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Witches > New Release! Jane Doe: Hell Hound

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message 1: by Matthew (new)

Matthew (matthewsylvester) | 2 comments Hell Hound (Jane Doe Chronicles #1) by M.J. Sylvester
Jane Doe Chronicles: Hell Hound is now out on Kindle Unlimited!
US -
UK -
A foul-mouthed bounty hunter and assassin, Jane Doe is not your average witch. Working for the ruling magical class in Britain - the Merlins - she takes on the jobs and creatures that other members of the magical community wouldn't touch with a six-foot spell staff.
As rumours spread that a powerful being wants to free a horrific hound from its prison on Dartmoor, Jane and her assistant, Dawn, are tasked by their Handler to find the perpetrator and stop them using any means possible.

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