storyline. The title was developed before I realized the title was used in Pohl's work. The publisher decided to stay with the title.

message 58: by Brian (new)

Brian Dorsey (brian_dorsey) | 23 comments Betsy wrote: "Gateway Gateway (Gateway Series, #1) by Brian Dorsey (Christopher Brian Dorsey). It's there, but it may be hard to find because the author name is duplicated. In fact the book is in the database twice because of that.


Thanks. My publisher has a librarian that should be working on it. Also, the name issue stems from previous non-fiction work I have done under my first name (Brian is middle name) before realizing how much I endjoyed writing fiction. If it takes a while I may enlist your help :)

message 59: by Conal (new)

Conal (conalo) | 143 comments Thanks Brian, I hope that you are successful with this series.

message 60: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Okay ...

Added Gateway series

Moved All You Need Is Kill out of Manga into regular military sci-fi. It's not classified on Amazon as YA, so I didn't add it to that list (several reviewers described it as 'Starship Troopers' which is more 17-1/2 year old joins the army which isn't really YA). If I'm wrong, though, I'd be willing to add it to the YA Boys list. There is an appalling lack of space opera in general for kids and young people, so I'm being really flexible about my definition of YA Space Opera, but my flexibility is more in the 'space' part than the 'YA' part.

message 62: by Fırat (new)

Fırat Koçyiğit (fekocyigit) | 4 comments Horus heresy series

I recommend the first three books to everyone interested in military sci-fi or space opera. After, you can decide whether or not to dabble WH40K universe.

message 63: by Aaron (new)

Aaron Nagy | 111 comments Anna wrote: "Okay ...

Added Gateway series

Moved All You Need Is Kill out of Manga into regular military sci-fi. It's not classified on Amazon as YA, so I didn't add it to that list (several reviewers descri..."

Your not really wrong light novel is more because illustrations+short length=light novel the target audience I would say is more New Adult? I believe normally what that gets called, putting it with the regular stuff is a better fit then YA I feel.

message 64: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) @ Brian - The Exile Empire was already on the list. Because of the 'The' in the title it was down lower under the 'T'

@ Firat - added Horus heresy series ... wow! There's a ton of books/authors in that universe!

@ Aaron - that 'new adult' age group is hard to define. Too smutty/violent/potty mouthed for YA, but has some YA-type coming of age issues that make an old fart (like me) go 'huh?' Adult usually is a better fit.

message 65: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan (jsharbour) This list is all over the place so it's not very useful. Space Opera OR Military Sci-Fi? They are not the same. Star Wars, for instance, is fantasy. Ender's Game is not space opera. I dunno, I give up...

message 66: by Packi (new)

Packi | 106 comments I agree that Star Wars is fantasy, and that’s why it’s not on the list. Ender's Game has Space Opera elements, we had a debate about that. Overall I think it’s a pretty good list if you want some guide lines for military space opera.

message 67: by Aaron (last edited Sep 29, 2014 05:31PM) (new)

Aaron Nagy | 111 comments Jon wrote: "This list is all over the place so it's not very useful. Space Opera OR Military Sci-Fi? They are not the same. Star Wars, for instance, is fantasy. Ender's Game is not space opera. I dunno, I give..."

I mean things are multiple genres and their is a purity of it's genre.

message 68: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) This list is supposed to be for Military Space Opera, not military sci-fi or regular space opera. There has to be a larger element than just one man's battle against a single target (classic military sci-fi). But there DOES have to be a clear military aspect involved, at least one or more of the major POV characters overcoming the odds as part of a clearly defined military (or mercenary) unit.

As for jumping all over the place, except for a few books I've read myself, I'm just listing them as YOU guys suggest them. This is a community effort, a chance for you guys to suggest books to other people that you think will hit that 'kinda want military, but kinda like a bigger story' sweet spot. Make sense?

So ... if you guys think a book clearly does NOT fit the spirit of the list, say so, say why, other people can weigh in, and I'll remove it and stick it on some other list. :-) Talking about books is what this community is all about.

message 69: by Brad (new)

Brad | 4 comments Could we add Robert Frezza's A Small Colonial War , Cain's Land , Fire in a Faraway Place . Excellent series of books, unfortunately Frezza hasn't written anything since.

message 70: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Brad wrote: "Could we add Robert Frezza's A Small Colonial War , Cain's Land , Fire in a Faraway Place . Excellent series of books, unfortunately Frezza hasn't writt..."

I researched them and they appear to be standalones, so I listed them under 'standalones.'

McLendon's Syndrome? A rare disease only treatable by chocolate chip cookies? I think I have to read that book of his :-)

message 71: by Brad (new)

Brad | 4 comments Anna wrote: "Brad wrote: "Could we add Robert Frezza's A Small Colonial War , Cain's Land , Fire in a Faraway Place . Excellent series of books, unfortunately Frezza..."

They sorta are but same characters and ongoing story. Best read in order.

McLendons's is quite good also. More of the humorous bent than the Military ones. Good though.

message 72: by David (new)

David Buchan | 2 comments Military Space Opera series - Dorsai Trilogy by Gordon R Dickson, Stark's War series by John G Henry (aka Jack Campbell, Ark Royal series by Christopher Nuttall.

Military Space Opera stand alone - The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven

message 73: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) David wrote: "Military Space Opera series - Dorsai Trilogy by Gordon R Dickson, Stark's War series by John G Henry (aka Jack Campbell, Ark Royal series by Christopher Nuttall. Military Space Opera stand alone -..."

Just added them all, David! Thanks :-)

[*Think I have enough here to get off my butt and make a Listopia soon...*]

message 74: by Packi (new)

Packi | 106 comments Anybody read this series?


message 75: by James (new)

James Hankins | 4 comments David Weber's Dahak series.

The Starfire series from multiple authors including David Weber, Steve White and Shirley Meier.

Jerry Pournelle's Falkenbergs Legion series

Stand alone: Dragon Never Sleeps by Glen Cook

message 76: by Krzysztof (new)

Krzysztof | 50 comments In TV need to be added Babylon 5

message 77: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Bergeron (scifi_jon) | 370 comments I agree with most of that list but have a question. Why does anyone like The Forever War? What are the reasons people like it? I've started it 3 times and have gotten no further than 50 pages.

message 78: by James (new)

James Hankins | 4 comments I agree with you Jonathan. I have never been able to get into Forever War either. Another author I disliked due to one book I read in high school is Stross. However, he is now so prolific I am tempted to try him again, just because quite a few people are obviously buying his stuff. Maybe I missed something. What is Charles Stross best book? I will give him another shot.

message 79: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan (jsharbour) Forever War is more readable if you understand the author's point of view and reason for writing it. This was shortly after the end of the Vietnam War and written very much to describe the insanity of that war, and war in general, where you go and kill people without knowing why, just because you were given orders by someone higher up who also does not understand why, all the way to the top, the CiC, who has questionable motives for starting the war in the first place. It's insane. That's the point of the book. Ignore the sci-fi stuff; it was put into that setting in order to render it as social satire.

message 80: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) I just added Gateway as a standalone book, but when you get your subsequent books out Brian Dorsey (Christopher Brian Dorsey), let me know and I'll move it into the series category?

message 81: by Robin (new)

Robin | 30 comments Packi wrote: "Anybody read this series?


I'm working my way through them.

message 82: by Jonathan (last edited Mar 20, 2015 07:45PM) (new)

Jonathan Bergeron (scifi_jon) | 370 comments J.S. wrote: "Forever War is more readable if you understand the author's point of view and reason for writing it. This was shortly after the end of the Vietnam War and written very much to describe the insanity..."

I'll give it another shot then with that in mind. My uncle LOVES the book, but he was a Marine grunt in Vietnam so I was expecting him to like it.

message 83: by Al "Tank" (new)

Al "Tank" (alkalar) | 45 comments Here's my list to date:
The Fighter Queen by John Bowers The Fighter Queen saga (starts with "The Fighter King") by John Bowers
Starport by John Bowers The Starport series, also by Bowers
Children of Destruction by Al Philipson Children of Destruction by Al Philipson (the second half of the book is military space opera)
Screw The Galaxy (Hard Luck Hank #1) by Steven Campbell Screw the Galaxy - (Hard Luck Hank #1) by Steven Campbell
Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein Starship Troopers by Heinlein
That Which is Human by Bruce Davis That Which is Human by Bruce C. Davis

message 84: by Brian (new)

Brian Dorsey (brian_dorsey) | 23 comments Anna wrote: "I just added Gateway as a standalone book, but when you get your subsequent books out Brian Dorsey (Christopher Brian Dorsey), let me know and I'll move it into the..."

Thanks. Saint should be out this fall and I have a novella from the Gateway Universe coming out this summer...I'll keep you updated.

message 85: by Buzz H. (new)

Buzz H. | 34 comments For the standalone list: Rimrunners by C.J. Cherryh. Story of a female marine marooned on a space station while warships play a deadly cat and mouse game in and around the system.

message 86: by John (new)

John (johnnlewis) | 1 comments Apologies if I am adding on to an out of date thread. I would highly suggest David J. Williams "Autumn Rain Series", Gavin Smith's "The veteran Series" and Joel Shepards "Cassandra Kresnov" series.

message 87: by Paul (new)

Paul Harmon (thesaint08d) | 2 comments I love "All You Need is Kill"
but its actually a stand alone not a series.
There is one novel that was redone as a graphic novel and then redone again as a Manga which at one time was split into two parts but is now sold as one large Manga but all were based on one single great stand alone novel.

message 88: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Traverson | 6 comments Um, series I've read of military science fiction:
Leo Champion's Desert Strike and Legion

Kal Spriggs Fallen Race series The Fallen Race.

Glenn Stewert's Space Carrier Avalon

message 89: by William (new)

William Eckman (brukkaros) | 5 comments I'd add David Drake's RCN series to the list.

first book:
With the Lightnings

message 90: by M (new)

M Hamed The Slaver Wars
The Nameless War
Merkiaari Wars
The Synchronicity War
Exodus: Empires At War
Hayden War Cycle
Man of War by H. Paul Honsinger

message 91: by Dave (new)

Dave O'Connor (warpdrivedave) | 7 comments Hi, I've written a military space opera series but I'm not sure of the etiquette here. Are authors allowed to put forward there own work in threads like this or is that considered spamming. I don't want to rub people up the wrong way.Dave O'Connor

message 92: by Terrence (last edited Oct 11, 2016 12:44AM) (new)

Terrence (grnkrby) | 29 comments Aaron wrote: "All You Need is Kill is a Light Novel(think YA book over here) not a manga/comic/whatever. If you enjoyed Edge of Tommorow I REALLY recommend reading it, a good number of things got changed from bo..."

Is Legend of the Galactic Heroes up too? That stars a military prodigy in an advanced age of space flight (the covers focus on space stations). Here's the first novel, Dawn.

Novel (Continuing series):
Dawn (Legend of the Galactic Heroes #1) by Yoshiki Tanaka

Video Games:
Mass Effect (main character is commander of a space ship crew tasked with building an army to combat aliens).
Series has a lot of books and graphic novels too. Here's a book.
Mass Effect Retribution (Mass Effect, #3) by Drew Karpyshyn

Xenosaga (Big focus on humans vs monsters from space known as the Gnosis, humans piloting mecha equipped with military grade armaments).

Xenoblade X (Blade, a military organization helping a recolonization and escape from Earth effort, help explore the wilds of their new homeworld Mira in high speed mecha, while also battling with both indigenous and non-indigenous life).

Infinite Space (military focus?)

Manga / anime:
To Terra
To Terra..., Vol. 1 by Keiko Takemiya

Harlock (Adventures of Space Captain Harlock?)
Capitan Harlock vol. 1 by Leiji Matsumoto

Majestic Prince

Knights of Sidonia (I think it got a mention above)
Knights of Sidonia 1 (Knights of Sidonia #1) by Tsutomu Nihei

Code Geass (started as an anime; Lelouch battles the aristocracy by winning with his mind on the battlefield).
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion, Vol. 1 (Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion, #1) by Ichirou Ohkouchi

Also an anime series, Aldnoah;Zero. Again, military ace that outsmarts his opponents, this time people from Mars who wish to take Earth; lots of political intrigue, but it gets dumb in the second half).
Aldnoah Zero by Olympus Knights

message 93: by Dave (last edited Oct 11, 2016 10:06PM) (new)

Dave O'Connor (warpdrivedave) | 7 comments Please add my Warner's World series:


message 94: by Ivan (new)

Ivan . | 2 comments Undying Mercenaries- B. V. Larson
The lost stars - Jack Campbell
Hayden war cycle - Currie Evan

message 95: by C.T. (last edited May 21, 2017 07:44PM) (new)

C.T. Phipps Lucifer's Star by C.T. Phipps (me!)

Cartwright's Cavaliers by Mark Wandrey

Mobile Suit Gundam (the trilogy) and Origin by Yoshiyuki Tomino

I always wanted to be a part of one of the Lists here. :)

message 96: by Steven (new)

Steven Kettelarij | 3 comments I read lot of these books mentioned, and definitely gone see if i can get my hands on the once i did not read. Are there any good military space opera after 2017?

Als :
Into the Looking Glass (series by John Ringo) enjoyed those a lot was realy bummed there were not more of those.

@ Terrence yes masseffect ! loved the game (my own space opera adventure) and the books make it even more immersive.

Mass effect Andromeda also has books

The Murderbot Diaries Martha Wells are great as well!

(I apologize for my english)

message 97: by Eeva (new)

Eeva (lammiska) Expeditionary Force by Graig Alanson!!!

message 98: by Randall (new)

Randall Beem | 1 comments The Galaxy’s Edge series by Jason Anspach and Nick Cole are amazing!!!

message 99: by Leticia (new)

Leticia (leticiatoraci) Could the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold by included here?

message 100: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Ideiosepius | 41 comments This is a random question; but... Since Elizabeth Moon (yes, I know, for Vatta's War)is on the list I guess people here have read her work. I have a question about The Serrano Legacy series.
I own #7 but can't seem to get my hands on #6, would that matter much, if I read it out of order?

This is something I would normally ask about the actual book, but GR seems to hate me at the moment and won't let me ask of the general community. That #7 is burning a hole in my to read shelf, but I will resist if I seriously need to read #6 first.

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