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'Military' Space Opera > Master List of Military Space Opera

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message 101: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Books 6-7 were published together as The Serrano Succession and that is still in print. It’s been too long since I read them but knowing the author’s books you can enjoy #7 without having read #6 however you will get spoilers so if you later read #6 you might not enjoy it as much.

message 102: by AndrewP (new)

AndrewP (andrewca) | 99 comments For miniatures games you are missing:
Star Fleet Battles
Full Thrust (which was later expanded into a Babylon 5 miniatures game)

message 103: by Trike (new)

Trike | 706 comments There’s lots of new stuff since this list was first posted. Some brave soul should undertake an update. (Not me - I’m deep into adding to my spaceship name list, which is rapidly approaching 4,000 entries.)

message 104: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Ideiosepius | 41 comments Teresa wrote: "Books 6-7 were published together as The Serrano Succession and that is still in print. It’s been too long since I read them but knowing the author’s books you can enjoy #7 without h..."

Thank you, I thought as much; I actually read #2 before #1 with no ill effects. It does sound like two story arcs (Heris and Esmay) come together in #7 though. So I am a bit nervous.

message 105: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Magill (daniel-magill-sci-fi-author) | 7 comments It seems like every military space opera book has aliens. I pre-read quite a few last month as I was looking for something to read in this genre, and almost every one of them was about down and out soldiers or conscripts going off to a war to fight off some invading horde.

I'm all for invading hordes, as it were, but is there anything other than this out there? If so, I have yet to find it.

message 106: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Dan wrote: "It seems like every military space opera book has aliens. I pre-read quite a few last month as I was looking for something to read in this genre, and almost every one of them was about down and out..."
Auberon by Blaze Ward is military space opera where the enemy is another human civilization, and that continues for several books in the series before other types of enemies appear.

message 107: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Magill (daniel-magill-sci-fi-author) | 7 comments Teresa wrote: "Dan wrote: "It seems like every military space opera book has aliens. I pre-read quite a few last month as I was looking for something to read in this genre, and almost every one of them was about ..."

Thanks, I'll take a look.

message 108: by Betsy (last edited Jan 02, 2024 04:48PM) (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
Daniel wrote: "It seems like every military space opera book has aliens. I pre-read quite a few last month as I was looking for something to read in this genre, and almost every one of them was about down and out..."

The Honorverse doesn't have aliens. Unless you count treecats, which I don't. They're certainly not ravening hoards.

Starts with On Basilisk Station

message 109: by Eric (new)

Eric Bresie | 1 comments The Expanse Series

message 110: by Trike (new)

Trike | 706 comments The Saga of the Seven Suns by Kevin J. Anderson. Seven books, first one is Hidden Empire. Sequel trilogy The Saga of Shadows, first one is The Dark Between the Stars.

The Cutter’s War trilogy by Steve Perry. First one is The Ramal Extraction. Strictly speaking it’s MilSF featuring mercenaries rather than Space Opera.

Chilling Effect trilogy by Valerie Valdes. First one is Chilling Effect.

The Protectorate trilogy by Megan E. O'Keefe. First one is Velocity Weapon.

The Star Wolf series by David Gerrold. First one is The Voyage of the Star Wolf.

The Infinity’s End series by Eric Warren. 9 books, first one is Caspian's Fortune. Sequel series Infinity’s End Legacy, first one is Fate's Arrow: Robeaux. Another sequel series, Stellar Outlaw, first is Establishment Protocol.

Solo book but probably the start of another series by Warren: The Eternity Soldier.

Standalone The Misfit Soldier by Michael Mammay. This was my favorite SF read of 2023.

The multi-author Aeon 14 shared universe mega-series, of which I’m not sure there is a “first book”. I mean, the book list ( is 142 books already. I read 3 last year and enjoyed them. There is a “Where To Begin” page that gives you several options.

message 111: by C. John (new)

C. John Kerry (cjkerry) | 611 comments There is an earlier series called Starwolf by Edmond Hamilton which dates from the sixties. It involves a mercenary crew so might fit this category. First book is "The Weapon from Beyond" The Weapon from Beyond (Starwolf #1) by Edmond Hamilton

message 112: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Magill (daniel-magill-sci-fi-author) | 7 comments Eric wrote: "The Expanse Series"

Thanks - this one looks good based on what I saw of the first book.

message 113: by Evan Ladouceur (new)

Evan Ladouceur | 1 comments Daniel wrote: "Teresa wrote: "Dan wrote: "It seems like every military space opera book has aliens. I pre-read quite a few last month as I was looking for something to read in this genre, and almost every one of ..."

Try Vatta’s War series by Elizabeth Moon

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