The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Clubs > Band Club

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message 1: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair Grayson was in the band room and playing his drums. He just couldn't get a clear rhythm going.

message 2: by -✿ [reese in pieces] ✿- (last edited Oct 04, 2022 10:46AM) (new)

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments ((they're already friends right?))

Rajah came out of the storage room, trumpet in hand. Her nose wrinkled at the off beat music.

message 3: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair (I think so.)
Graysons stopped playing. "Sorry, I'm just a little out of it today." They said as they looked at Rajah.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah wasn't good at showing emotions like sympathy but she still tried,
"That's unfortunate." She went over to their stand and looked over the music sheet.

message 5: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Yeah. I just can't get this part of it." Ey said and pointed at an area near the middle of the page.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah let go of her instrument and her case, leaving them to float aimlessly around the room as she looked over the section. She looked from the drums to the sheet and back again for a few moments in deep thought.

message 7: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "I don't know what to do, it just doesn't make sense. I've been playing the drums for years and never seen something like this." Grayson said and put his head in eir hands.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah frowned and took their hands in hers,
"Stop." She forced him to look at her,
"We both know you're the best with drums in the club and we both know that I can't lie."

message 9: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair Grayson looked into her eyes. "Thanks, I just freak out when I don't understand something."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah laughed,
"I know." She went over and snatched her stuff out of the air, the case fading out a bit.

message 11: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Maybe it would help if you played? Sometimes another instrument helps me."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah nodded slowly before speaking,
"Okay," She snatched up her flying instrument and found a chair as she started playing a simple melody.

message 13: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair Grayson joined in with the melody and realized that this was easier than the last time.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah smiled,
"Much better," She continued on playing, switching to something more upbeat.

message 15: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair Grayson smiled back. "I guess I really did need someone else to play." They replied as they continued to play.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments After a few minutes, Rajah stopped playing and got up.

message 17: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair Grayson stopped playing as well. "Thank you so much, I really needed that."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She hesitated a bit but eventually nodded. Today had been an off day for Rajah and the instrument playing offered a bit of a distraction.

message 19: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Why did you originally come here, if you don't mind?" Grayson asked.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments "Ah..." Rajah thought about how to word her sentence,
"To get my mind off things."

message 21: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "I'm sorry if i messed that up for you."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She shook her head,
"No you didn't do anything," Rajah looked down at her shoes, catlike eyes narrowing as she watched herself fade in and out a bit.

message 23: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Okay, do you need anything? You don't seem very...grounded, I guess."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Her response was as honest as it could go,
"I truly do not know." She looked upward,
"I keep feeling like something's missing."

message 25: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "I don't know what that might be, maybe you should check your room or classes?"

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She shook her head,
"No not like that-" Rajah paused,
"You know what, nevermind, I don't even know how to explain it."

message 27: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Oh, a mental thing not physical. I don't know how to help with that, maybe some self-examination would help? I've never been good with those."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah let out a sigh of frustration,
"It's not like that either," She shrugged,
"Nevermind, it's okay"

message 29: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Could you try to explain it? I want to help but I'm starting to run out of advice."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah was quiet for a few moments as she tried to think of a way to explain it,
"I feel like...I'm missing something." She tilted her head to the side,
"It's not mental and I don't feel physically missing." Rajah gestured to herself,
"Yes I'm fading in and out but it's not because I'm disappearing or anything."

message 31: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Spiritual maybe? I don't know how exactly that would work though. This is quite a dilemma." Grayson responded with clear confusion lacing his voice.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah shrugged,
"I think it has something more to do with emotions than anything." She frowned and crinkled her nose,
"I think spending time around humans has messed with me."

message 33: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Maybe you should try to take a break and go see family? That could potentially help." Grayson offered.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah paled,
"You mean the same people who left me to die?!" She scoffed,
"Yeah sure, I'll go back so this time when they poison me I'll stay dead."

message 35: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Sorry! I never had a family so I forget that some people had really bad experiences with theirs." Ey paused. "Maybe old friends could help?"

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She looked at them with a pointed look,
"Why do you think I came here to talk to you?"

message 37: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "That makes sense, I'm just not thinking things through today, sorry."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah frowned slightly,
"No, it's not your fault." She let out a resigned sigh,
"You know what, I'll just go." Raj started packing up.

message 39: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "You don't have to. I can try to give better advice or just talk in general, if you want."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She contemplated it for a few moments before conceding and sitting back down,
"Okay then."

message 41: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Is there anything you want to talk about?" Grayson asked.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah was quiet as she thought, her response was little more than a whisper,
"I guess it just gets lonely sometimes."

message 43: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Yeah, it's hard sometimes."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments "And I guess said loneliness is getting to me."

message 45: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Is that why you came here?"

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She shrugged,
"Probably yeah."

message 47: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Would playing again make you feel better?" Grayson questioned.

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments She shook her head and glanced at her trumpet,
"It feels like I'm tired of most things nowadays."

message 49: by Grayson (new)

Grayson Sinclair "Maybe a new instrument would help. Changes are typically good."

-✿ [reese in pieces] ✿-  [ comeback szn? ] | 794 comments Rajah's mood perked up a bit at the mention of change,
"See I think that's a part of what I'm missing."

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