NetGalley Addicts Support Group discussion

Coat Check [All About You] > Favorite Genre?

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Jackie - Fire & Ice Book Reviews (jackiefireicebookreviews) Sometimes I find myself on NetGalley browsing the romance or the new adult sections.

What are some of your favorite genres?

message 2: by Amber (new)

Amber (YA Indulgences) (yaindulgences) | 1 comments I like Young Adult books, realistic fiction.

message 3: by Heather (new)

Heather Lawson (teevee) I tend to stick in the middle grade/YA section looking at the Fantasy/Sci-Fi reads.

message 4: by Dee (new)

Dee Literature and adult fiction.

message 5: by CL (new)

CL (cljones) | 13 comments Mystery and some adult fiction but mostly mystery.

message 6: by Martha (new)

Martha Rivera (marthacrivera) Romance: New Adult, YA and Erotica are usually what I look for.

CD {Boulder Blvd} (boulderblvd) | 38 comments I prefer romantic suspense that are heavy on the suspense. I like authors like Karen Rose and Laura Griffin. It seems like most of the books feature serial killers and I take a break from killers by reading Chic-Lit.

message 8: by Maxine (new)

Maxine (Booklover Catlady) (booklovercatlady) | 4 comments Crime, Psychological Thrillers, Horror are my top three genres.

message 9: by CL (new)

CL (cljones) | 13 comments Ok so I have to amend my preferred genre(s) and add Romantic Suspense and Psychological Thrillers!!

message 10: by Emma (new)

Emma (keeperofthearchives) Anything that comes under the mystery/crime section, history, and literary fiction.

Do you all request equally from each genre? I find i try to keep my history requests to the ones i absolutely HAVE to have as they take much longer to read and review.

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments I like historical fiction, psychological thrillers, literature, non fiction and memoirs, probably in that order :)

message 12: by Robin (new)

Robin (ukamerican) | 38 comments History/historical fiction. It's pretty much the only thing I read anymore, so I'm not actually a request addict like some of you :) I'm very select about what I request.

Laurie  (barksbooks) (barklesswagmore) | 9 comments I have to browse by publisher usually. They desperately need a "horror" category but, for some unknown reason, refuse to create one.

message 14: by Robin (last edited Oct 06, 2015 09:40AM) (new)

Robin (ukamerican) | 38 comments Bark's Book Nonsense wrote: "I have to browse by publisher usually. They desperately need a "horror" category but, for some unknown reason, refuse to create one."

Yeah I wish they had a historical fiction category too, because although they have a History category, publishers randomly decide whether this includes fiction or not. But I just check the generic Literature and Fiction category and hunt for historicals.

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments Robin wrote: "Bark's Book Nonsense wrote: "I have to browse by publisher usually. They desperately need a "horror" category but, for some unknown reason, refuse to create one."

Yeah I wish they had a historical..."

I'm like you Robin when I hunt for historical fiction I look in history and literature and fiction.

message 16: by Marilee (new)

Marilee (hatchling) | 9 comments I read a lot of historical fiction too. It would be nice to have a special category for it. Sometimes you can tell by looking at the cover, but not always.

message 17: by Theweebarrell (new)

Theweebarrell i like psychological thrillers, crime, but will read anything that sounds interesting

message 18: by Pia (new)

Pia Mystery, thriller and fiction. And I love YA
No romance, horror or paranormal for me.

message 19: by Angela (new)

Angela (meangelad) | 1 comments I went through a bought of really loving NA, but it lost its luster. Primarily I read YA, all genres. For adult, I love quirky murder mystery, fantasy, and lite sci-fi.

message 20: by Heather (new)

Heather History, fictional or non.

message 21: by Kat (new)

Kat (bookworm2017) Fiction, women fiction, thriller, I get drawn to certain subjects instead of genres

message 22: by Amber (new)

Amber (bookvampirewub) | 3 comments paranormal, si-fi fantasy

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

History and YA are my favorites, but things are so often poorly categorized. I really wish they'd separate history from historical fiction and mystery novels from true crime. More than one time I've requested a book thinking it was non-fiction and being wrong, or vice versa.

message 24: by Zippergirl (new)

Zippergirl | 49 comments Epic fantasy, hi-tech thrillers, various fiction and non-fiction with an odd bent.

I like 'thinking' books, mostly, where I learn or pick up a new perspective.

message 25: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments Mysteries, thrillers, women's fiction, historical fiction...

message 26: by Helen (new)

Helen (helendes) | 8 comments WWII historical fiction has been my favorite for the past few years. Most fiction interests me. Sometimes a good ghost story gets my heart pumping.

message 27: by Lexxi Kitty (last edited Apr 01, 2016 07:46AM) (new)

Lexxi Kitty (lexxikitty) I have certain ones listed on my profile over there but let's see what my favorite ones are by what I've actually read:

Action & Adventure - 2
Asexual Fiction - 1
Bisexual Fiction - 2
CC or Graphic* - 3
Fantasy - 3
Gay (MM) Fiction - 1
Historical Fiction - 2
History - 1
Humor - 3
Lesbian Fiction - 9
LGBT - 13
Mystery - 4
Nonfiction - 3
Pop-culture - 1
Romance - 7
Science Fantasy - 1
Science Fiction - 1
Superhero Prose - 1
Transgender Fiction - 1
Young Adult - 3

* Comic strip collection or graphic novel

So, LGBT, Lesbian Fiction, Romance.

message 28: by Zippergirl (new)

Zippergirl | 49 comments Lexxi--did you generate your list manually?

message 29: by Lexxi Kitty (new)

Lexxi Kitty (lexxikitty) DJ Zippergirl wrote: "Lexxi--did you generate your list manually?"

Yes - I have a shelf called 'netgalley' and I went down and added a '1' for each genre I ran across. I've only read something around 20 books through NetGalley so relatively easy for me to do.

message 30: by Gina (new)

Gina Wynn (ginawriteswords) | 11 comments I need to create a NetGalley shelf (and make sure I put all of my relevant books on it, which is my downfall :-)).

I generally go for women's/general fiction chick-lit, and romance, but I'm also persuaded by an intriguing cover/blurb combination or an excited recommendation from someone else regarding other genres.

message 31: by TamElaine (new)

TamElaine | 3 comments My favourite genre is historical fiction....sadly I don't see an option to browse that category anywhere on NetGalley....I browse History, but often come up with nonfiction books.... I have found historical fiction mixed among the general fiction category, but I'd love to see a category just for historical fiction.

I keep looking for subtle sci-fi, magic realism type books on NetGalley, looking for one that will blow my socks off the way The Golem and the Djinni did - but this is a VERY new genre for me and I'm afraid of reading non-heavily reviewed books in this category - I've tried and found a lot of flops, so I don't browse it often.

General adult fiction is where you'll find me most often....but that would change if there was a historical fiction option ! :)

message 32: by Zippergirl (last edited Apr 01, 2016 12:52PM) (new)

Zippergirl | 49 comments TamElaine wrote: "subtle sci-fi, magic realism type books ..."

I'm a sucker for magic realism, too. We all know there's a little magic in the world.

Did you read The Fairy Wren The Fairy Wren by Ashley Capes

Not NG but fun and free for review right now:

Modern Surprises from a GR author (light sci-fi/time travel)

Modern Surprises by Joan Marie Verba

message 33: by Danielle (new)

Danielle (iamhorriblylimited) | 4 comments I like general adult fiction, chick-lit as of late, middle grade, young adult, and graphic novels. I'm usually not too picky, but have found I'm not into historical fiction much.

message 34: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 34 comments here's my list:
Biographies & Memoirs
Children's Fiction
Mystery & Thrillers
New Adult
Nonfiction (Adult)
Sci Fi & Fantasy
Teens & YA

message 35: by Milena (last edited Jul 17, 2016 11:11AM) (new)

Milena (love_tea78) | 49 comments Romance, historical fiction and historical murder mystery, YA fantasy, urban fantasy, chick-lit, erotica

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments TamElaine wrote: "My favourite genre is historical fiction....sadly I don't see an option to browse that category anywhere on NetGalley....I browse History, but often come up with nonfiction books.... I have found h..."

Hi, I have been trying to get an historical fiction section in NetGalley. Maybe if a few of us write to them via Tarah in the Help section, they might make another category. I think part of the problem is that the author sometimes may request to be in a certain category.I'm going to write that note now!

message 37: by Teresa (new)

Teresa  (teresaoh) I only have one favorite genre and that is mystery/thriller. There's plenty to interest me in that alone.

Laurie  (barksbooks) (barklesswagmore) | 9 comments Horror (so glad they finally added it!)

message 39: by Zippergirl (new)

Zippergirl | 49 comments Dorie, I went and voted for Historical Fiction. I know you've wanted it for a long time. :-)

As long as they keep offering fantasy and thrillers, I'm good.

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments Wonder when they will let us know the new category that they selected?

message 41: by Tyler (new)

Tyler Gray (wickedjr89) The ones i'm most likely to browse are
Sci-fi & Fantasy
Teens & YA
Mystery & Thrillers

Paris        (kerbytejas) (kerbytejas) | 10 comments Mystery, suspense, thriller - and some erotica

message 43: by Atlas (new)

Atlas (atlasrising) YA and Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Sometimes I check out LGBT+

message 44: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments The fiction genres I usually read are:

message 45: by Helen (new)

Helen (helendes) | 8 comments I always seem to navigate to historical fiction.

message 46: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (nancylynn333) | 1 comments I like medical mysteries, Conan Doyle mysteries, Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine, Holocaust stories (YA and adult), medical stories, adoption/foster care stories, YA fiction, science fiction, animal legends. In short, anything except pure romance.

message 47: by April (new)

April (reneewellwood) | 34 comments I like reading mystery & thrillers, young adult, fantasy & chick lit books.

message 48: by Laura (new)

Laura M | 3 comments Cozy mysteries with a little non-fiction thrown in.

message 49: by Ami (new)

Ami Blackwelder (amirblackwelder) | 2 comments I love dystopia.

message 50: by Jo (new)

Jo (glitchyspoons) | 5 comments Fantasy and science fiction mostly. Read a lot of elementary aged books as well.

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