The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion


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B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly was sitting at a desk in the middle row, twirling her hair around one finger. Math would be starting a in a few minutes, and until then she was dead bored. She sighed and pulled out a notebook from her red backpack to doodle in, thinking of her friends and unconsciously drawing the losers club logo.

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

The shouting came from one person and one person only.
Eddie Kaspbrak. And he seemed quite annoyed—per usual.

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly jumped at the sound of his loud voice and her pencil scribbled across her paper at her surprise.
Of course it was Eddie.
No other boy on this planet would be fretting about the fact he left his cleaning supplies at home.
No other boy on this planet even owned his own cleaning supplies.
"EYYYYYYY! SPAGHETTI BOYYYY!" Beverly waved at him from her desk. "COME SIT NEXT TO ME!"

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments ((* [-Trying really hard not to burst out into laughter-] *))

Eddie groaned. “Hi, Bev. For the 5 thousandth time, stop calling me spaghetti boy. Has Richard started a trend? I’m so done with you.” The vampire growled, hissing lowly as he regretfully sat down next to the red-head. “Say one more word and there will be pencil led stuck in your eyeball. No matter the health conditions it may cause.”

B o o k -  D r a g o n ((XDDD))

"Awww....I know you secretly like it when I call you that." She reached over and ruffled his hair, smiling. "Anyway, yes, Richie's nickname has become a 'trend'." She made air quotes at the word trend. "Although I use that word loosely as I'm the only other one who's joined in, except for Stan." She ignored the pencil to the eye comment, used to Eddie's threats after hearing them since she was thirteen. She pulled out her math notebook and flipped to the correct page. "By the way, the janitor keeps extra supplies in the third closet on this floor so....yeah."

message 6: by s.s howler {birds of a feather} (last edited Sep 19, 2022 07:20PM) (new)

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

Eddie’s bat wings flapped behind him for a moment at the physical contact, which often happened anytime someone merely just as poked him. “I don’t. I hate it, so stop calling me it.” After that, he muttered, “Third closet…first floor…incognito initiate..” and a lot more incoherent words. Still muttering, he grabbed his book and opened it, pulling out his materials.

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly giggled quietly to herself at Eddie's flapping, and turned to the page in her book with all her notes. "Do you remember what we're doing today?" She asked as she glanced through the reactions and decimals she'd written down. "I can't remember if we're doing scientific notation or exponents again...."

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

“Review for exponents and close to the end of class we’re doing a see-what-you-know.” Eddie responded, elbowing her when he managed to hear the giggling. His wings folded inward once he laid back in his seat.

B o o k -  D r a g o n "Ohhhh, thanks Eds!" Beverly let out an indignant noise as he elbowed her. She slyly leaned over, reached behind him, and tugged on a strand of his hair.
She quickly resumed flipping through her textbook, so it seemed like she hadn't done anything at all.

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

“Don’t call me—OW! HEY! I FELT THAT!” Edward snapped. The vampire was—again—pissed off. Growling, he bared his fangs, his brown-grey eyes shifting to a blood red. Closing his eyes and covering them in sheer embarrassment they had shifted colors so suddenly, looked back at his paper and snatched up his pencil, jabbing Marsh on the shoulder harshly.

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly watched with slight amusement as his eyes changed color and he bared his fangs, she thought they were cute in a completely platonic way.
She let out a sudden squeak as he jabbed her with the pencil. "Ouch!" She narrower her eyes, but gave a small sigh.
"Okay, okay, I deserved that..." She gave Eddie as last boop on the nose to have the final "word" and finally found the correct page for the class.
"...I wonder where the teacher is." She mused out loud.

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

The brunette glared at Beverly. “I know what you’re thinking. You have that one look on your face and I really don’t like it. So, yeah. You did deserve that. And if the teacher doesn’t get here I’m skipping. I have somewhere to be anyways..” ‘Wow. Eddie Kaspbrak. Skipping? Go me.

B o o k -  D r a g o n "You don't like my face!?" Beverly said jokingly with a gasp of horror. "How could you not love this adorable face of mine!?"
She frowned.
"Wait a minute...You? Skipping? THE Eddie Kaspbrak is considering SKIPPING?" She grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY SPAGHETTI LOVING NOODLE BRAIN!?"

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

“In all honesty? No, I don’t.” Eddie retorted, then lurched forward as Beverly snatched him by the shoulders. His wings flared out and flapped at her hands. “Get off me, you water beast! Ew, ew, ew! LET ME GO RIGHT NOW BEVERLY MARSH! YES, I’M CONSIDERING SKIPPING!”

message 15: by B o o k - D r a g o n (last edited Sep 20, 2022 06:12PM) (new)

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly let go with a small laugh. "Water beast? That's a new one." She raised her eyebrows and lit up at a sudden thought.
"You wouldn't happen to be skipping to meet someone, would you?"

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

Kaspbrak glared at her. “Would you prefer me to call you sea slug?” He asked sarcastically. ‘Uh oh. Oh NO. She has an idea. FU-
“MEETING SOMEBODY?! Who would I even be meeting up with?”

B o o k -  D r a g o n "Ehhh, I'll go with water beast, sounds way cooler and more terrifying then water slug." She shook her head and had a quizzical look on her face at his defensive response.
"Wow, somebody's hiding something. You DEFINITELY are meeting with someone, who is it? Is it Richie?"

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

“Yeah, well slug fits you more. Wait—wait hold on—Richie Trashmouth Tozier? No way in hell I’d see him! I don’t…I don’t even know if he attends this school..” Eddie had whispered the last bit under his breath, hiding his face from view.

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly snorted at the slug mention and smirked at the rest of his sentence. "Well, I'm not sure either, but I don't think he must be someone else....maybe....a girllll?" She dragged out the last word in a playful way. "Although you doing strike me as the type." She mused. "Maybe it's you found the only other kid in school who owns his own cleaning supplies and survives on conversations about having asthma."

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

At each of Beverly’s sentences, Eddie got more ticked off. His eyes went an even darker red then before and he turned to face her, avoiding the strong urge to bite her arm. “You are so lucky I don’t drink straight blood like every other vampire..” He hissed lowly. “Because it’s a no to all of those. Plus you know…my mom would kill me. I just have a—“ He sighed. “I have a D- that I have to get up in Science.”

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly gave him a side eyed smirk as his eyes grew darker than the color of blood. "Eh, you say that, but I still don't understand how you fight those urges..." She muttered the last part, then looked up, actually surprised. "Oh...really? Why didn't you say so." She snapped shut her math textbook. "I could tutor you if you'd like, it's one of my better classed."

message 22: by s.s howler {birds of a feather} (last edited Sep 20, 2022 07:44PM) (new)

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

“Because I’m not a full vampire. Half.” Eddie replied, his tone deeper then usual, but even if Beverly were to just barely whisper, Eds probably would have heard her mutter still. “And I don’t need tutoring. Open your math book, this is math, not science.”

B o o k -  D r a g o n "Right, right...." Beverly had forgotten that, but to be fair, that information wasn't stored in the section of her brain where all important facts were kept. "Are you sure? I mean....I do want to help you raise your grade, and I really don't mind tutoring..." She sighed and opened her math book again.

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

I could say no, but what’s the backup? If I say yes, my grade could get raised, my mom won’t call the school, I’d get an extra ticket to do something for once in that shitty, dusty old son of a-’ “Fine.” Eddie gave in, now staring blankly at the sheets of paper that lie in front of him. “But just this once.”

B o o k -  D r a g o n "YESSSS!" Beverly leaned over and wrapped up Eddie in a hug. "This is going to be awesomeee!" She released him and smiled widely.

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

“Calm. Down.” Eddie rolled his eyes. “And what did I say about touching me with your slimy fingers? I can smell your breath from here.”

B o o k -  D r a g o n "HEY! My fingers aren't slimy!" Beverly tweaked his ear and stuck out her tongue. "Anyway, where do you want to study? Maybe outside or in an empty classroom?"

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

“Empty classrooms usually have a bunch of dust. We could go outside. But why are we discussing this? If the teacher isn’t here we can just get ahead on work.” Eddie shrugged. “And yes, your fingers are slimy.”

B o o k -  D r a g o n "Oh yeah-" Beverly pulled her science book out of her red backpack and set it on the desk in front of her with a loud 'SMACK'.
"Okay, so, what is it that's tripping you up in science?" She asked, ignoring the slimy fingers comment.

message 30: by s.s howler {birds of a feather} (last edited Sep 21, 2022 10:54AM) (new)

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

Eddie grumbled something before handing Beverly his book. One of the pages had full incorrect answers. “I don’t get the food web or building. It’s stupid. Why are humans on the top, anyways?”

B o o k -  D r a g o n ((ACK- SORRY-

Beverly glanced through the pages of his book and raised an eyebrow. How? Just how?
She knew it was better to keep that thought to herself though.
"Okay, I assume you understand what the food chain is, right?" She didn't wait for an answer and kept going. "Humans are at the top because we're..." She paused, trying to figure out hoe to word it. "We're basically the top predators, I guess. Plus we eat everything else all the way down the chain."

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments ((BAHHAHAHAHA-
*this is my cue to fall off my bed while laughing hysterically*))

Aha. There it was. Once Beverly said ‘eat everything else all the way down the chain’, Eddie practically jumped out of his shoes in horror and looked at his legs—having wearing shorts, per usual—as if checking for bite marks. “WHAT? SEE! I DON’T GET THAT! WHY?! HOW?!”

B o o k -  D r a g o n ((XDDD

Beverly started laughing and she flipped to a picture of the food chain. "Oh my gosh, calm down Eddie!" She covered her mouth to muffle the nonstop giggles and pointed to various animals. "I mean look! Humans eat cows, crocodiles, most birds, pigs, rabbits, even bugs! That's why we're at the top of the food chain."

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

He practically gagged, turning a shade of green in the cheeks. Even his throat itself was tinted green. “Oh my future COFFIN! That’s DISGUSTING! I don’t mind the blood after its been filtered, but eating the whole ANIMAL?! CAN THEY EAT VAMPIRES?!” Eddie looked about ready to straight up fall out of his chair and pass out.

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly watched him with an amused expression, very entertained by his theatrics. "Yep, the whole animal. I happen to love pork and beef, which is pig and cow in your terminology." She fake gagged and made a disgusted face. "No, Eddie! Gross! that's disgusting and would be considered cannibalism." She wrinkled her nose.

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

Eddie actually had to stand up quicker then a hyper-active dog given a treat and crouch at the nearest trash dispenser, covering his mouth. “Oh my fucking Hell, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fu-“ He stopped and glared at Beverly. “JUST BECAUSE IT’S ‘CONSIDERED’ CANNIBALISM DOESN’T MEAN THEY WOULDN’T DO IT! THE VAMPIRE HUNTERS OUT THERE PROBABLY DO IT! EW, EW, EW, DO PEOPLE EAT THE ANIMAL TONGUES?!”

would be why,
he was failing in that subject.

B o o k -  D r a g o n "OH MY GOSH, EDWARD! YUCKKKKK! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE WHO EAT OTHER PEOPLE? THEY GET HOLES IN THEIR BRAIN AND GO CRAZY!!" She coughed and gagged at the thought. "AND VAMPIRES ARE INCLUDED IN THAT BECAUSE YOU HAVE HUMAN FLESH, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS YOU DRINK BLOOD AND HAVE SHARPER TEETH." She paused. "Okay...there are more differences than that....BUT STILL!" She winced at his question. "Um...yeah...they do....cow tongues. And not only that, but also fish eyes, and frog's legs, and snails-" She went on listing all the gross things she'd heard of people eating. "In some cultures they even eat dogs!"

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

Barely able to avoid puking in the bucket that was in his grasp, Eddie stood up and tried to not imagine it—yet just by mishap he did and then he quite literally puked out his small lunch and probably a canister amount full of blood. “EW!” He shouted, grabbing a tissue and wiping his mouth in complete disgust. The vampire cringed. “YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME SEE MY FOREVER-COFFIN EARLY, BEVERLY MARSH!”

B o o k -  D r a g o n ((DUDE XD If you really want to, I think you totally should!))

Beverly wanted to laugh so hard at his yelling, but almost threw up herself. "Oh gross..." She muttered, not wanting to be insensitive, but also highly disgusted. "Go rinse out your mouth or brush your teeth, Eddie. Otherwise the acid you just threw up with eat away at your teeth." She winced. "And no, I'm not kidding."

message 40: by s.s howler {birds of a feather} (last edited Sep 23, 2022 07:12PM) (new)

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

With a roll of his eyes, Eddie growled. “No shit. I know the complications—and if the math teacher doesn’t get here I’ll be gone brushing all the way down my throat for an hour.” He replied, sitting down. Every time he inhaled he cringed harder, eventually getting to the point where he started spraying some weird perfume-looking thing into his mouth but it had ‘antibacterial’ written all over it. Well, not really, but knowing Eddie it was something along the lines. Eventually he pushed Beverly out of her seat. “Don’t talk to me about food chains again.”

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly let out a squeak as she was pushed to the floor. "Ouch! Rude!" >:O She smacked the back of his head and huffed. "Well you're the one who asked me to help you with it so....." She sighed. "Fine, fine, we'll never discuss food chains again."

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

Cowering like a turtle, Eddie scrunched his nose up at the smack. “Fine. Whatever. .. .Can we go to the fair or something?” He asked, opening a bottle of hand sanitizer he just remembered he had on him. The scent of fresh pine leaves spread over the room when he put it on his hands.

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly sighed, but let a small smile shine through. "Yes, we can go to the fair." She breathed in the scent of pine, which was actually one of her favorite scents, and grabbed her backpack. "Where do you want to go first? Pumpkin carving contest? Music stage? Corndog stand?"

s.s howler {birds of a feather} (howlerplayz) | 888 comments

“I’m going to highly regret saying this, but,” He stood up, grabbing his things after purposefully putting hand sanitizer on Beverly’s hands. “Surprise me.”

B o o k -  D r a g o n Beverly gave him a confused look as he squirted the hand sanitizer on her hands, but shrugged and began rubbing it in. "Mmmm....pine smells sooooo good!" She though for a minute as she waited for her hands to dry. "I know exactly where to go!" She shouted after a moment, grabbing Eddie's hand. She dragged him out of the math classroom and out into the hallways.

꒰୨୧◞ 。Sharkey⠀.ᐟ (localshyshark) | 1714 comments Mod
((Raini isn’t on))

Silver walked in looking around hoping Sara the girl she met in the halls isn’t in her class also. She said down on the front.

꒰୨୧◞ 。Sharkey⠀.ᐟ (localshyshark) | 1714 comments Mod
((Honestly idk))

Silver outed her head down on the desk

꒰୨୧◞ 。Sharkey⠀.ᐟ (localshyshark) | 1714 comments Mod
Silver turned around hearing the chair behind her moved, to her surprise it was the same girl from the hallway. Why am I not so lucky? She thought as she looked behind Sara, to look at Grant Hey maybe its only one period it's okay

꒰୨୧◞ 。Sharkey⠀.ᐟ (localshyshark) | 1714 comments Mod
Silver moved to the seat next to Grant leaving Sara in the front.

꒰୨୧◞ 。Sharkey⠀.ᐟ (localshyshark) | 1714 comments Mod
((It's alr if its alr for Elia!))

"Why are you following me?" Silver ask, she turn to Grant "Hello, I'm Silver!"

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